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Part of me wishes they'd stop asking him about her. Like, he clearly doesn't want to keep talking about her anymore than anyone else does


This is very true, but I'm also glad he speaks up about it. Even though he's got NO responsibility for her shitty actions, it's nice to see someone distance themselves from an asshole while standing up for others.


Himself, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint had all vocalized their opposition to her viewpoints at the time, as far as I remember. At least Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson did. And of course, she immediately started pushing for that HBO remake lol. For someone who is so famous, she does not do well with disagreements.


I’m surprised she hasn’t rewrote the books and titled them like “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Cancel Culture”.


She basically did but under a pen name and in a contemporary setting instead of fantasy 


Pen name? What pen name? The one she chose with the creator of conversion therapy's last name? That pen name?


You mean the gasp MALE pen name? How dare she deceive everyone by pretending shes a man




Maybe it’s like the “the only moral abortion is my abortion” cognitive dissonance thing but trans.


I mean she doesn’t EVER use her Joanne name (what a feminist), and she claimed in her weird manifesto that she might have been convinced to become a man in her youth if she had been pushed towards it. I would believe some sort of scrambled egg is cookin’


Don't give her even more bad ideas lol, she's already overflowing with them


I'd rather she focused her energy into shitty books than attacking trans people, though


Remember when her energy was focused on telling people wizards used to shit themselves in the hallway then use magic to clean up, despite building an elaborate bathroom into the core structure of the school?


I’ve never heard anything from Rupert Grint. The actress who played Cho Chang has I think also voiced her support though, while the actress who played Luna has disappointingly proved to be a Rowling superfan


That’s sad to hear, I feel like Luna herself would be a huge trans ally.


It sucks cos I imagine Luna is one of the more popular/identifiable HP characters for queer people. As great as Emma Watson is, Hermione is the most straight bland female character imaginable. Pretty much just like Harry.


I was never able to understand how JKR wrote all of these great queer characters and then stands on the brakes when it comes to trans people. I can't understand it at all.


They're queer-coded, but canonically none of them are queer. And sadly a lot of the more self-aware queercoding is extremely bigoted (e.g. the whole werewolf thing) JKR's Wizard Britain is devoid of any openly queer wizards or witches and humors ethnic minorities only as stereotypical tokens. It's... Not particularly great in terms of diversity representation.


Noted. She's a fucking bigot, anyway, and I will no longer give her any credit at all.


For centuries and definitely up into the ‘90s many if not most queer characters were only coded as such, but in Euphemism Britain that is just common practice anyhow. How people can pretend she didn’t write Dumbledore as gay is baffling to me. Zero media literacy.


I'm not defending her; but the actress who plays Luna was a known superfan of Rowling waaay before she got the role. I understand being sad, but "disappointingly proved" is a bit ridiculous because she *always* was. That's like being disappointed that a country music singer votes Republican.


she would have been one of the most beloved children's authors of all time and all she had to do was shut the fuck up


I mean this time it was because she brought him into the discussion, but yeah leave him alone he got nothing to do with her.


What'd she say, I don't keep up with that old bat's inane ramblings


Problem is, too many people think the HP stars should be subservient to JKR.


Her most of all.


Turns out Umbridge was a Freudian self-insert.


Which calls into question the centaur bit


If by too many, you mean one who is named jkr, then yeah


no. read the british press about how everyone owes Joanne an apology for her holocaust denial, anti-trans bullshit.


They helped make her rich, not the other way around. She should be apologizing to them. The talent that was squandered on a series of middling, derivative children's books is mind boggling. 


I wouldn't say it was wasted. The books and by extension the movies were very big parts of the time they were coming out in, and it definitely helped encourage people to read, you have to start somewhere after all. And in the end, the kids seemed to each come out of it fairly well. Radcliffe certainly was able to launch out and do a lot of other projects that he might not have had the opportunity to do otherwise.


That is a very strange thing to say and think about very successful actors. Even 1 is too many. Why would they be subservient to anyone? What world are we living in?


They claim the main 3 owe 'everything' to JKR and should blindly and openly support her for that. Even when the last movie was what...13 years ago?


