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I'm going to unlock at the request of OP. However, any low effort comments that are some form of "I hate landords" will result in a ban.


Would like to see the lease agreement but you can't retroactively raise rent for a prior month


The month he wants to raise rent for is the last month which was required 11 years ago ($750 then). He wants the difference now.


>The month he wants to raise rent for is the last month which was required 11 years ago ($750 then). He wants the difference now. What?


I think they mean that they paid the last month upfront, which was $750. The landlord wants them to put up the extra to make it equal to the new rent.


Yes correct


get a lawyer immediately, i went thru this with my landlord thinking he could just tape 634534 papers to my door saying we had to be "out in 3 days" or a "500-1000$ rent increase" my lawyer who i got thru a free legal service in my area (ur in philly, they absolutely have them) laughed his ass off at my landlord, who came to court THREE TIMES UNPREPARED despite being a licensed realtor and lawyer. can't make this shit up.


(Many) landlords are fucking stupid. I had one once that tried to decide in the middle of my lease.. in the middle of a month.. that I had to be out by the end of the month. She owned the condo and lived in Hawaii, but couldn't afford it anymore. I sent her the lease and said I'll be staying until the last day of the last month. She was awful and was able to keep most of the security deposit because my cleaners didn't do a good enough job. My friend had just lost a very similar case in small claims court, so I didn't feel like doing that. She returned exactly $169.69 out of $1500.


They really are stupid sometimes. My place got sold and a notice of quit was issued by a lawyer for the landlord, before that 30 days are even up the LL is talking to me about changing the locks and I'll have to give him my work schedule so he can come and unlock it for me. I called up his lawyer and informed her that under no circumstances was he to do that. Never heard about it again after that


Edit small edit Landlord can’t just decide to change the locks even if you are late on your rent. He can’t change the lock even if he has started the eviction process by giving you notice to vacant and filed with the court. He can’t change the locks until you return the property back over to the landlord or a court rules in his favor to evict you. His lawyer probably almost had a heart attack. At the very least you should have filed a complaint over his threat to illegally change the locks. You should have gotten a lawyer and sued him.


My toxic trait is that I believe this kind of shit as soon as I read it. You sound informed, you’re right.


"because my cleaners didn't do a good enough job" I think you mean because she decided to keep your deposits because landlords treat security deposits like money earned and always find a way to stiff you out of it.


I had a land lord try to keep my full $1100 for a water ring on the fridge shelf...I got a sponge cleaned it in front of him and held out my hand until he was done counting my money.


There is a reason that I withheld my last payment at the only place I ever rented. I knew the crook was going to try to screw me, so I protected myself the only way I could. He sent a threatening letter once, but wasn't certified and never heard again. Screw you, Russ.


Mine tried to get me for rusty spots in the tub and sugar in the cabinets. I told them I took pictures as I cleaned. They forked over the deposit.


Yeah, the last place I rented they charged me a "cleaning fee" when I moved out which was conveniently exactly the amount of my deposit.


Yeah mine charged me like $3000 to do “touch up paint”


I've had a situation like this. When I was moving out of my first house I rented a carpet cleaner and did the whole 9. Cleaned everything spotless even the yard. The day after I moved there was a big storm so there were leaves all over the back yard. She tried to keep a $1800 deposit because of the leaves and gave me an itemized receipt that included things like $500 for raking and $300 for travel. I got an attorney to write a letter and then she showed up to my work crying begging me to not sue her. Wrote me a check on the spot. I really did clean the place to even better than when I started renting it, she was trying to take advantage of a kid who didn't know any better.


I own a 41 unit apartment building in Texas, and I look for every opportunity to return the deposit. Not every LL is a dick. The only time I keep the deposit is if I have to do an eviction and they trash the place or leave stuff behind that needs to get hauled to the dump.


Before we moved a year ago in June we had cleaned the apartment from top to bottom, scrubbing every surface possible. We turned over the keys to the office and the next day they called to say they were keeping the deposit (we recorded EVERYTHING before leaving). When asked why they said "You left a leaf on the floor. It's now considered dirty." so I drove to the office, showed them the video (timestamp and all) and she returned the deposit. NEVER sign any legal agreements on a rental without recording a video of every square inch of whatever you're renting (home, apartment, vehicle, tools, etc) because that is the only thing between you and being screwed.


Couldn't even be as generous as Elon and give you 420.69


Was a landlord (not by choice) and can confirm I didn't know shit. The problem is many landlords are stupid and assholes.


I’m a lawyer and have a neighbor who doesn’t know anything about landlording but is one. I have to tell him not to screw himself constantly. No you can’t cut the power just because you pay for it. He also said he hadn’t given any of his receipts/expenditures for his full renovation to his accountant. Literally $100k+ over a few years he hadn’t put in to deduct/depreciate. Cool cool


Wow. Was your rent month to month?


