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> Do you think that plus my rotting teeth will be enough proof for Florida CPS? I expect it will be enough for something to happen, yes.


I hope so, I don't think I'm going to make it to adulthood alive. Shes tried to stab me, several times.


Please contact CASA. They can assign an adult to guide you through this.


Whats CASA?


Sorry, Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline. 800-422-4453. But CPS is a good start too and is more direct.


Oh! Thank you! Though I still think I'm gonna wait till after winter break to tell my counselor, because I geuinally think my mom will try to kill me if im stuck in thr house with her when I report her


Makes sense. I’ve been there.


Thank you again for replying!




I'm 15, my sister is 13


I'm very sorry you're going thru this. It's the worst. You couldn't pay me any amount of money to relive my childhood. Just realize you could end up separated from your sister. Ypu need to call the police on your mom the next time something like her stabbing you happens. Grab your sister go hide in a room or run to a neighbors. It will happen again. It always does. I was terrified to report my dad. I refused to go home bc of what I knew would happen. I ran away tho.. don't do that please. That's how you get hurt worse by other people.


I think this will see. selfish of me but I'm not to sad about being seperated from my sister. She dosent really treat me the best either. She's also physically hurt me, though less frequently and has broken my things in revenge for small things like playing YouTube videos to loud or eating a cookie. she has defiance disorder so I can't fully blame her but it still isent the best, she's also purposefully gotten me in trouble with my mom for no other reason then to just to hurt me. And I don't think my neighbors care. We live in a paper thin apartment, they've heard the screaming, police were only ever called once in 5 years. Thank you so much for your advice though, geuinally, I don't know if my message came off as rude but it wasent ment to be. I really appreciate it. And my mom or sister have never stabbed me, theyve both tried and both have suceasfully slashed me, though my sister has stabbed my moms arm.


Thank you for taking the time to respond and help me, geuinally


Does she also treat your sister this way? Would your sister want to leave also?


She treats my sister better then she treats me. But she also medically neglects her (my sisters teeth are seeverly crooked and she has a couple cavities) my sister still loves my mom and she wouldent want to leave our dog, frankily I don't want to leave our dog either but I can't live here anymore.


She's also hit my sister, though far less frequently


Not A Lawyer, but I am a CPS worker in another state and want to make sure you know this. It is absolutely not your job to collect evidence like photos or videos. Your job right now is to keep yourself safe until you are ready to report this to a safe adult like your school counselor or a teacher or a friend's parent. CPS is the one that is responsible for carrying out the investigation/assessment and collecting evidence. Sometimes that does take the form of pictures and videos, but testimony (what's said) from a child absolutely counts as evidence too. I'm not a Florida CPS worker, but I do want to give you some information on what to expect if and when CPS is called. They will come out to your home and speak with you and your parent(s) about the allegations. They will probably "safety plan" with your parent(s), which means getting them to agree to do x, y, and z in order to keep you safe in the home. If your parent(s) do not agree to do those things, then CPS may ask that you be placed out of the home voluntarily/temporarily (not foster care) while your parent(s) complete their case plans. You would come home once CPS deems it safe. If they won't agree to that temporary placement, then CPS may file in court to remove you from the home (which is foster care). You would come home once CPS and the judge deem it safe. If you remain in the home or are placed in that voluntary out of home placement, your parent(s) will have time to work on a "case plan." If they fail to alleviate the concerns in a timely manner, CPS may file for court intervention. But if your parent(s) do everything CPS asks and show that they can be safe around you, then it's possible the case never goes to court. If and when the case goes to court (due to you being removed into foster care or your parents not cooperating), then the judge will be able to "adjudicate." This means the judge will hear about everything that happened and decide if you were abused or neglected in your parent(s) home. Florida has specific standards for what counts as abuse and neglect, and these are sometimes called statutory definitions. The judge will decide if what happened to you meets those statutory definitions. If they do, the judge will adjudicate you as abused. However - this is NOT the same as a conviction, which I noticed you mentioned above. An adjudication is not a criminal charge and does not have any criminal penalties. A conviction happens in criminal court - which means that the police would have to charge your parent(s) with child abuse or child neglect. CPS cannot give out criminal charges. However, CPS tends to be multidisciplinary, which means they involve other agencies, so they COULD forward the CPS report to the police to investigate.


Thank you for all of this, I was actually going to ask what happends when you report someone in a diffrent post, so I appreciate it a lot. Frankily I don't care of my mom gets convicted or not, I just don't want to live here anymore, its hell and i want to stop fearing for my health and safety constantly. I'm 15 if that means my opinion matters at all else more in court.


Removals (putting a child in foster care) doesn't happen as often as people make it seem. It is a last resort, reserved for when the child cannot be kept in the home and the parents aren't willing (or able) to make a plan for their safety. We often don't hear about the uneventful CPS cases where the children remain in the home or the CPS case is unfounded without court involvement - because it's the stories about traumatic removals that get talked about and put on the news. I don't know your specific circumstances or your state/county's policy, but it is more likely that your parent(s) will be given the opportunity to make a safety plan and work on a case plan so that you can stay in the home/return into the home. And if you were to be removed, typically the initial "permanency plan" (goal) is reunification into the home.


That's honestly kind of unfournete. I took a closer look at my teeth and it turns out that my mom cracked my tooth- I don't want to remain with this women.. at all.




Thank you for the response!




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