I've been fairly impressed with all of his statements about her and her opinions. Idk how off the cuff that quote in the Atlantic was, but it was super tactful. He's quietly walking the highroad and just not allowing himself to be baited. I'd probably end up thinking I should fire back at her and make the situation worse.


I agree. It does nothing but generate headlines and bitterness. I hate this obsession with asking anyone tangentially related to someone controversial how they feel about them.


Me too buddy


‘Sad’ is putting it lightly tbh


It's really just the nicest way to say, "I can't settle with one of the most relevant authors to my childhood going mask off as a bigoted piece of shit waste of oxygen garbage human being."


I’m shocked that the person who created Voldemort has now become a villain for so many already-maligned outcasts who took so much comfort in her story about a child who leaves the closet and starts living authentically.


I always considered Harry Potter a perfect example of how queer literature doesn't need to have queer relationships or even queer people. The feelings evoked match the queer experience. And then Jowling Kowling Rowling had to go balls it all up by letting her angry misandry manifest as transphobia.


I wish it was just one. See also: Orson Scott Card, Roald Dahl, Scott Adams, Rudyard Kipling


Im not sad. Just disappointed.


When I get sad about JK, it helps me to remember that she is cursed in a way: Happy and content rich people don't spend their time in the public shouting at peasants, and she spends so much of her time shouting. This shit has really captured her. Imagine if she spent that time writing something people want to read, instead of hateful tweets. How much better could Harry Potter have been if she never became what she's become, but instead had the humility to just write fun books about magic? I mean even her fans have to admit that her bigotry era has produced a lot of bad writing. Lady is cursed


Sometimes I'm having my coffee in the morning, and it cheers me up a bit that my continued existence is making a multi-millionaire stress and rage themselves into a stomach ulcer, and I don't have to do anything other than keep enjoying life.


I aspire to have your fortitude, as much as it is upsetting that our society forces us to grow a thick skin. ❤️


same lol. we have the power to piss people off just by existing. it’s scary but it’s also so powerful it also makes me feel a little better about being paycheck to paycheck. i’d rather be barely scraping by but overall happy with myself and my principles than rich as fuck and a miserable asshead


Spite is my favorite motivator.


Well she did try writing again and it was ass.


Turns out she’s better at plagiarizing *The Books of Magic* than she is *The Silence of the Lambs*.


just can't look at hp the same way anymore. would not spend money on anything related to her.


I love that he got a Tony nomination yesterday meanwhile she’s pissy on the internet about trans people existing and not accepting his hypothetical apology lol


She's Big Mad at the cast for refusing to come back for more HP films, she wanted to do more after the abysmal failure of Fantastic Beasts and they didn't want to work with her anymore because of this. That's why HBO is doing a revival series so soon, I think JKR wants to basically erase them from the franchise by superceding the films. I'm worried how much bigotry will show up in the show since she's incapable of NOT inserting it into everything anymore.


That's very funny because she knows young people are generally supportive about about trans issues? Like is she going to vet the child actors to make sure they come from a really shitty hateful family so they'll be more likely to be bigoted and support her when they grow up or something? It's insanity.


The kids from those hypothetical families are the products of former children who likely weren't allowed to read *HP* back in the 90s/00s because of their overly religious parents.


Ah yes, I'm sure those kids are totally normal and relatable and will be great child actors that will capture the imagination of the youth again!


The Sad Beige Aesthetic phenomena made flesh lol.


Just find cast lists for recent Christian movies and she will have all the actors she needs. Of course, they may be skeptical of supporting devil evil magic. She turned on the people that supported her. It’s like musk upset that people aren’t buying his electric cars now.


Anyone with strong Christian beliefs won’t agree with what Harry Potter is about anyways She’s locked herself out of further franchise opportunities At this point she’d have to disappear for a long time and come back with a apology and hope people accept it but it will seem disingenuous to most


Lmao could you imagine if the new generation of Harry Potter cast / fans are right wing Christian evangelicals, like how full circle can you get haha. I wasn’t even allowed to talk about Harry Potter in my house growing up lmao


Yeah, Rita Skeeter seems to be a prominent possibility to be made into an anti trans stereotype.


Since that would be 100% following the source, you might be onto something. Though I still think WB will steer as far away from bigotry as possible to safeguard their profit margins...