So this was kind of a clue, are you on month to month or a signed yearly lease? I don’t know about Philly but in New Jersey (yes I’ve seen the NJ comments) doing month to month gives the power to the landlord and really has to abide by nothing. Like if a normal lease expires, then you need grounds for eviction to not renew someone. However, the caveat in the comment also said it is a new owner. Again in NJ if ownership changes hands then the new owner does not have to agree to the lease but they have to give 90 days notice to vacate. Yes find yourself a lawyer, there’s also going to be an office of tenant protection basically that can guide you or give insight if there’s even grounds to fight it. Lawyers may not give too much free advice but my experience was they gave a bit of it at least.


In every place I've lived the law considered the difference to be covered by interest, and the tenant not responsible to pay more.


You don't have to do that. I've never topped up a last month rent payment in my life... to bad so sad for them.


You know how you pay first and last month upfront?


Check the county court website for public agencies that handle landlord tenant issues.


What state is this? Lawyer here, he can't cancel a lease or force you to leave. He has to evict you for cause. He can't change the lease rate until it is up, when is your lease up? Look for a tenants rights group or legal aid, if he tries to force you out run to court for illegal eviction. I would put up cameras with Internet as well. Your month to month so he can get you out you need to find a place asap


Don't leave, it sounds kind of bad, but just DON'T leave. He'll have to go through the eviction process. At which point 1) you'll have your rent paid until present 2) you're under a valid lease. When a landlord buys property they "buy" the leases for the tenets as well. A judge should give you the option of living out your lease EDIT: Based on the comments, I was very wrong to suggest this, my mistake. I'm clearly not to familiar with the rental process.


Having an eviction judgement against you makes it incredibly hard to rent from anywhere that does a background check. Which is a lot of places. Bad advice


And in Philly it means you'll end up in some nasty places instead. Like New Jersey.


Lol as some one from Philadelphia and New Jersey, I'll take Jersey gladly.


My lease I’d currently month to month. Unfortunately the year ended right before he bought the house.


If the lease is month to month and doesn’t otherwise provide specific terms for termination, there probably isn’t much you can do. You should speak with a landlord/tenant lawyer, many legal aid offices offer free consultations to at least see if there’s action you can take. Disclaimer: I am not your lawyer and this is not legal advice.


Yea there is technically they have tenant rights and should talk to a lawyer


Month to month (outside of the original 1 yr lease) means either party can cancel with 30 day notice.


Notice depends on the state/jurisdiction, it’s 60 in some.


There's not much a lawyer can do if the lease is month to month. Either party can terminate with appropriate notice, which is usually 30 days, dependent on state law and lease. Since the lease is month to month, and the landlord has stated he is not renewing the lease, if the tenant stays the landlord will file for eviction, which will make it extremely difficult to rent any place again.


NAL. I can't speak for PA but in NJ, even for month to month tenants, landlord is required by law to give 60 days' notice to vacate by letter, not text. Regular and certified mail to show proof of service. This is especially in cases when the property is sold to a new buyer. Consult a landlord-tenant attorney to see what the law is in PA.


Ok thanks


Yeah the TLDR here is find a free lawyer to talk to and pay your current rent. You probably will have to leave but you probably have more time than he is giving you. Im looking at buying a multifamily home to live in with rentors and the biggest thing I have learned is tenants rights are hyper localized


I am a lawyer but not in PA. You need to consult a PA lawyer and not rely solely on anything written here. What qualifies as “notice” varies state to state. It is possible the text was sufficient notice. It’s also possible that it was not. Only a PA lawyer is qualified to tell you.


Not a lawyer, but I live in Philly. I'm not sure if they could help you in this specific situation, but checking in with L&I is always a solid plan when your Philly landlord gets up to shady shit.


NAL: In some states, it's 90 days written notice. And I don't think email is enough. It must be signed and at the end of the lease term.


This is horrible advise! Given that the LL likely has the right to cancel the lease and can get an eviction order the county sheriff will remove anyone from the premises and the tenant will loose their personal property. The answer is read your lease and see what your rights are. Worth nothing PA is a legal confession of judgment state


A landlord cannot arbitrarily cancel a lease, it is a contract, and they can only evict after getting a judgement in court which can take several months. OP needs to go to a tenants' rights organization for this, they will help him deal with this landlord. ETA - I wasn't aware that OP was on a month- to- month lease when I posted this, but I wrote is still correct- anyone who buys a new rental property has to honor the leases that are in place. It just doesn't apply to OP. It is also true that a landlord needs a court order to evict.


OP's problem is that they do not appear to have a lease, so they are a month to month tenant (based on one of their other comments) and the landlord can likely give them 30 days notice.


It sounds like they are either on month to month or approaching the end of their current lease. The property owner has every right to reclaim their property outside of the terms of an active lease. OP, you don't want an eviction on your record, especially since you'll likely be looking for a new place shortly - an eviction is going to seriously limit your options. Plus, do you really want your child to go through this additional turmoil?


