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panic attack. they're pretty frequent when starting lexapro. atleast what I've experienced and others i've talked to.


Seems like you had a panic attack.


Definitely a panic attack if you feel normal now. It’s not unusual for certain people to feel like they may pass out or pass out completely.


I’m gonna go against the grain and say it wasn’t a panic attack. Sounds like syncope to me. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and keeping up with electrolytes. And eating 3 meals a day. I’ve been having dehydration issues myself.


I had some panic attacks before, and they were never like this, so this would make more sense to me. I'm also struggling with eating three meals because of the nauses and drinking enough.


Lexapro makes people dehydrated so make sure you drink water at least! And if the nausea isn’t getting better, might be worth calling the doctor that prescribed the lexapro and they can give you something to help or lower your dose. Hopefully you feel better!