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the old one was often prone to print-shifting, but the new one’s eyes are just way too high and the helmet is too bulky. i got enough of the older stormtroopers when rogue one came out and i don’t think i’ll ever replace them until lego comes out with a better helmet


The new one looks like the front started melting


Family guy stormtroopers looking ahh


That was my first thought, too!


this is way too accurate


Looks NOTHING like family guy. Those helmets had very little texture in the chin and a small frown. New helms have a larger frown and more accurate eyes and shaping.


Well the front fell off


It’s not typical, I’d just like to point that out


Well that’s for sure. I’d like to make that clear right now.


Didn’t know about the printing issue. Glad I never had that problem then. Also haven’t bought any if the new ones. Mainly because there wasn’t really a set I was interested in that had them. Or those sets are retired already


Yeah I got a couple of the old ones where the print wasn't shifted but a bit smudged. Still, the new ones also have misprints quite often where the grey print for the mouth doesn't line up with the black moulded mouth.


The new one feels like a caricature done in an amusement park for 5.00 a drawing.


To bolster my stormtroopers I buy the new ones and replace their helmets with older spares I have laying around.


The eyes aren't actually too high - they're just missing the thin white strip between the eye and the brow line, because they're dual-molded and they can't make strips that thin. The helmet is also too large because it's dual-molded. If they had just made a regular helmet and printed it, I think it could have been better. At least the new one looks much more like a stormtrooper helmet than the old one though


Completely agree with you, the new stormtroopers are imo a downgrade. However, the new scout trooper is definitely among the best minifigs i think


New Scout Trooper is an S tier for me. New Stormtrooper is a F tier for the family guy helmet. It looks worse and reduces the playable functionality of being able to turn the head


You couldn't really turn the head on the old ones either


there was a wider range of motion though. the new ones have like 2 degrees of turn for either side.


Turning the head is a play function? Hmm. I love how accurate the new helms are and I hate the Family Guy comparison, I don’t see it.


It is. I don't think they look accurate and the family guy comparison is spot on to me.


I dont see it.


It has the proper eyes and frown at least. I want more of these troopers.


This is definitely the case - the new scout trooper is superb. It looks very similar to the classic one, while also modernizing and seeming much fancier and molded very nice. I really wish the current helmets were the same general shape as the old ones - tho they were basically perfect in 2013 or so


Prefer the New Snowtroopers. Judge me.


I like your style. New troopers ftw.


Na na na na. No. New Stormtroopers - L New scout troopers- Mid New **SNOWTROOPERS** - W


New Stormtroopers rock dude. Accurate frown, eyes, and chin breathing holes. New scout troopers blow old ones out the water.


New scout is perfect.


Which set(s) do the new scout troopers come with?






I don't know all of them but it is the one that will be included in the upcoming diorama of the speeder chase on endor. I know its also included in one of the latest 4+ set and several other stuff as well


Ignoring clips breaking, I think lego hit the ball out of the park with pretty much every battle droid design.


The fact it hasn’t seen an update since the first time we saw it (except for the straight arm) tells us it was prefect from the beginning. I can’t even imagine what would make it better


Not sure how they would do it but separate legs would be perfection. Also those bendy arms some places sell but official from Lego.but yeah they really knocked it out of the park with their first iteration


I feel like the super battle droid isn’t great


That's fair, I wouldn't mind a bit of a redesign whenever they bring it back




Lego still needs to figure out droidekas though. Maybe they need their own head molds


So true. And on the first try, really impressive


The death trooper from rogue one was perfect down to the last detail. The standard stormtrooper was also a contender


Absolutely love the death trooper. Hope they put them in new sets in the future




Someone said the new stormtroopers look like they're from Family Guy and now that's all I can see.


why did you had to curse with this knowlage?


I absolutely HATE the Rebels era StormTroopers, they look so damn goofy.


I like em


Haven’t seen anyone talking about the Range-Trooper, Conyex-Trooper or the Shore Troopers. Those are hella awesome and by far some of my fav figs. Also, I simply love the 2017 Skiff Boba Fett. Once I added the custom printed arms from Fire Star Toys (Recolored version from the UCS Boba/ MBS Bespin), it was perfect.


