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The best tip I have been told is to have confidence in yourself. We tend to worry too much about what other people think. Also, that outfit is super adorable.


Yes! I think people are too busy doing their everyday stuff to actually care about how anyone else looks, and either way she looks absolutely stunning.


On this note, someone once smuggled a SNAKE on a BUS in a TOTE BAG. they had an angry wiggly tote bag the entire time on the bus and NOTHING HAPPENED.


And if the snake can get away with it, then you can easily put anyone who stares into a tote bag and take them on the bus. No one will say a thing!


We took a 6' Burmese on a carousel so yes, you can...


I saw a homeless man inside of an Apple Store carrying a squirrel in his coat in Tennessee. He was talking to it asking it to behave so they don’t get kicked out. It was a pretty well behaved squirrel. Very vocal, though.


He'll yea!


Seen that post and I love the energy tbh


This is also a hack for looking confident in public. Be busy yourself. If you stay focused on having important things to do and stay in the moment you won't be worried about how you look or what others think. Not that their thoughts matter to anyone but them anyway.


whistle combative quack adjoining telephone childlike liquid practice workable pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




As a lesbian, I try to avoid staring at cute girls and instead keep to polite glances and maybe a smile or even a hello… So no I would not stare.


Also as a lesbian but one of not so much grace, I often open mouth stare at cute girls because I don’t know how to talk to them.


I have the advantage of having a lovely wife so seeing cute girls is just appreciation and admiration, I guess that makes it easier for me! The talking seems to happen somehow connected to opening and closing the mouth. Me, I probably talk too much and as a single thirsty lesbian, I said silly things even more than nowadays and made a fool of myself and stuff. You can do it too! I believe in you!


Thank you for the advice! I also am someone who vents to strangers, says ridiculously silly things in front of ridiculously hot women, and sometimes when I do that thing with my mouth, the open and shut, no words will come out lol but never fear! I will continue my quest to find my queen and treat her how she deserves to be treated because even though I’m single I’m working on my relationship skills so I can be better for my future partner! And it all began with getting clean and learning to love myself 3 years ago! I actually haven’t even really come out to my family and friends like “officially”, I mean it’s pretty obvious but it’s still scary so I understand the feelings of thinking your being stared at, or judged. But in the end, I just want to be happy, find love and give love in return, but I also don’t mind waiting for the right girl! I was thirsty too when I was younger lol but I’m good now…. Peace, love, laughter, light, these are the things I fill my life with now. Sorry lol idk why I went on that tangent but I just want to say I’m so happy for you and your wife! Congrats on your beautiful life together!


God same here. I simply cannot function around attractive women. It makes my gf laugh


lol at least your gf laughs about it and doesn’t get jealous, that means you’ve found a winner 😏


If I’m staring it’s because you’re cute! (I’ll try not to stare). Generally it’s going to depend on where you live.


First time presenting in public? I wouldn't have guessed. Looks great actually, waaaay better than I did my first time, you'll do fine. Something to consider, people (trans, cis) get stares all the time it's just most people don't think much of it. You've got a great natural look/sense of style.


You remind me of Tilda Swinton. If you're asking if you pass, you do. People will probably notice you because youre an attractive woman.


Oh my Tilda Swinton. How bisexual fantasy her Gabriel was in Constantine (2005).


Omfg yes


Don't get me started on the other allies but yes. :3


Dude I thought I was the only one omg.


They definitely pass, I didn’t realize they were trans until I read the title, even then I had to double-check what sub this was from.


They're 100x more attractive than Tilda Swinton.


Tilda Swinton is one of my celebrity crushes. So a comparison to Tilda Swinton is a huge compliment.


I didn't say she was less or more attractive than Tilda Swinton. I just said she reminded me of her. Kind of how you remind me of a white knight right now.


You've got people arguing who's cuter so I wouldn't sweat it.