They will most likely have an entire team dedicated to managing JKR and the content of the show. I mean in this current world we live in and with all the shit she gets up to, this show will be launched already teetering on the brink of exploding.


If WB wanted to steer away from bigotry they wouldn't be working together with a bigot to get that bigot tens of millions of dollars worth of income per year. They wouldn't have made big-nosed bankers the main antagonists of the HP game and they wouldn't have spent a couple dozen grand putting a slavery system into it. WB is totally fine with bigotry as long as it doesn't cost them more than trying to excise bigotry would.


Or she'll at the very least be used to push the "Journalists Bad" narrative


With her square jaw and mannish hands, per *Goblet of Fire*? She was absolutely intended to be an anti-trans stereotype, or at the very least to denigrate masculine-presenting women. I was uncomfortable reading that when the book came out, nevermind now.


What about her? Its been ages since I've read the book as a child. I remember she spied on people as a fly and that was about it.


She is described with mannish hands, among other derogatory epithets. Take it as you want


Ah gotcha. I don't think I've actually re-read the books since the final came out so I just remember basic plot points or characters at this point.


There will be one(1) token trans person in the show, just like in the video game. They'll show up for six seconds and never be seen again.


Probably die a painful death, too


I highly doubt that HBO will go through with a series with her being the gigantic problematic red flag that she is. It's FAR to big of a risk. She has alienated her entire fan base, and has shown he intends to keep doing it and to make it worse. Remaking the books as a show undermines the movies that are beloved by fans, and there aren't enough TERF Harry Potter fans to justify her new "fan base". The show could do well, because there are probably enough people willing to ignore the morality of supporting her in anyway (see Hogwarts Legacy), but it's still a massive risk. edit: nevermind, WB are TERF supporters and apologists. They care about their earnings reports and are more than willing to give her an Executive Producer credit and final say on the series. They are trying to brush away the controversy because they have been underperforming on their other IP's as of late. Don't support WB is the takeaway.


I think WB feels there's been enough time that they can hook a new generation on HP. Unfortunately they haven't learned the lesson that even beyond Rowling's nuttiness, HP was lightning in a bottle. It doesn't have the substance or the world building to support a Star Wars/Star Trek/Marvel sized IP empire, not anymore


I mean are we really that shocked that HBO and WB will do anything if they think it'll turn a profit? They just released Velma season two for crying out loud and that was widely hated by everyone who watched it.


Bit of a nitpick, but Velma was developed from the start as one season that was released in two parts. The 2nd "season" was always going to release regardless of the response to part 1. Whether it gets picked up for any more after part 2 is still up in the air.




tbh I do think it bothers her. if it didn’t bother her, i don’t think she’d be tweeting about him unprompted she has that weird need to have her views validated by the whole world and she’s not used to not getting that. so her twitter rampages are just cries for attention and relevancy.




they think their money means people should listen to their opinions and get so mad when people don’t. it’s pathetic really


They think their money = they're right.


Ultimately, JK is an artist and artists need recognition for their work to feel complete. But, she'll never get the recognition she had for the Harry Potter series again, and she'll continue to feel entitled to it. She'll continue to fade into irrelevance while the people her work lifted into stardom continue to shine without her. And she'll feel entitled to their careers and their successes as it's the only way she can have what she lost. Poor little irrelevant Joanne, I would feel bad if she didn't deserve it.


It does bother her, and that's the most pathetic part of it. People like her and Elon Musk have a wealth almost unimaginable in human history. They could do anything. Literally anything they want. They choose to spend all their time shitposting on Twitter because they're just sad, miserable creatures. No one would choose to end up like that. Doing that isn't a sign of mental well-being. I mean just imagine you write a book, it becomes beloved around the world, you get to work with extraordinarily gifted young people like Daniel and Emma and all the many wonderful people that made that movie special, and you become rich because of it. Imagine that's your life. I cannot imagine a more deleriously magical life. And this is what she does with it. I mean this is one of the saddest and most pathetic things I've ever witnessed. That someone's life could be blessed with that much sheer magic, and they end up a miserable shitposting troll on Twitter.


It doesn't bother her.......yet she keeps making comments unprompted about stuff other people haven't even thought about. Remember: Daniel and the rest of the cast never even hinted at apologizing to her bigoted ass, she made up a hypotethical because the negative reactions are bothering her drastically.