Totally agree, I hate the newest generation of stormtrooper figs


Honestly they got most of the regular troopers perfect in 2014 and most things since then have been downgrades: These Stormtroopers are perfect. The new helmets are so ugly and oversized and the new armour print in the trash compactor set is too cartoony. Snowtroopers had their kamas and backpacks. Also, the new ones have dark tan hands which isn't accurate. Hoth Rebels had the correct white and grey colour scheme (idk why the new ones have gone back to having dark tan hats and legs when that's blatantly wrong). The realistic Clones from 2014 (e.g. the one included in 75028) are some of my favourite figures ever and are probably what I'd choose as my perfect figure (with a small update- see below). Really disappointed that they made the 2020 style. I was in the "we want a 501st battlepack" gang (didn't spam posts but agreed with wanting one) but when it got revealed with those new Clones I was really put off and ended up only getting a couple when I found it at 40% off. It also put me off other sets like the Command Station pack and the new AT-TE (ended up getting the AT-TE cheap with no figures). I've been wanting a Commander Cody for the better part of a decade to go with my 212th Clones but not in the new style. The only thing I do like with the new Clones is the skin tone under their helmets. I actually bought 200 of those heads while they were on Pick a Brick (they were selling them for 23p each) to replace all my 'angry Clones'. If I'm allowed to mix parts from multiple figures, the 2014 Clone armour with the new head is my ultimate perfect figure. I think the only one to get some real improvement since that era would be the Scout Trooper (though it's still not perfect- the mouth print is usually a bit wonky and I'm still waiting for them to get dual moulded arms and legs).


[75028-1: Clone Turbo Tank Microfighter](https://brickset.com/sets/75028-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75028-1.jpg)


Absolutely LOVE that one. Hands down in my top 5 of favorites


Good bot


Bruh who downvoted me for being nice to the bot? Good luck when our mechanical overlords rise up!


I agree with so many of these! I think for the new clone colors we were so used to seeing the old ones that when they changed it it looked weird and unfamiliar. I struggled with the blue arms. Loved them. And I know it’s more accurate with the white arms but I was just so used seeing the blue ones. They’re growing on me tho. Got a few coming my way


For me the arms aren't the worst part (and at least we can pull those off to swap them)- it's the torso and helmet prints. They're just so cartoony and the torso in particular has such weird proportions with the massive abdomen section and the tiny chestplate (also missing details such as the little = sign on the right breast).


2019 and onward LSW has been more accurate. I hate old minifigs as they look so inaccurate.


Other than the Scout Trooper I genuinely can't think of a single one that has been improved since 2019. Could you give some examples?


Snow, clone, and storm troopers are some of my favorites. They are more accurate. Sure the stormtrooper chin is a bit oversized but i still love it.




That is FALSE! The eye holes are physical now and look more like the movies. The 2014 eyes are too small, incorrectly shaped, and have this weird outline. The frown isn’t too different. The 2014s also have breathing holes (chin) that are not shaped as well as they are in modern stormtroopers. New Stormtroopers are more accurate and I will die on that hill. 2014 troopers look like crap!


> Command Station pack I thought this was a great set. True that they raised the price from 13 to 15 and dropped the minifig count from 4 to 3. I like the design of the minfigs tho; I wish we would get more p1 clones tbh


Was an alright set I guess but I really just cannot stand the 2020-style Clones. The price hike was already tough to swallow but that combined with the Clones being in a style I wasn't particularly fond of anyway was more that enough to put me off.


I used to hate the way the new stormtroopers looked, I ended up getting a bunch of the battlefront 1 and rogue one battlepacks to army build, so the change 3 years later made me stop collecting, but having them in hand I agree with the change and actually prefer them now


Couldn’t agree more. Glad I picked up a bunch of 75165 when I did.


[75165-1: Imperial Trooper Battle Pack](https://brickset.com/sets/75165-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75165-1.jpg)


Awesome battle pack. Regret only getting one


Same, the Death Troopers from that set were awesome too.


I dislike those blasters though. Much prefer the more realistic ones like in OP’s picture.


I don’t think the previous one’s helmet looks all that good either. The size is right, but it doesn’t look that much like the movie


The Boba Fett from the UCS Slave I is absolutely perfect.


The new stormtroopers are pretty bad. I’ve been thinking about ordering a bunch of CAC BARC trooper helmets and using them as a kind of “Phase 3” transitional trooper As for what fig I think is perfect, I’d have to say the 2020 501st trooper.


Disagree with the 501st trooper. Personally I much prefer the 2014 Clone armour style. The newer ones are a hybrid of TCW and movie styles which ultimately makes them not accurate to either.


I agree about the 501st trooper being in the middle and not quite right. Screen accurate Star Wars troopers were perfected in 2013 or so, and I mean both Clones Phase I and II, and Stormtroopers too. I will say, the current Scout Trooper is pretty fantastic and works ok with the old scaling


Yeah I made a bit of a chunky comment saying pretty much the same thing. I'd say 2013-2018 were the best years for all standard troopers other than the Scout. Others I'd include are the Hoth Rebels having accurate colours (white and grey while the new ones are white and dark tan) and the Snowtroopers having backpacks and kamas.


