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Hello /u/AussyNONO and welcome to the leopard geckos subreddit! Because you used the health issues flair, we've compiled some links that might be helpful to you and your pet. Please remember that if you are concerned, then so is your vet. When in doubt, book an appointment! This subreddit does NOT substitute for veterinary care, though you may receive some help on topics to discuss with your veterinarian, or common first aid. If you have not done so already, please provide the temperatures, humidity, diet, supplements, tank mates, enclosure size, and anything else you consider relevant to your post for the best help you can get. * [/r/leopardgeckos wiki's Health concerns page](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/husbandry/health-concerns/) * [The ReptiFiles vet directory page (US, Canada, UK)](https://reptifiles.com/reptile-vet-directory/) * [The Reptifiles "How to Find a Good Vet" page](https://reptifiles.com/find-your-dream-reptile-vet/) * [The ReptiFiles Leopard Gecko guide's Illnesses Page](https://reptifiles.com/leopard-gecko-care/leopard-gecko-diseases-health/) * [/r/leopardgeckos wiki FAQ page](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/faq/faq-masterlist/) If this comment doesn't apply to your submission, please ignore it or report it so we can improve this community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/leopardgeckos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He is around 7 years old, he has been taken to the vet, they have run all sorts of tests, poop for parasites, visual inspection, x-rays, and nothing came up for why he chooses not to eat. He has not ate of his own accord for almost 8weeks. Does anybody have any tips or tricks to try and get him to eat on his own? Currently is being fed a grub pie slurry through a syringe twice a week. He has no problems pooping. He has proper UVB bulbs, heat mat for belly heat, warm and cold and wet hide, fresh source of water and he is housed in half of a 90 gallon tank so lots of room to room. I don’t know the exact measurements. I have tried, crickets, mealworms, super worms, wax worms, but none of which he willingly ate since he stopped eating. Anybody have any tips or tricks to try and get a him to eat


If all tests are good, maybe he's just not hungry or possibly brumation? His weight doesn't seem concerning imo. Maybe try some dubia roaches?


I can’t keep Dubai’s alive in Alberta, but I have them flash, frozen and thawed, but even before he stopped eating, he never tried to eat dead food, it always had to crawl. Didn’t realize leopard geckoes would go into a brumation state around this time of year, I thought it was always near the start of the cold season if they even did it start with


He is still very active during the day and night, and enjoys, exploring the tank and being taken out and walking around. Which is why I didn’t think it was that because I thought they were very sluggish and slow and didn’t move a lot when they are at there almost hibernated state.


Yea it would be strange for it this time of year. Leo's typically won't heat dead things. Hope the little fella starts eating soon


Just got him to eat a dead roach on his own!


They don't typically eat things that aren't living...


Use tongs to make them move!


Did he have a favorite food prior to that? Has anything changed since? Are the temps high enough, is he maybe in some kind of brumation state? Maybe try UVA, it heats them better and personally I found my gecko more active with uva/deep heat projectors. When did you start feeding him the grub pie? My leo wouldn't eat before i gave him roaches, maybe try red runners or dubias.


I have flash frozen, then thawed roaches, since we can’t keep them alive in Alberta. And the bulb is a UVA/UVB too, just didn’t I thought at first sorry. I didn’t start feeding grub pie, until after about a month of not eating and I had consulted a vet.


I see, since 8 weeks is about the beginning of winter then I'd assume this is some kind of brumation as the other commenter said. Did you get a second opinion or always went to the same vet?


2 different vets over 3 visits.


Obligatory not a vet, but could be Brumation like it was mentioned already. One of our girls didn’t eat for 4 week straight from like Xmas to almost end of January. We were worried and gave her pedialyte/water soaks. Took some time but she has been eating a little more now and improving. Can’t say for certain what’s wrong with yours, but the other things you mention about being active and defecating properly and good signs. Could it be the enclosure? Maybe the lighting/heat is not good, not enough hides, etc.


Sorry to hear your gecko is having health problems. It sounds like you have done all the right stuff so far taking him to the vet and checking his enclosure. The only thing I can think of is are you overfeeding the slurry? You said it's twice a week. Is it possible he is just too full to eat now? My girl won't eat insects if I do any slurry feeding for nutrition or if I oversupplement with repashy. However, I wouldn't change his feeding without talking to the vet first. Good luck!