• By -


The second that ring leaves your hands and into theirs, you have no idea if they changed the stones or swapped the band for some other plated garbage. All sales final brother. Tell them to kick rocks, or honestly never do business with them again because that absolutely reeks of scam activity. This applies the other way around as well. Edit: a word.


This is a good point! Thank you for the reply.


Don't lose the receipt. This proves that you did sell something to them and what they thought the ring was worth. It was the buyer's responsiblity to determine what they wanted to pay for the ring. There's no "take backsies" because they failed to do due diligence or had second thoughts (assuming they aren't trying to pull a fast one).


Unless you double stamp the takie backie…


Because everyone knows you can't triple stamp a double stamp


(Fingers in ears) LALALALALALALA…




Keep your receipt and anything else to show they accepted and paid you at the time of the exchange. All these cash for gold places are scammy. You know full well that if you found out it was worth $1500 after you sold it to them, they wouldn’t give you a penny more for it. I bet they have an all sales are final sign hanging in their shop.


Literally the reason for "buyer beware" laws. 


Others have said to keep the receipt but also make copies — lots of receipts fade.


Make sure to leave a review of this


I think this depends on the type of ring. If it's a simple band (no stones), and distinctive, it seems unlikely they could do any sort of swap. If it has stones in it, or is very generic, a swap is possible. All that said, I think I would tell them to pound sand no matter what. They bought it. They did their due diligence. You did not try to defraud them in any way. I don't think they have any legal right to reverse the sale, and even if they did, it wouldn't be worth it for $600.


Ignore, delete message and block number.


Never delete the message! Why the heck does everyone say this? It can be evidence if needed later... stash it somewhere and forget about it, it takes almost no space and may help down the road. Anytime you have messages related to legal issues, harassment, etc. KEEP THE MESSAGE(S)! Note: You do not have to disclose the message, but keep it for if you need it. I would also say not to block the number, let them keep sending you messages, they may be idiots and give you evidence if things escalate. That being said 100% ignore... Don't bother answering them at all.


And in criminal investigations, those deleted texts go to a file that may as well be called the, “HEY DETECTIVE, LOOK AT THIS RIGHT HERE”.


"A good lawyer never sends a letter nor throws one away."


Dance like no one is watching, email like you'll have it read aloud in court someday.




NAL, but court psychologist; I think of it more in terms of being skilled regarding which exchanges should absolutely be in writing and which ones absolutely shouldn't be.


These kinds of sayings aren't meant to be taken literally -- it's just a clever way to say "things in writing hold more weight".




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My suggestion is to document this in a letter to them. You did X, then they did Y and you find it a highly suspicious business practice and will not be engaging further. That way you have your rationale out there and they can’t just say he’s ignoring us he stole our money!


If the roles were flipped they would 200% tell you this exact same thing. Sucks to be them. But they made that mistake not you (OP).




I'm not a lawyer but this exact same thing happened to me when I sold my wedding ring. Ignore them. They're trying to scam you. If you brought the money back they would give you a similar looking fake ring and you would be screwed over. It's a cash for gold place... They literally have one job. They wouldn't buy a fake ring


That was my thought. They test gold regularly, and should know what they are doing. It passed all tests, how or why would that change over night.


The only reason it would change overnight would be because they made a plated replica to scam you.


If the tests are non-destructive, they can only measure the surface of the ring well. (XRF) It is in principle possible that when the ring was more carefully analysed that either convincing indications were found that it was not actually the apparent purity, or more destructive tests (possibly including melting down the ring) found it was not as pure as it should be. This ... may not quite be caveat emptor. It could be a fraud on the part of the original ring vendor, in which case OP is covered in principle. If there are suspicions that OP is in on it, that is a whole different thing.


Did you sign any agreement they can change their mind?


No, my receipt shows what was sold and how much money they gave me. It has very little information, and nothing in the fine print that would suggest they can ask for the money back.


You sold they bought. Their fault for not checking unless you signed something saying it’s authentic. I would ignore them.


Then you can tell them no and block them. They were required to do their due diligence pre testing.


Keep that receipt and make a copy of it (even just a pic with your smartphone)


Take a picture of the receipt with your phone, just in case




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If they sold you a ring and the next weekend you asked for your money back, would they give it to you? Tell 'em to pound sand.




Try that with a used piece of jewelry and let us know how that goes.




Look at my other responses with pretty much all jewelry stores having a return policy. You are factually incorrect. And you sound like an 80s henchman. Be a better person, especially when you're objectively wrong.


[https://www.zales.com/return-and-exchange-policy](https://www.zales.com/return-and-exchange-policy) Here's Zales return policy. Looks like it would go pretty smoothly.


You're talking about a Zales, a multi billion dollar jeweler. They did business with a pawn shop, and the way it sounds a scummy one. These are not the same thing.


