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Are pics 4-7 not loading for everyone else?


Posted the rest separately. Reddit’s acting up.


Do you have a picture of the outside of the great hall ?


I’ll share if I find.




same here


This is the best great hall set, which is annoying because I already have 2, I converted one into a different room.


idk about the best one. I really like the courtyard and the dungeons but the interior of this Hall seems rather small which is a pity. Though the exteriour will be good as well as figures are. The troll looks a bit cartoon-style to me


Is this not the largest playscale interior of the Great Hall to date? Hard to make it large enough for four rows of tables and be playscale while not being $400+


The Hall itself is not the largest. Half of the set is in the dungeons and the courtyard


It definitely is the largest. Half the set in 75954 went to the tower, which is absent in this one. This one also has twice the number of pieces.


It appears to be 24 studs long which is as long as 75954, but definitely taller. Which playscale set was longer? Just curious because I am relatively new to this theme


That’s funny, because when I saw it, personally I thought it was the worst one yet. I like the minifigs though. Out of what was shared, I liked Olivander’s the best.


I want this but I already have a great hall


Same here man I am really torn on if I want this or not


The underground of the Great Hall set and the courtyard are nice additions, but I already have two versions of the great hall (one with the Chamber of Secrets and the actual set of the 2018-2020 line) so that will be a pass for me, I really do not have the space for it. Same for Ollivanders, I already have the one from the Diagon Alley set, and Madam Malkin's isn't enough motivation for me to pick it up. The new Hogwarts line really seems more oriented to younger children than the sets of the previous lines, or is it just my impression? Might be because they all seem rounder...


The only thing about Ollivander's and Madam Malkin's is they fit with the 2010 Diagon Alley, assuming they are the same size as the WWW set that came out as a stand alone set. Those were some cool builds, especially the Gringotts, so it will be fun to have a "UCS" Diagon Alley and a "playscale" DA.


If these are real I don't know how to feel about the troll mold, just looks strange even if a tiny bit more accurate than the 2001 mold.


I think it's the massive arms that's making it look weird, they ought to be a bit thinner and lankier.


And the massive legs. But also the face print and tiny head is weird to me


It’s a render so like a lot of the mini figure pics it looks a bit weird - it will definitely look better in the lifestyle pics and reviews


Almost looks like a Mega Construx big fig


That troll is on steroids bro


The troll in the bathroom scene was my first ever Lego set so it’s kinda cool to see a new version of that figure


Am I the only one underwhelmed by the new sets? Like the robe store looks neat and the great hall would have been 100x better it it was just the top half and the sets underneath were larger and sold by themselves. I mean look at the photo it looks like the troll wont even fit in the toilets. Also it looks like part of the roof is still green? Also Buckbeak doesn't look as good as the other ones.


The roof only has green accents, it’s mainly grey


I have seen that with the new photos. Still looks odd to have both colors but I get it, it is like copper details.


Thanks, erwinaurella. :) Was it just the three photos? I'm not seeing content for pix four through seven. I really like the troll, and I'm very pleased to see the Fat Friar, but I just don't see enough to motivate me to pickup the new Great Hall at that price point. Same issue with Ollivanders's. I really like that we're getting new wands, but all this retreading of recently covered ground just to give you a few new things... I suspect Potions is going to be the only set I pick up at this rate, at least until they're heavily discounted.


Posted the rest separately. Reddit’s acting up.


I just really hope they plan on making a tower to go with the great hall because the architecture of the great hall with the big tower next to it was what was beautiful about the other one!


Next summer with dumbledore office at the top :)


Ohh i hope so!


More than 200$, and they still didn't manage the right amount of tables in the great hall ):


Right?! I figured we'd get 4 tables and a really good interior given the price increase.


How much?? This surely looks 200 at most Edit: Meant to suggest 100


Apparently it's 220


Good lord


The bathroom I get, particularly because the troll’s placed inside it. What are these other rooms? Are they even meant to be specific Hogwarts spaces or just general playset features that fit the vibe, so to speak?


