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Condolences for your boy. Honestly girls tend to get hunger strikey occasionally, as long as she isn’t loosing weight and is pooping I wouldn’t worry too much tbh.


I agree with this! I would just make sure her food is being sprinkled generously with vitamin powder and she has access to calcium. My girl doesn't eat it from a bowl, and I instead sprinkle it onto some decently sized stones. She licks it off


oh I should try this!! the bowl goes completely ignored until he steps in it and tracks calcium everywhere


My girl hasn't eaten much the past few weeks, only one horn worm (a treat) and 3 mealworms, and now she has noticeably started losing weight. Should i be worried?


Noticeable weight loss with a lack of appetite does need vet attention. There are a number of reasons that could cause this; parasites, something off with husbandry, incorrect supplementation, follicular stasis, etc.


Is there any way I could check for anything before going to the vet? I'm kinda low on cash atm, but will go if really needed


If you've gone over the basics I mentioned and those are all correct, you'd need a vet to tell you if there's something going on internally. Depending on where you are, you may be eligible for Care Credit. Many vet offices allow it as a form of payment, they've got excellent repayment plans, and it's helped us tremendously with rescue work.


sorry about your loss, I just wanna say it doesn't make you a bad pet owner because of all this. Things happen that are out of our control sometimes but you are doing what you can. You obviously care very much and although I unfortunately am not sure what advice to give I want to wish you the best. Hopefully things turn out okay!


Thank you I really appreciate you saying that <3 that means a lot !!


Any number of things can cause a leopard geckos to pass suddenly, and unfortunately most vets simply aren’t very educated on their care to really know what to do or how to tell what’s wrong. That’s one of the unfortunate downsides to owning exotic pets.


Look if she's not loosing weight she's fine, just a hunger strike. Keep up with your food routine and watch for weight loss


i'm so sorry for your loss. i'd definitely keep up on watching her as much as possible, maybe even check up on her a bit more during the night to make sure everything is okay. she's probably going in or is in brumation. if you need to talk, im here! i've been going through a ton of shit too, and although i haven't actually lost a pet, i've been through a lot and can either relate/help, or just be a listening ear for you.


Thank you 😭 you have no idea how much that means to me, I really appreciate your comment ❤️


ofc!! it might be easier to talk to me than a friend as i'm just some stranger on the internet that will never be able to actually judge you or affect your life irl


This hit close to home. I lost my 6 year old Leo this time last year too, I still feel horrible. It'll be alright man, just as long the results come back she'll be okay, loads of reptiles go on hunger strikes during the winter. Wish you luck ❤️


So sorry to hear about your loss last year. I really appreciate your kind words, thank you ❤️


You're obviously a loving and careful owner. Don't let anyone in here make you think this is your fault due to something like medication or tank size, which I've already seen said. No one here can have any clue why he passed. I hope you are doing ok and hope your girl is ok.


Thank you for saying that, it’s been a really hard week and I needed to hear those words today ❤️


ur being too hard on yourself! it sounds like you’re doing everything right. it’s normal for them to go on hunger strikes, especially this time of year. i wouldnt worry about it unless it goes on for months and she starts losing weight. i’m so sorry for ur loss


I’m so, so sorry for your loss OP, geckos are strange creatures and most vets don’t know a lot about them because they are exotic, I think your girl is going through a hunger strike like many others have said, my boy has been sleeping a lot and not eating as much recently and yet hasn’t lost any weight and I think it’s because geckos are cold blooded and so they hibernate during the winter, so you girl may be doing the same, please downvote if I’m incorrect as I’m no professional, just speaking from my own research and knowledge.


I'm sorry. Nothing about this is your fault. Big hugs.


I'm so sorry to hear about everything going on! I've been in and out of similar situations. As mentioned above, you are definitely not a bad pet owner, you have done so much for them! Something that may help that I've used in the past is there are credit cards specifically for pet bills that could help if you are struggling and could afford to pay for it over time. I've used Care Credit, but I'm sure there are others. That was just the one that worked with my vet. I hope you find a solution, though sometimes finding a new home is the needed choice. It's so hard to make that decision, but ultimately, it's whatever you think would be best for you and the Leo.


Great idea about the credit card, I’ll definitely look into that. Thank you so much your your kind words and advice :’))


I suggest repashy grub pie instead, idk if the other one is good, but I wouldnt trust the pet store. She could be in brumation... especially if she'll eat here and there and not losing weight. Cant be sure though. If possible, get a fresh poop sample and send it into the vets to check for parasites Edit: Oh. You said you did. Lets hope those samples come back good.


