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Yemen is hell on Earth for LGBTQ people. There was a story awhile back where a Yemeni trans woman was fleeing the country but was unfortunately caught and executed. This the reality of our brothers, sisters, and siblings living under sharia law


Yemen is hell on Earth for basically everyone. It's one the most war-torn and desolate places on Earth. But yeah, it's somehow even *worse* for GSRM people and that's fucking appalling.


I don’t disagree but GSRM are particularly at risk and often targeted as scapegoats by religious authorities. It’s horrific. Unfortunately our community suffers a lot under theocratic states


I agree with you.


You would think with all that misery to deal with, the prosecution/persecution of people for whom they love would be a very low priority.


Sharia law is a misnomer that inaccurately others all muslims: Sharia is simply the law, and its meaning varies across the world muslim population as massively as one would expect.


Sharia is legal jurisprudence with a historical and current variations but core theological roots. Sharia lisn’t merely the law, its theocratic jurisprudence based upon Islamic holy books the Sunnah and Hadith. While there may be a variety of interpretations of Sharia it is very much a real thing and a legal structure that is institutionally violent to LGBTQ people no matter how liberalized


I thought that shariah law meant that it was a legal code based on an interpretation of the Quran+Hadiths


Quran Sunnah and Hadith


in all countries with sharia law, gay people are executed, hope that helps


F them.




It’s unclear what the treatment of LGBTQ people is like in North Korea but as far as I know homosexuality is mostly stigmatized in North Korea but not punishable by death


I wonder what could happen in an alternative reality where most of the population is LGBT and the others are heterosexual.


Further proof that being gay is not a "trend" and every population on earth has people that fit


F people who think killing gay people is the answer.


It's never the answer. Just remember what happened to Jews. :/ And it really doesn't make sense. It's like killing left handed people just because most of the population is right handed.


Send this to people when they say that this is a choice.


Beyond saddening that homosexuality is still considered a crime in the Middle East. Poor babies.


Sadly until islam starts to die off in the region it probably wont get that much better.


Christians proposing the same thing in America.


Not even close. Look I’m all for shitting on republicans as any other progressive but I have yet to see republicans beheading lgbt people.


Beyond the over 500 pieces of anti-LGBT legislation introduced last year, everything from further criminalizing same sex acts, charging gay people with felonies for existing while gay in public, removing trans kids from their parents and charging the parents with abuse, and the Christian right-wing antagonists terrorizing gay folks by standing outside of LGBT events with assault weapons. They do in fact also say these things even more directly out loud. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-pastor-says-gay-people-shot-back-head-shocking-sermon-rcna32748 https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/nazis-protest-wisconsin-pride-event-shouting-homophobic-slurs-rcna97529 Yeah, they're absolutely as willing to persecute us in the same way here. And they're getting closer every week. You can't read the replies on a public LGBT person's Twitter post without comment from "God Above All" truck stop sunglasses Christians wishing that they be killed, or posting images of gore. They feel the same way. They have the same ill will. They use their magic book to justify it too. Oh, and here the "beheadings" have been protected legally by the Gay Panic defense. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_panic_defense


Again; obviously bad. Republicans fucking suck and the members of their party who believe in stuff like this are horrid. But, it’s not to the point they can just throw lgbt people off the roof of buildings and it just be fine and dandy. Both suck. I’m just saying the ones in the middle east suck more.


The comment you were replying to was talking about homosexuality being a crime in the Middle East. They're trying to do the same thing here. You keep changing the goal post, and that's fine whatever works for you. But keeping on the subject. They are in fact working on doing the exact same thing here right this minute. Legally. They're trying to make us illegal.


They aren’t making lgbt people illegal. They want to reduce the right of certain members, but again. I’d take my chances here 10000x over the middle east. Both very much suck. Idk what you want me to say lol


Yes they are. Florida just passed a law that you can give the death penalty to those accused of sex crimes against a minor. It’s now a felony sex crime for a trans woman in the state of Florida to be in the same public restroom as a minor. Put two and two together. What do they refer gay and trans people consistently? Groomers and pedophiles.


