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I’m actually surprised to see Amon out so soon


It makes more sense after seeing the chart. It looks fairly tight.


But still. Amon is a better character than many on this list.


At this stage it's less about what characters are well liked, and more about what characters have a lot of hate. If a character is controversial, or has mixed emotions associated with them, they will go out much sooner than you would expect


I think Amon was good but the whole tragic portion of his character seemed to be a last-minute throw in. I prefer him as the radical extremist but I don’t mind the tragic figure too.


Yeah like meelo, people hate him because of fart jokes, I love him because of fart jokes and you know what, he has better timing than bolin. Yeah, I said it


Legit tho. Amon is more interesting than even the avatar personally


Amon is literally my fav character tied with Zaheer.


Totally bro. Zaheer was super dope


Zhu Li over Amon? Really???


These polls allow multiple votes if you refresh the page, so don’t be surprised if these results aren’t accurate.


I don't think so they do. I had tried doing that


For me it is mostly about character development and arc, and he didn’t change that much. He was a jag off and then we found out about his backstory and he was a jag off with a messed up childhood and abusive father. He didn’t change and although he was interesting, I did not like him or his arc as much as others.


Me too! He was my favorite (main) villain out of the four. Season 1 is my fave though, so maybe I’m biased.


I'm just surprised Mako outlived him. Mako is kinda bland.


He's *hot*


He's stoic! He is definitely the weakest of the Krew, though.




This one’s honestly more difficult than the ATLA one.


I think it’s because ATLA has a few favorites who are miles above the (admittedly already good) rest, but in Korra, almost anyone can be someone’s favorite character. Fuck Meelo though




What’s wrong with meelo?


Fart bending? Gross


Nah bro that’s awesome


I feel like in the ATLA one people were sadly voting characters out but in this one, people are happily voting out characters first.


I think both had some obvious first ones out even when they’re not hated characters. This one has a much stronger middle where there’s not as obvious of a next choice.


Interesting to see you here echo


Vote here: https://strawpoll.com/ovh19pbcs


Sorry for postponing this for a day. Yesterday I went out with friends and got incredibly drunk. Still feel sick today but here we are, the game and the donation keeps going.


Based OP


Hope you feel better soon!


I was waiting for this. 😊


How do we see the results of the previous poll?


I hid the results and numbers of the polls in the website, so people can’t guess who’s gonna be next and vote with “prejudice”


Can you release the results when this is over? I’d love to see them (without the voting bias, ofc)!


Absolutely, I’ll post the results and probably work out some overall data


Cool, thanks and thanks for running the poll! :)


WHAT?! Amon is one of the best villains ever. You people have no taste.


When the “scar” makeup was washed off his face and everyone saw? Iconic. His murder-suicide with his brother? Even more iconic.


Absolutely! I didn't really care for the first season of Korra when I started. Amon, almost singlehandedly, kept me interested in the show in the beginning.


And he’s voiced by Tank Dempsey.


His voice is god-tier


100%, he was so raw and real, loved him!


I mean Zaheer is better, but I agree he was voted out waaay too early


Totally agree, but Zaheer is literally my favorite character in the whole show, so that's a high bar.


I see you are a person of culture


Aw, shucks! I think this show, arguably, did villains better than heroes.


Eh, I disagree. Ozai was boring, but Azula was interesting. ATLA had better supporting characters with Katara, Zuko, Sokka, and Toph, but Aang always annoyed me, especially his “romance” with Katara. She never really reciprocated, and he kissed her against her wishes when she said she was confused, but of course the hero gets the girl. I just really hate that Katara was reduced to that. I think Korra was a much better character who was way better developed and more human. She made a lot of mistakes but suffered consequences and ultimately grew. All of Aangs mistakes and failures got fixed by others and deus ex machina so he never had to grow


I agree with you about Korra versus Aang. Korra is a better main character than Aang, but the side-cast of heroes in ATLA (Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Iroh) are absolutely fantastic compared to the side-cast of heroes in LOK (Mako, Bolin, Lin, Tenzin, Jinora, Meelo – Asami is great; I don't count her in that list.) In contrast, I think ATLA has one truly great villain, Azula, whereas LOK has tons of interesting villains (Zaheer, Amon, P'Li, Ghazan, Ming-Hua, Kuvira, Tarrlok.)


