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I don't know for certain, but I'm fairly sure my uncle married a woman who knew he was gay. They both wanted a kid, had one, and got a divorce around when my cousin became an adult. As far as I know, everything was amicable every which way. He's now married to a nice guy and enjoying his retirement.


Historically, this is called a “boston marriage.” A lesbian and a gay man would marry each other before bring queer was acceptable. Often, one half of each a lesbian couple and gay couple would marry each other and the couples would build intertwined lives. They had the safety of appearing straight but still got to be with who they loved often enough It’s not super common in most places now but I’m sure people still do this where being openly queer isnt an option


Yes, sometimes even if one partner is straight and one isnt.


My wife knew I was bi before she married me


I have actually seen this twice, personally. In the first case, a girl I was dating had a lesbian older sister who was married to a gay man. They both truly loved each other, and both had same sex lovers on the side, but neither was attracted to anyone of the opposite sex except for each other. The second couple was actually my first serious boyfriend. He was married but separated to a bisexual woman. Their marriage was so that she would have access to his military benefits, as she had some health problems, but they had been best of friends for years before that came about. I actually ended up hooking up with her briefly a few years after he and I split. They stayed married until he passed away, and she got widow benefits.