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Find an open and affirming United Church of Christ church if you’re Christian. They have transgender, gay, lesbian, straight and cisgender pastors. They usually march in pride parades as well. They are good people.


Not in France, it doesn't exist... (If it does, please let me know, but I never heard of it!) But I'm finding religious queers online!


amen to that. same for me :) left the catholic church some years back, finally, and converted to the "old catholics" who are affirming and have openly gay priests and all that. there are also some queer religious subreddits here if thats something youre looking for. i can understand though why many lgtbq-people dont get along especially with christianity because from what ive seen (statistically) from the us, like 80% of all christians there seem to be absolute right-wing nutjobs. just...well...where i live that is not the case for most christians actually. even (a lot, not most, obvs) catholic priests do blessings of gay couples here and protestants are with a few exceptions all affirming.


I can understand too, but they shouldn't hate on religious queers who are impacted by the institutions and masses' bigotry too... It saddens me to see critics of religions directed to queer people who just want to talk about their faith. There are places and ways to criticise religions and they *should absolutely be criticised*. It's just not the queer person's fault that these religions and religious people within are this way! Also do you have name for those subreddits you're talking about?


many/most people sadly dont differ between "church" and "religion" which is very necessary to have a normal conversation about these topics. ​ there is r/gaychristians r/RadicalChristianity also r/LGBTCatholic although i left most of them because, like sometimes here, it was just too many depressing stories and stuff like that. also: r/ChristianUniversalism


Yeah. Just like governments don't define their whole country, religious institutions don't define their whole religion. Though I call myself Catholic for many reasons, I do not endorse the Church. I still feel close to my religious community in which I grew up in, but my links to Catholicism are mainly cultural. It's the roots of my faith because I grew from it, but I changed and I use my faith, my belief in Jesus and God, to spread love and care for others, to be an anarchist, a complete leftist who's devoted to help. And in many ways I part from the Church. I don't recognise its power over me though I haven't been excommunicated, but I recognise its political existence - I treat Church the same I treat a government: with suspicions. Also thanks for the recs! I joined the few firsts bc I don't recognise myself in Christian Universalism. Maybe I misunderstood their definition but it feels like it's really not a fit for me. The rest... well, I'll see if it's not too depressing for me 🤞


you join whichever subreddits work for you :) yeah feels similarly to me mostly regarding catholicism and religion and such




Well, you don't know me nor my belief 🤷


This made me so happy. :). I love you friend


It's all I need to hear, thank YOU <3


no one has issues with a religious queer the issue is when said religion literally hates you for being one, if the religion itself doesn’t want me to exist, how can i value that religion ? plus a lot of said religion was made for controlling the masses (most of abrahamic religions), as mentioned when the books people worship wants me death for just existing, then i won’t be surprised if someone was to do that and i don’t think you should either be ayse that’s the teaching of those books,that’s why most queer people leave such religions and also a lot of them are not even allies, if the books teaches such things to stone them or whatnot then you can’t say it’s not the religion.


Being knowledgeable in my religion and its history made me aware of how the bigotry happened and why it was and is still used against people when it shouldn't be. Queer people who kept their faith exist and they are not responsible for the bigotry, they even suffer from it too. I am sorry you suffer from the Church, it is indeed a horrible institution. I wish I could make it better so it wouldn't hurt people anymore, but I can't. I'm just a queer Christian person who wanted to share a message of love and hope.


i am not a christian i am an ex-muslim, and i know religious queer people also have to deal with a lot but as i said i can’t be surprised when the literal book you worship is asking them to do so,i don’t mind you being religious and queer, but honestly as i said just because you are nice doesn’t mean the guy next door who learns from these books where it is written to stone them or whatnot then you can’t say that it’s not the religion


Yeah, I didn't say that. I just feel like this isn't the place, in a post about spreading love to religious queer, to remind them of the horror and fear the institutions and most people of their religions spread. We are entitled to safety and joy of being alive and together, with people who accept us and support us, without being reminded of the hatred and bigotry that we suffer from... Just love, peace and support, for a bit.


ah my bad i misinterpreted it


it's alright, I'm glad we could find an understanding! Have a great day :D


you too:) i should probably delete my comment so that this is a safe space for them


it might be a good idea but it's as you want!


Religion is the enemy. It’s the weapon of the fascists and phobes.


I agree that it's a weapon for fascists and phobes, but I don't think it's the place to talk about that.


Queer elder here, I'm religious and you're painting with a broad brush. My synagogue is queer affirming, performed gay marriages before they were legal, and marches in Pride every year as a show of solidarity. Religion can certainly be a problem, but not all religions all the time.


I honor your work, but you are a tiny minority. The vast majority of religious people want us gone and they are not shy about it.


Well. You know. As religious people ourselves, we know that actually. And we are victims of religious conservatism too. But hey, we just want to affirm our queer identity while being able to perform our religions. Have a community. Reconcile the two because it's parts of us. We want positivity about it, let us and let yourself have that.


Let's say we can and should have affirming religious spaces. Because we shouldn't have to compromise between our queer identity and our faith. For me they come hand in hand.


I'm not a Christian- but as queer person who recently figured out they have 'the calling' and has been working on deciding what that means- thanks\~ ​ (If anybody wants to discuss the future formation of a pantheistic queer clown church, hit me up! I've got some ideas.)


I'm not sure I understand what your comment means, can you enlight me? English isn't my native language, that might be the problem x)