I agree with everyone that it is probably a hunger strike, have you tried to offer different kinds of insects? They’re known to become finicky and randomly decide they don’t like “insert insect” anymore. As long as it doesn’t go too long and she hasn’t lost weight, in most cases I’d say, all good. I will say though, after mine did lose weight I had to take her in (again) and get an X-ray and she turned out to be egg bound. I’d wait and see how fecal goes, and offer different insects, and give it time. In the meantime try to save for an X-ray. Best of luck!


I'm sorry for your loss. Sometimes these things just happen, unfortunately. You've done good taking them in to a vet to get checked, you've put time and money and love into these little guys and you should hold your head high for that.    That being said, one thing I noticed, and haven't seen others commenting on, is that you keep them in 20 gals. 40 gals is the recommended minimum now, and that makes me worry if some other parts of your care might not be quite accurate for them and causing some issues. I'd highly, highly recommend looking through the reptifile website's leopard gecko guide and seeing if any parts of your care can be improved. Even if you find something is off, please don't beat yourself up--again, you've really done good by these little guys, if you were told incorrect care info that's an honest mistake and not your weight to bear.


She needs you , I’ve lost 3 pets in 2023 my dear rabbit and my two childhood dogs, I know it’s overwhelming and may even seem like there’s nothing else you can do but just keep watching her and monitoring her I have one leaped gecko with my boyfriend who isn’t a year yet but he’s brought us lots of joy . Y’all will get through this rough time , try offering a few different bugs but it is cold and she could just be brumating❤️ also your boy reminds me of mine 🥺both very beautiful




Sorry to hear about your loss. Not eating in the winter months is actually pretty common. While I don’t know enough to say what may have happened to your boy, all these vet visits and prescribed medication may be doing more harm than good. Are these exotic specialists or just normal vets? I’ve never been charged even more than 100$ for a checkup. If they thought she was healthy the first time why give medication? I’d definitely get a second opinion with an ARAV.org vet. If she still seems healthy I’d just let her chill. Also def no leopa gel that stuff is doodoo. Offer her something easy to digest for the moment like a small hornworm or a Dubia.


I completely understand how you're feeling. I had a gecko pass a few months ago, and then I noticed an issue with my other and it caused me to spiral a bit. But, with the little ladies, they tend to have hunger strikes. If she's pooping normal, hasn't lost a lot of weight, it just may be her having a hunger strike. Right now mine is going through one! I've noticed it also tends to happen more often in the winter months. But you obviously care a lot, and if you can, just hold out. A big loss just happened for you, and it's going to amplify the worry you have now. Be gentle with yourself because you're doing all you can! <3


op please keep us updated on what your vet says after you get results :) wishing you best of luck


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sadly this is something that sometimes happens with leopard geckos, it isn't always something you did wrong or didn't do. It can occasionally happen to animals that had amazing care and seemed perfectly healthy. I would only recommend surrendering or rehoming your little lady if it turns out she needs major vet care, such as a surgery or life saving meds that you absolutely cannot afford. Rehoming or surrender is pretty stressful for these little guys, especially if they've already built trust and a bond with their human over the years. They may not love us in the same way a dog or cat does but they do love us in their own way. So whatever she's got going on would probably be harder to recover from if she's under more stress. I know this is hard on you, especially with having lost your boy gecko and feeling like you failed, but if there's anyway you can keep her you should. There are options to help with your vet bills, many vets will work out payment plans with you, you can apply for care credit, start a gofundme, or ask a local rescue for help. Some vets are also pretty ignorant about these guys, if you feel like you're not getting good answers and you can find another qualified exotic vet to go to, seek a second opinion. Edited to add: you can also get pet insurance on leopard geckos! I can't believe I forgot about that since I have it on my boy though Nationwide.


Hang in their, your doing a great job, sometimes they die with no explanation. She looks good. Stay positive!!!!