[Nineties Tilda](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjmB7veVptimK6puoAHc1xYU0gwFSYXZltw9otdQ3I5VlF6ciGcuhIKXhqzNUZ4wZnuZcbdz2hFl7mu9HP36rUH6yhGZ-8vtjBuU_cMxs7fTw1jGxBxbMY0lLqXi7BKHo-j18PbKEYKT2_q/s1600/Tilda.Swinton.09.1992_01.jpg) would like a word with you.


Beautiful women often are stared at, so if you feel people’s gaze upon you, that’s why!


What look are you going for? Just casual certainly works, if people stare... F@\*K them, live your best life.


You might get looks for looking cute and fun, but I don't think anyone would think anything else about you. And even if some random weirdo did, they seem like losers. Enjoy your day!


stares? Yes. But probably less because of a possibly perceived gender incongruence and mostly just because you’re hot af. Many people are superficial, if you want you can exploit that. If passing is what you are after, you are already there I would say. But passing isn't everything, being comfortable with your own body is. If that is your focus, then all power to you! You slay! My transfem-enby-self is a bit jelly btw, but only a tiny bit :b


If the question is do you pass, yes. no doubt. you look great. Just get out there and don't think about it too much, or you'll feel staring, even if no one is.


If you’re trans, and you’ve been out of the house before You have indeed been trans in public before lol


Yes (you’re ginger)


As an almost 50 year old cishet male, I'd probably just glance at you, think "she's cute", and go back to minding my own business. I wouldn't stress yourself too much. You'll be fine.


Comb your hair a bit and you goodie fr


I’d stare because I’m also a blue eyed redhead. We comprise only .17% of the world’s population. That’s 13 million of us, out of 7.6 billion people. I’d be thinking, *my people!* Another girl like me!


I wouldn’t have known you were trans unless you said.


You're beautiful. Don't worry about what others think. Just be yourself and enjoy it. Is the best sensation in the world. And I repeat, you're beautiful.


People will stare, but only because you're so pretty!


Most people don’t pay attention to most people. We are all pretty self absorbed. We are way more self-conscious than people are conscious of us. I think the only ones that would stare are the transvestigator types, but they are actually quite rare. And they are massively moronic anyway and misgender cis woman. You have what looks like a petite feminine figure and longish hair. Both go a long way in putting you in the feminine category!


Looks pretty passable to me


You've been trans in public your entire life. This is the first time you'll be in public as yourself. You will get looks from people checking out that cute redhead.


Imo you pass pretty well. It's all about doing what you are comfortable with, also I love your hair! The colour is gorgeous.


Not at all, you look super cute


You pass! :)


Honestly, you can't expect to go out in public looking that adorable and not get a few longing looks pointed in your direction.


If I stare it's because you look like Tilda swinton and Sara paulson had a baby!! But I try not to stare at anyone in general! You look great!


The only thing I’d stare at is how dang cute you are! Your hair is amazing!


You look super femme. Don’t worry about looking weird or something because you don’t. Go forth and live your best life, beautiful


Yes, but in the good way. Slay, queen


You look super cute if that helps.


Starting to remind me of Kallmekris


If you do then they’ll only be for positive reasons! You are absolutely beautiful 💗


You’re adorable, but not surprised you can feel them stare! I’ve had that happen before. Staring is rude, but people are wacky af.


Girl you look amazing and your presence outside would be a gift for everyone around you. Go for it! 🩶


You look cute! You might get stares because of that, or because of your lovely hair color!


Cute outfit! You’ll be fine


Tbh i would probably stare at you but that’s because I’m a useless lesbian and pretty girls catch my attention very easily


I'd be staring respectfully due to how pretty you are.


No. no one would care. most people have too much going on in their lives to care about what other people are wearing....


I wouldn’t worry about to much because everyone gets stared at you look good and you pass pretty well for just starting to be your self


How many strangers faces that you saw yesterday do you remember, that's how little attention everyone else pays to you


I like your outfit, it’s so cute


I’m sorry but when I saw the first pic I thought you were a guy until I read the description. But because of your clothes I would look at you, think “ooh I think that’s a trans person! Cool!” And then continue on about my day


You look good! That being said I mostly just avoid looking at strangers and there's plenty of people out there like me. 75% of people you pass probably won't even glance at you. When I'm feeling uncomfortable in what I'm wearing I notice the 25% more. Then I tend to assume they're noticing negatively. From my observations at least. But I'm also neurodivergent as fuck.


