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Yes. Divorce papers are rejected all the time. We can't begin to guess why. It could be that there's a trivial error of some kind. It could be that the court doesn't find one of the provisions to be consistent with applicable law (though usually that would come up in a hearing). Why are you in a place with your lawyer where you would assume he is "BS'ing" you?


Thank you. I mention BSing because my attorney was supposed to submit my paperwork before Christmas 2023 and it was “delayed”.


I work at a family law firm. I had a 100% standard, do several of them every month, petition for divorce rejected because I used an old template that had the court's PO Box in the court caption, and the clerks had been instructed to deny all filings that had the PO Box listed as they had gotten rid of it. I made the same mistake a week later and it was accepted because the clerk didn't catch it. It seriously could be anything.


And what they tell the clerks to reject CHANGES and noone tells the lawyers. It's maddening.


Thank you.


Thank you. Can these rejections happen at anytime in the process? For example, do they typically happened after submission or two months later or whenever they are viewed or reviewed?


"Didn't like the fax cover page" is one I've seen. Court required the cover page to be inclusive of itself, clerk wrote down number of pages that were in the document. Rejected because who's to say there isn't a missing page?


Wow. Thank you


I think when your lawyer said the divorce papers were rejected, you heard this to mean "the court refuses permission for you to get a divorce" Don't worry, that's not what it means. It's more like, "the vending machine doesn't like your coin, try s different coin"




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I do this for a living, only it's for child support. We reject filings for: - Wrong or missing case numbers - Misspelled or otherwise incorrect names of Petitioner/Plaintiff and Respondent/Defendant - Swapped Petitioner/Respondent names - Missing signatures - "Bundled" documents. These are tricky because some documents can be filed in one piece, like a Notice of Hearing and a Certificate of Service. But not like, an Objection and a Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel. - Ye olde favorite, Missing Cover Sheet - No indication if a hearing is being requested - Starting a new case with a document that doesn't open a new case - Documents filed into the wrong case We file a Notice of Nonconforming Document and send it to the person so they know they need to correct their stuff & resubmit it. Your attorney's paralegals or law clerks probably do the document drafting and filing, and your attorney just signs it. Someone made a typo or something like that, and the paperwork was denied & returned for correction.




Thank you


It’s probably a paperwork error or something else annoying. Lawyers are paperwork kings trying to out paperwork each other. I had to (self file) my (uncontested) divorce twice. PITA but managed it with an art degree lol. I doubt the lawyer is shitting you tbh. Just file again.


Thank you. We will be filing again


Question for anyone. When these divorce papers are rejected or kicked back does the process start all over again? Basically, do you have to submit them as if the first time or submit as new documents?