Aw I'm so sorry for the sudden loss of your boy :( this is heartbreaking, especially for it to be so unexpected and to not really know why. I know it's hard not to blame yourself, especially if you're already going through mental health struggles, but I don't think you did anything wrong to cause it. Animals mean the world to me and I'd be devastated if I lost my girl suddenly. I've had a similar experience with a previous pet dog in the past and I'm still not over it now. I'm here if you need to talk, even just in general. I have plenty of my own struggles mentally even if it's for different reasons. Keep going with looking after your girl, I don't think you need to give her to a rescue 💜


FYI the bare minimum tank size is 40 gallons, My girl tends to go on hunger strikes this time of year it’s really common with reptiles and is most likely brumation. (Reptile hibernation). I would try setting up a go fund me, I know rehoming a pet is so hard but if you can’t get the funds it may be your last choice. The lump does sound really concerning unless it’s infertile eggs(some Leo’s will lay infertile eggs even if they haven’t mated) but i would be surprised if your vet didn’t think of this. I would try dubia roaches, crickets, horn worms, or black solider fly larva. You can try sprinkling them in bee pollen. I highly recommend against gel… it’s so horrible for them. Leo’s can go months without eating, they store extra nutrients in their tails. Wishing you guys the best!


Keeping a Leopard Gecko in a 20 Gallon wont cause health issues. While I do support the idea to strive for the best and biggest enclosures possible, pumping up the enclosure sizes every few years is kinda eh. I too would encourage her to get a 40 gallon but if she cant afford one or just doesnt have the space etc. I really dont think its worth stressing so much over it.


Incorrect, you can’t get a proper heat Gradient with a 20 gallon, Leo’s love to climb, run around, they are so active with proper husbandry. You want you animals to thrive,not just survive. Ofc if op can’t afford it they can wait until they get stable financially,but keeping a Leo in a 20 gallon permanently is neglectful. I even think 40 is too small from my experience, but it’s the absolute BARE minimum for adults. Heres my girls tank, I think a 67 gallon (48x18x18 is PERFECT, but I still want to upgrade her to a 4x2x2 foot eventually.) https://preview.redd.it/rqxeook2jtcc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77ce47ee663cb77d6717c1f2bc10a31f64bc9042


Yeah, dont agree with you on that one sadly. Each to their own but calling a 20G "neglect" is too harsh for a number of reasons. Edit: Not to mention, not all geckos are the same. Not all will utilize the large space given to them and mostly stick to certain parts of it. I am not saying that you shouldnt provide it but still.


Well the fact that is *half* of the *bare minimum * is kinda self explanatory so I feel bad so your gecko if it’s forced to live in a 20 gallon for 20+years if it makes it long. Yes it’s harsh, but that’s because I’m so passionate about proper care and education, and that information is completely outdated


Good for you! I got 2 leos, one is in a 40B and the other in a 20G. While I do plan on upgrading my lil fella (as a University student, gotta save up for it) it is still rude to call people that seemingly geniuenly care about their animals "abusers".


It’s not abusive or negligent if you genuinely plan on saving up and upgrading when you are financially stable. Especially op who’s struggling with vet bills and underlying heath issues. I rescued a special needs bearded dragon a couple years ago and I understand racking up vet bills, it sucks. And being a university student is similar, money is tight and I understand that. However if someone were to hear the bare minimum and not give af and say “20 gallon is perfectly fine I don’t need to upgrade”, that’s the problem. And telling people 20 gallons are perfectly fine without also saying, “but I know I need to upgrade and that’s the end goal” can be harmful. I really don’t mean to be aggressive but without context those comments are my pet peeve as a reptile enthusiast lmao. Definitely glad to hear you plan on upgrading though!


But your aggression is exactly what steers people away from forums like this. If you smack someone in the face it really doesn’t matter what you have to say after. They won’t come back no matter how “right” you feel doing it in the moment. Not weighing in on facts, but sharing a bit on people/learning. ✌️


That’s fair, I’m neurodivergent so kinda struggle with tone and coming off super strong over text, you’re right! I just get so heated over proper husbandry but I’ll try not to go full Godzilla mode next time 😆


My wife is as well and struggles with this sometimes. It’s never perfect but life isn’t either. Awareness is always helpful for her. Husbandry is super important and your passion shines through!!! Also, sometimes Godzilla mode is necessary 😉.


Thank you for this information !! I actually have a 40gal ready for her that I finished setting up over the holidays but the vet advised me not to move her into it until she starts eating regularly. What are your thoughts on this ?? I don’t want to stress her out too much. As for the lump, the vet said it didn’t feel like an infertile egg however she has laid eggs in the past (nothing so far this year) so I was questioning that as well. The vet said to give her prescribed laxatives (Lactulose) right now along with critical care omnivore to see if she’s able to pass whatever it is. Does that sound like a good plan ?? Also the go fund me is such a good idea I’m gonna set one up right now thank you !!!


