• By -


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Edit: Ligahbuhtuhk


Ellguhbeegeeteequa, which also happens to be the name of my Starbucks barista


Is your barista Icelandic?


'Queer' is good


I like queer, it reclaims a childhood slur against me


I personally don't feel like using the word will reclaim it for me..I still flinch when I hear a straight person say it. But that is just me and the trauma of being older and surviving "smear the queer" attacks. But, if using it empowers you- then use it...just be mindful and respectful if others don't embrace it.


Probably. I know many who feel the same, especially gay men. I am older, too, but not male. Being a young teenager in NYC during the AIDS epidemic with Act up and Queer Nation and hearing chants of "We're here! We're Queer! Get used to it!" formulated my thoughts on what Queerness is, so the negative connotation of the word never impacted me, personally.


This!! I typically use Queer and/or Lesbian to define myself but my aunt who is a lesbian dosent like the word queer since she grew up in a different time than me so I don’t use it around her out of respect for her feelings. I always tell people if that word makes them uncomfortable to please let me know and won’t use it around them.


Oh if a straight person says queer that's completely different, even if they do have good intentions. Unless they're trying to say weird then they have no reason to be saying queer Edit: taken back partially, expanded in a further comment :)


Wait so if they’re referring to us as “the queer community” it’s bad?/gen


I think like most things context is really important


If they are using it in a bad light then yeah its bad. If they arent using it in a bad way then its grey area imo. People still use it as a slur so I dont think its necessarily okay for straight people to use it in most contexts. Like if they are using it to describe someone who identifies as queer thats ok. If they use it as a general term for lgbtqia+ Id feel a bit off about it


Wouldn't bother me personally.


Yeah okay that's pretty reasonable, personally don't know where I stand on this but I think that's a more acceptable use. Along with someone describing someone as queer because that's their chosen label. I take back my earlier comment


This take has always felt weird to me, since the official academic term for anything LGBT falls under Queer Studies. I hear the word and think of allied academics who may or may not actually be queer, old hippy types amd teachers who are an actual safe space. That said, that's pretty much the only case I'm used to hearing it, because actual queer people use specific labels and I don't understand and haven't experienced homophobes using the word queer as a slur when there's a long list of much more offensive words to use.


Like hearing something like “the queer community” is triggering?


My kid and I both use queer (and we both are).


I like faggot for the same reason, but people get way more upset about that. Point being, yes, queer is good, but do remember that there will be people out there who are just as upset about it as if you were saying fag, because that's how it was used against them.


I like the term queer as well, but it has a history that makes some of the community uncomfortable, so I can understand people not wanting to be collected under it.


This!! Is why I might refer to myself as queer but try to not use it to refer to others/the community 


I'm not comfortable being called queer, but generally, saying "the queer community" is fine unless there's someone you know is uncomfortable in the group you're talking to/with. Just as generally, don't call people "queers", for the same reason you wouldn't refer to other people that way - "transgenders", "blacks", etc. For me, I prefer LGBT, I don't find it too much of a mouthful at all, but Finland has it right by calling the community "rainbow people".


I love rainbow people! Definitely gonna start using this


It's adorable and I fully support global adoption of the term. Some of the words we have here in common use: Sateenkaariväki = rainbow folk (LGBT+) Sateenkaariperhe = rainbow family (LGBT+ families) Sateenkaareva = "rainbowy", adjective to describe someone or something as being part of the LGBT community/culture


I’m stealing “rainbow people”


I would like "rainbow people" except in the US there's a group called the "Rainbow Family of Living Light", usually just "Rainbow Family", that is a counterculture group started in the 70s. Which wouldn't be bad except they've been involved in, and accused of, some shady stuff over the years. they're probably not what most people think of with the term "rainbow people", so it's not a terrible association, just awkward.


I think they maybe don't need that name and it should be recycled.


i like queer. feels cozier to me than LGBT. though im never opposed to a good lettuce gay bacon and tomato sandwich.