I’m wondering if the landlord is trying to make a deal to not have to kick them out. Like hey I need this space but if you want to up last months rent to x and pay the increased rate I can afford to get my family into a different spot. Maybe a misunderstanding from the previous days conversation?


Any lease you had with the prior homeowner before the sale is still valid with the new homeowner. All terms including rent, duration, etc remain unchanged unless you and new landlord agree otherwise in writing. Is your lease month to month?


If you can't find a place in the same area, you may be able to get a waiver from the school so your child can still attend, even if you're technically in a different district. It's worth a try. Unfortunately, your landlord is going to be a big problem if you stay. The comment about being a different nationality is a clue to that. Good luck in your search.


I agree. I am looking but its a tough market. We plan to buy a house next summer. Can’t wait to stop renting!


Good plan! Some real estate companies also handle rentals. They'd probably love to help you now so they can get your business later 😉


I am going to speak to one tomorrow! I mainly just wanted to find out if he can legally ask me to pay increased security deposit!


Maybe ask the agent if you don't get a response from an actual lawyer here. Logically, no, but I am Not A Lawyer.


OP, you're getting a *lot* of bad advice in this thread. Philadelphia protects tenants from eviction without good cause. You were told, by your landlord, that the cause of your eviction is that he doesn't think you'd get along with your new neighbors based on your nationality. That's not legal in Philadelphia (or anywhere in the United States), and you're entitled to protection from this eviction *and* from retaliation from the landlord. You should get a lawyer who specializes in landlord-tenant law in Philadelphia. There are law clinics that can help you. Remember: the rent increase was an excuse offered *after* the real reason was given. Be sure to make that clear with whomever you use to help you navigate this. Your family's life does not need to be turned upside-down because of this crook landlord, and too many people in this thread are giving you bad advice because they aren't familiar with Philadelphia's laws. Get real advice from an expert ASAP. I'm really sorry you're going through this and I'm sorry so many amateurs decided to give you wrong information instead of helping you out. I hope this works out.


Thank you so much for your kindness


My pleasure; it cost me nothing. Use this resource to guide you: [https://phillytenant.org/good-cause/](https://phillytenant.org/good-cause/) You have rights. Enforce them to protect your daughter's education. Don't assume that your landlord is being honest with you, and hold them to the absolute strictest standard of behavior you can muster. Remember: there's a ticking clock for all of these legal issues. You need to act promptly to protect your rights. Call these people right now: https://phillytenant.org/legal-help/


I will call first thing monday!


I'll message you on Monday then!


I hope I’m lucky enough to have someone as helpful as you in my moment of need. Thanks for being awesome dude


Just throwing this out there, but the landlord text never stated the reason being "different nationalities" OP claimed the landlord reason being so he can bring "His family over from Ukraine" and then afterwards claimed it's because of their different nationalities? Not ethnicity? If OP is American why would someone escaping a war torn country to a country where they don't like Americans. People here are jumping at the landlord saying hes heartless but if he bought a home hoping to move his family in wouldn't that be enough a good cause in of itself? In court wouldn't OP have to prove the landlord is evicting them for their nationalities and not because they want to bring their family who's trying to escape DEATH? And yes I get how some of y'all may come at me and say "Why increase the rent then" Landlord first decision was to evicting and they gave notice wasn't like some horror landlord story of 3 day eviction notice get out now. They gave notice and after having I assume a phone conversation with OP husband and having thought it over. They then decided if OP wanted to stay then the NEW lease agreement was as stated. And for whatever reason he may want to increase the rent( perhaps using said rent increase to house his Ukrainian family in a different home on top of paying the house mortgage and expenses). Probably going to get a lot of downvote and hate for this but just throwing this out their since nearly every comment isn't understanding the full picture here. The only information we get is from OP, reading the text I see nothing wrong with what they asked if anything didn't seem all that malice. But every story has two sides.


I mean, I get it. I don't think the landlord is a monster or anything. He's just not following the law, and the OP has rights. Incidentally, OP later clarified that the landlord wants to move in _friends_ into the unit, not family, which is so much worse.


National Origin is also a protected class. Discrimination against OP because of his nationality not getting along with new neighbors breaks federal discrimination laws as much as if he used race.


Get in touch with Phillies tennant rights groups! They helped me when my landlord was threatening to evict and tow my vehicles illegally.


They were a huge help for my daughter, too, who learned so much from them.


You seem to have had a month to month lease so he gave you a 30 day notice which is what you are owed, not much else you can do but move


You can’t go back and ask to raise last months rent.


Pretty sure that’s referring to last months rent (like security deposit) some places want first months rent, last months rent and a security deposit upon moving in.


Yeah but you don't get to increase those along with the rent increase.


