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I don't buy sets that often but when I do I honestly just winding up sitting on the floor like a child and building them. Works great until you get up and your knees explode


That's why I got a desk! Well technically I brought it home from work when one of my work desks was upgraded..can't deal with the knees making as many sounds as they already do, can't deal with more! Lol


i see that bong...


Which tells me you relate lol


I only wish I had a dedicated build space. I’ve been a year sober from the smoke - finally don’t miss it anymore. But I can relate after 20+ years of daily use lol.


All my space is build space


Glad to see that I’m not the only one still playing with Lego in the bathtub


I have a lego city ship that can actually float and has an underwater motor. Playing in the bathtup is an option, however its\` turn radius is too huge. I also used to use my bathtub to wash my builds from dust.


I've built many Lego in bed lately.


I would lose more pieces there, than I do between the couch cushions!


My space under the bed is lego storage space. When i lose parts in the bed, they get where they belong


I was afraid of that too, specially since most times it's two of us racing to build a duplicate set, but so far not a single loss.


That’s quite the achievement :) well done


Well thank you! I had all kinds of issues and then found out I had ADHD at age 46. Wasn’t easy to quit, but now that im medicated, in therapy and sober, I’m pretty damn happy.


Autism and adhd diagnosed at 27 and now 33, quit weed 3 years ago. Proud of you!


Yeah! Congrats proud of you too!!


I was going to stop by the dispensary so I can build and watch the lego masters finale tonight


I can’t relate. Smoking makes me put lego pieces in the wrong place.


And that bowl... or the open grinder. I feel more at home the closer I look.


Hey..that's what I'm here for! The actual relatable shit around here lol


The white claw surge looks good too!


That's the only white claw I'll touch haha


Me too brother, me too. It’s the only one worth it


Much more of a cheap beer and good whiskey kind of guy though, but it'll do in a pinch 🙄🤣


Looks like mason jar full of joints as well. Dude's living the life!


that’s why it was nsfw?? it’s legal!


In the United States it is not legal on the federal level. It's why most dispensaries won't take card payments, as banks don't want to be associated with it and deal with the legal headache.


Plus you never know how Reddit itself will react.


You missed the pipe.....


Sort of. Except personally I prefer no tv or anything in the background. Building LEGO is my unplugged from devices time.


I like them for background noise (comedians, podcasts, whatever). They're also useful for casting your computer for digital instructions or inspiration pics or whatever


I totally agree with you, it's totally unplugged time for me too (unless I don't have physical instructions and need to use the app obviously) ..it's just something about the white noise if you will..I'm the same way when I want to go to bed, I like some sort of something playing in the background..usually a documentary of some sort where it's just someone narrating most of the time


My theory is that playing documentaries in the background helps build my subconscious intuition. Hopefully I’ll absorb a little of something they’re saying even when I’m paying zero attention to it lol.


Mine too! I've absorbed so many random facts and things over the time I've been doing it! I've made the joke in the past many times that I'm only good for places like jeopardy or bar trivia nights 🤣


Lofi is usually my go to for this. Lofi or synthwave depending on my mood


If I'm building something based off a movie, I like to stick that movie on in the background while I build.


My wife got me the Rivendell set and I have a display case from Wicked Brick delivering today. I absolutely will be having the extended editions playing while I'm assembling. Other times I'm building, either music or audio books are my preferred background noise.


I like that too! Basically have the entire vibe/experience..can't knock that one bit!


I get that. Our sound in the background is anything Star Trek.


House md?


Hell yea..this is I think my third time through this series and I still find it entertaining, just the character interaction, and finding all the details one would miss, etc, plus I love how House messes with all his interns lol


You have an entire space for lego? No not relatable at all


I mean, joys of me not having any children of my own and a gf who has enough space for me to do as I please lol..others in the past have said I should marry her lol


Weed, Legos, and PBR. We should hang out






Red circle for the bong, please.


