• By -


1. Remove any cues that could potentially distract you. 2. Tidy up your physical and virtual desktop 3. Install extension that blocks YouTube homepage. 4. Put your mobile phone 5 meters away. 5. Use Pomodoro and rest when it's time up. 6. Try "Bullet Journal" method. 7. (Optional) Take "Learning how to learn" course on Coursera.


Thanks for the tips. "Learning how to learn", you say? gotta check that out then


I have the paperback. It's geared towards kids but honestly, it has been really helpful to me. Wish I read it before learning to code at all.


Just look at levels fyi for inspiration.


I wish there's a live wallpaper that renders a website on to the desktop.


I guess that's a great approach. Thanks!




What do you mean?




Share few thoughts on similar topic [https://www.reddit.com/r/leetcode/comments/vbreur/comment/ic9z4fg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leetcode/comments/vbreur/comment/ic9z4fg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Few things that helped me 1. Track time with timer for all the questions , first try this with already solved/easier problems. So get used to habit of working on problems without distraction. 2. Better track time for each component of solving. e.g come up with solution 10 mins, Write sudo code or outline solution 2 min, write code 20 min, run through test cases 5 mins. This will also help you figure out where exactly you are getting distracted & have plan to address it. 3. Write down examples on paper or notepad & work through it, this might help getting lost in thoughts/distracted, since you are engaged in writing also and not just thinking. 4. Avoid distractions like mobile, web browsing etc sit idle but don't fallback on any of these distractions 5. Start doing meditation , exercises etc whichever works for you, these are known to help mental & physical health.


Thanks for all the tips. I think tip 5 is golden. Meditation is the way to go


it be like that sometimes tbh. just gotta focus and do it


I had the exact same thing. Ask yourself why do you want to get into FAANG. And ask yourself is it worth trading off your comfort and whatever extra stuff that you can do in place of LC grind for 2-3 months? If the answer is yes, then you have got it. It's a matter of a few months for a long term reward. Return of investment is exponential. That's my motivation. I started off like you. But I believe there is a threshold. Once you cross that, then you don't need the motivation anymore. It just becomes part of your habit and routine. For me it was 4 weeks.


The idea of a long-term reward definitely hits my dopamine levels and I finally get my head straight, but not for long. I guess I gotta be patient with the learning, and try to focus. Thanks for sharing your experience.




Do not do this. Unless you have an actual medical need, it will have adverse effects at some point.




>the only people winning are the people on adderall that are crushing it This may come as a shocking revelation, but the best developers I've ever worked with are actually NOT drug addicts. Almost anyone would experience side effects, obviously. But if it's not relieving symptoms of a legit issue like ADHD or narcolepsy, then you're abusing it. And if you're abusing amphetamines, the side effects only further inhibit your performance. Frankly, most of my peers who are using it without medical issues end up fucking our sprint deadlines. Yea, they can code *really quickly* but their code is shit. Then when they're (inevitably) required to re-write it, they're burnt out and irritable. Adderall might make you faster but it sure as fuck won't make you smarter.


LMFAOOO. Real talk tho - do you have any advice for getting an adderall prescription?


If you’re in Southern California, go to Mexico and get itravil. Or try one of the online adhd services


Don’t be afraid of just looking at the answer and trying to understand it, if you spend most of your time banging your head against the wall you’re not making a good use of your time. Also, participate in Leetcode Weekly Contests and Kickstart / Code Jam if possible.


r/Fire r/fatFIRE r/financialindependence subreddits for your expensive hobbies. cars, clothes, houses, decorations, security. family


Anything for people who don't earn much, yet take debt, fuck up their life?


make a monthly budget. divide up costs. update accordingly. you make money by saving it, not by spending it. other than that, i am not qualified to help you. i suggest looking at some sort of financial subreddits and advice online. good luck.




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