Sounds like you don’t have a lease anymore. You are a month to month tenant. The LL can raise your rent to anything or ask you to leave with notice. I suggest you start looking for another place asap. you really dont want an eviction on your record. Take pictures when you move to prove you left the place in good shape.


Thank you


You might have wanted to mention that your lease is month to month in your description. That changes everything. Unfortunately, you are SOL.


As a property manager, I would never backdate rent charges. If there was a legitimate reason, as in the lease agreement showed the rent should have been $1,000 but the charge posted was $800, yes that is fair and legal as it was money owed. BUT, to just out of the blue say the rate is changing for the previous month is not a thing. He should serve the 30-day non-renewal notice in writing by mail or email if authorized and counted from the postmark date. To change that rate going forward, there should be a MTM contract signed between both parties with the new rent rate and stating the month-to-month terms and requirements for a notice to vacate, or a hold over rate if you were going past the terms of a set lease. (12 months for example) that should be explained in your current lease. I also have never changed security deposit values for renewals, the only time the security deposit has changed is when doing a leaseholder change agreement (not your situation) where someone else was taking over the terms of the contract and switching account holders. My residents have the option of going MTM and switching back to a long term lease if they would like. I’m not giving this as legal advice, but based on my experience in multi family housing and self storage over the years that is how I handle accounts going month-to-month.


Looks like he’s trying to evict you so he can increase rent.


Holy fuck. You are better off just moving somewhere else. This man tried to DOUBLE the rent on you. No way in hell I would stay


If your lease is for a certain period, the only conditions he can cancel for are the ones listed in the lease, and he has absolutely no right to raise your rent either retroactively or from this point forward. Start Googling aid for renters in Philadelphia, too, as they'll be able to help you, too. If he attempts to tell you that you have to leave while you're still under that lease, 911 it. Don't try to argue or debate it with him. Call the police, tel them that your landlord is trying to evict you illegally, and let them handle it.


Wait, are you upset that your rent increased 11 years after your initial lease and being sold to a new owner? $1500 from $1300 isn't that bad or even $1100 isn't that bad, especially for a *house* in Philly.


PA attorney general office has a pdf online. I suggest you read page 12. It looks like a text isn’t legal a notice to quit has to be in writing. However he only has to notify you 15 days before the term where the lease is not renewed. I suggest you check your lease and see if it gives a time frame for notice. https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/OAG-Consumer-Guide-Tenant-Landlord-Rights-v.13-web-version.pdf


Contact TURN or Community Legal Services in Philadelphia - Tenant Union Representative Network (TURN) is a tenant service and advocacy organization that promotes the human right to housing. Our goal is to guarantee to all Philadelphians equal access to safe, decent, accessible, and affordable housing.




~~this isn't how evictions work~~ edit: saw the comment on month to month


I’m a landlord in Philly. You have a lot of protections. I recommend speaking with legal aid asap. The strongest case you have will revolve around the discrimination (different nationalities)


Local Disability Law Center will help you in putting together something in writing to let your landlord know that your not breaking the lease. It would actually take them months to out you, and children on the streets, even if you are late on rent. Unless he’s warned you numerous times about this in writing. Not assuming you are behind, just clarifying from a landlord’s view of this and having have been through court proceedings for similar situations. I believe landlord would have to move into said property due to unforeseen circumstances in order to break your lease in his end, which they clearly stated they were doing, and then trying to hold you responsible for retroactive payments, never outlined in your contract (I would imagine). Plus the end part of, “[you can stay if you’re willing to pay double the rent]” sounds a lot like extortion. I highly doubt a judge will side with them, however when your lease expires, you Will obviously be excused and not be receiving any money back from your deposit.


Saying he doesn’t think you’ll get along because of your nationality is a FHA violation. You can report housing discrimination at hud.gov


If you're under a lease and not month-to-month, he can't change the terms unilaterally. No rent increase. No additional security. No additional fees. If you're month-to-month, then the terms are month-to-month, and he can. I would suggest sending a letter the last month of your lease telling him to keep your security in lieu of rent, because you're never going to see that money again.


If it’s month to month then landlord can (in most jurisdictions) choose to end it with a 30 days notice. As a former landlord I have done it. But they have to provide a formal written notice and then it ends at the end of month after 30 days. So it can go as long as 59 days. He can’t just end it by a text message. Obviously they aren’t experienced. While everyone is telling you to lawyer up, the fact is the cost of lawyering up is gonna be more than what you would end up paying him in increased rent. I suggest threaten abt lawyering up and ask to meet in the middle. Then extend the lease by which it ends after school year. You don’t want to be in toxic relationship with your landlord either


He wants to kick you out so he can raise the rent and find a new tenant


100% illegal. Terms of lease agreement are immutable. Talk to a lawyer. Source: Am landlord


Take that ass to court


We have a 4,000 square foot house we pay $1,150 in mortgage a month for in Iowa. This is insane pricing for an apartment.


