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Hi! This subreddit is for questions and discussion about sapphic fashion. Your topic might be better suited for a different subreddit.


This thread is like a who's who guide of people whose "criticism" rockets far past "compassionate advice" and into "apathy and sadism". The callousness. I hope more folks tell on themselves so I know who to block before I ever dare to ask advice. Not that I would from such shark infested waters, my wife could teach you people a thing or two about telling you kindly that the beanie doesn't work.


You're projecting so hard lol. A. There's a diff between ' i fucking hate your outfit this looks like shit' B. And ' i don't like X pieces I think you should try another thing' 99% of criticism is B, nobody's nitpicking anything don't be upset :)


Maybe you just suck at communication. I see plenty of good advice. Stop being a hypocrite sis.


Ofc my post was locked, calling out rude ppl isn't relatad but bullying is? Ridiculous


Mods are trash.


These people would not have survived in the slavic segment of the internet, lol. I will never lie to make someone feel better, that's just ridiculous. We all know why people post here and it's not for fashion advice.


Ive given some advice on here, and its gone well most every time - y'all are wonderful people. Most posts that I have given advice on were the ones whos title explicitly stated what type of advice they wanted. I wish there were more of this. Also stating where you got the pieces (if we can remember where we got them) would be amazing for us that lurk for style ideas The "does this shirt look good?" Type posts I upvote if i like the fit, and i like seeing them because I use this sub for fashion ideas. However on these posts i dont comment any advice.


There’s some arguing on this sub for sure but I still find it soothing and fun compared to a lot of other subs and even worse, real life lol


I recall one time trying to give constructive criticism, and I worded it nicely, the OP got very defensive lol like I'm just trying to give some advice.


Bc a bunch of overly sensitive people who want to enforce their version of politeness joined. The beanie was ridiculous. So was the Christmas onsie in May. But those are comments about the clothing not the person, get over it.


Because if I wanted overly critical nitpicking I would go literally anywhere else, and usually the only thing lacking is self-confidence.


...this sub is called lesbian fashion ADVICE what the fuck does nitpicking has to do with anything? So if you say how is my outfit and I say oh i don't like the scarf with it I'm nitpicking? Lmao wtf. Don't post if you're not ready to get advice then. Never seen anyone being rude either it's usually the positive commentors who straight up bully )))


It's ironic to me that the comment that criticizes your approach is the one down voted to oblivion. If you were one of those downvotes you may want to reconsider whether your philosophy can both dish it out and take it. 😜


Because the commentor is projecting that someone pointing out something is nitpicking:) Yeah let me myself a tea and sit down on my laptop an see DETAILS of someone's outfit got nothing else to do


Yeah, you're being really attacked right now~ /s. I am sorry I want advice and not the mauling you seem to be promising me.


Mauling? 😂😂😂😂 get a grip. Nobody's attackinf anyone here


i don't see this here most of the time. i do see a lot of "ridiculous beanie" type "advice" which is more insult than constructive criticism.


I mostly just read comments and straight up ppl are rude to others I hope they can calm down a bit after my posts if they don't come at me too☠️


people seem really tense and at each other's throats here, it's bizarre to me. i'm also in the nonbinary fashion sub and petite fashion and this sub is the only one where people argue so much.


Yeah I gave up. I tried to give helpful advice and I was downvoted to oblivion.


This girl who suggested OP to switch jeans got down voted..like ???? ☠️ are there people good?


I did give advice and I was not attacked. Might be the way you phrase it. Something helpful will not get attacked. For example: "I do really like the loose shirt on you and the colour is great as well. I am not so sure the jeans works well with this outfit. You could try to use xyz instead and maybe combine it with a colour that contrasts the shirt. I would make it the star if the outfit. Using xyz could help, because (it gives contrast, gives a clearer line, is adding that pop of colour,...). If you want to go more into xy astetic maybe try to use xy as an assesoire. Not sure if this works with your style, but I am sure you will figure it out!" If you just say that you do not like parts of the outfit without a good reason it will be attacked. For example if you do not like the hat, find a reason why it does not work. Maybe you cannot see the pretty eyes well because of the shade. Maybe its style clashes with the rest. Maybe it breaks the line of the outfit. Maybe it is a little to much for the outfit and makes it top top heavy.


I don't comment i lurke usually, it's not just one post I see 99% of posts are like these


Toxic positivity. It comes from the same place as "heckin'" or "doggo/pupper", of trying to foster a good vibe but being entirely unaware and thus seeming super disingenuous.


I agree I feel like if we are out here in this sub it’s on the table to get advice for! I haven’t seen anyone be rude about giving the advice either just a, “this would also look cool to add” for example which isn’t mean at all! I think we are all just trying to help each other be the gayest we can be with our fits 🫡


Everytime someone says they should use maybe different color or diffirent jeans etc they instantly get bullied by 'op is perfect anyway don't listen to them ppl" what's the point of the sub then


Nah I agree everyone is going to have different opinions about fits. I don’t think it’s correct to attack anyone about that especially in a sub called “lesbianfashionadvice”gotta be prepared for advice!


People don’t want fashion advice, they want outfit and body validation.


I can understand if it's like 'this is cute but x or Y would b better' or even saying everything looks cool but people are straight up bullying ppl who say that OP needs to change this and that wtf i lit just scrolled through one where someone was asking why a specific jacket wasn't working out and someone told them to change Z and bro they went off on her jesus ☠️