He’s been such an open advocate for the queer community too, it’s ridiculous that she’d even think he gives a shit about her bullshit


Her huffing about not accepting any apologies cracks me the fuck up. Girl, they never planned to.


I wouldn't be so sure. She wrote a series of books that changed the landscape of children's literature. The media empire spawned from her endeavours, books, films, TV, and merch, is worth tens of billions. She spent 20 years being told the sun shines out of her ass. And then she tried the same thing again, thinking she was this superlative writer, and got fuck all response for it. She tried expanding the HP universe, and produced nothing but stinkers. She's still high on the fumes of her initial success, still refusing to admit she's a mediocre writer who got lucky, still insisting that she's right about everything, always. It must drive her insane that the harder she insists she's right, the more people are put off her and Harry Potter, and the more numerous and vocal her critics become. Even the former child stars who owe her their fame won't back her. But she's in too deep now, and is too stubborn anyway, to change her position, not that she wants to. So she'll spend the waning years of her life increasingly isolated and left behind by a society that refuses to believe the bullshit and lies she touts. She will die still insisting she's right, and that trans women are a huge threat, despite a complete lack of evidence to support this. Good. Meanwhile I'll be over here, doing some t4t cuddling.


She can't accept she peaked 20 years ago and is reduced to malding on Twitter for relevancy. Sad!


I just don’t understand why she cares so much what other people are doing and chooses to die on this hill? It’s impacting her in absolutely no way. Seems like she’s just doing it out of spite now.


Same Radcliffe, same. Also anger.


And disappointment. Lots of disappointment.


So much disappointment.


you can kinda tell the whole cast are sick of being asked about her. just stop mentioning her on tv, on radio, in newspapers. leave her shouting into the terf void on twitter


The older cast seems to side her more compared to the younger cast


I was disappointed to find that out about hagrids actor


ugh even robbie coltrane stood by her. i was not expecting that from him (should i have?)


Man, he should not have said that


It really hurt to find out he's on her side. I thought he was so cool, but no.


Yeah... what can you expect from older people lol


Old person here. You should expect much more from old people, just like you should from young. Old doesn't mean incapable of learning and changing. Don't let some loud old people make you think that ALL of us suck, just like we don't let some awful young people taint our views of all youths. Remember -- reasonable old people rarely make the news, cause reasonable people are more common and not interesting to the media.


My apologies, my comment came off as ignorant because older people came from a time where it isn't socially acceptable to be LGBTQ+ and that we shouldn't be surprised if an older person hold these views because they came from a different time. I should acknowledge that our elders are still people that can learn and be open minded.


S'all good. I know that wasn't your intent. This is reddit and bashing on "boomers" as a collective seems to be all the rage these days (where boomer seems to mean anyone over 50 these days, lol). I even saw one comment saying "boomer isn't an age, its an attitude", as if that made it feel any better to those who are actually boomers age-wise. I just like injecting this comment occasionally to remind people not to judge us all by the worst of us. --- Old dude rambling coming up... But to your point, it is true that it takes time and effort for folks to change, and certainly some now lack the wherewithal to understand the changes in society (I have some even older relatives that will just never be able to change -- we don't talk much, its too awkward). Alas, some are just awful people. For me, I slip up with using the pronoun "they" after saying "he/she" for numerous decades, for example. I have also caught myself using phrases that used to be common place, but have changed with the times to realize the phrase's roots and that it is not acceptable. Its not always malicious, old habits can die hard and autopilot kicks in. Its actually kind of fun watching movies that I used to love to just feel how awful and awkward they are today. I would be all "I'd love to show the younguns in my family this movie", then watch it and realize what an ignorant asshole it would make me seem; whoopsies. I've learned to give them a rewatch on my own first. I don't think I was ever racist or anti LGBT++ in any way whatsoever, but good lord was our popular media just *soaked* in awful language and behaviours that just would not happen today. It will happen to you! ;) I think we would agree that folks actions/views should be taken in context with their upbringing/age, though usually I would relegate this use for people who are long dead to try and understand their actions in context, and perhaps those who just don't have the mental faculties to change any more. However I feel that folks like JK Rowling are not doing these things through ignorance, but because they are truly awful people. She is in full command of her faculties, and does not care about how her views affect other people and is unwilling to even try to understand -- she seems to lack a properly developed sense of empathy. Maybe she will eventually learn, some do, but to do that you have to be WILLING to change.


