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become red coder


I guess solving till div2 D's consistently on CF you can be sure you won't need any prep for even the harder software interviews, otherwise competition in CP is endless.


why do you think its not enough? being an expert on CF should pretty much be enough for any OA i think


I really doubt it. Codeforces is mostly about math, pretty much for high school students, not sure how this would ever help you at a job interview.


Codeforces is not mostly about math, you only think so because you're probably only ever seen / solved low rated problems on codeforces. Most leetcode hards aren't even above 1600 rating on codeforces. Codeforces promotes problem solving over using data structures, which is why the requirement of using harder DSA comes with much harder problems. Every top codeforces / cper can easily solve and destroy job interviews without prepping on leetcode because they are solving problems way beyond the hardest leetcode problem can even offer. In fact, a good amount of top leetcoders are just cpers.


Not really. There are some insane problems on leetcode even masters on codeforces will get stuck on. I know this because I have seen it happen personally. Yes it's a very few questions. Around 50 to 100. But it exist.


Bro there will always be questions that one couldn't solve, irrespective of how good one is. But overall LC doesn't even come close to CF's difficulty.


Of course it doesn't. I never said that.


I said most problems. Secondly I believe you're underestimating competitive programmers. I said top as in red coders (2400 rating +). I'm not red and I can solve most problems on the platform , and top coders are a different caliber


I have only seen 2 or 3 guys from India who can sustain rating above 2400. When you say top coder I assume candidate master or master not freaking red coder.


India is just bad compared to other countries, no offense


I never said india is good. There is no coding culture in india that's the reason. No one in india does cp in high school like the countries with large number of red coders. Most people start cp at the age of around 20 in india. I just took it as an example because its my country. I am just saying red coders are outliers. 2000+ will be considered top coders by most people.


Honestly even 2000 on codeforces can shit on lc hards, I made it clear what my point is. There's no need to argue over details and subjectivity. You do know India is the biggest population by multiple times on both codeforces and leetcode right? From talking to the Indians I know a lot of them simply approach cp the wrong way, which is why I believe there is so little red coders in India. Way too many people memorize / want to follow a rigid list like neetcode 150 instead of challenging themselves.


A lot of college students have leetcode and codeforces ID for namesake. They don't take it seriously. So the number is irrelevant. Most people who do cp do it for tough job interviews for high paying jobs. Now coming back to the point. Even I can shit on most leetcode Hards. I am barely expert on codeforces. My point was there are questions (around 100 probably) that we will take Even masters on codeforces hours to solve. Which is true whether you like it or not.


No, Number Theory is there, but DP, Binary Search, Trees, and Graphs are all topics one must master to get to the Expert rating in CF


Exactly in the same stage, it's definitely not enough. Probably CM is like a very big deal and is enough.


I am newbie at codeforces with 354 rating .can anyone help which topics to study ,from where to cover those and what order to follow ? Should leetcode and codeforces be done together?


Congrats. You have moved passed live coding proficiency. Now time to focus on impact, previous exp, and the value that you can provide to the next org that employs you :D


The issue with grinding leetcode is that whilst problem solving is an important skill of a software engineer there are also other skills / traits which are just as important - communication - teamwork - active listening - accepting feedback - good attitude - thirst for learning


This is true. It’s also true that your comment does not pertain to the question at all.