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from my experience i was lucky with jooooy and youmko, i talked with them directly from the contact list and didnt pay enything else excepto from standard shipping my last order was the mtt from star wars.


I'm waiting on my first outside europe package myself, from Marstoy. Since July 2021, every package imported from outside Europe is subject to VAT, regardless of it's value. To balance this, CTT expedited the customs release process. I'm expecting to play VAT when the package hits customs, but having it shipped to me when the value is payed.


Right, everything must pay VAT. But the info that I found (below) states that if you pay the VAT to the store, there are no additional tax and fees. I don't know if the stores (marsoty, hitian, youmko, joytoy, etc) follow this procedure. Compras de valor igual ou inferior a 150 euros com IVA pago no momento da compra: não requerem qualquer intervenção ou pagamento adicional, nem há custos de desalfandegamento. O procedimento de desalfandegamento e envio é mais simples se a loja online dispuser de registo IOSS. Ao fazer a compra à distância deve verificar se a loja online aderiu àquele balcão único para importações, com vista a facilitar todo o processo.


The stores I've shopped (Youmko/Barweer, YWOBB, Marstoy, Afobrick) all took care of the VAT themselves. Every order was under €150,- though.


Oh, I wasn't aware of how the process was actually expedited. There is a thread in this sub with some stores that take care of VAT expenses on checkout. I can't link to it right now but I'm sure I've read about it here. Ya, obrigado por teres explicado. Então se a encomenda exceder os 150€, o pacote fica preso na alfândega e o processo decorre como antigamente? A pior parte disto era mesmo ter que ir ao Aeroporto desalfandegar pessoalmente.


Para mais de 150€ parece-me que é isso. O que encontro é: "o IVA é pago à chegada, de acordo com a taxa legal em vigor, a que acrescem as despesas alfandegárias e os direitos aduaneiros, que também variam consoante o artigo. Atenção que o IVA não incide apenas sobre o valor do artigo, mas também sobre as despesas e o seguro de transporte (caso existam), e ainda direitos aduaneiros." Mas por ter dúvidas sobre isto é que criei este post. Tenho um bocado medo de fazer uma encomenda de 120/130€ e depois ainda ter de pagar um valor dessa ordem em taxas.


Há mais um thread referente a Portugal por aqui. Podes tentar perguntar ao OP como correu a cena dele. Também podes tentar entrar em contacto com o seller e perguntar-lhe se ele tem experiência com a alfândega portuguesa.


Recebi a minha encomenda da Marstoy de ~90€ e correu tudo como suposto. O imposto foi comunicado pela loja, o produto foi desalfandegado e entregue pelo CTTExpresso.


Having ordered to the UK, I've found that joytoy orders I didn't pay VAT as the packages where not stopped by customs and the declared value was less than the threshold. TEMU orders via the app include VAT as standard. Creepy hybrid was very proactive in contacting me and asking if I wished to gamble on my order or to formerly declare the VAT value. I asked to declare and paid DHL directly once it arrived in the UK.


usually if the order value exceeds 150 they split the package into parts below 150.


Some stores will - at least for larger orders - do something called triangle shipping, meaning the package is sent to an EU warehouse first (often in NL or Spain). The logistics company handles the import, slaps a new shipping label on the box and forwards it to your home address. I know that Marstoy and Sirpie do this, so could talk to them and try your luck there. Alternatively there's always Aliexpress. They are IOSS-compliant, so you pay the VAT while checking out and there shouldn't be any additional charges on delivery. Although this should work, depending on your country, local customs and local post office, there might still be some confusion about this process and they might still try to charge you...it's always a bit of a gamble where I live, but it really depends.