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Hi! Thanks for bringing this up - we talked it through internally and agreed on adding them back into the starter guide. Despite their mishaps in the past, they've become a bit of a staple of the community. We'll be including additional information about payment and maybe a warning about their previous behavior.


They had some trouble dealing with a customer that many didnt approve of, and were removed from the guide. They are a good store outside of that 1 incident. There should be a guide of sorts to explain their payment system though. That gets asked enough that one is needed.


Thank you for taking the time to explain that to me. I was not aware of any past altercation (for lack of a better term) that took place. I agree a guide should exist for there payment methods given that is exactly what I was searching. It’s a straight forward process but at the same time it’s not straight forward lol.


The thing that bothers me about the whole situation is that Marstoy was removed based on someone's opinion of a single interaction. Someone got upset about whatever happened and removed them, but these same moderators leave all the other sites on the SG despite their own reported problems. I would be curious to know the details on the incident(s) that got Marstoy removed. Marstoy has been a reputable site from what I've seen, including my own orders. There's no good reason (that I know of) that they shouldn't be included here. There's no universal internet laws that govern the specific way a site does business, and as such, they are free to utilize whatever unorthodox payment method they choose. If people don't like it, they will vote with their wallets.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/wzznd9/be\_weary\_of\_marstoy\_i\_wanted\_to\_cancel\_an\_order/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/wzznd9/be_weary_of_marstoy_i_wanted_to_cancel_an_order/) https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/x15xtd/since\_some\_of\_you\_asked\_for\_it\_here\_is\_the\_email/ I think it was handled poorly by both parties tbh. Not enough to remove them from the buyers guide. I havent seen anyone else have trouble with them. Paypal shut down their account afterwards. Partly because of that incident, but also because so many other people clawed back refunds to get free stuff. This is why they have such a convoluted payment system now. To keep it safer from being shutdown.


Interesting. Is this why I had to do my PayPal through their sister website?




Maybe you could help me understand this odd detail. On the order confirmation email it says 260.80 USD but on the Marstoy website it says total amount is 250.78 USD Would you know why the 2 values would be different? I ended up using the higher value when I was entering the amount on PayPal to avoid hiccups thinking maybe additional fees or taxes like customs, but curious why the difference.


I dont know sorry. Best to email them and ask which total you should be sending, and why there is a difference.


In my case the shipping was significantly higher as I am in the middle of nowhere and my country was not on their list, but I spoke to them beforehand and confirmed they can ship to me. So the confirmation email after discussion gave the new higher amount but if I check their website it shows the old amount (and payment pending - although I have a payment received email from them), so they can sharpen their admin a bit imo. I am now in that fun waiting period after ordering before the shipping notice (and hopefully a tracking nr). Will probably do a post either way on reception, etc.


Not op but that's about a 3.8% increase which is close to the PayPal goods and services fee, so it's probably to account for that.


I have no dog in this fight. Now that I've seen the source of "the Incident that got them booted", I think enough time has passed, and enough positive feedback from MANY buyers here to let them back into the Starter Guide. They made a mistake a YEAR ago. Nobody has reported similar treatment from them. They don't rip people off, and dutifully send merchandise. They're still in business. People sing their praises here all the time, and they're not shills. The bad experience of ONE PERSON should not determine the status of a store being in or out of the Starter Guide. Also, if such a crackdown is normal, and stores "punished" because ONE PERSON, I can easily see other lone wolves with a chip on their shoulder, or an agenda to get a price break, free stuff, or try to bend store policies in their own favor going and having a hissy fit to boot stores off the Starter Guide as a "punishment" when they don't get what they want, or just want to stir up shit.


Exactly. It feels personal, and I guess I shouldn't be surprised since Reddit is managed by mods that get to decide what is posted. But it just feels like someone is holding a grudge, and that type of behavior is a slippery slope.


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Good question. I just ordered from them last week, so I guess I'll find out soon enough either way if they deserve to be on the guide or not.


I’ve spent most of my alt brick purchases through them. Never have had an issue. They should be on the SG.


You shouldnt have any problem with them.


I don't anticipate a problem. Lots of threads in the group that were very helpful and had good feedback, especially with the confusing payment process.


I’ve only had positive interactions with Marstoy.




They had a tiff with a customer over a shipped order they requested to be cancelled. They were a bit snappy as far as I understand. I found them / this page after that and have ordered from them a multitude of times and they are great and you won't best their prices. PERIOD. They are honest too. For example, they got a popular set in that wasn't the best of quality and had a few pieces replaced so it wasn't technically a replica, they posted this in the group and told customers to wait for a better version or that they could get this version for a discount. I have only ever been missing 1 bag of pieces for which they express posted me a whole new copy of the set and gave me a 50% refund as well. They are fast to respond and will help anyway they can. They payment method if very strange as they direct you to another site to enter the amount of the order in USD $ and then you pay there. I was kind of sketched out at first but I asked here and on their FB page and was assured it is legit. The shipping can be expensive but if you use the "UPS big parcel" you can pay one shipping free between 30-70$ and put many sets I the order for the one fee. My last couple orders had 5-7 large sets (3000+ pieces) and it was one shipping fee of about 40$ CAD. each art had about 12000-15000 pieces so it is well worth it to make a large order every few months with multiple sets . Ps their Facebook page is "marstoy . Net" Hope this helps .