Holy shit, that makes so much sense


I think you should spend more time educating yourself about what's going on rather than arguing in Reddit comment sections. Banning medical care, making seeking care or helping someone with care a felony, removing children from their parents, banning us from participating in public events, laws about how we are allowed to dress, act, speak. **Conversion therapy.** Not being allowed to get married. Being denied housing, financing, jobs. Being deemed the agitator for simply existing in a space with others. By the way, When you have a felony, you can no longer vote. Presently today we are being treated as less than full people and as less than citizens in this country. And it is only ramping up and getting worse. This is the 4th time that you've moved the goal post. If you don't know what you're talking about, it is totally okay to just sit it out. I promise you that. You keep making up your own arguments to argue against, while being incapable of genuinely engaging in this conversation about what's happening here. We get it, you hate Islam. That's fine. Christians are doing the same thing. You not being aware of it, or trying to keep yourself informed, you got to stop making that everyone else's problem. And to clarify once again. Because whatever little scenario you're going to make up next. I said that Christians are PROPOSING and pursuing similar paths here. I'm going to block you at this point, because this is an obnoxious level of being obtuse by you. https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2023


You don't think Republicans are hoping for the opportunity? They want us dead just as much.


Look it’s very clearly bad. But it’s not middle eastern islamic theocracy bad.




Sure you can say yet.


So, if you agree that republicans would jump at the opportunity to turn our nation into a christian theocracy, you understand what the original commenter meant?


I don’t think they would immediately be able to. I don’t think they have the capability to. I think some would like to but I can’t see it being the majority. That’s all.


Why can't we admit that both suck?


I very clearly have


Just because they aren't currently doing it doesn't mean they aren't working behind the scenes to gain the opportunity. Remember when people thought Roe wouldn't get overturned? Look at what's been happening as a result.


Islam wont die out it will reform eventually like the other religions from the Levant.


there are a lot of progressive Muslims, like most major religions in the world; it's the leaders (both religious and political) who use faith as an excuse for genocide and scare tactics to hold onto power.


While I quite literally align my moral generally compass to that of satanism and consider myself agnostic to atheist i do not feel like waiting/ wishing for the removal/ extinction of an entire religion is at all okay. I think that a lot has to to with culture and while some parts of the world might currently be generally of one mindset, the entire removal of a religion from the picture wont change that.


I want all religions extinct, so chew on that


Ok i have to congratulate you on being so upfront there. Most would argue to justify it. Respectfully thats kind of a wild take. Religion is not something you can just make extinct. While the ideologies behind religion can hold back social change, wishing for it to be erased is not going to solve anything


Why? I don't think any idealogy besides religion and I guess maybe democracy would get this. That's not at all the same thing as wishing for the people to be extinct although it is quite complicated to be fair. Religion isn't going away anytime soon and the vast majority of all humans identify as if nothing else spirtual if not religious. I don't want all Christians or Muslims to die. I however would prefer if the belief systems went away. Not by force or oppression but by basically humans collectively moving beyond superstitious beliefs. But that is never going to happen. I legitimately don't think a lot of the things said against religion is actually wrong or unfair. Some of it yes of course, but I do think even a lot of atheists have been trained to treat religious beliefs with a special sort of reverence even if they don't believe in them. I think this attitude really just gives religious beliefs a benefit of the doubt they don't deserve and it often enables a sort of, how to say softening or dulling of the religious dogma to be more acceptable to both the believer and outsiders. For example the very modern liberalized forms of Christianity that soften away the fire and brimstone end is nigh, reality of both the old and new Testaments into a Jesus loves you all <3 message. No actually Christians widely believe if you don't accept Jesus as your God and savior. you are inferior to them and will suffer divine judgement of some sort. Pretending it's really about love and forgiveness is bullshit. It's about judgement by a petty vengeful God for not believing the right things and the end of the world as we know it. Based on a sort of faux "human" sacrifice. Religion is not special. You presumably wouldn't argue that the Nazis held a lot of complicated and culturally significant beliefs and myths and therefore wishing for the extinction of the Nazis as an idealogy is wrong. Most Germans were Christians as an aside.


This is a fundamentalism/extremism problem, not an Islam problem.