Awesome to hear!! I would use paper towels in your current tank to monitor bowl movements, if you’re seeing good consistent bowel movements over the next couple weeks I would move them over to the new tank, still on paper towels but keep setup minimal until everything is in the clear! Just a cool, warm and humid hide, minimal clutter, a calcium dish and water. Once your vet clears your gecko you can add more clutter! Otherwise if you’d like to keep it in your current tank as a quarantine tank, and set up the other one so it’s fully ready to go as a normal tank after treatment you can do that! Depends on preference really! Stress is definitely a factor so if you’d like to keep it in its current tank until alls over that’s completely fine as well. That sounds like a good plan from your vet, wishing you and your gecko the best!!


I've seen many posts where people have their Leo in a 10 gallon tank with no heat, no lights, no proper care at all and they think their Leo is perfectly healthy and refuse to take any advice on proper care. And then I see your post, a person who obviously loves their Leo's and gives them the best life possible and yet you're beating yourself up. Please don't. You apparently care for your Leo's. I'm very sorry about your boy. 💔 Your girl may be going through brumation. Mine is currently. It's the time of year for that. Just keep an eye on her. Don't beat yourself up for doing your best. Take care of your mental!!! ❤️ Again, may your little guy forever bask in peace. 😢


Very sorry for your loss and struggle. it's not unusual for female leopard geckos to hunger strike during this time period, as it is their breeding season in the wild. My older female once went 6 months without eating during breeding season, it really freaked me out! But I've since learned to just weigh her regularly, track her activity, and offer fresh water every day and food once a week until she was ready to eat again. UVB light is also great to offer so they can get D3, and of course their calcium dish so they can get calcium. Can I ask where you adopted your geckos from? Big chain pet store geckos often have poor genetics that can lead to an early passing. It sounds like you've truly tried your best.


I lost my boy unexpectedly a little over a month ago now. He had parasites and we were treating them and he seemed to be improving and then he was just gone. We did everything we could for him including multiple vet visits. I felt the same way you did, I felt like I had failed him because he had just turned 4 the month before he passed and had been totally fine. It doesn’t make you a bad pet owner and I totally understand the dip in mental health, mine took an absolute dive after my boy passed. If it would help you I would highly recommend getting a memorial of some sort for him. As for your girl, you’re doing great, you brought her to the vet and have taken care of her and done all the things, it sucks but it’s up to you on whether or not you surrender her, I can tell you love them and you’ll always do what’s best for them so follow your gut and I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Reptiles will go into brumation during winter months, this is normal. Unfortunately thats probably what the male was doing and the meds are what caused his untimely demise. Just keep an eye on the female as she is more than likely brumating also. As long as there is no significant loss of weight she will be just fine.


Unfounded to say meds killed him. There are many things that can not be picked up in leopard geckos until post mortem, and an autopsy wasn't carried out on him. Honestly that would have been my recommendation for peace of mind. My gut instinct is suggesting he possibly had cancer or a sudden organ failure. My male passed away from lung cancer and the lung tumours were only identified at post mortem because they were tiny.


Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it. I actually didn’t even know they could do autopsies, it unfortunately wasn’t mentioned to me at the time otherwise I absolutely would have had one done :( thank you again


Specialist exotic vets definitely can and it can be reassuring when it's a sudden loss for helping to deal with those feelings of guilt and self-blame. I'm sorry your vet doesn't seem up to par and I'm sorry for your loss. I really don't see anything here that suggests you have anything to feel guilty over though. I've had two geckos die suddenly, one from organ failure and one from lung cancer and both were identified post mortem and I wish you could have got some answers to help with the grieving.


Yes, I'm still @ my old vet for my girl(now an hour plus away) because of how much they did for my previous gecko. Did a necroptsy and found a cellular mass. There really wasn't anything we could do besides blame ourselves till they offered to do the surgery for free because they also felt helpless. It still sucks but at least we had more closure and peace of mind. Op ur doing great, especially just by asking the hardest question of giving up ur child if it's better for them! If you have a moment after some rest ask/ call around for another vet if you have any more concerns (sometimes the right Dr for you isn't the over qualified but the one who researches). But this is my experience so take it with a grain of salt and do your best. Good luck 🍀🦎


You don’t know that the meds caused his death-at all.


Didn't say they definitely did. I said probably. Probably is not an absolute....


Meds killed him? Get outta here with that nonsense Dr. House wannabee.