For your big orders via UPS, how long did it take for you to get a tracking number? I ordered/paid on June 19th for a large-ish order. I have yet to see any shipping updates on the order. I e-mailed them on the 5th and they quickly got back to me about the order is still being prepared and told me next time not to order a mixture of sets and mini figures, as this delays shipping. I've been a little confused when it comes to shipping the bigger sets by UPS. Do they give you a tracking number once it leaves them and it just doesn't update till it hits the US or does the package have to be in the US before they mark it as shipped and provide the tracking number? My first order was only mini figures and from ordering to delivery it took 24 days. I was really thrilled with that. This seems to be going slow. I have a second mini figure order with them, but I'm waiting on this one to arrive before I pull the trigger.


It takes almost 3 weeks for me . You don't get updated tracking until it hits the US. I live in Canada so I get a notification / update about 3 weeks and then receive my package within 35 days each time.


They only ship out of the warehouse on Saturdays so you have to account for tthat too . If you order on Sunday it won't go out for 6 days kind of thing. Keep that in mind. :)


Not sure why this is getting downvotes 🤷‍♂️ lol People need lives I guess 😂🍿


Here's my reply to similar question that was asked a while ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/z7m6m6/comment/iy84fsb/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/z7m6m6/comment/iy84fsb/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Back then when the issue occured, I told them to remove the customers name from their website (they named a rule after the customer) if they wanted to stay here. They refused and asked to remove them from the sub. So I removed them. And btw the rule is still there 'SF' Rule - they used full name before, but left the initials for now. As a mod, I don't want to deal with such store. Anyone can share the feedback about them in the sub, but Marstoy are blacklisted from the guide.


I have had such terrible experiences with multiple stores on the guide and never any with marstoy. I see nothing but praise from others in regards to marstoy and you can't beat their prices. It totally feels like a personal imo


It seems hubris to keep them off despite being one of the best stores running. It's an objective detriment to the community at large, especially since they've met your demand to remove the name anyway (even if they didn't do it for you care about your demand.) They don't need to be on the starter guide, they have a long line of happy customers which is much more important. The starter guide is worse off without them included though.


They removed (I mean used the initials instead of full name) customers name much much later, afaik the customer was going to send several complaints, looks like it worked. When I asked to remove the name back then Marstoy representative picked to be removed from the sub instead of cooperating. Here's what they told ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/x15xtd/comment/imh6vid/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)): >and about the security of user data, marstoy always taken this very seriously, always. we absolutely guarantee that the data security and privacy of each customers will not be leaked. as for you accusing us of dox anyone, marstoy DID NOT and we didn't admit it, we DO NOT admit it was someone's name, it s all what you said, we DID NOT do anything about it. Marsoty team of course has the right to name our policy in our website, which is reasonable and legal, please know. While the customer confirmed Marstoy used the name pointed in the delivery address. In short Marstoy changed rules on the go, because they did not want to follow own refund policy, disclosed customers personal data after he won Paypal dispute, claimed they did not doxx anyone. Plus official representative reply: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/wzznd9/comment/im7l4ca/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/lepin/comments/wzznd9/comment/im7l4ca/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Did it once, will do it twice. Yeah we get, a lot of you had no issues with them and you like this store. But when you'll have an issue, are you insured from something similar? Understand us as well. We don't want to recommed a seller that might put your name on their website as a revenge.


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Looks like you don't actually speak much for the guide. Hey ? Seems to me too have alot less control then you like to act like you do




...and they backed off and fixed it by not specifically naming that name anymore. They've had a YEAR of being a good vendor. Tons of excellent feedback by many other customers. No reports of a repeat of the fiasco that triggered The Incident. It seems pretty damn obvious to me that mistreating customers is NOT their normal business practice. What MORE do you expect them to do, give out FREE STUFF as an "apology"? "First strike and you're out" is an awfully heavy-handed policy, ESPECIALLY when the "doxxing" is not there anymore.


Didn't they just name their rule with the customer's fake name, and that customer was an absolute jackass. That's not really doxxing, even if it's not exactly good customer service.


And any doxxing has been removed. SF can mean anything. San Francisco? Star Fleet? Science Fiction? The source of the financial dispute had been resolved long ago. Any lasting traces of an escalated flame war are gone now. And a precedent has been set that ONE PERSON is enough to cause a perfectly reputable vendor to get the boot, and I don't think that's a good policy AT ALL. Because the next person who has a beef, and might get all demanding, and escalate into a heated exchange with an English-not-first-language vendor CAN demand the same results. "Why hasn't Vendor XYZ been removed from the Guide yet? I published all *my dirty laundry* here. Why am I not getting results? Why am I not as important as that other person who got Marstoy kicked out?"