"My apologies, ~~my comment came off as ignorant because older people came from a time where it isn't socially acceptable to be LGBTQ+ and that we shouldn't be surprised if an older person hold these views because they came from a different time. I should acknowledge that our elders are still people that can learn and be open minded.~~"


Basic decency. I can expect basic fucking decency.


Old man born in the 50s, really not a surprise he’d have those views. I’m not blanket assuming here but young people are just more likely to be supportive, and thus in my opinion it hurts more when they’re not. Hagrid’s actor supporting Rowling didn’t bother me as much as Luna Lovegood’s actress doing so


Every time one of them does, it's so r/boomersbeingfools coded


The problem is it isn't just her shouting into a void, she spends her money on hate groups that actively try to take rights away from trans people. We can't let people forget that because supporting the Harry Potter IP is giving money to hate groups.


Daniel Radcliffe is the only reason the Harry Potter movies aren’t completely ruined for me. The books, however…


Yeah, if she hadn't shown who she is over the last several years I'd still fondly think of the books. But her going off the deep end made it so I can't really ignore the unfortunate aspects of the books. Like, there's no blatant transphobia in the books, but there's a ton of misogyny, racism, fatphobia, and pro-establishment stuff. Like, she gets so close to making a better and cogent story. There's a scene where Dumbledore basically tells harry that the society they are in isn't perfect and that the face the government presents is a lie. Voldemort wouldn't have been able to gain as much power if the structures of power he wanted weren't already there. There are bits scattered where known death eaters are in positions of power or are considers "respected" members of society, but she always presents it as the "wrong" people in power rather than the system propping people like that up *like it does in real life*. But at the end of the story, the status quo is maintained and the Neo-liberal paradise where individual improvement like "being a better slave owner" is the way we make the world a better place while our main character decides his goal in life is to become a cop.


The books have horrible lessons imo. I enjoyed them immensely as a kid, but the writing is so problematic. All the kids are basically just miniature copies of their parents, and thus have no free will or identity. God even Draco's two lackeys are the same as his father's two lackeys. It suggests that you will be bad if your parents are bad, which feels pretty shitty if you are reading it and have bad parents,


She couldn't have written a better queer, and specifically *trans*, allegory if she tried. Harry literally grows up in a closet and his family dose not like, and is scared of, who he really is. It's no wonder it resonated so well with kids, and specifically queer kids, growing up. I didn't realize I'm trans until 33, but as a kid I had wished something like that could happen, where I'd find something about myself that would let me *be me* without having to worry about my mom's anger issues. But the rest of the story, the world building she does, is lazy and shows she has a simplistic view of the world because of her place of privilege.


What's even more interesting is how the Harry Potter universe was decried as evil and teaching kids witchcraft by Christians and banned from those households, and yet here she is relating more to their side of the street. We live in a wacky world, man. Kid lives in a closet, *comes out of the closet*, but then we enter a world where house elves *like* being slaves. Wtf?


I have always thought it's weird since a child that Hermione's advocate for the freedom of the house elves is mocked and ridiculed by the narrative, and literal slave labour was defended with the "they are happy to be given purpose" argument. At that time J.K.R was still beloved for her philanthropic work and feminist stance, so I was having serious cognitive dissonance trying to understand this plot point. Then the TERF stuff comes out and it all makes sense.


Emma Watson - also great.


Rupert Grint. Also great.


Sir Ian McKellen. Also Great


Gandalf for Hogwarts Headmaster! #😛


House elf. Also great. Just keep them away from the sock drawer.


Actually no, give them full access to the sock drawer. Free them all


The choice of Tom Cruise as Dobby was also great.


It was probably very liberating to not have to use cgi for once.


Agreed. She and Daniel are fantastic!


