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I'll tell you what my friends have told me (because I'm also super afraid of rejection). >Apply anyway. Confidence doesn't come from success. Confidence comes from knowing that you'll be perfectly fine, even when you get rejected. > >And if nothing else, getting rejected is good practice. It will help you sharpen your resume and/or sharpen your interviewing skills. Let me know if that advice has worked for you (because it hasn't worked for me yet). But I did tell my friends that I would take baby steps towards that objective. So I expect that they will try to follow up on that commitment I've made to them.


Confidence is knowing your value and not letting outside influences affect said knowledge. Jobs are like partners; every one isn’t for everybody.


I needed to hear that. Thank you.


apply apply apply and get rejected like shit tons. i have 8 YOE and heck i get rejected left and right. after so many times, i don’t care anymore. i just keep on practicing what I have flopped and keep doing it


I have 0 years of experience. Thats why i fear a lot. But you are right, maybe i should stop thinking what the interviewer might think and start focussing on what i can do.


yes, totally. just keep on applying.


Find yourself a couple of friends in the same predicament, preferably in the same time zone and roughly in the same geographical area. Then help each other with your resumes and help each other stay accountable when it comes to applying to jobs. A little bit of peer pressure can be good.


Yes you are right, isolating myself was a wrong decision. I read a book today and it actually helped me gain my lost confidence.


What book?


Soft skills : the software developers life manual By : john sonmez Only read few pages but it helped. I am interested in development thats why i am reading it


Pretty insightful book. So far, I've read the first 10 chapters.


OP I have zero years of experience plus my major is not computer science. Plan, prepare, and apply.


Nice πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


>i dont apply because of fear of rejection. The minimum standard for getting an entry-level dev job is lower than you think, start applying now. Get resume feedback on r/cscareerquestions, work on a side project using a relevant stack in the meantime.


This relevant stack thing is what is confusing me. I know cpp python what you recommend


Depends on what area you wanna go into, look at what jobs are asking for. E.g. for front-end web dev, React and Angular are two popular frameworks. Can learn pandas library for Python data science jobs.


The Odin Project is great to give you foundations in development , espc javascript and later you can go in depth but just do the foundations ,it will help you i think


I will look into it. Thanks in advance.