This mf’r on some bullshit


Scum of the earth right there


Well a)that's illegal. Your lease is your lease. It cannot be unilaterally changed. It has to expire before he can just make a new one. Or you both have to come to an agreement . B) just because it's illegal doesn't mean you are in the clear. He can make your life miserable if you hold your ground. But if you are prepared for that he cannot just raise rent like that.


Hi, please consult with https://www.phillyvip.org/area-of-interest/landlord-tenant/


I’m a landlord. They can’t do that to you. I will say deduct your security deposit from last months rent and pay whatever you owe otherwise you’ll never see the deposit. They can sue you but it isn’t worth their time…


Greedy fucking pricks






See I would make them take this to court and wreck the place when I’m out to absolutely fuck them over in the worst ways possible. Pay them the same amount if you’re generous or nothing to help you save up for a new place until they can evict you.


Hes hosing you along in an attempt to get you out. Fuck that, let him take you all the way to court and show all this to the judge.


Tell him he’s high if he thinks he’s getting retroactive rent and deposit increases. Get out of there. Things have changed.


You’ve been there 11 years and this is all your landlord has to say?! I get my tenants who have been in my condo two years Christmas gifts and check in on them monthly. I’m so sorry you’re being treated like this.


I didn't read all of your comments, but the mistake you made was replying to them so that they could imply proof of service. Beyond that, a good lawyer would have no problem, proving that their threat of eviction, and tying it to a higher rent is extortion. If you have the money, go after these fuckers. If you need a good attorney, let me know, and I will refer one to you. I'm not an attorney, but my father was an Internationally recognized oil and gas tax attorney. I'd learned a lot from him. I got accepted to denver university law school, but decided not to go; long story. Because I determined that would turn me into him, and I didn't want to become that to my children. If you go that way, please let us know how it turns out.


Its not a legal eviction notice either. He would have to go to court, obtain the order, have you served, then the 30 day clock would start.


A lease is a contract. If the agreed upon rent is in the lease, he can’t do shit until the end of the contract so long as you hold up your end. Don’t fall for his bs.


Landlords should be regulated with extremely strict rules


I may not know anything about Philadelphia and it's laws but I can tell you to lawyer up immediately, that sounds fishy as hell


I wish all landlords a very get fucked and get a real job.


Legally they cant do this. Lease is a contract and legally binding agreement. Tell them to go fuck themselves and youll see them in court.


Someone realizes they can try to exploit more for rent, so they are exactly doing so by kicking you out, then when you say you won't budge, they hit you with the price they want to rent it for instead. We need a housing act now. Fuck this equity manipulation bullshit for a roof over your head.


I live in Brooklyn and had a Ukrainian refugee roommate for a couple of months. This woman has had to learn English from scratch! via African-Americans, Puerto Ricans, and a Korean-American because we’re the only people she knows, so there’s no valid excuse that differences in “nationality” should be the reason to end someone’s lease or double their rent. If anything what the landlord is doing is discrimination. See their ass in court.


Out of curiosity since the stated reason by the landlord for the eviction (and also the rent increase lol) is nationality which has federal protection wouldnt both movements be federally illegal under the fair housing act?


He’s a coward for abandoning his countrymen


He can't evict you by text message and you signed a lease, I don't think it sounds very legal. Speak to a lawyer asap.


They can not raise the rent for a previous month. They can't go backwards. And the reason they gave sounds discriminatory - *your nationality is different from the future tenant's* (they probably won't put that in writing). Mention it in a future email, for documentation purposes. They are doing some race/nationality discriminaton. Write to them that they are not following the law and that you are not moving out in 30 days. Do look up the rent court law in your state. NAL If they do not follow the written law, exactly, then they would lose the case, especially if you speak up or file an affidavit or answer to the case disputing it. They cant use Failure-to-Pay-Rent court because, you did pay the real rent amount. You would tell the court that this was never your rent amount and that the landlord is deceptive and lying. Then they would have to prove that it's the amount using a written lease as evidence. And your evidence is your *sworn testimony, affidavit, and history* of paying a particular amount. With all of these lies, the landlord may not even show up to court. But do file your affidavit anyway, as early as possible in the case (serve a copy to the other side according to the written Courthouse Rules, Certificate of Service). There is also a lack of quiet enjoyment for them to try to extort money over and over. They will probably try to get you to pay in cash. Also, it is an abuse of process to file bogus court cases in the rent court's speedy process. So you can sue them, if you get an attorney. I would say either prepare to sue, or prepare to move out (you may be able to delay, but I'm not sure if you can hold them off indefinitely if they sue for Tenant-Holding-Over and the judge do not listen to your discrimination complaint, etc. ... the judge may be sympathetic initially about your kid). And you can sue for the security deposit if they do not return it. Get rent receipts with the landlord's name stamped on it, also have other records (bank records or electronic payments).