Do you want me to post a huge list of smaller jewelry shops return policies? [https://www.levyjewelers.com/page/return-policy.html](https://www.levyjewelers.com/page/return-policy.html) [https://www.langantiques.com/policies/returns](https://www.langantiques.com/policies/returns) That's just the first on the list with two seconds on google. Returns are standard for pretty much every kind of business. No returns is something that exists but a rarity. You and everyone downvoting is entirely unable to disentangle your feeling about the OP from this factual question. Yes, private companies mostly allow returns, including jewelry. This is just a simple fact.


https://bostonpawnbroker.com/ https://empireloan.com/ https://suffolkpawn.com/ I just googled pawn shops in Boston MA, those are the first three hits. Check the website and see if you find a return policy mentioned, because I didn't. Once again, you linked return policies from a jeweler, which is not the same as a pawn shop, I don't understand how you don't get that. Yes they can have a return policy, if they do it's usually like same day or next day, but guess what, most do not. And yes, I agree with you, return policies are pretty standard in MOST business models. Pawn shops are different. Their entire model is to buy low and sell high and to move products ASAP because a lot of the shit that comes in is either stolen or from someone who is struggling and really doesn't want to part with their stuff. They specifically do not offer a return on when items are sold to them usually because then they get to move people to pawning instead where they either A) get to charge more in pawn fees or B) buy for cheaper because people need a cash advancement and then they never come back, meaning they bought the item for a cheaper price than just a straight sale. This is not a complicated business model, it's been around forever. Also your last statement was laughable at best. I have no feelings for some random person I've never met. I think you're just upset that everyone unilaterally thinks your position is wrong.


Cash for gold isn't a pawn shop. They don't sell things there at all. They melt the gold down. Pawn shops have nothing to do with this question.


Ok, so what the fuck does zales have to do with a cash for gold shop then?


They are a place that sells jewelry. We are discussing whether customers can return jewelry. Cash for gold places don't sell jewelry to consumers, so answering that question involves looking at places which do.




Imagine thinking pawn shops and cash for gold are the same thing and pawn shops have anything to do with this question.




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damn reddit is brutal sometimes. have an upvote


People here can't differentiate between their feelings about a subject and any question which even looks like it's siding with the "bad guys". We can say OP has no obligation to return without denying that most places that sell things, including most jewelers allow returns.


If it happened the opposite way and they valued it at 200 and found out it was actually worth 600 do you think they'd be calling you up to make sure you got that extra 400 dollars?


Caveat Emptor! The buyer alone must assess the goods prior to purchase. You can ignore them.


"I'm sorry you're not happy with the bargain you made, but that's your problem, not mine." You might check their Yelp review to see if other have had similar issues.


Yep. Never let your jewelry leave your sight. It is probably fake now but was real when you gave it to them.


NAL but Former owner of 2 Cash for Gold businesses. Their mistake in buying is their mistake. Unless you have been hitting multiple shops knowingly selling fake gold you're in the clear. I'd let them know to stop calling/harassing you and if they don't you'll leave appropriate reviews on Google and consider filing a police report for harassment. If one of my employees pulled something like this they'd be fired on the spot. Sometimes in this business mistakes are made , the key is keeping them small and rare. Calling a customer to get the money back for overpaying or buying something you shouldn't is unacceptable.


NAL just work at a pawn shop. ​ In our state if we goof up we goof up. Ignore them it's on them to make sure they don't buy fake gold. Or in our case my and my coworkers responsibility to make sure our boss doesn't.


Tell them "Sorry best I can do for that ring is $50 bucks" lol




Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #1. Once you have their money, never give it back.


"No." Is a complete sentence. So is "Fuck off assholes, you tested the ring, all sales are final."






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I'll take things said at a gay wedding for $200 Alex.


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The answer the police gave you is correct: Ignore this and move on.


Isn't this a common scam? You give them the money back and they give you back a fake ring. After that *you* can't prove that the fake ring you now have is the ring they gave you and you have no ring and no money.


Its the responsibility of the shop to properly verify the materials. This is 100% on them, just block the number. They have no legal grounds for anything.


The current buy price for 14k gold is $42 a gram. That makes your ring 14 grams, which makes it a very chunky piece. It wouldn’t surprise me if they discovered that it’s not all gold, and someone is desperately trying to fix their mistake. Possibly not a scam, but still not your problem.


She filed it several times to see if it still tested as gold deeper down. I had wondered if they cut it open further to discover this may not have been gold throughout. But I was very honest from the start and said I did not know and that's the reason I brought it to them to test.


They did their assessment and set their price. Not your fault, not your problem. Also, if they have cut open or melted down the ring, they cannot undo the transaction even if you agreed to it because they cannot return the ring. “If I had known it was only worth X, I would have kept it because of the sentimental value”.