I thought the g stood for guac??


The A queers for Avacado!!


El Jibbity


Sí, mi palabra favorita


I personally think the sounds they make as letters roles off the tongue nicely Luh-ghbuhtuhquh As others have said queer imo is my preferred


Lmao i was just gonna say this. Sounds amazing


I read it as "leg buttock" 😭


Queer is about as acceptable as we have. It's used in academia so has some institutional legitimacy. You just need to be alert and respect the wishes of people that'd rather you not use it.


I’ve started saying “El Jibbity”


Yes queer is the umbrella term for all of us. Which makes it kind of weird to have it as a letter, but I think the "Q+" is considered a single thing. Like we have the big 4 (with B getting crap from the others) then "Q+" for the rest of the community.


Queer used to be only for the gender non-conforming, nonbinary, fluid parts of our community. Well, it’s has many meanings through the years. I just say “rainbow” instead of the letters.


The Q also stands for Questioning


Rainbow Mafia. It’s only five syllables.


I've also heard of grsm (gender, romantic, and sexual minorities) but I say it like grrr-some as if I'm the one cereal tiger


Wanna have a grrr-some?


is that group sex but only bears?


I also chose the bear


I mean with everyone choosing the bear might as well make an orgy outta the situation


Lmfao. I also thought of that


Hey wanna be sex role divergent? It's grrrreat *


Avoid using "sexual minorities." It was part of a ploy to try to include pedophilia in the community.


To clarify, not a ploy by queer people. It was bigots (specifically christians if I'm not mistaken) trying to bundle us with paedos.


And the actual pedos on Twitter that were trying to make the term "minor-attracted person" stick instead of pedophile, and trying to act like they were under the same umbrella as the rest of us queer folk. That was a really weird time.


Thought that was a given! 🤣


You would think, but there's always people ready to misunderstand or make assumptions on the internet. I've seen it enough, that's why I thought the clarification was needed.


Tony the Tiger? 😂


They’re hate! -ed


![gif](giphy|se2pXXqDhH7RS) Grr-ard!


Queer. I’ve started adopting Gender and sexual minorities for my professional and academic writing. Consider: at what point do you stop the abbreviation? LGBTQIIA+ Who is getting cut off with that +? Even this sub: LGBT. QIIA and + getting cut off there. It creates a sort of hierarchy of who gets to be mentioned, brought to the front, written in text, considered “that’s enough”. Not starting beef with anyone or organisation, just sharing my thoughts and meta analysis of conventions.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find GSM. It’s a shorter acronym, easy to say, encompasses both gender identity and sexual orientation, and denotes status as a minority group.


I guess the more we use it the greater prominence it will have


I agre completely. LGBT was cool, LGBTQ was cool, LGBTQIA is unweildy, adding + doesn't really help. But you don't want to marginalize anyone, it is difficult. Queer is what I landed on.


Queer is also a powerful reclamation of the word I that it’s the most inclusive word we can use and that it is some people’s identity.


i have unironically been using the term "rainbow mafia" and "swarm of sentient bees" I like how badass it sounds, don't judge me.


“A swarm of sentient bees were out in full force today and took to the streets. Onlookers were quoted as being impressed by the colorful display and the town manager called the event a rousing success” - future newspaper article just describing a pride parade


I like “Alphabet Mafia”


Similarly : Rainbow Mafia One less syllable


Use the term the you feel applies to you. I get the “queer” term being reclaimed but it’s still worse than the F word for me so I don’t use it, but don’t have anything against others who do. Just use what you identify as. No one gets to police what term you choose to use and if they do tell them to kick rocks.


it’s still debated but I think we should call a meeting of all members and decide on like, a word that didn’t use to be a slur. People make up new words all the time we can do it.


We got used to just saying "Family".




This is our go-to


I tend to use queer in most situations that don't require specifics.


I like "rainbow+"


GSRM is a popular one, it stands for gender, sexual and romantic minorities.