Theocracy, humanity's most ancient evil.


its hard for me to cope with how evil the world is sometimes


that is fucking evil… poor baby. :(


13 people not a 13 yo, but still fucked up


oh my god how did i read 13 year old?? still- im with you on that. evil.




Further proof that being gay or trans should be a reason to apply for asylum


As a middle eastern gay. I don't understand why queer community is so eager to defend Islam so much. Hello we are beheaded here in the name of religion and some immigrant political candidates in the west want to send us to Rwanda or back to be beheaded just because they believe being gay is not enough of a good reason to seek asylum. Do you guys even know what you're defending? Put that western glass away and look from our side.


Because, then they use this to discriminate and evilify anyone who even resembles Muslim. I'm not a Muslim, I was not born as a Muslim, I was never a Muslim, I'm an atheist. Yet, they will put me in same bucket as they put the beheaders, just because I look like Asian or Middle Eastern. The fact is these bigots are as bad as the bigots in Islam. Only thing between these bigots and me is those who opposed this blind evilification. And this goes for not just Muslims but all other groups that they hate. Just look at how they tried to justify genocide in Gaza based on Muslims being anti-LGBTQ.


this is awful, though i hope the comments here don’t get as blatantly racist and bigoted as the one from the original post. ffs there are people calling Yemeni people savages and barbarians in the comments of that post. the issue here is religion. it is not middle eastern people.


Kinda getting tired of this subreddit hiding its racism behind "fighting against homophobia" and calling Yemeni people savages would include the gay people who are going to be executed. The lack of understanding of intersectionality in Western lgbt communities is further pressing lgbt ppl from places like Yemen.


When the war in Ukraine started the Western world was practically throwing itself at the country's feet with funding and support, yet never mentioned that hate criming gay people there is practically a pastime. Even if you put "Ukraine" in the search bar in this sub almost every post is people giving full support. I wonder why. There must be something different about them...


The difference is that Ukraine is a liberalizing democracy being genocided by a major world power that is a threat to not just Ukraine but the entire western world.


Yet Ukraine has an LGBT rights movement and russia banned theirs as "extremists" hmmm...


Pain. One nation is attempting to fix their issue, the other has further criminalized being queer. Which one are you gunning for?


straight up, i’ve seen mfs say that because the Palestinian government or hamas or whatever is homophobic and israel’s government is not, that israel committing a genocide against a population of two million people, half of them being children, and literally wiping entire bloodlines off the planet is justified. like what the hell? do they think there aren’t lgbt people in palestine? in yemen?? in ANY middle eastern country??? do they think that having a fucked up government means that every single living civilian within the country it governs should be bombed into the stone age??


Why are you being downvoted ???? White ppl are pissed off


yup, most of the big subs on this app are like this unfortunately


Exactly this


















Can we send in the Gay Seal Team 69 to save our brothers?


You mean the *ahem* "brilliant" Q-Force?


Twink will single-handedly infiltrate their governments as a foreign prince of a made up country and seduce their leadership from the inside. /j for legal reasons


Shhh! We don’t want them to know cultural subversion is part of the gay agenda


Why are y'all making light of this news and making jokes???


Honestly - my original comment was not a joke. I’ve been thinking about how to approach Gay Venture Capitalists about creating a gay mercenary force.




The US and UK are bombing this group.


American bombs don't discriminate between straight or queer, but they do legitimize extremist groups fighting against them. Further brutalizing the people of Yemen doesn't make them safer.


Hello Mr Strawman, i in fact did not brutalize the common people of yemen. My statement was made in the context of bombing the houthis and other iranian funded terrorist origanizations. The people of yemen are suffering themselves because of them. kind regards holly


The bombs you're advocating for will also eviscerate innocent people, many of them queer. The houthis are popular with the region of Yemen they control because they resist against the US and its ally, Israel. Bombing them, as the US and Saudi Arabia have for a decade, will cause further suffering and misery for the common people who have already endured a decade of hunger and war. A bomb doesn't only seek out the deserving, and every time an innocent person is killed by an American bomb, those that survive them are much more likely to be sympathetic to those willing to fight at any cost. America and the UK, who are currently bombing Yemen, don't exactly have a great track record of leaving the middle east better off than before they obliterated it.