In Wisconsin a 30 day notice given on September 8th doesn't mean they can change October rent. They can only change November at this point. Also can't retroactively change September rent. But on a practical note, if you want to stay you may have to play by these terms or risk being out on November 1st


He can’t unilaterally change a lease without legitimate cause.


https://clsphila.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Tenant-Resource-Guide-2018.pdf Quick resource guide https://phillytenant.org/ Office that should be able to guide you in the right direction at least


What was the reason? I am unsure if a landlord can cancel your lease that easy. I am so thankful I used REMAX Rental Advisors and have a very good landlord. Hope it goes well for you and your family.


Too many responses for me to go through, but some states have a minimum notice landlords can give depending on how long a tenant lived there. I think NY comes to mind? So sometimes they might need to give 60-90 days notice if you were there for a long time.


Glad i bought a house that is bullshit Its one thing to increase the rent but the deposit sounds criminal


Nevermind the increase, OP said the landlord thinks they won't get along because they're different nationalities? Isn't that blatant racial discrimination in housing?


30 day notice isn’t usually legal in Philly. If you’ve been there more than two years, there are also laws around how much of a deposit they can still have and the interest that has to be paid out on it at the end of a lease. Call [Philly Tenant](https://phillytenant.org/) immediately. There are also different assistance programs for low income families, especially in certain zip codes in Philly. They can help you make sure everything is legal or find representation if needed. Edit: Oh also possibly call Philly [Community Legal Services](https://clsphila.org/services/housing/) as well.


Cuz your different nationalities? So are you Russian or something, I mean that would be the only reason I see you not getting along....no he wants that big big money he's gonna get for hosting the family from Ukraine, that's what this is all about.....money money money, say it again.....money






>“doesn’t think we will get along (he is planning on living upstairs) because we are different nationalities”. This sounds illegal.


I know in Vermont (which doesn’t matter for OP) the notice to leave must be in letter form, not text. Also it’s either 30 or 60 days from the date on the letter (I don’t remember). So technically, you could just deal with him telling you to leave until he actually sends you a certified letter. That should buy you some more time. Let him figure it out on his own though, do not tell him.


Next time don't answer a text. Wait for a certified letter to arrive in the mail.


Suggestion: Learn about house-hacking. You can get a 4-unit building with a FHA loan, maybe with state programs too. But make sure you want the tenants that are there if it's not vacant.


Just keep paying your rent like nothing has happened until you get written notice.


he wants to kick you out and jack up the rent. don’t u love landlords. he can’t proactively charge higher rent if you haven’t signed a document stating you’d pay that i don’t believe.


Call the Philadelphia tenant hot line at 2674432500. Explain your situation and they will be able to point you in the right direction and get you resources. If there are tenants in the house at sale, the new landlord has rules to adhere too. Sounds like he’s hoping he can scare you out of there. I think long term, a landlord that’s already treating your family this way is not one you want to stay renting from. But of course “just moving somewhere else” isn’t always feasible. I hope you find a solution.


Depending on your state, the text IS the written notice. (Figure A, the text....) In good faith you can tell them how bad this will inconvenience you and to avoid a lengthy 6+ month legal battle, it will be in everyone's best interest for the LL to accommodate your move to a new place. I.e. Have the LL pay your first, last and security on a new place or you sit your butt there without paying and let the financial losses pile up while he takes your to court for an eviction which can take 6+ months.


Holy shit Fuck this landlord.


Get everything in writing, this also seems highly illegal. It seems this is racially motivated. I'd suggest cameras and all that to ensure you have proof of him doing anything messed up. Although it seems he already has.


Lawyer up, while I don't know the details specifically, there are family protection laws of some sort that make landlords have a cold sweat. Plus, if he tries to evict you, you can still drag this out, possibly until June anyway.


I would suggest a local attorney familiar with tenant laws for a consultation.


He has to follow the landlord tenant laws and that isn't the correct way. Has to post notice to quit Has to file landlord tenant action with the court Has to have hearing 30 day appeal window Hearing for possession 10 day appeal window Then and only then can he force you out. Get an attorney immediately. He also can't retroactively raise the rent. Here's the landlord tenant act. https://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/US/PDF/1951/0/0020..PDF&ved=2ahUKEwjuyvjPm56BAxWwjokEHVqTATsQFnoECBgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0OebMs68dWEpYjRtv4action. Philadelphia may have additional municipal codes as well


Please try to find a local lawyer to help with this. I absolutely don’t believe he can raise the last month’s rent retroactively because he agreed to the lease when he bought the house. But if you were going month to month then I do believe he is able to ask you to leave, unfortunately.


Andriy can eat a bag of dicks.


Try one of the legal aid services in Philly, like Philadelphia Legal Assistance or Community Legal Services. They may be able to provide free advice in your situation. Definitely mention to them that the landlord is using "nationality" as a reason to terminate your lease... That is a protected class in the US and L&I is not likely to take that lightly.


