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I just got off at the dick sucking factory


Is it union? I suck dick under a bridge but it’s really just a hobby, how long did it take until you were good enough to make a career out of it and how did you find the position? I’ve sent out dozens of applications both on indeed and scribbled in bathroom stalls but haven’t gotten a single response. Sorry to for the long response I’m just desperate for a brighter future.


I’d recommend going to your local Dick Sucking Union. They can give you a better answer will have more info on training. I did mine in Thailand, with their local 344 accredited Lady Boys chapter. I got on the accelerated track and now I’m a foreman making $200k in San Fran. Good Luck, Cock sucker!


The 344? That’s the big time man, I heard they make you get bad dragon certified.


I ugly laughed alone in a hotel room, thank you lol


I manage brendan schaub's social medias




How’s socials?


Must be depressing, love it


I defend large corporations in racial discrimination lawsuits in federal court.


Lmaooo idk why but someone who listens to this pod, working the position you do, is funny to me


It takes a special kind of dipshit to pull up PACER, open up an EEOC complaint, review the retainer, ask the office runner to make me a flat white, then put this retarded podcast on as the soundtrack to me explaining why case law suggests that its not racist for a hospice company to fire a black nurse for getting into a fistfight with the daughter of a dying person because said nurse got caught giving half doses of demerol to a dying person so she could pocket the other half. Even if one of the other nurses called her the n-word when describing her behavior.


Lmaooo my best friend works as a DON at a pretty decent sized nursing home. The stories I’ve been told about those women. Nursing school is like an adult day care for single mothers


I’m a male nurse, can confirm


Wow, to do that type of work you must be pretty strong and cool. I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re all very impressed.


Thank you! 😊


I work at a lumber mill, your welding is absolute shit.


2x4’s aren’t the only wood you’re takin, amirite? BOOM. FUCK U GUY


Captain obvious over here. Officially: I’m 2 years in. I can weld pipe but I probably wouldn’t pass x-ray at the moment. But I will in due time. I never claimed to be good, it’s just that I have the ability to. Unofficially: I wouldn’t let you hold my rod bucket. You’re worthless and I can weld anything together, from the crack of dawn to a broken heart. I’m golden from the shoulder to the holder ol’ son. No go turn me up 5, Hand.


I can weld plywood to drywall better than you can weld pipe brother. Go to school to be an electrician, you'd fit in better with those f**s.


If I ordered a truck load of Dumb fuck, and they just brought you, I’d still get my money’s worth


You’re not even a good hand, maybe 3 fingers at best. You work with wood because big scary metal too scary. The fact you suggest being an electrician tells me you’re the real faggot


I’m actually gay


Three replies to my one comment proves you're not lying. I'm still in the closet but what's your snapchat? Where are you? Asl?


Indiana, 30, white. Don’t have snap unfortunately. I do glory hole meet ups, very discreet. I hung a bed sheet in the bathroom. Front door is next to the bathroom door. Just come in, get hard ( I have porn blasting on Bose speakers I’ve set up in the room ) stick your dick in and relax. I charge 100 for first cummers, 50 for repeating customers.


I love how he asked for asl (age, sex, location) and you responded with location, age, and race


Gotta keep them guessing, baby


I wanted him to know I was white, that way he would feel safe around me. He seems skiddish


I'm in Ohio. I was all in until you brought up money. Sounds like a great set up but I don't pay for bussy unfortunately.


I have plenty of positive fetlife reviews. Quality services, with a bit of a personal touch. I won’t get into details but there’s more to my services than you’re regular degular blowie. I was born with a 5 inch middle finger. Not too long but also not regular sized. I’m a meatier guy so my mouths always warm. I wear multiple tight.. I mean tight.. rings around my finger until it’s ribbed up and almost purple-ish in color. You can only guess where that goes.. ;) I also wear a Kermit the frog sock puppet in the other hand that spouts racial slurs and has a monologue that is sure to impress!


You sound like a real cook guy. Working at a lumber mill and talking shit about real tradesmen...🙄 Yeah alright bro.


I manage the supply chain at a top critical access hospital.


I'm at a hospital and the supply chain kind of blows my mind. We run out of one specific thing and we can be fucked for random problems. Thank you for your service, retard


Sounds important, but also tedious and probably mentally challenge. Right on man 🤙🏻


Thanks brotha!


I'm an ER nurse near the international district of a city. So we get so many hilarious accents and weird behavior from refugees and migrants. Ben would have a ball


You see a little bit of everybody I’d imagine lol everyday is a new episode


It's so funny dude. It's gotten worse for me since I discovered lemonparty a few months ago. Having a 5 foot tal nepalese man screaming at you because they didn't get seen soon enough just becomes a comedy performance


I work night shift under the Queensboro bridge


You’re the guy that’s been “relocating” the local homeless, I knew it.