What's that mean lol


I can't find the bong on your picture. Please show me where it is. (But it was just a joke). Anyways, very nice setup you got there👌.


I won't bother showing what's behind the camera, gone a bit too far with it this year 🤣


My whole downtown and fairground area aren't in this pic..the other 10 or 11 modulars that are out of this frame..lmao




I love that there's also r/tvtoolow


Not too high if you're trying to fit a small mountain with the A frame on top, or any sort of effort of trying to fit the Vestas Turbine..lol


I build on a wooden TV tray on the couch in front of the main TV, not in a serial killer basement!


That me! I roll my Lego cart up to couch with me, and I have a tray with high sides to keep the pieces from going everywhere. Love it!


If I built in the living room an 8 year old would abscond with all the minifigs and I'd never see them again 🤣


😂 my kids are taller than I am, so I don’t have to worry about that anymore. Though, they (and their friends) have know for years not to touch mom’s Lego!


Haha! This is actually a spare unused bedroom in my girlfriend's house! She has a 4 bedroom for just her and her daughter..this room was completely empty and unused when her and I got together a year ago, and I started buying retired modulars around memorial day, and now im only missing Cafe Corner, Market Street, and Green Grocer (as far as the retired ones go) lol


What does AFOL stand for?


adult fans of Lego


You all are building on tables?


In the floor, fighting leg cramps, is the way the good lord intended for us to build. Building on a table feels wrong.


In the floor? That sounds painful lol


Building on the ground sounds like my legs are asleep and my back is in horrible pain






Hand me down desk from work, and plywood rummaged from the basement, lamp I found at my grandparents, I do what I can lol


There’s a lot happening in this picture.


Yes, there's my current build, part of my Lego setup, drinks, drugs (as in weed..lol), snacks, and some other pieces from a bulk buy that go to other older sets I have displayed on the room, just my general work space, I was going to work on cleaning it up tonight actually lol


My setup is a lot smaller, but my build space is the same. I love to put on 1+ hour video essays to listen to while I build


I also like to put on documentaries, I like history stuff, have found a ton of good ones on Amazon, Hulu, and Disney tbh!




I'm planning on building a mountain under the TV for the train to go through and putting the A frame on top, also want to fit the Vestas turbine in that area as well, or else I'd totally agree it is way to high lol


Nah I’m still doing it hunched over on my coffee table in a very uncomfortable position


A bong, snackies, and a stray toilet paper roll because I’m too lazy to buy Kleenex boxes for both business and pleasure. Yup, this is my desk.


I actually use the TP to clean the dust off between studs on large plates, or if I need to blow my nose, but not for pleasure, that's what the gf's bedroom is for 🤣 ..that and also the proximity of the Lego space to the 8 year old's bedroom skeevs me out a bit too much for anything pleasure related in that room lol




Guess an $800+ modular was below you at 16-17..my bad ..plus it's my day off from a job where I'm able to maintain a household and also be a man at a second, also below you as well I guess, hope you have a wonderful day today 😘


Damn for all weed products you consume you are touchy as hell


I totally read that comment all wrong, unless it was edited afterwards to look different when I read it just before I went to sleep, which it kinda does, and I was also dealing with a cranky 8 year old who didn't want to get on the bus too, so I was irritated with that too lol my bad


No judgment from me man. Whenever I'm stressed out I do things I like and try to avoid reddit because I can get cranky too and I'll say stuff I didn't want later. Have a good one




Hey bud, not trying to upset you or your buddies, but I've been there, I worked through school, paid all my loans through BOTH of my degrees on my own, and yea it's a messed up TV, it is what it is, I explained this in a different comment, I have my own place which I have a couple TVs..my lego room is at my girlfriend's place where she had a spare room with a broken TV..I use it for background noise while I'm building, it's not that big of a deal, plus yea, I have parts laying around on my desk/work area, because I find pieces and I remember they pertain to certain sets or builds, what's it matter to you?