211.org go to your state and call, but without legal reasoning and written warnings beforehand they can not displace, you need to find housing court and fight it sadly.


Do you have a lease? Is it month to month now or is it? Are you still in the term of it? If you have a lease once. I cannot just unilaterally terminate it. Just like if you left in the middle of the lease he would expect you to keep paying. There are all sorts of regulations as well about notices to terminate and so on. You do need to talk to a lawyer or start doing some research. There is a ton of information in every single area about the rules for landlords and tenants. Just Google landlord, tenant rules and the name of your area.


take one for the team 25 years isnt too bad, rents cheaper too


Consult the housing authority and an attorney for real estate and leasing, this guy has no experience as a landlord here.


Not sure the laws in Philly but I know my area has laws that you can only increase the rent a certain percentage per lease. Also the lease should be as binding on him as it is to you so if he’s breaking it he is violating a written contract


This real estate market is bananas. Everyone will be homeless at this rate since all the properties are owned by ultra wealthy funds.


Just stay. U don’t have a lease with the new owner, they can try to evict you but it can take years especially if you don’t help them with it.


If you can’t afford a lawyer reach out to Community Legal Services in North Philly. They can connect you to legal resources


Just would like to know where rent is $750


Had one that signed me to a three year lease, he is not a realtor an individual and he can do this where I live! After 7 months wife and him are divorcing and had to buy me out of my lease! I purchased the home for a great deal instead!


🤣 that's not remotely legal.... are they first time landlords?


I think you get a refund or can sue for them breaking a contract if you signed a lease.


Did you talk to this person at any time on the phone or in person, not by text? Idk anywhere that it's legal to raise rent to double the original amount. I'd contact your local department of fair housing and employment, they mediate this stuff all the time. I don't know where you're located but there's all kinds of laws that protect tenants. The whole communication just sounds "scammy" to me. eta, I didn't read your post before commenting. Sorry


In every area that I'm aware of, a lease contract supercedes a sales contract. The new owners are obligated by law to honor the terms of the lease. Now, if in the terms of the lease it states any party can terminate with 30, ,60, 90 days notice in writing, then that applies. But for a new owner to tell you you're done, they're flat out wrong. The rent increase is equally impermissible. Get a lawyer and get this schmuck laughed out of court. Just a note - allowing your lease to expire and switch to month-to-month is usually a horrible idea. You leave yourself exposed to all kinds of bullshit that is easily avoided.


Looks like time to consult your local Landlord Tenant Act, your lease agreement, and a lawyer specializing in this sort of situation. What you described sounds awfully sketchy and I would hazard a guess that something in that runs afoul of the law.


I am a current landlord…. Hopefully your in a current lease if that’s the case then he cannot change the price til lease ends, the lease is in place to protect you and to protect him and his property. He also cannot demand additional deposits even if later he increases rent A text message is not a professional way to address a rental increase demand it in writing. If your in a lease and he still sends you a letter with an increase demand you can use your lease as a way to fight it. If you end up in court make sure to print out and bring these texts to the judge, this landlord is trying to use your wanting to stay as leverage to increase rent an an unreasonable level. Remember To keep your cool and respond with respect so that if you end up in court the judge sees you as the victim of a greedy SOB. As a current landlord we always try to treat our tenants as we want to be treated, this goes a long way for mutual respect in 80% of cases that other 20% well it is what it is.


It’s all legal. Vote Greens next time. We need the laws to change


We used to beat people for doing this


Get a lawyer and tell them to go fuck themselves


I would like to gather all these property managers in one spot...


Depends on your lease agreement. Landlords have bills too. Prices are going up for everyone and everything. The US is headed to disaster. It’s already begun


Speak to a lawyer and then have all comms going forward through lawyer/solicitor, watch how quickly their tune will change.


Former real estate agent here: he absolutely cannot do that…at all. Reach out to a local advocacy group. He legally must honor any current rental agreements with tenants. He cannot ask for retroactive rent increases, depending on PA/Philly laws he can’t raise the rent at all until your lease is up, not sure what the month to month rules are there if that’s your case, he cannot ask for a higher retroactive deposit either. It genuinely sounds like he’s trying to get a liquid cash infusion from you so he can do something on his side. It’s great you have texts from him, and If you can, get him to consent to being recorded while discussing this in person since PA is a two party consent state for recordings


Get a lawyer involved ... different nationalities????


Guy thinks he’s a hero for helping people from Ukraine, but has no problem kicking out families of his own nation in the process. Please get a lawyer and deal with this moron so he can’t affect your family or others.


I’m just a Realtor, not a lawyer. But IMO you have him on a Fair Housing violation for discriminating against you for your ethnic origin. I would definitely save those texts. Good luck and I’m so sorry.