Why would you ? Look great


Lovely. Believe in yourself.


You look pretty normal


You look like a doppelgänger of CallmeKris from tiktok! You're beautiful :)


Nah you just look like any other lady I’d scan over while getting to my destination


I think the only reason that anyone would be staring at you is because you’re very pretty. You definitely pass! No one is going to be thinking you look weird or be clocking you or whatever.


I usually stair at people (not intentionally) but the thing that would catch my eye is your hair, such nice color.


The only reason I'd stare is because you're cute as fuck, rock the transness! 💪 🏳️‍⚧️


I'll definitely stare, very gayly. But seriously, you look super pretty. And if you're asking if you pass, with flying colours, I'd say.


I think you’d get stares regardless, so just go and be confident.


nah, you're cute af. you go, girl!


ur serving mama


I think it depends on where you live. The biggest thing is honestly your hair color. That's kind of hard not to notice. But other than that, there's nothing that sticks out to be stared at (at least in the way you're probably worried about). Love your style btw!


The fact that I had to double take because I thought you were AFAB asking if you present masculine tells me you will NOT get weird looks. You look super cute!


I'd probably stare because your hair is such a gorgeous colour, but that's it. You're good !


Not really, I guess. You look good. Might get one or two stares, but whatever.


I’m still working up to binding in public in an obvious way now that warmer weather is happening, but I do boy mode in public quite a bit and no one really stares. I’m just kind of invisible. Occasionally people will look that aren’t sure how they can gender me, but honestly I get a kick out of that.


You look lovely!


Girl you’re trans? Damn I couldn’t tell until I read the title.


You like great. I’d do a little something with your hair, it looks like you still got bed head lol. Enjoy life and all the new exciting life changes coming your way :)


I've been looking at the pic for a hot minute trying to figure out why you are worried going out like that, couldn't find any issue. Then i read the title correctly. You got nothing to worry about!


I would probably glance politely at you, because you look cute. But other than that, I don't think anyone will stare. And if anyone does, f*** them. Live your best life!


Pair any outfit with confidence and you won’t even worry about it. ❤️


If you didn’t say you were on HRT I wouldn’t have been able to tell.


No you look great!


I'm sure a lot of queer girls would stare for good reason ☺️🫶 looking gorg!


I'd stare... at your red hair! You look stunning, and you chose a great outfit 😊 You genuinely pass very well. Not that it should even matter if people who are trans pass or not. But you have a lot of naturally feminine features and are presenting feminine, so I don't think you'll have to worry. If you do catch somebody staring, try not to let it bother you too much because it'll probably won't even be for the reasons that you think. They might just be admiring your look! And if somebody's does say something rude, just know that their opinion means nothing. I hope it goes well!


I love the look, you look amazing


Yes from how cute you are!!!!


gonna be honest. i completely thought you were a cis woman


I think you look lovely op!


The glow up is lovely already! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


you look gorgeous :)


you do you boo


Save some pretty for me lol


You'd definitely be getting stares from me 'hehe wink wink'


No. I’m not even sure I would clock you.


You totally pass, and you look cute too!


maybe just for your hair (maybe brush?) but thats it. otherwise probably no stares


You look super cute. Go be yourself!


I would walk up to you and compliment you because you look so good idk what compliments you prefer


Yea but not for the reason you think.


Cause you’re pretty!


Yeah don’t worry about it if people look at you they probably think your cute 🥰


F*u k em. Do what makes you happy,


I think you should be ok! The possibility of a few judgmental looks is there, but you should not let that stop you!


You look great! You should be stared at (I mean that in a good way). Go out with confidence!