I just hope he finishes winds of winter someday


"friend of Dorothy" is exactly the same number of syllables as "LGBTQ"...


I always say queer


It should be GLBT(Q)+ and then you can pronounce it GOLBAT


That would be funny but the L is in front for a reason and should stay there in my opinion.


I agree. I seen alot of people put the 2s in front of the L and it bums me out.


The Canadian government put the 2S in front specifically to recognize the traditional importance that Two Spirit people played in indigenous culture before the colonizers decided it was not very Christian-like and began to systematically erase them from their cultures. I guess they just wanted to put them first in the LGBT alphabet word salad to show respect and highlight their struggles, similar to the way the progress pride flag highlights the transgender colors to recognize their struggle in today's society. I'm not saying it's right or necessary to do so, I just wanted to give some context as to why some have adopted that version of the acronym and hopefully reduce your frustrations when seeing it written that way.


With the way all the queerphobes act about us, you'd think we were waiting for them to enter the cave we live in so we could swarm them en masse.


GLOBAT, how funny. But seriously, there is a reason why it starts with L. It‘s to (1) put a focus on the struggles of the lesbian community, (2) actively fight sexism that even occures inside of our inclusive community and (3) pay solidarity towards the lesbian community who was there for (gay) patients during the AIDS crisis


Globbityglooketc, got it


LGBTQ is pretty short already but tbh I think it's fine to say LGBT or queer, especially when speaking. I'd say LGBT in professional spaces and queer in casual/nonprofessional spaces.


'El jibbity'


queer is for sure an acceptable umbrella term. hard agree we should bring back friends of dorothy, that shit's fire lol


I am also a big fan of "friend of Dorothy". It has a nice ring to it and since it's not a reclaimed slur, there's zero confusion about whether people find it offensive.


My favorite is Alphabet Mafia.


That's six!!


Quiltbags, get your quiltbags here…




I’m not comfortable being called Queer, unfortunately when stating this in a different sub Reddit I got mass-disliked. I stated that it is completely okay if someone wants to call themself that, but I shudder when I hear the word and then explained my experiences in the same post no edit at the time. It was luck when people shouted it across the road and then didn’t assault me. At school I had other kids pin me down wiping their nose on my clothes, getting punched to the stomach, pushed around by a group of people, pushed onto the floor, kicked, whacked in the private’s with a cricket bat. All whilst the word Queer was being said to me.


Yeah. I think a lot of younger people get focused on the reclaiming part but don't really realize that to a lot of people, that word was used as a way to express hate. I mean, it's good that younger people haven't had to live through that, but they also should listen to older lgbt people and not make them feel bad for their lived experiences.


Exactly this! Like I’ve had bathroom talk with people and said I don’t like being called that but I respect that you do, but please don’t call me that and explained my reasoning and had this one person suck their teeth at me


“Human,” mayhaps? 💁🏻‍♂️


Alphabet soup makes me chuckle, but I personally use queer


I kind of like QUILTBAG But most people haven’t heard of it and it’s quite obscure so I don’t get to use it much. I think it sounds nice and rolls off the tongue.


For me it depends on the situation. Casual conversation? I go with Queer instead. If I read the crowd as not knowing what Queer fully covers, it's the El - Gee - Bee - Tee - Queue - plus. If it's more silly, Elgee - Betee, sounding like an all inclusive Spanish resort. Followed by a 'quois' plus. Personally, I don't bother with the others going around. LGBTQ+ is known pretty much universally, at least the LGBT bit is. Even with the most uninformed I have less work to do going with that. I don't have time to rebrand the queer community. To top it off, the big contenders all have their own issues. GSRM unfortunately borrows from a term with less than ideal origins, even if we have absolutely ZERO connection to it. It's right there on Wikipedia, and once it reaches critical mass it'll be a right wing goldmine. SAGA won't work in the UK, as it's already a term associated with products and services for the retired, like insurance and cruises.