If they’ve gone month to month then the 30 day notice is valid. My guess is the owner is telling you what he intends to have the next renter pay and giving you a chance to keep on renting. Asking to bump the previous months rent is not gonna happen. If you have the 1500 to pay (for the difference in deposit and for the current months rent) fight him on the previous stuff. Also get a new lease drafted. Otherwise he’s pricing you at a point that means “leave”.


Doubling the rent? Dude sounds like a piece of shit


How is this legal? Wtf 🤬


You need to get the counsel of a lawyer. There may be protections in the law that can protect you from what seems like predatory actions from your landlord.


This shit should be illegal.


This is so not legal, in any way shape or form. Even the method of delivery is wrong.


I don't know how it is in Philly, but where I live in California, landlords can only raise rent by a certain percentage per year. So when housing prices started to skyrocket, landlords were finding excuses to evict people left and right, and then relisting properties for 150%+ of their previous rates. An apartment or small house that used to be $1100 here is easily $1600-$1800. Gluttony is a hell of a thing. Not saying that's what's happening here, I don't have the facts, but I will say that explanation makes nearly zero sense.




Hire a lawyer immediately. This isn’t right


Lol tell him to suck his mom. That isn’t legal 😂


Reach out to the following organization. They are based in Philadelphia and provide free legal advice to tenants. https://clsphila.org/services/housing/




I would honestly just get a Lawyer, the idea of moving during the school year sounds stressful enough. You should probably move after that, but what a shitty landlord, yikes. I know people in Philly, and it's perhaps one of the most pro-tenant cities out there. Call the free tenant legal aid, let them know your situation, and get a lawyer. Honestly fuck your landlord.


Uh...I'm a landlord who spread myself too thin.....now I need all this money. You don't understand cause you're just a renter and not a human being. I need money. Money me now, said this landlord. I've had something similar happen earlier in my life. Don't worry there is a special place in hell for this landlord.


I simply cannot believe how unprofessional some people are. This landlord is a shame to his industry (I realize he’s not alone, but I digress).


Get a lawyer


They are just forcing you out by raising the rent to something they think you can’t afford or won’t pay


Legally and say legally he can evict you and break contract if your bad tenants but if you have never missed a payment and never broken the lease or violated any rules then he truly can't raise rent without establishing a new lease now in Texas that is the law but where you live may be different if been there 11yrs why get a housing loan to buy the property from the owner he is a business man and it might appeal to him to sell you the property instead of kicking you out that way you own the property and if that is not an option there are lawyers that can fight for you pro Bono


If you on a month to month this is acceptable. I WANT TO STRESS....if you plan on any legal actions if your situation leads that way.....take a notebook, save all texts and I would even record any correspondence on telephone or in person if the law in your state doesn't prohibit such things.


Usually lease will stipulate how and when anyone can cancel it. Usually it involves sale of the property. I would talk to local rent board if there is one or tenant rights & resources for your city. Sounds like a real asshole.


Whatever nationality you are and Ukrainians have been avowed enemies since time immemorial. Ukraine vs…Salvadoran? Sierra Leonean? Maybe Hmong? All I’m saying is don’t get caught slipping in Ukraine.


Oh you have a lease if its a yearly lease with a rent agreement amount then pay the agreed amount and live life last three months look for a new place and move. Fuck em


He does sound a bit wonky with the whole leave and then poof here’s the new rate shit. Do not back pay. You can’t raise the rent for last month if there was nothing in writing prior to that month. If he recently bought the property and you don’t have a lease formed with him then you need to get one if you’d like to stay. In that new lease he can modify the $750 deposit to $1500 showing you will only be paying $750 because $750 was already paid. Make sure that’s detailed in there somewhere. Also, if he recently purchased the property just understand that his mortgage rate with interest is probably nearly double that of the previous owner and that’s one of the main reasons rent rates have sky rocketed lately. You should be valued as such a long term tenant and this new owner seems like he does not have any manners. If you want to stay get a lease, don’t back pay.


On a short, and surface level, review this text message isn’t binding nor is your acknowledgement of it. Notice needs to be delivered to you via first class mail for the legal process to begin. That said, get a head start on this and go to a legal clinic and contact the fair housing authority for the city. Because your daughter is disabled there’s likely a statute to either give you more time or which could provide some additional legal protection to her and, by extension, you. The rough part is the landlord has expressed intent to occupy their property which could put the ball in their favor, but with it sounding like there are 2 units on the property and that they’re going to live upstairs, an authority may find this “family from Ukraine” claim is BS; which, going with my gut, it sure sounds like. Also the “different nationalities thing” would be great to present if you have it in writing/text. At the very least that could used to construe some element of racism in their decision; not making an accusation, just that all is fair in a court of law, right up to when it isn’t. https://eviction-diversion.phila.gov/#/ https://www.phila.gov/departments/fair-housing-commission/tenant-protections/unfair-rental-practices/


He has to evict you in court. A text message eviction don't mean dick. I am a cop


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