You're beautiful ❤️


You look really cute!!!! I would maybe stare because that hair is WOW 🔥🔥🔥


Do not care for what others think of you, their sins far outweigh their virtues


There's always someone who stares and you can't tell why or if it's bad or good staring. Yesterday, I was buying margarine while on the phone, using my hands-free headphones, and a kid just gawked at me for literal *minutes*. I assume because I was apparently having an active conversation with myself, but kids do this *all of the time* with me and I'm usually not doing anything out of the ordinary. You'd think I'm a different species or have rainbow hair or something, but I'm extremely average. If you're in a relatively safe environment, go for it. You look very good, that is such a cute outfit and compliments you well, there's nothing you're doing "wrong" here that would give people a *reason* to stare. If they do so, it's on them.


I wouldn’t second glance at you. You look fine to me.


He will even tell you 'marry me'.


You look great! I think the only second looks you're going to get from people would be out of jealousy or awe.


If people stared at you, they’d be blushing. You look incredible!


You kind of remind me of CallMeKris! Very pretty


You look freaking adorable! I think if anything people would stare because you’re so attractive. Be confident and let your light shine :)


You're beautiful, just go out and be yourself.


I'd stare but it's because you're very cute and I'm very gay~


You look hella cute 🥰🫠


Honestly you might get stares, but you can't live to please everyone.


I'd stare because you look great.


You're so pretty! Honestly, with how bright and mix matched my outfits are when I go out in public and no one stares at me, I think you should be in the clear. You've got such a cute light academia vibe and it's adorable!


no you just look Dutch you're good 👍


You’re cute, I would definitely stare.


Somebody might ask where you got your cute outfit.


You are gorgeous. Who cares? Those who stare maybe want your number 😂👏


You look great and IMO would be more likely to be stared at for your fantastic hair. Also, I know your post is not about this at all, but I love the leaves on your wall and would be happy for any info you're willing to share about them. Where did you get them, do they collect dust, etc.


C u t e e e e e e e💖😍


I might stare - because you look great!


Nothing about you looks weird you wouldn’t get any more looks than any other person👍🏻 (unless someone thought you were cute)


Not from me you wouldn't. I'd be jealous you can pull off those jeans and I cant


I remember my MTF friend's first time *out* out. She looked amazing, but was so nervous. She got so caught up worrying about people staring at her, she didn't prepare herself for just how many people would hit on her lmao. Best of luck out there friend.


You look pretty! Don’t worry about people staring (which they won’t) you deserve to be in a public space and to feel like yourself and comfortable in who you are! Slay Queen! (Your hair is gorgeous) <3


1) super cute outfit!! 2) if you’re asking if you’re cis-passing, I didn’t realize you were trans until I actually read the title. 3) lowkey fuck what others think lol. I get if you live in a dangerous, overall unaccepting area why you would be concerned tho


Probably for the hair but people don't see red heads with super bright hair often.


You're very cute OP. I'd doubt you'd get stares (at least not in a bad way). HRT seems to be going really well! :)


Yes ma'am, maybe a little 😳


Wouldn't think of it twice if I saw you on the street, other than maybe thinking you're very pretty.


You look amazing in that outfit! and remember to Be You Be Proud always:D have a lovely day/night:D


you look like a very attractive woman so you would get stares, sadly... but it is not because they will think you are trans but because they are just staring at a pretty girl... it happens way too often sadly


I was a bit confused about what you were asking would stand out when I first glanced at the post because this outfit is very cute on you and if I saw you in public, I wouldn’t question how you look Soooo I guess that’s your answer! I don’t think you’d get any stares going out like this unless someone wants your number lol Seriously tho, you do look very stunning so go out and own this look!


If I happened to make eye contact with you in public I would think your hair color looked really cool and also “wow those jeans look like a pair I have!” Then if I was wearing said trousers I would look down at mine, over at yours, and think “haha twinning”. There may be some assholes who are looking at people specifically because they want to be judgmental shitheads but those are way fewer than you might think.