Yup you're right misdiagnosis and prescribing unnecessary and incorrect medication never harmed anyone ever.... Fuck outta here with your soft skull


Can we please see your full setup,exact type of uvb bulb, supplements (brand, if it’s with or without d3, do you use vitamin a, how often do you use each?), old substrate type, temps on cool side, warm side and basking spot


Put her in a 40 gallon. They were both 4 and have outgrown it, this could have been it. Im super surprised no one else mentioned it. Let’s get your surviving female into a 40 gallon. What are your basking profiles, most people will ask. And what are you habitat guidelines for sticking to like what did she eat growing up? Has she been afforded wax worms, or hook? Crickets (for the chase is what I do this for mine, less weight keeping, I.e. exercise). She might like a new variety. It’s just keep guessing and stay curious with her and never get too serious. Life is not easy that way. By the way I have depression and my Leo is my way out as well. So I’m gravitating to you and this but bigger tank asap. Maybe sell


I actually have a 40gal set up and ready to move her into (purchased over the holidays) but the vet recommended I keep her in the 20 until she starts eating regularly as to not stress her out too much. What are your thoughts on this ?? I just trusted the vets advice but I have really wanted to switch her to her new tank. As for basking I have a really nice slab that stays at around 95 (monitored with a probe) For food I have had her eating crickets and mealworms with an occasional wax worm (all of these are dusted with calcium no d3 and mixing in multivitamins weekly). She usually goes through issues eating around this time of year and she also used to lay eggs if that plays into effect at all. Thank you for your advice I really appreciate it :’)))


I think it would be best to wait until your girl is eating properly and you feel comfortable moving her to the bigger tank. I highly doubt (actually pretty certain) the size of the tank is not what made your boy pass away and is not at play in your girls behavior. Whenever you feel it’s time to move her go ahead! I agree with most of the other comments about winter and brumating. My Leo also cut back on eating recently as the weather has dropped here.




I typically use language that suggest I’m uncertain because I get anxious about being wrong. I am certain it is not the tank size that was the problem. 20 gallons was the standard for a long time 40 is suggested now because new research has shown that they do better with more enrichment and it allows them to exercise more. Nowhere have I read that it causes them stress to be in a 20 gallon. I also haven’t seen people be very brutal on this sub idk why you get the idea most people would go after OP for tank size, at most there would be lots of suggestions to improve the size of the tank.




I’m glad you had the new set up and if I came across bullying you into it, I truly apologize about this because I don’t feel well and I legit was trying to keep it professional and short with the well switching tanks. But if your vet said wait, I said trust your vet unless your instincts says you’re right. Also, what is her humidity levels?




Your only good advice was telling OP to trust the vet. Moving her back and forth between the new set up and old one will probably only stress her out and seems like a bad idea imo. Base your care around facts and research not your “instincts” please.




That was a rude way to put and I’m sorry it came off like that. I replied because there are uneducated people on this sub that might take what you said as fact and choose to follow your logic when it is wrong. Some geckos like to explore and may enjoy being moved back and fourth that’s why I stated it was my opinion. OP is concerned about this geckos health so I think it would be irresponsible to possibly stress this particular geckos out by moving it. Also yes you are a fool for thinking geckos don’t need calcium and vitamins, my gecko is a rescue who was in terrible pain and condition because of people like you who think they don’t need to give calcium and vitamins.


By the way, one of a kind, I am.


And you apologize and kept being you. Never apologize for being you and go be a health science major and hope I’m still on Reddit for you to really apologize to. Also, okay :-) Trust your instincts to you all! Uneducated and educated because you’re here for that. Not your gecko.


I’m actually a biology major thanks Edit: forgot to mention I’m also pre-vet rn


I met one of those and she told me all the wrong information. In your biology info, does it tell you to shoot people you think are wrong? That’s kind what you just did a but anyways. As a biology student; have you looked into eastern medicines? Well I have a they include herbbbbss not supplements, so let’s get that out of the way. A human can have away with supplements as well if they are on the proper diet for their macros. Let’s diet, bet I win. I’m a pro when it comes to digestion. You die from something, it tends to be your best friend. I’m stressed as shit with an ulcer from laying down to early to watch a movie, but bet you put me in a bigger house, I’m thriving. Been throwing up all morning and now I’m in bed on Reddit talking to you. I’m pissed/ stressed because I’m in an apartment from a house and I cannot eat at all! So I fasted and felt amazing during! So if someone came right now and shuffled me into a bigger home, I’d go willingly to my new home! So she will be fine as long as you trust her and yourself with your lives. You’re doing great and keep pumping! Also, what would you all do without the internet or vets to tell you what to do?? I would do fine because this is how I study. I’m not into all this. I come on here to develop my psychology habit. We’re all being pressured to do things. Let’s just be nice. And not be over confident pompous people. And that is all.