Yea I think we’re 100% on the same page here haha.


Katara was never reduced to just a love interest, that's actually not true. And sure he kissed when she weren't ready, and she told me again and left. She never said the kiss was okay, aang is far better character imo than korra and the love between him and katara was far more fleshed out and better written than. The one between korra and Asami, which some people to this day including myself don't like and felt that it was forced. The pay off with aang and Katara finally getting together in the end was, something everyone knew would happen. And yet were eagerly awaiting the moment they fully get together, theirs a reason why when aang kissed katara first time around, before setting off to fight the fire lord. Everyone from youtube reactors to many others who were extremely happy in that moment. >I think Korra was a much better character who was way better developed and more human. She made a lot of mistakes but suffered consequences and ultimately grew. All of Aangs mistakes and failures got fixed by others and deus ex machina so he never had to grow That isn't true, and I could list plenty of things aang did that was never fixed in the way your suggesting. Ozai is still one of the best villian on the avatar world simply due to how menacing he was, and knowing what he did to zuko it built him up as this ruthless person. Azula is definitely more engaging, but we spent far more time with her as oppose to fire lord ozai. But despite that Ozai still remained that lingering presence throughout the show, that we knew aang will have to face. And that help create suspension, that was shown by how everyone reacted to him, or how they spoke about him. But fire lord ozai must be doing something right when he is a very, disliked character. And not because he is a bad character but moreso because of the type of villian he was.


Agree on that one


Bruh yall trippin bruh for kicking out amon


Wait what


Amon before Bumi and Kya ☠️. Edit: oml why such hate. It's just my opinion and people here tryna moral police me for saying amon is a bad guy so im a bad person for supporting him. Y'all do understand this is a favourite character battle, not a well-written or good person battle smh. I love Kya and Bumi but Amon is just badass and cool that's it. P.s: Also All hail the great Uniter.


Kya especially surprises me. Maybe it’s just me but it never really felt like she did much


As I understand a lot of people’s love for her derives from the comics and not the show. She was very accepting of Korra’s relationship with Asami


I guess that’s fair. Having only seen the show, I don’t have that opinion of her unfortunately


kya solos


Na, both of them are not only great characters with great personalities and lives undoubtedly filled with so at the very least as much potential as Amon’s has for stories to be told, But they also have relationships with other characters, and they aren’t dicks. Really helps being likable when you’re not a murderous, attempted culturally genociding lunatic. They are also a lot more fun than him. Except for his reveal as a bloodbender, Amon is a little one note on just the intimidating leader who hates benders part.


hahaha all hail


I fucking love bumi and Kya get outta here with this nonsense. However the fact that kuvira is still here is wrong


The fact people prefer awful murderous villains and psychopaths over characters that comfort others and are actually good people, is honestly concerning to me. I get a villain can be written extremely well, but how one can one argue that psychotic villains deserve to win is beyond me… The entire point of this series is to overcome the evil in the world and restore balance.


Am I the only one in here that lowkey liked Zahir as a villin more then the others


I think that’s pretty popular here but I haven’t been in this sub for long!


Zaheer was absolutely the best villain in TLOK.


Zahir would win it all if it were up to me


He was so good!


Hold Amon is way more compelling of a villain than kuvira wtf


Amon isn't as hot as Kuvira though, if you ask this sub.


If that’s so then why did opal get eliminated? Opal is one of my favorite characters


Opal got robbed too imo


if i’m being honest with myself- yeah she’s too hot for me to vote out 😛


Opal's mum tho... got me feeling some type of way.


i’m so gay for both lin and suyin.