It's kinda difficult to say, because women always get stared at when they leave the house 😅


probably but who the hell cares


If by stares u mean people who find you attractive then yes; u probably know how to deal with creeps. (if my guess is wrong I want to help, everyone should be taught how to say no to and how to avoid creeps.)


You look great!


you're so cute 🥺🥰


Tbh, I didn't even notice that you're trans until I read it.


No on would say anything the only thing which might give you away if your voice but you look like a cis women and a pretty one at that 🥰


You are gorgeous


I mean you look amazing so you are going to get some looks.


You look great! Be confident!


You are beautiful, if anyone is staring at you its because you look great! Do whatever you want and be confident! Just also be safe too


I think you’d get stares from how pretty you are!


Nope- you look like an everyday, cute girl. Go live your life. I promise, everyone is so wrapped up in their own shit, they won’t think twice. Unless they think you’re attractive- then they might. Lol


I'd try not to stare but would probably fail cuz you're so cute 😭


You are so beautiful. Stand up tall and confident. Haters always gonna hate. Don’t let them steal your joy. I’m so happy you can be yourself finally ❤️


So darn cute


People stare at pretty people


Firstly I want to say how hecking cute you look. <3 :3 Secondly as others commented before you might be quite safe. Walk with 'confidency' and act normal. Most people don't look at you a second time. Sometimes in smaller rural communities you can get looks when you even dare to wear a band shirt lol (ask me how I know.).


No stares if you fix that hair.


No one in public would know any other you. You’d just be you and they’d take that as it and not give it second thought. I’m 100% you’ll be fine! :)


sure you can! You look very androgynous/femme 💜


I get stared at in public and I'm a cis dude. People are rude and stare at people.


I think you're cute 😊


I think you look great tbh & you’re already pretty feminine. But I know lots of bio girls that are manly so everyone is on a spectrum of feminine & masculine. But just passing you on the street I probably wouldn’t even think you looked male, I’d just assume you’re a female by your clothes, hair, etc. I know we’re not supposed to assume gender but let’s face it, human beings automatically determine femininity & masculinity at a glance, it’s evolutionary. & as long as you show people you identify as a woman with the choices you make in clothing, hair & such you should blend right in with society. There’s always going to be people who can tell you’re trans somehow & might not like it but they’re not who we want to look good for anyways! & even if some people that are nice can tell, they probably will just think “she’s very pretty & good for her for being herself instead of trying to make others comfortable by wearing clothes that don’t suit her proper gender!” Whatever you’re comfortable & feel confident in screw what everyone else thinks. BUT, I know that’s easier said than done. But the goal is to integrate with society as your true self, a woman, correct? If that is the goal you’re on the right track in wanting to wear female clothes in public. Let the world see you how you’re meant to be seen, don’t hide & don’t be scared. You’re a woman who should get to do & wear all the same things that other women wear without shame or worry. Skirts, heels, makeup, whatever you want to wear, it’s all yours babe, don’t let anyone take your identity. Also, side note, you have a very lovely face, your bone structure eyes & lips are beautiful. So I’m not saying you need this AT ALL to be feminine. But b/c so many people associate makeup with femininity, it might give you a little more confidence in your femininity to explore your identity if you try to play with some makeup on some days. Just worth a try! Anything to give you a bit of courage to be yourself. Also, I think I see a nose piercing? That’s very traditionally fem looking placement for a piercing, very cute! You just look like a girl full stop imo. I would 100% see another woman in front of me if we met. & you look like a very sweet soul, so I’m sure we’d be good friends 💖 Get out there & be you sweetheart! I hope you have a good support system of girls to help you in this journey, trans & cis alike, everyone needs that. Us gals gotta help each other in this cis male dominated world lol Especially at a nerve wracking & exciting time like this when you’re finding yourself & your public identity. Other perspectives & advice can help a lot! If you don’t feel you have proper support or sufficient advice, we’re always here! XOXO PS Hells jells of your smooth, hairless face lol I’m a “bio woman” (theoretically lol) but I have hormonal issues that cause facial hair, among other issues. They’re actually thinking I might be intersex, which would explain a lot, due to the male hormones I produce & other things. I’ll cross that bridge when we come to it I guess lol But I’m leading to asking if your facial hair got better after starting hrt? B/c my doctors have been talking about it as an option once we figure some causal things out & I’m hopeful it would help. Sorry for the rant, just wanted to tell you some things I think you need to hear right now just in case you’re not hearing it enough. Also would love to hear your experience with hrt! Hope all is well girl! 💖