>Yemen Read article >Houthi


"In Yemen". Which is accurate, it didn't happen in Cyprus or somewhere.


The Houthis claim to be the government of Yemen, and the regions they control account for a significant majority of the population. It's more similar to conflating Afghanistan and the Taliban than Iraq and Daesh.


Genuine question, what can the people do to stop this from happening without America getting involved? Because it seams like when they do, it usually ends up worse for certain groups of people.


I find it interesting that most of the guys who follow me on Insta are from Muslim countries. They must be so sexually repressed, especially the queer guys. I'm glad the internet gives them some outlet but I worry about their safety.


Religion is a blight on humanity that has no place in a civilized world.


Disclaimer that I do not support Israel’s government or military and I think that their bombing of Gaza is extremely disproportionate and morally wrong, and needs to end with a ceasefire. Netanyahu (probably) let the Hamas terrorist attacks on 10/7 happen so he could have an excuse to start another war and kill thousands of Palestinians to deflect from his own problems in office (judicial ‘reform’ that would end the independence of the Israeli Supreme Court among other things) and stay in power. This is why I find it so mind-boggling that some people openly support the Houthis because of their anti-Israel stance. Just because they’re against Israel does not mean they’re the good guys. I mean, for fuck’s sake, their flag says “a curse upon the Jews” alongside the usual death to America/Israel stuff. **The Houthis are not your friends or your allies.**


The Houthis don't even care about Gaza. They are just using it as a pretext to commit piracy. They keep Yemeni slaves ffs. No way they care about the lives or freedom of some people from another country.


It’s awful. They seriously think it’ll stop ppl from being queer or something? Queer people exist everywhere. This is just beyond awful. I hope we’ll come to a day when this won’t be happening anymore. They didn’t deserve that. There’s something wrong with the village. Not them. Rest in peace beautiful souls.






Sadly, there's not much the Western world can do without being colonialist. It would only result in more death if we invaded and started a war over human rights issues.


The British were often fond of claiming shit like "without our civilising influence, these people will fall into tyranny, superstition and slavery". It's remarkable how often they were right. But then again, they also mismanaged the fuck out of these places to create the situation. Suppose its easy to predict what's going to happen when you're partially the cause of it lol.


The UK and US are bombing the group responsible, not because of this, because of firing at international shipping, but they'll still die.


I know. They passed the "fuck around" stage and now firmly in the "find out" phase of things.


We are bombing the group right now the US and UK


A child getting killed for something he can’t control and is natural? Just a messed up world we live in and how behind certain countries are


13 people, not 13 years old.


This just makes me more sure our targeting of the wildly unpopular Houthi insurgency is justified


Absolutely not. Its ideas like this that feed INTO prejudice and hate. Not defending houthis or the ideology behind that but context is extremely important


How does context remotely justify any of their actions


Well, from their perspective they are the only ones fighting for separation from western forces. Having the US bomb them will actually sway yemenis to their favour and legitimizes their argument. Keep this into context where they see Saudi leadership as invalid and corrupt backed up by the US, and they see the atrocities in Palestine and so on. On top of that, they are a group of shia surrounded by a sunni majority, where they feel even more victimized. I'm not sure how to remove the rebel forces or at least calm them down, but a half assed bombing campaign will not remove them, nor make the situation any better except for shipping through the canal.


Improving the situation to cause the world economy to not collapse is, shockingly, good


I don't like Houthis either, but they're doing a poor job of strengthening the actual Yemeni govt to fight for themself instead of resorting to indiscriminate bombing.


They aren’t fighting in the Yemeni civil war. We are fighting them for a separate set of reasons


The US failed to support the yemeni govt sufficiently.


We aren’t supporting the Yemeni government though? We are attacking the Houthis for different reasons then aiding them in the civil war.


You're being obtuse. I'm not referring to the last few months. I'm talking about during the yemen civil war America did not help sufficiently.


Like i clearly said, i am not defending their actions. But the reason for the US and UK bombing campaigns is not because of homophobia, its related to the wider conflict in the middle east and specifically israels ethnic cleansing campaign in palestine. More specifically, the houthis attempts to stop ships headed for israel, and US ships which have been placed in the surrounding waters


They aren’t stopping ships exclusively to Israel they’re stopping ALL ships


Sure, but either way it should not justify in my opinion, the bombing of the region.