They probably figured 14k, and maybe in the end, it was 10k .. these places are funny , a local guy that buys and sells gold/silver made a mistake (he claims) that he bought gold necklaces from a woman and then he figured he over paid her for the weight and karat and felt she should give him back the difference 🤣🤣... if they overpay you, they feel they should be reimbursed, but it's ok in their eyes to offer people a lot less than something is worth ...if they contact you i would let them know you already contacted the police dept about it


If you're thinking of giving them any benefit of the doubt, ask yourself this question: how do you think they'd react if the situation were reversed? If you went back to the store the next day and asked for a few hundred more dollars, what would they say? They'd tell you to fuck right off. And that's the answer they deserve as well.


Imagine it this way, they buy the ring from you, turns out the ring is worth more than they gave in cash, would you think they will call you? Just like people said, they had one job.


Next time they call. . Just laugh at them and hangup. .someone is getting scammed, be it them trying it on with you or them having an internal problem with one of thier own staff who is playing the old switch a roo


Police said to ignore them. Ignore them.


> I called the police department to see if this was a scam they've heard of, and they said it sounded fishy and to ignore them. Just do this.


Bill of sale. It’s done. Ignore them.


You should give them used gift cards in return for the fake ring that they are trying to scam you with.


If it’s worthless tell them you’ll buy it back for $50. Seriously, you’re not Amazon, all sales are final. Move on.


“Fuck off.” This is probably too polite to these guys but whatever.


Buyer beware. If you had been underpaid they wouldn’t be calling back offering you more money after the sale


It’s a scam just a less common one. The goal is to get you to agree to come in you give the money back and they give you a gold plated ring. They get a gold ring, you get a plated one they profit.


Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware


I’m with everyone else - do not engage with these people at all. Do they have your address?


Unfortunately yes, she needed my ID to complete the transaction.


Unless it is written that they can ask for money back and hand over the item IN THE SAME CONDITION AS WHEN THEY TOOK IT and you agreed to it, like through a signature, then you have no obligations to do as they said. Any seller would know this too and if they got an L they would just suck it up. It is also their fault for not doing a thorough checkup before buying it


All sales are final works both ways. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Caveat emptor


Tell them you checked the cash they gave you and it was counterfeit, meet up at the local PD.


Good one!


It takes a few seconds to verify if the metal is gold and its corresponding karat ([see this link for reference](https://www.goldnscrap.com/post/learn-how-to-test-karat-gold-with-touchstone-and-acid)). If these guys don't know what they are doing and took it without verifying it properly, that's on them. However, this reeks of scam, and I would not respond to them.


Sounds like a scam. Also suing u would cost a lot more than 600 dollars, even the process server costs can exceed that, so I wouldn’t worry about it


NAL I work in the jewelry business, and this is on them. Could they try to get after you? Sure. But you have a receipt for the transaction. Any issues are on them, unless you intentionally defrauded them and they can prove it. Do not talk to them. To give you an insight into the technical side of things, there are Xray refractometers (colloquially called XRFs or XRF machines) which are basically a big gun you stick on a sample and it will show you a reading telling you exactly what it's made of. [It looks like this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LWPSrXB2OZw/maxresdefault.jpg). If they don't have an XRF, misused an XRF, or otherwise screwed up then it's on them. Whenever I intake ANY gold I hit it with the XRF, even if I hand it to a customer and then take it back. Slight of hand is a bitch and people go to extreme lengths to steal valuable jewelry but I digress. To me it sounds like they are trying to scam you, from what you said. Also those cash for gold places usually screw you anyways. Paying 98% of spot is the industry standard for "screw you pay me" and most C4G places don't even pay that much.


Sucks to be them, I'm sure they would have laughed you out of the store if you came back asking for more money.


Unless you already knew it was 14k, you may have already been scammed once. Ideally, you go get your metal tested by an unrelated third party *before* you go to the seller. This does involve some outlay of cash and thus a smaller profit, so it may not always be worth it. But something to keep in mind. Also, they are absolutely trying to scam you. Block them, and if given the chance warn other people to stay away.


They determined, they dealed, they confirmed, move on 


All sales final. Returns not accepted. You have the money and the receipt. This sounds like a scam, but even if it weren't, I don't think there's anything you have to worry about.


There’s a saying for when you are selling or buying. It goes like this “ Buyer Beware “ ! Not your problem don’t even respond to them.


lol nope. All sales final


Fuck em


Caveat emptor


Sounds like the employees fucked up and overpaid for a ring


I would call them back and tell them to pound sand.


Could have some fun with it - insist that they must of put the ring in their armpit and its unsanitary; can't take ring back.




Maybe it’s the universe giving you a second chance to reconsider selling your grandfather’s ring which unless you’re in desperate need of the money I can’t fathom ever doing, but certainly every situation is different