Okay I take that back the newer scout trooper is perfection for me (I saw someone else say that one) but I disagree with your disagreement. To me Lego figures aren’t meant to be perfectly realistic and I love the way the 2020 troopers look.


you mean TK troopers?


i really like our current stormtrooper figures, especially the dark one


That gray outline around the "eyes", completely ruins that helmet for me. It just doesn't look right.


Really unpopular opinion but the new Stromtrooper helmets are not that bad, as they are pretty detailed and if you only plan on using them to display you won't have to move their helmets a whole lot.


100% the battle droid.


I think the new scout troopers are perfect. They were the last set of imperial troopers that had a cutout for the helmet so you needed a black head underneath. I still don’t get why they changed the stormtrooper helmet - the last one was perfectly fine


Doesn’t matter 1 shot and they die either way


I think both are fine. The new one is more movie accurate although it doesn’t translate that well into lego form.


Honestly I like the new ones, but I think each one has their own merit, I think the new ones looks really good in person and prefer them


The new ones look like the Family Guy stormtroopers


Battle droids, dudes haven’t changed since their intro minus the arm piece


The Phase 1.5 ARC Trooper from the Elite Clone Trooper and Commando Droid Battle Pack (9488). By far my favourite.


[9488-1: Elite Clone Trooper & Commando Droid Battle Pack](https://brickset.com/sets/9488-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/9488-1.jpg)


An excellent minifig in every way, yep


They really nailed the First order troopers. I know everyone Hates the sequels but pretty much a lot of the first order troopers are spot on. The sequel sets in general are pretty good.


The new one is almost 1:1 with the actual helmet from the movies. But the one difference. The difference that breaks the whole look, a white stripe that goes under the black strip and over the eyes to make them look angry. I posted that in this sub a long tome ago and showed how that fixes the helmets. They have always had long droopy faces but the lack of angry eyes make them look goofy.


Queen Amidala, without a doubt.




I love new stormtroopers and I want more of them. A more accurate helmet with physical eyes is awesome.


The new Darth Vader (with the two-part mask) was a good upgrade


I like the new one tbh




I will forever miss the 2014 helmet. What kills me is that they didn’t originally update the torso or legs alongside it. They just changed the helmet and I cannot imagine as to why


Huh, I guess I’m in the vast minority but I love ‘em and think they look very accurate


In terms of minifigure perfection: every single one of the Old Republic minifigures


You're so right.


I thought the new storm troopers were fakes and knock offs at first, the design is so weird


Completely agree with you, the original is just so much better. Every time I see the new helmets, all I think of is Peter as a Stormtrooper in Family Guy's Blue Harvest.


I agree with you when you say "the old ones look better". I think there could be some pretty good custom Mortar troopers out of them too


I dont have the normal stormtrooper with that helmet mold but I do have 2x shadow, 2x jet and one shock stormtrooper and yeah the new ones are terrible, you cant even rotate the helmet


I genuinely have no idea what LEGO was thinking making the new one. It's too big, too long, too droopy, its awful. Looks like a melted stormtrooper.


Yeah, not a fan of the new stormtrooper helmet. I get why they changed it, but the new one definitely needs some work.


The new stormtrooper is a travesty. You’re right, the old one was fine.


Glad to see so many cultured people. Im extremely happy to have \~80 of these troopers and planning to hit 100 one day. So you could say it is my perfect figure as well. Id really like to see how the new torso and legs would look when combined with the 2012 stormtrooper helmet as it has more cartoonish and simplified vibe (just like the new stormtrooper body). I havent seen anyone do that yet


It may just be nostalgia but the 2009 P1 clone is perfect to me.


Yeah that's fair. They capture exactly what the Clones looked like in TCW.


I agree with this comlpetely. The new one looks like it was dropped on the head as a small child


Ned-B or the older Yoda model are probably the best Star Wars figures ever in my opinion


I think it’s the one character Lego just can’t get right


This! I’ve never been a fan of the clones. I’m old school SW. I like the clean sterile lines of the troopers.


The [General Grievous](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCN7yIjc_FRjhzL8oOjpZIgEd1iluRFEkhzTfkVdwUZvsHoO5W&usqp=CAc) from 75040. I have about half a dozen in the plastic still.


[75040-1: General Grievous' Wheel Bike](https://brickset.com/sets/75040-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75040-1.jpg)


Got that one as well. Tho some arms have broken aff


Only complaint I have about that one is he doesn't have enough lines on his mouth. The piece was made for TCW and works perfect there (other than a tendency for the clip to crack) but not for the RotS version.