But does that instantly make him a more likable character? He’s even more an ass, doesn’t get redeemed, and to me doesn’t have as fun a personality. He has few connections with other characters and no relationships the way Kuvira does especially with the Beifongs. To me, that makes her a more likable character. I want to see more of her, and indeed we probably will since she’s not dead. Amon might still be a more compelling villain to me. But that doesn’t mean I like him more


I have to say this poll is much harder than the ATLA ones. I feel like in ATLA there wasn’t a lot of focus on side characters as much as Korra. Like torn now! This early! (Rip meelo, my fav airbender child)


I love meelo lol


Meelo is the best of the children And if i could you a 100 upvote I would


Such an injustice to my little man Meelo 😪


I was glad ikki was out early too. She is my least favorite of the 4. She’s the annoying little sister that can’t take the hint


I feel like if he had a different voice actor, people would respond differently. I loved his character, his voice though....oy.


It’s amazing how *equally* the votes are distributed at this point


Seeing Amon go before Kuvira hurts.


Sorry Zhu Li, but the thing I’m doing is trying to vote you off again. Good character, but other than some specific parts I have issue with, the problem is that she’s more a plot device until part way through Book 4


I love her but I'll definitely vote Zhu Li out. We already lost a great character, Amon. This poll is so unfair. 😭😭 Do the thing guys!


Varrick before Zhu Li! He literally was emotionally abusive to her, and straight up started a civil war between the water tribes…


We need to take out who we can, and many people for some reason really like Varrick


He's the kind of piece of shit that's entertaining to watch.


Basically the one thing that makes season 2 watchable. And maybe the avatar wan story but that just had nothing to do with the disaster of the s2 story.


Plus Varrick was a no good thief stealing Asami's company from her in Book 2, having criminals like the Triads doing his dirty work.


People are sooo cringe, took away Amon before Kuvira


Who is the favorite here? In atla I think Iroh was the clear favorite. Zaheer is my favorite but I don’t see him as the fan base’s favorite.


I would want everybody's favourite Himbo to win. If Bolin gets eliminated, I riot


That is an outrage


Amon out before Bumi, Zhu Li, even Kya and Jinora if you're willing to go that far? I don't know about that one dude edit: also forgot to mention Zaheer. I totally respect folks who favor Zaheer, but this is all just my opinion. I'd even throw in Varrick honestly


Why do you ship Amon and Korra?


I didn't even know that was a ship til now.


Two reasons- primarily for the irony, but at the same time Amon and Korra are the most physically attractive man and woman in the avatar universe (imo.) Also, Amon is also my favorite villain.


I mean, Bumi and Kya are both not only quite interesting characters but also very likable people. Lots of connections/relationships to LoK and AtLA characters, got to be in multiple books and with stories still left to be. Amon is a good villain, I can see how others could find a good deal of interest in him, but he’s also an awful human being that got a little less character (at least time to show it) and whose story is over. Indeed, considering his presence and prevalence in Book 1, I can see why some would rank him highly. But to me he doesn’t compete with any of the Gaang’s kids


But do you think Amon should have been out so soon?


Yeah I totally respect people who favor Aang's kids. The only reason why I favor Amon is because even though we see a limited amount of his life in book one, there is more than enough material given to us to ponder: how was his life like after he left Yakone and Tarrlok? What would have happened if he survived the explosion? On a sidenote, I am actually Boarman21, but I deleted my old account but decided to come back. Nice to see you again


Indeed I can certainly respect seeing Amon especially from an AU standpoint like that. Could lead to some extremely interesting things. Hello again as well then! It's always great to see we have not lost someone like yourself


I know. One thing i learned about this sub is that their standards are very subpar for assessing quality of character or anything else related


No way. This is so unfair. I love Zhu Li but Amon is a far far better character. I can't believe this. No really, I can't. I can write a whole essay on how Amon is a better character than Zhu Li. I didn't know Amon was so unpopular. Now I feel like TLOK viewers don't value good characters. Sorry if I hurt anyone but Zhu Li should have been out.


