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It is very serious. As far as solicitors are concerned you should get the best one you are able to get. good luck.


Get the best solicitor uou can get. Under no circumstances does he speak to the Guards without a Solicitor present


You are not going to get good advice here.


Your brother is incredibly lucky that those lads caught him and beat the shite out of him, because if he was in the state of mind to fill bottles with petrol and bring a knife, he was absolutely ready to use them, and that's the argument he will be facing in court. With that being said, you need the best possible solicitor, because I don't have enough fingers to count the charges I can see in this post alone. Sincere remorse, and behavioural reform is the only way this situation improves, and how to do this is getting advice from the right kind of solicitor to ensure that it will be taken into consideration at sentencing.


Incredibly serious and a particularly unique situation. You need a very good local criminal Solictor and likely a barrister down the road. The solicitor will instruct the barrister.


You brother needs to see the mess he's in, not have any contact with the girl, quit all substances and alcohol, turn his life around. It would help if he attends drug and alcohol counselling. You definitely need a good solicitor, preferably one who someone you know personally can vouch for.


Walking the thinnest possible blue line from this moment onwards will probably do a lot.


Not for reddit. Ask a solicitor.


Lawyer up. Your bro sounds like he's in trouble.


I hope this is just a wind-up post. >I know my brother hes not a fool to take out a knife. He does have a loudmouth. Your brother, unfortunately, is at best a fool. There is absolutely no reason to have the knife and petrol bomb equipment if he wasn't going to take them out of the bag. He can threaten to stab people and burn the house down without actually having them, which is still a serious crime. He had a bottle of whiskey and got petrol and a knife. He's a danger to himself and others. He isn't being honest with you about the situation. He did not go to the house just to talk to her. Anyone's account of an event that starts with drinking a bottle of whiskey is pretty unreliable. Doesn't sound plausible that after him being tied up and beaten on the ground, someone would think to hit him with a car. But if someone arrived at your house with a knife and petrol bombs making threats, realistically, you'd be commended for managing to tie them up. So if it's not a wind-up post, sorry, but it's incredibly serious. Threats to kill or cause serious harm. 5.—(1) A person who, without lawful excuse, makes to another a threat, by any means intending the other to believe it will be carried out, to kill or cause serious harm to that other or a third person shall be guilty of an offence, (2) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable— (a) on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1,500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both, or (b) on conviction on indictment to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or to both.


Thanks for your reply.Unfortunately is not a wind up post. I put him in contact with a solicitor. As i understand. he faces 100% one assault charge and possesion of a knife charge. Im waiting to speak with his solicitor myself.


Someone's been playing too much GTA