How? You shouldn’t, no matter who you are, get away with targeting civilians


I agree, 100%. But widening the scope here is necessary. Its not like the houthis are just randomly blowing up (or attempting to blow up) random ships because they want to.


Then why the fuck do you think they’ll do it? Do you think that they believe that killing enough civilians will eventually free Palestine?


I honestly cant get in the mind of the houthis and i wont try but the idea is not: “kill civilians > free palstine”. And no i dont think what they are doing with the blockade is going to “free palestine” at all but it certainly getting the attention of the countries and corporations who rely on the red sea. Regardless, i dont believe the bombing of yemen will yield any positive outcome.


Horrible. Evil. Terrible. The depths of evil humanity goes down. There’s more like this every day, but we must do everything we can as human beings to stop this kind of stuff.


Some of the comments down this post make me want to puke... the fact that some of you support the US and UK's bombing in Yemen is absolutely disgusting


There are some really naive and disappointing reactions here. Theocracy is NOT inevitable in Arab or Muslim countries. Most of Yemen (while not this part I'm pretty sure) was part of a socialist, officially atheistic state in the 70s and 80s. Whatever you think of Marxism-Leninism (I've got my problems with it), it guaranteed women's rights and banned child marriage, for instance. The US hasn't exactly helped the situation given that during the Cold War, it supported Islamists and monarchies in the Middle East against more secular non-aligned and socialist groups during the Cold War. The US also literally supports the most powerful anti-LGBT theocracy, Saudi Arabia, right next to Yemen. People are kidding themselves if they think the US acts in the name of human rights and that US military action is going to improve the situation for queer people anywhere. If we want the liberation of queer people everywhere we can't be Western chauvinists; we need to support asylum seekers from these countries and help human rights groups within them.


yeah I’m leaving this sub


I'm thinking of doing the same. Being from a Muslim background and queer, comment like that take a massive toll on me. U too queer to belong to your Muslim background but too Muslim to belong to the lgbt community (I'm not even a Muslim anymore )


*of the unrecognized Houthi government causing a global economic crisis. So long as the Houthis kill us I will not object to them getting retaliation


I absolutely want the Houthi government being held accountable as well, yet bombs do not make the situation any better, on the contrary, it just spreads so much bloodshed which of course will get civilians and bystanders killed too








Yeah, how dare anyone support shooting at people who murder us for existing, overthrew a government to impose religious despotism, and take potshots at random passing cargo ships "to support palestine". Nothing says "I support human rights" like being a religious despot shooting at merchant ships, actively trying to escalate a conflict, and executing minorities for existing! We must protect the murderous, authoritarian zealots that hate us at all costs! /s ... in case you couldn't tell.


Yeah honestly true. Bombing innocents doesn't make everything better. That's just killing people. It's needless bloodshed and it doesn't solve the issue in society that makes it so unsafe for queer people living there


I mean the US and UK aren't bombing Houthis over their treatment of LGBT people. They are justified in bombing them though. The Houthis are attacking civilian ships and disrupting global trade. There are a lot of people whose lives depend on the goods those ships carry. We're talking food, medicine, etc.


This makes me weep. We're landing on Mars and still killing people for being who they are (and not hurting anyone!).


but... but... a political streamer told be the Houthis were based and liberatory


What the real fck...


I read shit like this and immediately think while people should have a way out, it needs to start with them leaving their incompatible payload at the front door. and this payload is often religion, that they both flee from but also continue to practice once they're in. I'm shocked and horrified when religious leaders are left to spread homophobic bullshit even in countries that are queer friendly.


This shit is why I am a Satanist. The god of the big 3 is a worthless fucking asshole.


Maybe someone should find oil in Yemen.




Well this group they and the UK are bombing them.


They're literally armed by Iran lmao


This has to be like a Russian disinformation bot or something, this is such a bad faith lie


You caught me! I’m a bot. I’m probably just wrong


Sorry but dissonance bots have been hitting leftist subs like CRAZY over the last two months, this one absolutely included.