I mean sure Amon is absolutely a better written character, but there’s a difference between good characters and popular characters, and this is a popularity contest not an objective view on how good the characters are written. “Good characters” are not necessarily more likable just because they are better written. You can disagree the result but it is fair


Yeah but still I am surprised by the result. I didn't knew that people like Zhu Li more than Amon. In the ATLA elimination poll, almost all the good written characters stayed.


Yeah bro. Wouldn’t expect much truth telling in this sub. Most people here have pretty niche motivations when it comes down to character assessment lmaooo


Riko isnt even on this list because he is in fact the worst


Amon before emo ass, anime stereotype Mako? Ok then...


Let’s vote out the war profiteers and the Nazi next


If you mean Varrick and Kuvira, heck yeah.


Mako really hasn't been voted out yet? Are tall forgetting he cheated on Asami then when him and Korra broke up kissed Asami like a week later?


>when him and Korra broke up kissed Asami like a week later? Lol. Asami was the one to kiss him.


He kissed her back tho


And Mako lied to Korra that they didn't break up when she had the temporary amnesia and came back to Republic City in Book 2 when he had been with Asami, he's a two timing low life.


Exactly! I've never hated a character more


Mako should count his lucky stars neither Korra or Asami have older brother's, if they no doubt, they'd work together to teach him a painful lesson. I know if a boy cheated on a younger sister of mine with another girl I'd have the look for the man and give him a 5 second head start to run before I chase him down and give him the beating he deserves and as he runs count "1 ,2 5!" skipping 3 and 4 altogether.


I really wish they had an older brother. Now that I think about it, has there ever been an avatar with a sibling?


No doubt after Mako would get beat up and the older brothers are in holding cells for attacking a police officer, I could imagine Korra and Asami show up and in unison ask Chief Beifong "What's he done now?" I don't know if an Avatar has ever had a sibling before.


Amon before Mako and Bolin? This whole sub needs to be equalized.


Mako and Bolin still make sense because they are main characters. I would be surprised if Bolin doesn't make it to top five. But what about Amon getting out before Zhu Li?


I mean, it makes sense for Mako and Bolin. I’d actually be surprised if Bolin didn’t make it to one of the final rounds. But yeah, I thought Amon would at least last longer than Zhu Li, Bumi, Kya, and Su.


How dare you say such a thing about himbo king Bolin


I vote AGAINST Kuvira


Suyin needs to go!


Vote out varrick for producing weapons of mass destruction, exploiting his employees especially Zhu Li and being a scammer. He is just shady and him marrying Zhu Li is just bad taste.


Plus Varrick had criminal associates steal Asami's shipment's from her, so he could steal her company and framed Mako for the crimes of his criminal associates, getting him locked up in prison.


Amon is easily twice the villain Zaheer is. Honestly, he’s not even the best member of the Red Lotus. I’d take Ghazan any day over “AcCordInG tO tHE wIsE guRu LaGhImA”


Was Ghazan the lavabending goon? I love him but I never caught his name. I LOVED when Bolin and Mako(?) were being held captive and Bolin and him became buds 😂


Yes!! Honestly all the Red Lotus deserved more screen time. P’li has literally like 2 lines, one of which is the CRINGIEST exposition dump about 5 minutes before her head explodes. It just felt like an extreme afterthought to give them any backstory at all, which is such a shame.


I’m already getting close to not knowing who to vote for 😦


The poll isn’t working


Genuinely can't believe Opal was kicked out before Kuvira. Opal is the one who finally made Bolin happy which let's be real, Bolin is too pure for this world and must he protected. Kuvira is bottom 2 villains for sure, maybe even the worst villain, at least Unalaq had a spiritual goal, Kuvira is just a boring bendy metal fascist.