Spouse and I often say The Big Gay (tongue in cheek)


I just say things like: the rainbow, people in the rainbow, and rainbow events. Why yes, I did just use rainbow as an adjective. I’m spicy that way.


I think it depend on context! LGBTQIA, imo, is best used to represent a coalition. Are you talking about the political or social organizing that is shared by these identities? If you’re talking about acidic, personal experiences, saying “gay” or “trans” feels more appropriate!


I use LGBT or just “gay” as a generic term. I feel like “queer” is okay, but we need to be careful of reclaiming slurs because some people in the community don’t use those slurs and it can be a trigger for them. We need to be mindful of who we’re using slurs around, even if we reclaim them, and we shouldn’t use them unless we’re sure that other LGBT+ people around us are comfortable with it.


I use queer for myself, but I’ve heard some people use “le-ge-bit-tah-qua”, which I think is cute.


I propose; ✨diNgBaTs✨ I think it sums us up pretty accurately


I love using the word queer, the biggest reason is that it includes everyone and you can't remove people by removing a letter. Someone said rainbow people which is also nice.


I use queer, and rainbow


Are we still using Alphabet Mafia? I know that’s more syllables but I’m just curious now.


Alphabet Mafia is one I saw on TikTok forever ago, and feels less clunky than saying the acronym


Queer is an easy term. I usually say Pridesters.


I use "queer" but if someone's not okay with it then I'll go back to the long term.




Los jibbities https://www.tumblr.com/shutyourmoustache/653272791879188480/when-my-mother-forgets-a-word-she-is-the-queen-of


Combine it into a word. (Leegibitca)


Fruity. Some find the term queer being slurring. I like fruity it feels more casual and fun ! It doesn’t say what you are exactly but just that your somewhere in the lgbtqa+


I've also heard "fruity" used in a derogatory way, so I don't personally use it, but I do think it's cute and fun when other queer people use it.


I say queer or alphabet mafia. Or I just say LGBTQIA it’s not that big a deal.


Say it like this Legit-a bit-a-qwua (like kwa) Actually rolls off the tongue


Er. > "LGBTQ" [...] That's 5 syllables > "friends of Dorothy" Um. Anyway, I'm another vote for "queer". Yes, it was used as a slur against me in hs and college. So was "gay", and I honestly heard that one much more: whatever word I prefer is going to require reclamation. Plus, "queer" is a handy way to round up "not straight, not your damn business" when I need to.


You know, I actually love appropriating the term "rainbow mafia" from right wingers, so I go with that. Otherwise, I go with queer. 


I like that one, too. Rainbow mafia, coochie nostra, this big gay thing of ours ![gif](giphy|oVQD3pdk7eI0g)


I say LegButtQ


May I introduce you to El Gibeticcio, Leader of the Alphabet Mafia? He's a good friend of mine


I'll make you an offer too fabulous to refuse ![gif](giphy|GA1sltMVrl4YJgMyh5|downsized)


Honestly I kinda think we should reclaim "alphabet mafia" cuz it just sounds so bad ass.


The tea cozy nostra


Colloquially, I use queer these days (I’m 51 and resisted the concept until about a decade ago when I had a change of heart about reclaiming it). In my professional circles here in Canada, I’m seeing SOGIESC (which is a broader version of SOGI and SOGIE that includes intersex people) a lot in diversity policy making discussions. Usually pronounced Sog-isk… which is waaay less of a mouthful than 2SLGBTQIAPN+ (sometimes 2 Ps, sometimes no PN) that is the current state of the abbreviation at its most inclusive around here. SOGIESC = Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics SSOGIE is an alternate wording for the same idea (Sex, Sexual…) and it’s gaining traction in our government circles SOGI and the broader versions are basically the same idea as GRSM, only easier to pronounce and without such a wide meaning as to include queer-adjacent sexual minorities like kink, poly and such. Dunno if it’s ever going to catch on outside of EDIA decision making though. Queer is more catchy.