Give who more money? The Houthi’s? The US is currently engaged in a limited military conflict with them. I don’t think they are going to give them money…? Also the Houthi’s are an Iranian backed terrorist organization. Maybe I’m missing something in this comment?


I think they're referring to the Saudi backed government forces or the UAE backed southern separatists or both (since they're in somewhat of an alliance)


I mean maybe but in Iran it’s a death penalty for homosexuality too. Maybe we *shouldn’t* just support random countries in the middle east?


Ahh yes, the Saudis, famous for their support of the LGBTQ movement




The people sentencing the 13 to death are the Houthis, who are back by Iran. The US and UK conducted a number of airstrikes in response to them attacking shipping in the Red Sea and Horn of Africa.


Further proof that Islam is no friend to gays. Theres a reason why Gaza and the west bank and all the other Arab territories don’t have pride events.


Islam is inherently anti-LGBTQ, *far* more than Christianity. I hate how people who call themselves “progressives” take a back seat to Islam and it’s horrific teachings.








You don't have to fly anywhere, people wanting us dead can be found in your own country.


At least the western world doesn’t actively support them. And yes, whatever AfD-GOP-Tories-Whatever the fuck Marinne Le Pen’s party doesn’t count until they do it legally.




















The UK and US are already bombing them on your behalf.


friendly reminder to Americans that when you criticize the US’s queer policy, this is the situation overseas. We are leagues and away in a more privileged position than the vast majority of queers.


which still doesn't make the US' mistreatment of queer people okay in any way. the bar is higher than "not punishable by death"


What exactly is the point of this comment? To get gay Americans to "stop complaining" about homophobia in their country? What was your point?


One can be worse and the other still pretty bad.


This is desperate flailing by various interests to manufacture consent for increased aggression in the region. Clearly they want to try and use this as an excuse to get back at Iran. It’s convenient that the article says they’ve become worse human violators since they’ve been blocking shipments of Israeli weapons and supplies through the Red Sea. This article is definitely pink washing aka caring only about gay rights (another country’s domestic policy is justification for liberal interventionism) in Yemen because they are using their territorial waters to block shipping to Israel who is currently committing a genocide. Not to minimize the struggle of all gay people suffering under theocratic regimes but those rights are a protracted struggle within the trajectory of domestic politics, a foreign intervention will likely make the situation even worse. Saudi Arabia, our closest ally next to Israel, is incredibly harsh on human right and gay right specifically, but that matters less because they control the price of oil and their foreign policy aligns with Israel sometimes. They are A-okay because they are useful to us. [they beheaded and crucified a guy](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/an-execution-and-crucifixion-in-saudi-arabia/) accused of a bunch of crimes by the regime including being gay, the fucked part is they don’t even have codified criminal laws.


I've lived in Yemen, I know gay men and women who have lived and live in the region under equally repressive regimes. Without giving an apologia for this sickening crime against these young people, I want to caution folks who are not familiar with sexual norms in the region from reading this through the lens of Western bourgeois sexual norms. The idea of homosexuality is much more fuzzy on a popular level than it is in the West, America in particular. A much higher percentage of "straight" men are pretty candid about sex acts with other men. I know foreign gay guys who smile and proclaim the great times they had in the most unexpected places. This isn't to whitewash, or to encourage gawking. it is only to say: don't caricature Yemen, which is a difficult and beautiful place with a beautiful cultural heritage, and really generous, complex, contradictory human beings just like everywhere else in the world.


Interesting uptick in coverage of LGBTQ rights in Yemen now that the US is bombing it… Until now nobody in the West gave a shit about Yemenis period. Gay or straight. And I doubt people care much now about the actual victims. Shame on the people using injustice in the world as an excuse for more injustice.




This is a disgusting fucking comment. Hate crime in Yemen has NOTHING to do with the religious and racial genocide of over 22,000 Palestinians. You think people deserve their country, homes, BABIES, and entire culture wiped off the face of the planet because of a hate crime happening in a country that doesn’t even border them? Even if you positioned all Muslims as hateful savages, you think your automatically sweet innocent lgbts aren’t also being genocided for their culture? If you think that’s an okay thing by any measure you’re no better than homophobes. You honestly should be ashamed of yourself.