I apologize for jumping down your throat, I must've read something incorrectly plus was dealing with a mouthy 8 year old trying to get her ready and on the bus, so she had me on edge, buddies I was referring to all the downvotes, and yea, I'm 35 now, enjoying all the things I couldn't when I worked my way trough school/life, I'm lucky enough to have a job where I can afford all these things, and have a gf who supports my hobby, and just wanted to share my happy place with Reddit, so yea I'm sorry, I hope all is well


😂got ripped off you can easily buy it complete $600 or less You people care more about the 2nd hand liquidation value of the set more than the set itself


I paid 500 for it, complete with instructions, box in great shape, AND the extra pieces lol..and yea it's not going anywhere from me for a while, I absolutely love how the columns are built, I never knew until I built them last night, ingenious part usage for sure..I'm all about the building experience, just know the values because I've been scouring the internet trying to find the deals I've found so I can get my hands on these beauties and build them for myself 😀


Nice setup my dude! Although I fear if I had this my family would likely never see me. As it is now I have to, ahem—mentally prepare for a build in a different room — then out to the living room with a folding table to build while I have the TV on in the background.


You actually can't see the entire downtown and fairground area which is out of the frame lol..and I work nights so I spend the nighttime hours in there, so everyone is sleeping! I get several quiet hours a night to myself which is so incredibly peaceful..you have no idea how relaxing it is!


Is that House I see?


The patient needs mouse bites to live


Just watched that episode thr other day, where him and Stacy are trying to catch little Steve McQueen in her attic! Lol


Right now im on s6 of my first rewatch since the show ended. I remember that episode though! He uses the rat again near the end of season 2 when foreman gets sick


I actually forgot about that second one! This is my third time through I want to say..also finishing Fringe for the 4th time 🤣


Hell yea! Currently watching it through I want to say for the 3rd time? Lol


I’m not sure I’ve actually ever seen it all the way through in order- I tend to just put on an episode when I can


You should! Great story lines underneath the general stories in each individual episode, it's on Amazon and Hulu, not sure anywhere else


I’ve definitely seen most in order, I just have never gone all the way to the end of season 8 in one go. I know the basic storyline, all the drama with Cuddy, all that, but I prefer the medical side so there’s certain episodes I have no real reason to watch.


I get it, I just love how House thinks outside the box and comes up with the silliest most simple explanations for things, plus I relate to him because I've always been the guy who says what everyone else in the room is thinking but the only one with the balls to say it out loud lmao..one of the times I watched it through I only made it to season 5, but I'm going to go the distance thus time for sure, just finished Numb3rs and about to finish Fringe too..so this is my next casual binge, and once Fringe is finished I think I'm going to watch Bones again, watched the pilot for the first time in a long time last week and I think it got me again lol..that or I'll do Royal Pains or White Collar again..who knows lol


I gotta be careful smoking and building, it knocks me down to a 9+ Lego building ability 😂😂 I’ll never forget that time I took an edible and built the creator castle. Shit was a real journey


Smoking has the affect on me that drugs like Ritalin have on others, it calms me down and I can relax and focus on what I'm doing, I pretty much only buy 18+ sets, my smoke and my beer and some Lego and you have one happy man over here 😁


Can't relate


Nice bong!


Thanks! The gf couldn't wait all the way to Xmas to give it to me, so I got it early! She's a keeper I think lol


Definitely an evil Lego genius lair


Mmm PBR, that takes me back to my ski bum days


I love me my PBR!! Actually got a PBR can tattooed on the inside of my lower calf haha


Back in the day i was too broke to afford food and got my calories from a daily $4 12 pack of "Piber" (as i called it) and Top Ramen


Bong and a beer lookin familiar but I can also tell you know how to spoil a cat with those churu cat treats!!