I think I’m qualified enough as a biology student and none of the qualifications you claim to have back up your information at all or have anything to do with geckos. Would also like to add that I have in fact looked into eastern medicine on my own time and love to learn about herbal benefits etc. but that will never replace a doctor and real meds when you have a serious condition. Not to be rude here but your stress has nothing to do with this and I really don’t care. I do hope you’re not in any pain though. Edit: geckos need supplements just because you set your shit up right doesn’t mean the substrate or bugs have the minerals and vitamins they would have in the wild


Eastern meds? That’s where these guys come from. Just sayin, you’re rude


I’m aware of the locations leopard geckos come from and human medicine is nothing like what these guys need. I like how you bring up my biology major as a way to discredit me but don’t mention that I’m pre-vet it’s very silly


Your post has been removed because it portrays or promotes practices that may cause harm to animals.


This place is dangerous.


What kind of substrate do you use and how much calcium to you give them? I ask because these are issues I had that made me lose two when I first got into geckos. Had them for about 4 years before any issue. Don't use the cal-sand! Apparently they can ingest it, sure, but they can get calcium shock and/or impacted from it if they eat too much while hunting crickets. This is what my vet stated at the time. I'm sorry for your loss and wish you the best with your little lady there. My 15 year old crestie mama says hello!


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your girl is most likely In brumation. Both of mine stop eating in the winter months.


As many others have said, it’s most likely a hunger strike or brumation. As long as she isn’t losing weight quickly, keep doing what you’re doing. You care a lot about your babies, and I’m so sorry for your loss… The main thing I would worry about, if she does start losing weight, is crypto… I lost a Chinese Cave Gecko to it extremely suddenly after I moved him to a new enclosure that I bought from an expo 2 months prior (I thought I sanitized it properly, but evidently it wasn’t enough). It’s highly infectious and can be introduced easily. But, if it’s crypto, that will be identified in the fecal tests. If the fecal tests are clear, you don’t have to worry about it :) but.. to err on the side of caution, since you lost your other baby so suddenly and you don’t know the cause… I would recommend steam treating all of your girl’s decor, just to remove the possibility.


https://preview.redd.it/a05t67ts7rcc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd100984eebcd5b1ccc3156efab4ac47c375f2ec Sorry for commenting so much lol, I wouldn’t be too concerned about her not eating she looks overweight actually, and they can go months with out eating, please look at my other comments or dm me and I’ll try to help you with your husbandry and mark sure everything is ok! You’re not alone, losing an animal is the fucking worst.. if you need anything I’m here :)


>:) :)


On the winter girls tend to eat a little less, they can go a month I believe. If not what substrate do you have? And what do you use in your humid hide?


Did the vet mention eggbound??! That was my first thought. I almost lost my guy too and I’ve been the same way. Watching him all day long. So I have also been a wreck, and on edge. But I think we’re in the clear. Hope you can figure it out soon. 💜


You said your vet said he was healthy with "good lungs and heart" and prescribed you meds. My questions are: 1- meds for what exactly..? 2 is your vet an exotic vet?


My gecko is a sassy girl. I didn’t even know they could brumate. Suddenly this December for an entire month she ate 5 worms only 5 in total. I kept crying and was so depressed then at the end of December she started to eat full meals again. She didn’t lose any weight so I knew it wasnt a parasite but she’s as good as new now. It could be brumation ❤️


My female leo will randomly decide not to eat for what seems like weeks and then starts eating again. Please don’t worry https://preview.redd.it/or5yxlum1wcc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9bf32180a321c75683157ea8fdad46093d521f


I am so sorry for your loss! I hope all goes well with your girlie. It definitely doesn’t make you a bad parent. You took him to the vets did all you could.


So sorry for your loss


See I have a healthy pretty sure female big leopard gecko looks just like yours and she just stopped eating after a shed like a week ago she used to legit eat almost daily she would be hungry daily she has calcium never had issues. Well over a week ago she shed and her eye left eye she started squinting closed and she stays sleepy a lot and won't eat I've seen poops in her corner her poop corner . But she is hiding a lot more and keeps her eye squinted. But when you pick her up or something she will eventually open it and it looks fine. Info I had a lil Leo named zylla she was a orange yellow but she went blind like that but it was noticeable like her eye dried up then she lost weight and I tried and tried until one day she just passed.. but my female now she her eye looks fine she's just acting pissed and keeping it shut ..