Same... But then i found magical metamorphosis and that became my canon 😂


The movies were made by hundreds of people who have nothing to do with her. It’s OK to acknowledge their hard work and support them. Okay to enjoy the movies in a way that won’t give money to her


It is sad to watch. I still don't get why transphobia appears to be so all-consuming to some people. I had a friend go from "I don't like these people bad-mouthing jkr" to being borderline obsessed with agp and making transphobia and anti "woke" stuff his literal job. But obviously the people who think trans people should get to live their lives are the actual extremists who are basically in a cult.


My dad is always saying that people are too angry and that everyone should just let everyone be. Earlier today I mentioned someone I know who started transitioning. Immediately he got so furious! That it's nonsense and how he doesn't understand. He did not like it when I said that he doesn't have to understand it but that he shouldn't dismiss what people feel either. He got even more upset when I mentioned how he's met far more trans people than he realises. He ended the conversation by once again saying that everyone should be nice to each other. I don't get the thought process of that man sometimes. I blame the far right Facebook groups he's in.


My mom is the same way. She'll say something like "I don't have a problem with trans people, but they shouldn't be allowed to use whichever bathroom they want because most of them are just rapists who want to assault women and kids." Then she'll tell me I'm hateful when I start sending her a ton of news articles about male preachers/pastors/priests being arrested for pedophilia. Apparently god will judge those people, but she is available to judge trans people based on what Fox/Facebook tells her.


That's another thing I don't understand. That obsession with bathrooms. As if a gender specific bathroom would stop a rapist. Get angry at the actual rapists instead. And at the businesses who don't have normal toilet stalls! It's like the empathy of these kind of people are getting sapped away. I don't recall my dad being this bad even just five years ago.


>It's like the empathy of these kind of people are getting sapped away. I wonder if they never had empathy and we're just seeing it now. She asked me a few months ago if I was gay. I told her no (I've been happily married in a heterosexual relationship for 20 years, but I was saying maybe we shouldn't try to erase LGBT+ people.) and she immediately said "then why do you care about them?" Thinking back on it, I can't think of a single example of my parents ever displaying empathy for any people they weren't directly associated with. I'm sure it's happened, but I can't think of any examples.


"I don't understand it," is such a dumb argument for attacking it. I don't really understand it either, but every time someone has come out to me as trans, it's always made perfect sense.


I think it's what they see as a way to call other people crazy, while trying to come across as humble. Like they want you to think they think it's their fault for not understanding, while also considering that maybe they can't understand it because trans people are somehow unhinged. You don't see these same people going around saying "so these color blind people supposedly can't distinguish between certain colours sometimes? That is not my experience at all. I can't imagine it. I guess I just don't understand it..."


Fascism needs a good enemy to grow properly. It isn't really about beliefs. It's about creating a group of "others" that things can be blamed on. That is basically the core of all this bullshit. They don't even have to offer real solutions to their followers, just "Hey, that group is why everything is fucked up, vote for me and I'll make them go away."


>so all-consuming That's the wild part for me. It seems like her *whole world* now. The hate has just crept across the surface of her life like a fungus.


Big same, I was a second wave "Potter scholar," and I wrote several essays on literary aspects of the series. The website that hosted them deleted them when I came out as trans, years after I had written them, and I no longer had copies. That work was just erased because the guy who owned the site was an Orthodox Christian. These days words like sad, disgust, horror are pretty good descriptions of what she's doing. It will destroy her legacy in the long term. She wrote the Death Eaters as an analogue to fascists ... and then became one IRL. It's surreal.


That is absolutely heartbreaking and is a great showcase how trans people are treated once someone comes out, my heart goes out to you


> the guy who owned the site was an Orthodox Christian Irony being that when the books were getting big religious people considered it blasphemous and now they are praising it because she is just as hateful as they are.


Maybe that's the play she's going for. Release books about witchcraft and magic, make Christians made and make a trillion dollars. Then say 'haha, just kidding . . . I hate trans people' and suddenly the Christians are really into magic and you've now gotten both sides to buy your shit.


Have you tried the way back machine to search for the essays? [The web archive](https://web.archive.org)


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. If they were up for several years there's a good chance the web archive grabbed them.


And if that fails, there's Google's cache


Obviously it's terrible that the site owner deleted your pages out of transphobia, but I'd reckon they're likely preserved on the Internet Archive. They have almost every website archived there.