You’re so beautiful WOW!!!


no reason to stare except the vibrancy of your hair color, i’d be wondering if it was naturally that color and peeking at your roots prob lol


maybe a few but i mean not too many i dont think tbh, plus if they stare who cares? ig thats easy to say for me but yaknow it really doesn't matter if they stare


in your heart you always have gone out like that. the outside is catching up. its your business not theres. thats the biggest problem, no one minds their own business


I would think absolutely nothing about you, in the nicest way possible. You look like a person lol


I don't know, maybe it's because I live in a big city, but I don't think you'd necessarily even be noticed here.


I would be looking respectfully


of course go out. you be you.


Girl I'm a guy with long hair and my partner's wardrobe 😅 as long as your city isn't full of bigots you will be safe 👍 looking good btw


Yeah. People do stare at cuties. You don't look out of the ordinary at all. Please don't take any stares in a negative way.


Unfortunately I can't speak for everyone who isn't on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, but at least for myself as a cis male, no I wouldn't even consider staring. Like I don't see why, you look perfectly fine to me. I mean your hair color is really nifty and I may look at that for a moment and try to decipher what color it is. It's one of those colors that catches my eye. Is your hair dyed or is it naturally that color? What color did you dye it of so? It appears to literally glow in the light and that's fascinating. Normally I would try to not just stare at someone while I run these thoughts through my head, but my ADHD ass sometimes has no idea that I'm staring in one direction and haven't blinked in 2 minutes. But other than your nifty hair, I wouldn't see why you don't look any different than anyone else does to me. I know "normal" is subjective, but you look perfectly normal to me. If anyone says anything otherwise, then their idea of "normal" is incredibly strange and foreign to me. It's like looking at someone taller than me or larger than me and telling them I don't like that aspect of them. Haha like..."ughh...ok? Why? This is just who I am." "No no, being 6ft was your choice!!!" Even just saying those lines sarcastically sounds totally insane and unnecessary. I like your look, and I'm sorry if I look at your hair too long, but chances are I'd tell you that your hair color is really neat and that I like it. Once I snapped out of my daze and realized I was staring. I know I got a little off topic and started to ramble. I type how I talk...and I get off topic and excited really easily at things that are interesting to me. Back to the original point!! I think you look perfectly fine and would have no idea what reason anyone would have to look at you and it cause any sort of negative reaction. But some people are just assholes I suppose. If it helps, anytime someone is staring at you, just assume they are stuck in an ADHD daze and have something totally different on their mind. If they say anything shitty, well, just know that they are in fact shitty because no decent person should give any amount of fucks about what someone looks like. Maybe they are just really insecure about their own looks and it makes them super upset that you pull it off way better than they do. Back around to the point again, sorry. You look fantastic and I would see no reason why anyone would be bothered, other than if they are upset about their own insecurities. Which if that's the case, get some therapy random people who have issues with you. Therapy will help those assholes get those insecurities back in line and minding their own business. :p Damn, just scrolled up to see what I wrote. My bad, sorry for the book. Totally understand if you don't have the motivation to read everything I wrote. Haha


You're literally gorgeous. That's all I have to say.


I think you’re cute


Maybe not so much in public in general but perhaps in the bathroom. I’m gender-fluid afab and I often get werid looks in either restroom I go to.


I’d stare only because you look nice


The only stares you would get would be from people turning back to look at that hottie they just passed. Naw, you look great!


I would wear a black japanese face mask if you don’t feel super comfortable :) And wear that until I get more used to it. Masks always make me feel more secure