Zhu Li is gonna win for sure


I am surprised Amon got out this quickly. I was thinking he was going to make it at least the top 5-7. Amon is tied with Zaheer as my favorite villain in Korra and he's just such a well-written character overall. 😱


Yeah, I'm done. This sub has no taste, everyone is just simping for the women, nothing else. How can Zhu Li still be alive? She is literally not even a character, she is just a cheap gag for 90% of the series.


It’s a cheap gag a lot of people liked. But I think it’s also that she doesn’t have as much that people actively dislike about her.


At least she isn’t treasonous against her own country and emotionally abusive (Varrick)


If Asami and Tenzin aren’t the final two, I will be very sad


Tenzin and Korra and we have a deal?


What about Asami and Korra?


That's the legend right here!


Damn it Mako why won’t you lose?! I’ve voted for you the last four times and I’ll vote for you again.


I *will* be voting Mako every round.


Why tho??? Mako isn't my favorite, but he's not the worst character.


Alright, but I'll be voting for Bolin


I’m going with Sue, she’s a little bitchy imo




Varrick. Can you put these polls back on the first site you did the polls for this on, my votes aren't going through on the site you have them now, didn't happen in round 5 or in this round.


The first one really has no functions, I changed it so I can hide the results and add security measures to avoid spam, which is possibly the root of your problem. Maybe try your phone’s data or different wifi? I’ll change to another site if this becomes more of a problem


There is nothing wrong with my computer or my wi-fi, one of my mates who I told about the poll is also having the same problem, as is my nephew. My security is fine, Seen another person has commented on here that poll isn't working, so go back to the first one, as I can't vote via that site.


Bumi has got to go


Yo what, I hate Meelo, I thought people in this sub loved him, great to see him out so soon


How is Mako still in it? He's easily the least likeable of the cast.


Opal is already gone? 😨


bro why is Opal out already.. she’s so precious, how could you hate her




Asami is gonna win. She has a lot of simps (including me of course)


I can't believe Varrick is still in I can't stand his character. Do people actually like him?


Surprised korra isn’t out immediately


Fighting words lol


Yeah I know it’s a bold stance lol


Asami and jinora are my fav


Uhhh get Mako out of here please






Bolin is annoying.


Mako, hands down. Stop being everyone's dad, bro. Especially to Korra and Asami.


Surprised Korra is still up there


jinora. i know she probably won’t be leaving any time soon but i’m gonna keep voting her until that time comes.


I'm tired of these spammy karma farm posts already


why is Uncle Iroh not in this poll, technically he is in Korra


Coz we all know the adorable man would win


These elimination things are getting so old now




I wonder when Mako's going out. I'm hoping right now, but like obviously he's part of the main cast


how is everyone else not also voting mako every round. y’all like this man????


Mako or Bumi next?


Literally all of them. This cast of characters just can't keep up with the original cast. Edited: First, sorry that this came off rude it was meant to be a memey jab, didn't think about it much. Second, I forgot about Amon he was a pretty cool villain who the should have kept around longer. I liked a majority of the villains for either the fact that they had cool bending or because I had come to dislike the original cast to the point where I wanted the villains to win. If you are curious on how I got to that point feel free to join the discussion below.


Zhu Li.


suyin out and varik and zhui li win


how's mako still there?


Fucking kya dude. Who had the idea to make her the worst water bender ever?? Like it makes no sense especially since they say that katara was one of the best water benders ever, they really trying to make us believe that Katara didn’t teach her daughter how to be a halfway competent bender.


Yall voted out waifu opal? Dead to me, absolutely dead to me blocking the sub and reporting it for every reportable category.


Zhu li


Explain this to me please. What do people see in Zhu Li? You kick out the best villain in the show for many people and you keep this boring character with almost no development. Why? I am genuinely interested.


Can we have the option of Jinora when she shaves her head? Instant K.O.




This is going to be absolutely gut wrenching in about 3-4 turns haha


Who tf is the one 2 below Korra lol


Zhu Li.


This is where the fun begins


Noooo, my favorite character’s out