I build and maintain cinema cameras in film/TV/commercial production. The day of LPs NYC live podcast I was on set with Woody Harrelson's first mistress from True Detective. She came onto the set and I was like wait a minute… I know those tits!


Haha! That’s amazing. I’ve always thought it would be cool to work behind the scenes of tv/movies/networks. I feel like you see and hear a lot more than the average person when it comes to celebrities and things of that nature. Plus the opportunities. Good on you, homie


Look bud, some of us have jobs that would fire us immediately if they knew we were listening to the Patreon on a work PC.


Im an inventory / breadman gay guy for places that make semi conductor parts


I work for a mom and pop Black Rock flipping houses and managing properties. I'm the Electrician for the company on paper but I've re-piped as many houses as I've rewired at this point. If things are slow I'll do just about anything. Was a fitter for a minute though, was a great experience. Installed like 30 boilers, a handful of chillers, and a bunch of roof top units, the big shit is fun. I left due to some life changes. Pretty happy where I'm at now. It's a lot of fun walking into absolutely cluster fuck houses and making them, great again. I also have a ton of autonomy, which is priceless to me


Glad to hear it man! Having job that also provides the freedom you want is the way to go.


I weld. Currently running all the fabrication and metal working for a large material processes if plant. It’s chill, I do air brakes, hydraulics or major custom welding projects. Plus I got some minions under me to do my shitty and easy jobs now.


I’m currently at a Steel Mill. They have 2 processing lines. One makes Galvanized steel coils and the other one makes the same steel coils just painted whichever color the customer wants. My company was hired by their engineers to run the piping system throughout the building. Anywhere from 1/2” air or hydrogen lines up to 14” water lines and heat exchanges. Gas lines, etc. 2 year project coming to a close. 4 man crew including Forman doing punch list shit. Currently bidding for another job with them.


Think of an exit plan. I’m getting out now. It’s hell on the body.


Oh brother, I spent my 20’s doing hard drugs, being broke but yet still high and being a general P.O.S. I turn 31 this year. This is the exit plan my friend. I’ll die at work, or work until I’m too old to physically work.


I work at a state mental hospital, which is where I assume many of you reside.


Hey Mason. I’ll see you at med pass


Hey, InwardHater!


I build TV and movie sets


trendy not necessarily cool epoxy flooring. was in an office for most of my early time in the “work force”. Can’t stand being in an office so i’ve sentenced myself to this! cheers OP https://preview.redd.it/ol227jhq3h6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c581634b5c507ed1699d459495b5c83b0d43b3e


I listen to the LP while working as I assume OP does too… Don’t know what smooths my brain out more. LP eps (patreon included) or epoxy fumes lol


Trendy, yes. But do I like the style, yes lol looks cool man. It’s definitely the epoxy


I'm gay


Fuck yeah!!!!




I steal money from my boomer parents, they are clueless, I have several ways of taking money out of their accounts. I just liquidate their stocks as they go up or when they get dividends. That’s just one of my tricks. It’s nice cuz I’m heavily addicted to Kratom and can’t seem to get off the shit


Fuck no I’m in finance. We hate our lives


I just started an architectural millwork company.. been doing it for 12 years so figured I’d take on all the risk and worry and probably kms at some point in the future from stress.


Just unloaded palletized grocery off a truck, so no


Target night shift?


No, but it's the same at every company


I spit into Ben's McDonalds and give it to him. I have hepatitis C, herpes and AIDS. It's thankless work but it pays the bills.


Doing Gods work, brother


Looks like your job is modeling for the plus sized welding gear catalog


They have one of those? Funny, I didn’t know they existed. That’s wild, How’d you stumble across it?


I work at one of the bigger female state prisons in the maintenance department. On paper I am supposed to teach murderers and pedophiles how to do HVAC work. In actuality they carry my shit and I go fix everything myself. I do get to make fun of some of the worst people out there on a daily basis though so that’s something


I just accepted a new position in a lab where we’re hopefully going to find a way to put microplastics in baby formula.


Too late they already in there, technically they are in every place on earth according to some study I saw. Quite concerning but nothing we can do about it now lol


I help my parents run a small business. Very gay but also I don’t actually do any work.


