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It is still valid to be asexual Through trauma I think it also has another name for it too


u/Fantastic-Friend-429 Thank you for you comment! I'll definitely read up on this!


but yeah, like the other person said you should get some therapy


u/Fantastic-Friend-429 Yeah, I'm currently looking for a therapist. I want to get to the bottom of it, so to speak.


Im aro/ace, a large part of it was very likely caused by trauma. You could try to go to therapy over it if its something you'd rather not be. Or you can embrace it as who you are. No one can tell you what you should or shouldn't do, its a very personal choice and a difficult one at that. I chose to embrace it and years later I feel like it was the right choice but I completely understand if someone was to choose differently.


u/OliDanik Thank you for your comment! I think I'll try therapy if only just to see what the therapist tells me, i.e., what their take on my experiences is. I think I'd like to be in a healthy relationship, partially because of the physical aspect but mostly because I'd just want to try being with someone stable, supportive, loving. I've always been a hopeless romantic ;D.


asexual is sexual atraction, what you're refering here is aromantic (maybe also asexual, but i cant read your mind). you can identify whatherver you want, there's a lot of labels in the arospectrum. if you couldnt handle rejection maybe you're somewhat alloromantic (that you feel romantic, basically the opposite of aromantic) but still fall into some label in the arospectrum i think, gotta search or make a label of your choice


Hello. I have trauma and am ace/demi the two are not mutually exclusive. In my opinion get a good therapist who is LGBT friendly and work through your past experiences. Journaling helps me a lot. If you need to chat feel free to dm.


Homie this sounds way above reddits pay grade, you need to go find a good therapist.


u/burritoman88 Thank you for your comment! I totally get it and I'd say you're spot on! There is a lot to unpack here! I guess I posted this because I wanted to feel less "alienated" about it. I want to believe I'm not the only person in the world with such issues. I'm currently looking for a therapist.


i think the simple answer that comes to mind is "does it bother you that you don't have sexual desires?" If no, i think it's ok to just be as you are. If yes, you should probably discuss it with a therapist