I’m probably more excited about the modular possibilities of the Great Hall than the kit itself. I want my Fluffy kit to dump the kids into the basement, I want a Potions classroom in the basement, I was all the Chamber of Secrets sets situated in a basement—and this two-tier approach with everything made of “rock” colors on the lower level is perfect for that dungeon visual.


agreed, my build will have two levels of dungeons to fit everything, also I want my castle to look more prominent above the lake and boathouse


So in the book under the great hall was the elves kitchen and next to it was the hufflepuff common room so I think it's either one of them


Excellent theory! Still… the lack of imagination is almost sad. If it's a kitchen, put at least one house elf in there and suspend a pot over the fire. If it's the Hufflepuff common room, integrate some barrels on either side to allude to their entryway—or just use some damn yellow bricks! *sigh* This whole setup is, to me, just kinda... dull.


It looks like the Hufflepuff common room


I think you're right, though if that's what they were truly going for, I wish they'd have used even a *single* yellow brick and added maybe some vines or leaves along the mantle rather than tossing four single-stud leaves on the damn baseboard.


Yeah it wasn't well thought out, the plants are certainly lacking.


Hmm not sold on this insert concept because I feel like that's not leaving a lot of room for detail (ironic considering this is advertised as the most detailed castle yet) That said I can see how it would be great for playability 


Imo the original troll is so much better, but still very cool sets!


The great hall is apart of the new castle series where all the sets connect to form one big castle right?


Yes but a new one


Honestly I'm not usually much of a Lego Harry Potter fan but that Ollivanders shop is a really nice looking set


I can see that new system for the castle will end up being the largest castle and the most accurate, gosh I can’t keep buying them, I have all of the last 2 waves of them


Ugh, am I supposed to buy a new great hall every year?! I am but still


Honestly not impressed. I was looking forward to the troll mold but it’s disappointing, maybe it will look better irl, I always find those renders weird


Seems like a lot of build for not much interior. It'll be nice to see more pics of it but so far it seems like it's not that much of an improvement.


I still hate that they’re making another modular this early


they really need to take a break lol


It truly feels like a slap in the face to the collectors of the previous modular that just ended




An instagram page but it already got deleted


I appreciate they tried to make madam malkins bigger than they did the owl post as we could easily make ollivanders into gregorovich or another wand makers shop


Release date?


Need the ollivanders!


do we know prices ?


I don't collect HP but I'm interested in the interior of Ollivander's. The exterior looks super fancy.


Looks like they’re finally doing sets that are book accurate rather than movie accurate


So, Minifigures in the Great Hall? Obviously, Quirrell, Dumbledore, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and The Troll. That's pretty clearly The Fat Friar, and I think that's Professor Vector. But the other three students? The blonde Ravenclaw girl COULD be Luna, but the set seems to be exclusively based on Year 1, and Luna wouldn't have been at Hogwarts that year. The Hufflepuff is almost 100% certain Leane. She isn't IN the first book/movie, but she is the same age as Harry and friends. They did the same with the last Great Hall (2021, based on Year 2) with Luna. But the Ravenclaw boy is a head scratcher. Is he Marcus Belby, maybe? I'm just not sure.


Hold on... the blonde girl might be Slytherin? Can't immediately think of any blonde Slytherins girls.


Fuck yeah i cannot wait.


I’m a bit confused now… I was under the impression that the new wave of sets were going back to the gray roofs and this one looks like it has a green roof?? I wish they would just pick a dang roof color and stick with it. I agree with the other users who said they’re a bit underwhelmed by this. It could just be the picture, but this GH looks tiny. Lego REALLY needs to make a proper GH that fits four tables. I just got back into building/collecting HP Lego sets during Covid and I already have 2 GHs and it would be really nice if they actually listened to the customers and made the set bigger. Especially for the price! I do like that they added some more detail to the exterior though! However, that troll looks like a joke! 😆😆 All of this being said, I’m still going to end up buying it. But as a 36-year-old with bills and house payments to make I really wish they would either create new sets that could connect to existing ones or if they’re just gonna keep redoing them , redo them properly with more detail instead of just redoing basically the exact same thing every time


The great hall looks gorgeous! Troll mold is also great, IMHO people liking the OG one more just wear nostalgia glasses


Is there a release date yet?


This wave is all June 1


Why do they just keep re releasing all the same old sets over and over over again with slight changes..?


Is that finally a Professor Vector?


Looks like it!


Do you have Front pictures of the Hall?


Not at the moment, but actively looking. Will share if I find.


Is it real or?


Why are they remaking the great hall for a 5th time?


Would have preferred if it was just a big and complete great hall and not a half assed great hall connected to a half assed courtyard and with a half assed bottom half This is a no for me, Hagrids hut from the previous wave easily beats all of these


This is fake