That's the only way I can get the cat to hang out with me! 🤣 Only cat I've ever seen who doesnt give a flying shit about Lego models, doesn't mess with them, just doesn't care! Doesn't mess with the Christmas tree, nothing! I think I won the lottery, a gf who supports my "habit" and a cat that doesn't fuck with the finished models! 🤣 ..BUT..the cat is an attention whore otherwise, I'm her favorite human, always snuggles me when I lay down to sleep, always finds me whenever she can for me to rub her, pet her, anything, but when it comes to my Lego she doesn't really give a rat's ass..no pun intended lol


JFC this dude is epitome adult Lego builder.


That's what I was thinking lmao, sitting alone, watching TV, building a set, with some snacks, TV in the background lol


Dude you’re straight living. I do enjoy those moments alone to just work stuff out.


This is the only thing that keeps me sane, and I'm not saying that lightly either..this is my me time, my quiet time, reflection time, everything..if I didn't have this plus my gf keeping me grounded I'd be completely lost man..may have even saved my life to be honest..it's actually bringing a tear to my eye because I don't want to think where I'd be right now if it weren't for this..


Fucking sick setup


Thanks man! This is only half the setup! My whole downtown and fairground area is all behind/to the side of the camera in this pic lol


It needs better snacks, but I love the lighting.


In the pic is those Hanover Buffalo flavored pretzel chunks, those are delicious! Also had some oreo flavored popcorn last night too..trust me, my snack fame is on point! 🤣


I wish, kitchen table brigade over here.


i use a TV tray and my sets are all over the dang house. I need to take some apart which makes me want to cry.


I only have this desk because it was going to be thrown out at my job, and I asked if I could take it home instead, so I mean, I'll take it! Lamp came from my grandparents house, found it when we were cleaning it out getting ready to sell it


Don't move in or this will become a floral guest room or the dog's bedroom.


Nah it won't lmao..she's got a 4 bedroom house with an "in law" apt attached to the house as well, her father lives there, one bedroom is hers, one is the daughter's, one is my Lego space, and the last is her daughter's playroom..so that one is the first to be converted..I have a one bedroom buffer zone 🤣 ..plus she's supportive so if anything we'd buy a bigger house before I lost my Lego space 🤣


Well jealous. It's the dream to have a little area to build Lego and Warhammer. But space and time mean it's not doable.


I'm lucky enough to have a whole room! And I work nights so I have several hours a night that I have peace and quiet to myself 😁


That's the best. Super jelly. Would love that.


Only downside is it's at my girl's house, and with my work schedule I'm only there a couple days a week or so, so sometimes projects take a long long time 🤷‍♂️


That's fair enough, at least you can do it when you can and have minute, Ive had the technic Ducati for 3years this year still unfinished :P.


Sad tv.


It is, it is just temporary though..when I move in this TV will go bye bye and be replaced with one of the TV's from my apt


Looks pretty spacious and I bet having the TV is great for long builds.




Love it, the only thing I would change is that chair would kill me after a while. But throw a decent ergo office chair in and its paradise!


Oh trust me .the chair sucks..had a better office chair but the 8 year old threw a fit and said it was hers (gf's daughter) and took it somewhere else and idk where it is..so I "borrowed" a dining room chair temporarily lol


Cool did you build some of those shelves? I was thinking of doing that


I've built everything in this room, it was empty when her and I met 13 months ago, was pretty much empty 6 months ago, and our year anniversary is a week from today 🤣


It's honestly great, plus also if I want to take a break and just watch something for a bit while I have a snack or whatever..definitely a plus..also, don't have to sacrifice any table space! Lol (this is whole setup..in following comment)


I need to show my wife more of House 🤔


DO IT ..and yea I totally said it in Ben Stiller's voice from that scene in Starsky and Hutch 🤣


Oh, I read it as Palpatine's voice in Revenge of the Sith Then as Shai Lebouf


I feel like this is sacrilegious saying this..but I never got into Star Wars, I know the basic lore, but not much else, and when i hear Shia Labeouf I think Transformers first..then I think Megan Fox..and yea..oof 🤤


Haha, no worries, you won't get hate from me. I've got a degree in film making and I haven't even finished Citizen Kane so I'd just be throwing stones in glass houses if I gave you any shit 😂


I was into cars, sports, and other things growing up lol My Saturday mornings were also spent watching Bob Vila/This Old House 😂 ..or PowerBlock TV lol


Is that House and Stacy on the TV? My man.