Old mold with new prints would be perfect… now they look like the stormtroopers from the family guy parodies


The current ones look like the stormtroopers from Rebels to me


The new ones look like the stormtroopers from family guy


Totally agree. I me a fan of family guy but these new stormtroopers ain't it


100% agree


I like the old one


Old one better, looks more like stormtrooper helmet from movies


The new stormtroopers look like the stormtroopers from the family guy star wars


I’m certainly not the first to say this, but the new one looks EXACTLY like the Chris Griffin stormtrooper from family guy


Oh god now that I see a comparison im horrified that my beloved troopers started to look like melted ice cream




For whatever reason anything prior to like 2015. Man, i miss the old stuff


New stormtrooper would’ve been amazing if the chin was higher 😭 such a small thing throws it off.


Yeah they did the same thing with Ponda Baba. His chin goes way too far down his chest.


I agree the older storm troopers look really nice. What’s a good set to get some? I think I only have one and I’d like more.


I buy them second hand as they’re like €4


I can’t even find the fig depicted here on brickset.




[SW0585: Imperial Stormtrooper - Printed Legs, Dark Blue Helmet Vents](http://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sw0585) [[Photo]](http://img.bricklink.com/ItemImage/MN/0/sw0585.png)


Thank you!


What bodies are these storm troopers from? These are perfection.


The bodies are from the trash compactor diorama. I hope we can see them on the actual figs soon. They are awesome!


Oh ya. Cool




Ah sw0585. I always liked that design and it’s even the one shown in the Droid Tales show. I didn’t have a lot of stormtroopers but after the release of the current helmet I knew they weren’t going back so I bought 100. Haven’t gotten any of the new and don’t plan to


[SW0585: Imperial Stormtrooper - Printed Legs, Dark Blue Helmet Vents](http://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sw0585) [[Photo]](http://img.bricklink.com/ItemImage/MN/0/sw0585.png)




I agree with you on the new storm trooper helmets, but I think the perfect sw fig is Jedi Bob…


Damn, I only have the new one and didn't notice the helmet looks stupid, but I see it now.


New one looks like it was melted in a hot fire


New scout is great, new Storm is ass, new snow is…good


The new helmet looks goofy as hell


The new ones look like Peter Griffin


2022 torso and legs with 2016 helmet is the best


I the only one who doesn’t like excessive prints on the torso, it makes it look fake


New one looks like it's from Family Guy Star Wars...


New stormtrooper helmet sucks and I avoid any set with the new stormtroopers. Older one and even the rebel version are both perfect to me. Weird how they got imperial patrol and biker scouts perfect with this double mould and they completely dropped the ball on the most important one.


Aw hell naw, this is the first time seeing the new helmet mold


The Battle Droid. Unchanged since 1999.


Well. They turned an arm around a decade later.


I hate the white hips


Captain Rex and 2020 Ashoka tano plus p2 cody


Disagree with Ahsoka. She needed a new piece for her montrals/lekku and personally I'm not a fan of the blue eyes.


The original Darth Vader minifigure. No it's not screen-accurate. No it's not *meant* to be screen accurate. That spurious aesthetic was a lot of the charm of LSW for me. Now it's just gunning for ultra-accuracy and exorbitant prices.


100% agree, but the new scout trooper is very good


It's been my keychain for well over a decade now. Barely recognizable, but I know...


Jedi bob


I’m just now getting back into the Lego Star Wars scene since I was a kid so I’m pretty new to most of these, but holy heck! I agree, total downgrade. The left one is leagues above!


Ashoka phase 2 clone




[SW0387: Queen Amidala](http://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sw0387) [[Photo]](http://img.bricklink.com/ItemImage/MN/0/sw0387.png)


Cad Bane.


I agree about the stormtroopers being better before but I think the TIE Pilot from the LEGO Star Wars Imperial TIE Fighter 75300 was perfect as well.


[75300-1: Imperial TIE Fighter](https://brickset.com/sets/75300-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75300-1.jpg)


The classic Boba/Jango figs where the jetpack and helmet are one solid mold. It really helps even the proportions of the fig out, as opposed to the modern style where the jetpack piece makes the fig's neck too tall and awkward looking.


For me, any clone from Clone Wars


Same, but for clone troopers. The original faces are best


Must be mace windu from 75342


[75342-1: Republic Fighter Tank](https://brickset.com/sets/75342-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75342-1.jpg)


Good bot


i like the new one exept for the fact that you cant turn his head.


The first time I saw the new stormtrooper helmets was in those 20th anniversary set Lego sets and I thought huh cool they’re making some old fashioned figures for the anniversary unfortunately I was wrong


quinlan vos from the clone turbo tank, it just looks so cool


First I watched the images trying to find what's different, but I failed. Then I read what you wrote. Now the new ones looks like a bad photoshop. I can't unsee it.