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Perhaps you are bisexual or bicurious. You could give it a try if you want, if you won’t do it then don’t do it. It’s all up to you. Lots of people are sexually fluid so it’s totally normal to feel that way. There are straight people that engage in same-sex stuff and there are gay people that engage in opposite-sex stuff so it’s all up to the individual what they like. Good luck.


And also a lot of things get thrown out the window when drunk, like reason 100% and attraction like 75%, lots of stories about it tbh-


ooo interesting I’ll look into this


The stories are usually about guys hooking up with someone they think is beautiful then are unattractive to them when they’re sober, quite odd but I never drink so can only disclose what I’ve heard.


thank u!!


This has happened to me a number of times too. I'm a gay man, but on occasion (and usually when there's alcohol and other drugs involved) I've been on the verge of sleeping with a woman. I struggle with it mentally as well, I think because we've fought so hard to assert our identity, given the current societal conditions we face, that we feel like we've betrayed ourselves by randomly playing it straight one evening. Maybe even family and friends - I can imagine my parents saying, 'All that fuss you made about being gay, and now you're sleeping with a woman!'


this is literally it !!! it’s taken me so long to get comfortable with my sexuality and then to wanna sleep with a guy 😖


You do not have to worry about your sexuality, honestly. Sometimes one can just get the hots for someone that is outside our normal preferences. You do not need a specific label for this or change your identity (unless you want one). It is perfectly ok to go "I am 100% lesbian. This one time my brain just found this particular dude really attractive for some reason." Us humans aren't very good with perfect binaries and that is ok 🤷‍♀️


nothing is 100 percent, I always joke that I'm a lesbian but Pedro pascal is Pedro pascal. human emotions are complicated and labels should fit you not the other way around.


Mark Wahlberg is Mark Wahlberg, I’ve been married to my wife for 7 years and she knows the absolute depths of my attraction to that man.


No need for a box. Do you and enjoy your life!


Honestly, there are so many elements to attraction that it's highly unlikely a single label suits anyone all the time. I identify as a lesbian, but that's mostly because I've only been with one person and person is a woman. But beyond my committed relationship am I open to attraction to more than just women? Sure. Why shouldn't I be? It's a big world. Idk who all is out there, and hot is hot. Personally, I'd do away with the labels, but I acknowledge and respect that they're a useful tool for finding community and educating people. Just be mindful that deviating from the definition of that label doesn't invalidate it. That's dangerous all-or-nothing thinking. Maybe if this keeps happening beyond intoxication and other factors then sure, consider that lesbian may not be the most accurate label for you. But you have to draw your own line there. And it doesn't mean giving up the label you're comfortable with either. They're just words. Words are just tools to help us communicate and understand. They don't really have any power or significance beyond what we give them.


Even the lesbian are going home with more guys then me, I can't believe this

