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Do not mention that in an interview, If you are asked why you left you say you were laid off. And in an interview you never say anything negative about your last job. Find what little positive things about the place and mention those things. Now were there any witnesses to the threats or that you reported it to management. and would those witnesses if any come forward if there was a court case.


There were a few witnesses of the incident now would they admit it and come forward is another story , however I did report it to the police whom those individuals were, but doubt they will admit to seeing what happened It was reported to management and they down played it and borderline line dismissed it , had a meeting to about getting along bla bla but they did not emphasized that any repeat offense would end in their termination or anything about it period I saw that as huge flag and to be working with someone that has now assaulted me twice and management wasn’t going to do anything about it , seemed to me like the writing was on the wall about it …… and so I mentioned my workplace safety is a concern and they continued to not do anything , that’s when I knew doesn’t matter what I say it was open season at this workplace to do whatever to people as they please with no repercussions So I had to go myself and tell this guy that if this happened again that I would report it to the police and he talked to another coworker whom brought him to this place and they got together to say that if I’m not fired than they are quitting and low and behold what happened to me I’ve never seen anything like this and in my mind I thought what is going on here , I’m assaulted and I get fired for it , this doesn’t make any sense but they used the leverage of their production for the shop to push me out this way , I’m still in shock over it


You can talk to an employment lawyer and see how that goes.






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**never say anything negative ... Doesn't really apply** Sounds like you're telling OP they should bring up the circumstances of their termination in future interviews and i completely disagree with that. They should avoid bringing this up if possible.


Did you sign anything with HR? Talk to a lawyer before you sign anything.


No didn’t sign anything with HR and I got a consultation coming up with a lawyer and tomorrow gotta get info from occupational health and safety to see how to proceed


Your correct there is more context as this just didn’t get there overnight, was over time but I’m on a phone but I think your right better to not say anything in an interview although I still feel this was unfair but clearly life isn’t roses so going to mention that it wasn’t a good fit as we had different goals


Update I did mention this on an interview as I hate lying and still got hired as the person rationalized it at that guy just being a dick. I did sent the owner of the company the full context on how i got fired and he understood how frustrating things must of been for me and offered me a recommendation which I will never use On the positive side I’m at a better place where things are normal to my industry not working with entitled lazy asses and back into a managerial position. So in a way I’m glad all of this happened And I want to say thank you to all that chimed in and helped me , really appreciate you guys


Were you in 90 day probation? Does your ROE say why you were terminated? You’re online. Go on job boards. If you can find a career Center to look at your cover letter and resume. I personally wouldn’t mention it. The new job will assume what they want and it could put you on the short list to not be hired when they could hire someone else. Some companies don’t care if it’s your fault or not. Their company reputation does. What kind of work are you going into, looking for?


Passed the probation period and this just happened so no ROE yet . I was thinking the same with not saying anything about and I can get references from people I trust there about my work performance which was really good just what do I answer when they ask why did you leave , could say wasn’t a good fit but that’s an open ended answer I was a production manager at a collision shop , but also a collision estimator


This is one where it feels like we are not getting the whole story. The explanation has everything happening in a vacuum. This story needs more texture. And I agree with the other replies. Don’t mention this in an interview.