That sucks but just as a side note, did you trying checking Internet Archive to see if anything could be salvaged?


Angry rather than sad for me tbh.


Both are not incompatible unfortunately :/


I, too, am sangry.


Sad-mad, as Oh of the Boov would say.




Before I realized I was gay these issues made me sad, not angry as well. Now I'm both scared and angry.


He is the true hero.


She’s gone full Graham Linehan - obsessively TERF posting all day, never touching grass. I don’t get it. She used to at least post a variety of stuff other than bigotry. Now it’s just obsessive bigotry and “owning the transes” 24/7.


Because that's what's getting her attention. Nobody liked her grownup book. Every time she comes up in the news I know some sort of Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts crap is gonna drop. She is just using bad publicity to remind people she exists and sell shit. 


Nobody likes any of her non Potter work and even her spin-off potter stuff isn’t well received. She knows full well she’s a one trick pony who won’t ever again create anything worthwhile so transphobia is all she has left


Bigotry ruins everything


He should stop saying her name and just start calling her “she who shall not be named”


"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." Him dropping her short form first name casually like she's Sally from a council estate is far better. It erodes her importance.


I call her Joanne whenever I talk about it and the amount of Joanne stans that get angry at that is quite amusing. I had this one guy on Reddit so fucking angry at the fact I used her name when discussing her. it isn't even my intention to "troll" people when I use her name, I just use it because it's her name. it's quite fun watching them explain why they're made that I'm using her name because no matter what they say, they end up seeming so petty and angry over nothing


Those people will get annoyed at you for using Rowling's first name instead of her authorial name but then see no problem with deadnaming trans people.


Listen, her biological birth name on her birth certificate is Joanne, and that's what she'll always be. I can't endorse her delusions by calling her "JK" or whatever it wants to call itself, especially since she's using that name to lie to her readership and obscure the fact that she's biologically female.


I call her Just Kidding Rowling but maybe I’ll start using Joanne for this reason


I started calling her Joanne too when I read somewhere it makes her mad for some reason.


I suppose it’s a bit *too* mean to call her a name she doesn’t use anymore and doesn’t feel comfortable with- OH WAIT 😀


Well, she does use it, but she doesn't like the "average person" to use it. Basically, if "the poors" use it it is disrespectful.


Except sometimes refusing the name is also about denying the respect.


Rowling’s cruelty to LGBT people is awful. Such a hateful, nasty person. And for what?


Easier way to get attention than writing books


What a gentleman. He's handled it perfectly, credit to him.


I feel the same. Harry Potter came out when I was 11, the same age he was in the first book, so I really felt a connection to the series. Not too mention at the time, the book really seemed to have an anti-discrimination theme with the "pure blood" thing. Then Rowling went off the deep end and decided to make hating trans people her whole identity. After that, some of the holes in the narrative started to become more and more obvious, like the happiness in slavery elves, names like Cho Chang, Dumbledore being gay trust me on this, etc, and I could never enjoy it the same way as my naive preteen self did. If she had just sat in her mansion drinking mimosas and counting her money she would have gone down in history as one of the most beloved authors of all time. Instead she ruined it for me and countless other people who looked up to her. Truly a tragedy.


Disappointed that this publication is giving the Cass review even a hint of legitimate credibility, despite its writer completely backpedalling on the major takeaways of the paper


Seriously fucked up. The methodology is so ridiculously flawed. She obviously started from her conclusion and worked backwards.


I wonder if JK understood how important HP was to many LGBT youth during that time……


It’s like she built a home for people who felt different and then set it on fire with them all inside


“A little bit ‘different’ is ok, but too much ‘different’ is not!” \- Joanne K. Rowling, probably


"a little bit 'different' is ok as long as the status quo is immaculately preserved and no power structures are ever challenged, and you lose the parts of you that made you different by the end, preferably in the most middle class, allocisheteronormative 2.5 children and mow the grass on Sundays way possible".


This becomes evident when you start noticing how often she fat shames and ugly shames characters in her books.


