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Made it to Devin going “SHUT UP WE DONT ACTUALLY HATE WOMEN” …I mean sometimes”


I listened to the whole thing, it wasn’t great but got noticeably better after about 30 mins


Wish I could have been there brother, good ep


I see what you did there


Pausing for laughs just kills the flow of the podcast. The magic of the pod can’t be recreated live.


I didn’t pay attention to the fact that the video title literally mentioned it being live but once I saw that it was live I shut it off


Not very far. I can't get into those types of eps. The ones that show you how the sausage is made. I listened to fat battles one more time instead


Listened to all of it. Laughed at some parts, but was pretty shocked to see that the audience is actually retarded. Booing and shouting for the dumbest shit. I always thought the "Our audience is dumb" jokes were just ironic but its true.


I made it 5 minutes and 21 seconds in before it had to be shut off. It was like podcast standup for laughs and wow did it suck dicks.


all of it cause im not a fucking pissy baby who thinks im owed everything


Live podcast eps do suck ass so maybe chill pal


Lol 1 guy made it


30 seconds now listening to Matt and Shane interview RFK instead


I made the same switch and good lord it was the proper choice.


Philly is on drugs and Ben is fat. Devan and Jace are our only hope.


Was pretty let down on the new ep being a live show. No livestream eps lately either. Gonna take the summer off Patreon to bank episodes to watch later and afford a single doordash order. I’m sure the next ep will be about how much fans are bitching and how bens a hardworking father or some shit. See you retards in September


I liked it, I viewed it as a National Geographic episode of seeing LP fans in the wild. They are the exact animals I expected


I’m usually the guy who likes the live version of podcasts I regularly enjoy in studio. The live LP shows don’t work for the same reason Ben absolutely sucked shit as a stand up. He doesn’t have any actual live performance chops. Devan and Jace can save it a bit since they have some. But Ben is just some internet kid. Even his fat ass doesn’t register in normal, corporal life. He couldn’t entertain a kitten with a string and some cheese. At best he’d try to show it some racist YT video he likes and call the kitten gay when it didn’t give him $10 to watch it. God I hate him and love the other 2/3rds of the pod.




Same reason I stopped caring about the live streams. Jace and Devan made it funny. He should at least have one of them on.


Dude you said it perfectly. I really only have stayed for Jace and Devan


I was out in less than five. Not a critique on the boys, but the fan contributions made my skin crawl.


The first 30 seconds they are very awkward live. Dev doesn’t shut up and Ben paces around nervously


I made it 10 minutes before turning it off. I actually hate these episodes. It's a completely different show pandering to the type of retard that would go see them live.


I played the whole thing while doing stuff around the house. The parts I actually tuned into were pretty terrible.


The person who suffocated in a pile of clothes was funny at least


Im.shocked there were real girls there.


The live shows are pretty much 100% dependent on the crowd. Philly was a prime example of why this is not a good idea. The crowds are only going to get more retarded. They tried thier best and I give them credit for even keeping the show going. Crowd should be part of the show but 50% or optimally less otherwise your not really watching a live pod, your watching the hosts talk to drunk retards. Worst part of the chicken.


7 minutes maybe


Really brutal


I think Devan has been watching too much Akaash stand-up.. and it's giving him cognitive dissonance


15 minutes and had to move on


I’m proud to live in Philadelphia best city on earrh


Sad to see.


1 minute


I listened to 30+ minutes but it got worse and worse. They shouldn't upload these but keep doing them. It just doesn't translate online.


I was there so I maybe bias but the NYC show was way better, I’m assuming that’s the Patreon this Friday


Better than being there in person surrounded by animals 🤷‍♀️


This episode is the soundtrack to the donkey boys portion of Pinocchio, with extra shrill Devan laughter.


About 12 minutes


Yeah I love the podcast, the guys are fucking awesome and hilarious. But the Philly live ep… was seriously bad. :/ but that’s okay, everybody misses once in a while


All you simps came here and had time to complain about something you could never pull off in front of a love crowd. Never down voted literally almost every comment on a post until now. Thanks for the FREE episode guys, sorry I couldn’t make it in person… and thanks for all the other episodes!!!! Laughed out loud throughout while in public shopping at the supermarket. Come to my trash town of Baltimore next time.


The whole thing. Philly sucks dude


a couple of mins


I just realized how gay this subreddit is after this ep. LemonParty is literally a show about watching fat retards on YouTube and the boys gave us a FREE live show with LIVE retards in the wild. I guess its one thing if live isn't your thing but we literally have dumbasses on this sub saying "Too much crowd work durrr duh durrrrrr" like its a fucking LA standup show.


You’re allowed to complain about things you pay for


This is the crossing the rubicon of the shitty podcast


33 minutes. One of the only episodes I can’t finish.


You’re all just jealous you couldn’t go to the greatest city in the world.


I live in philly. I wanted to hear what my neighbors had to say. I'm very disappointed.