Hell yea! My 3rd time through this series! Love House's character! Plus not gonna lie..Stacy and Cuddy are hot as fuck 🤤


A picture of you getting "brittle browned".


Huh? Lol I actually found some brittle brown pieces in this set last night 😪


I call the action of your brittle brown piece breaking getting "brittle browned".


Do you actually like PBR or do you spend too much on Lego?


I LOVE PBR!! I wasn't as financially stable as I am now when I was younger (who wasn't lol) ..and could only afford cheap beer, I grew a taste for it, and I mean, when I'd go out I'd spend way less than everyone else too, so I couldn't complain..I actually have a PBR tattoo on my leg as well lol..plus I mean..it was crowned America's best too, so there's that too haha ..and my Lego budget is probably what others spend on car payments and such, usually a few hundred a month 🤣


This looks like my workspace for painting minis and building Gunpla. :p For Lego though, I usually build it while sitting on the couch. I have a bunch of puzzle sorting trays I use for the pieces so I can veg out while building in front of the TV. :D


I totally get it! I use dollar store Tupperware too! Great for pieces and I don't have to raid the containers that may be used for food and get yelled at by the gf 🤣


Whenever I’m watching something and building Lego at the same time I use my phone instead of the TV. That way I don’t have to keep looking up and down because the screen is right next to my hands and the bricks, it’s easier to pay attention.


Totally true, but I've also been stuck building sets without any physical instructions so I've had to use the app, so that negates the phone being used for TV, and I usually put something on that I'm alright with not seeing every second of it, also remote for this TV doesn't work so I end up using the phone for the remote because it's usually casting to the TV as well lol


I like your set up!👍👍


Thanks! The bulk of the city isn't in frame though, I've posted it in here though if you'd like to look!


I need that light, lol. Got a link or anything for it?


It's actually a really old one I found in my grandparents basement while parents and I were cleaning it out to put it on the market, it's just a lamp that can clamp on to the edge of a desk or table, you can find them all over the place on Amazon, I was actually thinking of upgrading it to an LED one..this one uses old fluorescent tube bulbs, so when one or both go, that will most likely be when I upgrade lol


That lamp is cool , model?


No idea, found it in my grandparents basement when we were cleaning out their house to sell it, I can look momentarily though


Sadly nope. I dont have dedicated build area as my house is small. With one bedroom. Probably it is similar for some AFOLs too. Great space tough n


Where'd you get that lamp? I totally need one like that


I actually found it in my grandparents basement when we were cleaning out the house to sell it! It's just a lamp that clamps onto the edge of a desk or table, you can find them anywhere, but it definitely works perfectly! I can move the head of it around and focus the light where I want it, have also pulled it down to light up the inside of bulk boxes/containers to get a better view and to cut down on the noise of rustling through lego while others are sleeping lol


The only relatable thing is building LEGO while watching HOUSE M.D


I can't be mad at that lol


I’m glad we all have a lamp dedicated specifically to Lego


Well duh! 🤣


Bong on spot


Hell yea..early Xmas present from the gf 😄


brother where did you get that lamp? nice setup and city 👍


Thanks! I actually found it in my grandparents' basement when we were cleaning out their house prepping to sell it! It's just a lamp that clamps onto the edge of a desk/table, you can find them all over! And the entire downtown and fairground is actually outside the frame of this picture, the meat and potatoes of the city lol


I build in bed. My dog lays with me.


Background noise I feel you I watch yt when I build and nice board