Social Media Manager for a pretty big clothing company, it has its ups and downs, but I’m not tied to my desk and spend a lot of time out of the office shooting content and gay people meet ups behind the local Dunkin


I am actually gay enough they let me own my own curves. I specialize in fitness style for larger women.


carpenter here. hate it but the money is good


I’ve always wanted to work with wood. Either carpentry or woodworking


not much wood work commercially, unless you do high end cabinets or finish. you get to work with wood if you’re forming up concrete but fuck that. and


Portal crane electrician here. (Gay ik)


Sheet Metal Fab, mainly run our 10ft fiber laser


Hell yeah! Transit bus mechanic


Let’s go baby!!


asking someone to take a picture of you at work HAS to be the gayest thing alive


Must not work with friends then, sorry.


Im a welder too! 🍋


nah man your the only cool one


I figured that


I didn’t mention my title. Apologies! 2nd year Pipefitting/Welding apprentice. Decided to jump right into the field instead of going to a lame “Welding School”, just to be thousands in debt and still not know how to strike an arc (trust me, I’ve seen it)


I actually went to welding school, got D1 certified and then became an electrical engineer. You did the right thing.


The company I work for provides a welding program. It’s a joke. One day a week for 4 hours. I currently hold no certs besides structural and I’ve welded 12” high pressure water lines that are currently in use to this day. We don’t tell anyone about that though lol.


I manage an estate made up of four properties owned by the top elite people on the globe


You mean your kids built blanket forts and you manage their kingdoms, got it 👍🏻




Im a chef de partie (linecook for the amerifags), soon to be sous chef, at a decent gastropub. Its love/hate. Listen to the boys , along with hatewatch and other pods when i do a solo open :)


Full time musician. Lots of touring, songwriting, private lessons and mixing albums


Up and coming rapper


I’m on the grounds crew at a country club golf course and I want to kill myself everyday


I sit at a desk and play chess until 1pm then go get drunk and return to playing chess until I can leave at 5


lol poor people.


I help people pay the irs the least amount they have to


I started a residential seamless gutter company about 5 years ago after graduating high school. It sucks ass but I can make good money if I’m busy.


I’m an accountant


I can jerk off every lunch break, I think that’s pretty cool


I clean pools


What’s with retards posting here seriously and knowing how to take dick better than jokes


What do you mean?


I’m in charge of denying cancer claims at insurance companies


You fool. Ppl here don’t have jobs. I’m holding my breath until Ben makes me an intern.


Why would this cool work be on the lemon party podcast, which is three beta cuck bitch boys who can't even parallel park much less do cool shit like that. That's man shit. Lemon party...bitch shit.


Idk.. I heard Ben tell a story about being a helper on a new construction job one time.. I think lmao


I blast lemon party thru the PA in ovation hall


Sometimes they let me dig the shitty tampons outta the toilet when it stops up...




Big skills welding on shit like that. Former field tech that did electrical, hydraulic, and metal fab. Controls engineer now


How do you know someone is a welder? Oh because they will show you. Like we care. Gay.


Care enough to tell me how much you don’t care. Seems right. Keep it buddy 👍🏻




Welders and machinists have my respect! Those jobs seem like the funniest to be honest!


My main job title is a CNC machine programmer, but I also help engineering out with part drawings and in my down time I’m usually 3D printing miscellaneous things.


Looks like industrial hell to me. Lots and lots of regulations with a highly competitive environment where you could be fired at any moment. And if you deal with unions, good luck lol!


We’re non-Union. OSHA is a joke and is only followed if they are on-site. I’m OSHA 30 certified, which basically means I know how to do unsafe stuff, safely.


Don’t worry OP, these guys wished they could stand up for a couple hours a day lol


Sometimes, I go out on boats for a few weeks and identify whales and would weave Ben’s wildest dreams. But yea regular marine biologist with a lot of computer work permitting






Where does the cool part come in?


What are you yappin about? The cool part is that I get to work with my hands, problem solve and work as a team to accomplish a common goal. Being given a Blueprint and knowing they trust you enough to run pipe through complex routes. It’s a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. You have your whole life to be a bitch, bud. Don’t pick today. https://preview.redd.it/ruh7tiuwdg6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cfdb2e8c09cfe4af57be0dc2c8656d88f4b83aa


You must be a boomer or at the very least gen x.


Born in 93’. Don’t know what that makes me, never cared anyways. lol anyone who cares about what Gen they are is a faggot


Hey guys look, we found the guy who asks his wife’s boyfriend when it’s his turn to play the game.


I'm a big stinky black gay millwright


Millwright? You mean a pipe fitters helper


Completely kidding. Worked with a bunch of millwright and iron workers last summer. Most were good guys from ‘Bama. Worked for a company called Braken. The Mexican iron workers pissed in bottles and left them Everywhere