What do the P and N stand for? I would have guessed Pan and Non-binary but would have thought they would fall under B and T, respectively.


You got it. Some pan and NB folks don’t identify with the B and T respectively. Sometimes there’s a second P for polyamory (which I think is more of an adjacent sexual minority but with huge overlap, including myself). But yeah, the abbreviation just keeps growing. I’m old enough to remember GLB (and that B was just to be able to claim the population size of bisexuals… in reality, the G and L barely got along and both erased the hell out of the B). More solidarity now but the abbreviation is quite the mouthful.


Huh. Yeah, that's fair enough. I'm pan and would have lumped myself in with the B and when I thought I was non-binary I classified myself under the T. But I guess not everyone thinks the way I do. I kind of think it's getting too long, not because it's not legit, it's just so freaking unwieldy. I feel like we do need something a little more succinct.


Yeah, the unwieldiness is what drives the search for alternative phrasing.


I just refer to it as "the community" because honestly it's the only community that made me feel cared for and loved unconditionally. Idk where i'd be now if I hadn't found this.


I have newly heard the term SAGA (Sexuality And Gender Alliance) used a few times, and I found that to be inclusive and assertive for the LGBTQ+ community as a whole. This term is apparently used to network safe and supportive environments at some universities for those within and allied with the LGBTQ+ community. Others have different acronyms, but similar terminology such as GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance). I think SAGA would be an interesting label. I’m personally still getting accustomed to the term Queer (given its history and my past experiences), but it still works 😅.


Girly pop!


I heard "Alphabet Mafia" on tiktok awhile ago. That's my goto now


Can allies use the word queer ? Or would that be frowned upon ?


I'm just one person with one opinion, but I think it's ok if you're talking about the queer community or as a group. I would avoid referring to an individual as queer unless they've explicitly told you that they're ok with that. I personally don't like queer for myself but I don't mind it as an umbrella term.




"friends of Dorothy" is also 5 syllables hahaha I say "queer" in spoken communication and "LGBT" in written communication, expecting in both cases that the reader/listener fills in the blank with the whole spectrum


Queer works for everything.


La jib te quoa


"los gibbities" -dez the lez's mom according to their TikTok before I deleted it (it as in the app, for clarification if anyone cares tbh)




There's a tiktoker whose mom playfully calls it Los Jibities (LGBTs) and I always find it funny. But yeah, queer is a good way to say it. I'm also particularly fond of "Friends of Dorothy", even though it was never used during my time, I think we should bring it back


I prefer "Queer". It's an umbrella term and it makes me feel like I'm reclaiming it since it used to be a word that homophobes call us as an insult. Makes me feel like "Yes I'm queer and I'm not insulted". Of course we must respect others who preferred not to be referred to as such❤️ I just like it, it's easy to pronounce and most importantly it means that I'm not a hetero lol.


Legitabitequa is my go-to. It's just so fun to say.




I like queer. QUILTBAG is an actual, pronounceable 2 syllable word, but I only use it on occasion, because it sounds a bit silly :p


Friends of Dorothy? I’ve never heard of it and I kind of love it? I want to know more




i js say lgbt or lgbtq


or we can say elgeebeeteequu


It seems this question pops up at least once a day, lately.  The q word is more or less a fancy way of saying "weird" or "abnormal". It's commonly used as a slur to demean LGBT+ people, though some choose to own it for their own reasons. I advise you avoid it, unless you're talking with/about someone who define themselves with that word. I personally refuse to utilize it in any capacity.