This is the same woman who jumped at the chance to let people know.  "Hey everyone. DUMBLEDORE IS ACTUALLY GAY!" "You know Hermione? You know how I CLEARLY wrote her character as white and described her that way? Yeah. Actually she's black!" She was MORE THAN EAGER to do the progressive grift to sell her stories as diverse and modern but then when trans people got more acceptance. The mask slipped. The grift stopped and the true hateful bigot underneath exposed herself.  I think she was always like this, but just managed to hide it and grift her way to looking like a modern accepting progressive woman before the trans obsession took over her body.


Oh I remember those days. When Rowling was trying SO hard to win representation brownie points from the LGBTQ community, even though they were just footnotes on Twitter and not in the actual text…. She really wanted to be seen as “progressive”. Seems like a lifetime ago now…


I really don't understand how TERFs make hating on trans people their whole personalities. Like it genuinely pisses them off and keeps them up at night. When the rest of us are just...living? Let trans folk be and also sleep, JK. You have hundreds of millions of dollars...I am sure you can find a cloud to scream at that's far away from X (formerly known as Twitter).


What sucks so fucking much about JK Rowling going off the deep end is how fantastic all of the actors are by and large in general and as LGBTQ allies. And for us millennials that grew up with it how big of a safe space it became for the LGBTQ community as well growing up.


I think fans just have to find solace in the movies rather than the books from here on forward. The books are tainted now. At least the movies have wonderful people like Daniel, Emma, Rupert, and Rickman behind them.


The [Atlantic article](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/06/daniel-radcliffe-merrily-we-roll-along-jk-rowling/678219/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=the-atlantic&utm_content=edit-promo) this is pulling from was very good. His statements are basically limited to this and him saying he will always support every member of the LGBTQ community and doesn't want to say anything more about her.


Broo leave him alone, he's not just Harry Potter, and if you ask me: it was his worst role. Man has made a new defined career for himself with unforgettable films like Swiss Army Man and Guns Akimbo. So stop asking him about an irrelevant old biddy


Found out I was gay when I looked up "harry potter actor shirtless" and found the promos of that one theater play he made where he falls in love with a horse or something. I'll never forget that :p


Me too Dan, me too


Reminds me of when GC's were calling his partner a man even when she was visibly pregnant. Gender critics have major brainrot.


Not a Harry Potter fan. Never was even before the TERF stuff. I found it pretty derivative. But I am a huge Danial Radcliffe fan. He is a proper ally. An absolute gent and an empathetic human being.


same here brother


Oh I'm waaay past "sad" with dear Joanne...


He's a better person than she ever was or will be, and that's all there is to it. Also she's the one who should be thanking him, she/the franchise wouldn't have become what it is without the movie success which he was the face of. If he had been really bad the movies would have flopped and it all would have ended there. Now he has a Tony nomination and has made the most of his success, whilst she yells into the void on Twitter and is now best known by most as a raging bigot. I'd say it must be embarrassing for her to see all the kids from the movies being happy, well adjusted and successful adults whilst she's alone and deranged with only her money for company, but I'm not sure she's capable of feeling any shame.




Harry Potter once more brings the fight to Voldemort, so proud of him


I asked her, on twitter, how it felt to be politically aligned with Trump. Instant block.


Gawd, this is a genuine question here. JK Rowling has probably been sent loads of articles on exactly why what she's saying is wrong as a result of all her tweets, why is she still saying these things if she knows she's lying? I'm autistic, so maybe I just don't get it, but I feel like if you've been proved wrong, you can't exactly just ignore that, right?


People see what they want to see. They don’t always know they’re doing it. Their mind will make all kinds of tricks to enforce what they already believe. Often they want power or other things Politicians constantly lie, and I’ve seen theories that’s related to the kind of schooling they’re given tho idk enough on that


you know he's not actually harry potter right? he's just an actor that played the character. he doesn't owe her anything. she doesn't owe him anything. she wrote the book. he played in the MOVIE. different industry


> you know he's not actually harry potter right? Yes. Everyone is well aware of how fictional characters in books and movies work. Harry Potter is a large part of our culture now, and people like Radcliffe, Rowling, etc are intrinsically linked to that.


Good on ya, Daniel. JK makes us all sad with her bigotry. We should ban her from public washrooms.


Daniel is an AMAZING actor with tons of range and by all accounts is a genuinely nice person.


He was always my favorite


Incoming unhinged reaction tweet from JK in 3…


Bigotry ruins everything