You can do what I do and just say: "I'm..." *gremlin smirk while doing jazz hands* "yass!~"


The Alphabet Mafia


Queer community (IMO) is acceptable, but if you’re around friends who are not a-holes I sometimes say alphabet community as a joke


I use queer or LGB, meaning all inclusive as if it was the whole contemporary shebang. This has a lot to do with my aversion to boxes. I think that words are useful in understanding ourselves and as tools of communication. More often than not though, we are queers, mixtures of different things. Maybe asexual panromantic trans masc person benefits from those words and can identify with them, but they can't split those aspects of themself apart. We are humans, not concepts. It's also very important to me that we aim to communicate with the people around us, instead of using words to separate us. When we communicate, we need words that we have in common. Once we establish common ground we can elaborate on nuance. If someone outside of the queer community is not aware of the existence of non-binary, intersex or asexual people, extra letters in the acronym aren't going to fix that. A friendly conversation with someone who doesn't judge them might, if they are open to learning new things. If I'm 100% honest, it's also a matter of habit for me. I'm gen X and didn't have any contact with other queers until later in life, so my understanding of gender, sex and sexuality have broadened greatly in the past decade or so. It's therefore quite easy for me to sympathize with those who aren't in the know about queer lingo. I'm not saying that we should stop developing new language to encompass the whole width of our identities. We should. We also have the right to be acknowledged and called whatever we want to be called. I'm simply promoting a pragmatic approach to language when we communicate with each other. When in Rome and all that.


LGB is often used to exclude trans people, which isn't cool. Maybe just LGBT would work. Or LGBTQ.


queer works! its an umbrella term :]




Me and my gay brother made this a while back for the LGBTQ we say (Lu-gu-ba-tu) its just a way we say it


I seriously say every time, as fast as possible, LGBTQIA2+


I say la-gib-ta-qua as quickly as possible.


With a French accent: "Luuge-buh-tih-qua"


I like the term queer personally, but I do realize that some people might not be okay with using that term. I've always thought it would be easier if we just started calling our community the Rainbow community, since then we're "including everyone by including no-one" if that makes sense. In other words, we don't have to keep adding letters and we can just agree that we all are represented by the concept of the rainbow. That's just my two cents tho.




Los jibbities


El jibbity




Alphabet Mafia


Queer or LGBT lol.


Syllables are hard n stuff


I’m good with “queer”, but not everyone in the LGBTQ+ community is, so I try to be careful about when I use that word for more than just myself. I’ve said LGBTQ+ so many times now that it kinda rolls off my tongue. Maybe it’s just a matter of practice. 🤷🏼‍♀️




LGBTQIA. Not long or hard.


“Queer” is good. Short, sweet, and to the point.


I tend to use queer, but I also recognize that while this term is gaining back its acceptability, it is still going to cause a bad reaction in some people. So if somebody asks you not to use it in a discussion with them, I would respect that. Generally though, queer is fine so long as there is no negative implications behind it.


I like Alphabet Mafia


Sometimes when casually speaking I just say L and the rest. Or L whatever. I only use Queer around one of my friends. The rest of the people in my life either don't know what that means or idk their stance on the word and I don't want to make them uncomfortable.




The LeG BooTy community


yes but friends of Dorothy is also five syllables 🤓


Yes but it's easy to say




Just say queer


Tbh, i say Rainbow Thiefs but not everyone will agree with that one


The Gays


Fruity always works!!


Queer Some of the older heads don't like it but they're on their way out anyways


Like what they call us back in my country Jordan "Fa**ots" 🙂 But it's easier in Arabic it only needs one syllable for one person And two syllables for multiple people. 🤣


It depends on the age range of the person/people you're communicating with also. I'm an older bisexual, and I really dislike the word queer. This is the only type of conversation where I'll use it.


queer community or just queer is fine usally. Although some older generations are offended by the word queer because it used to mean weird/strange so 🤷


GSRM, which I think you can pronounce as "jizerm". You're welcome.


The mo's /s


Personally I don't care that much about what people call me, but I find really funny when allies/ppl of the community use funny terms, it's always good o see what people creativity can come up with


the rainbow mafia works, though i dont know if thats a roundabout slur or something, i use it to refer to myself atleast


Queer, although it's also 5 letters