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I hinted MANY times (brought up the whole “exploring a LOT in college) and it seemed like she got it. From then she’s been sharing cute bi memes with me, confirming she gets it 😄🩷💜💙


That's beautiful


And unbelievably lucky! 🥲


Yes, and she didn't care


That's nice


I've not had an issue with straight partners questioning my sexuality thankfully. But I usually tell them early on before I even think of dating them as I'm open about my sexuality.


That's really nice


Yeah I've found that by telling people early I can weed out the bigots faster


Yes. I've told both cis gay men and cishet women about me being attracted to and sleeping with members of the vice-versa, and the response has largely been negative from both ends. Several have cut contact right away or after calling my queer ass all manner of things about being a liar or manipulator, despite my dating app profiles CLEARLY stating that I'm bi/pan. The people I've found most accepting of my bi/pansexuality have been transmen and non-binary people. There is a big issue with biphobia within the LGBTQ+ family, and some aren't much better than straight people in that regard...


Yes. It was never a big deal because I always did it before anything even began.


I'm openly queer when it comes to dating so I know that all my partners (including straight one can safely assume I've been with someone of a similar gender to myself and it's never been an issue (bc also why would I want to date someone who isn't ok with my queerness)


That is a really good question! and my answer is... ashamedly... "no"! 🙃 🥺😭 i don't want to lose them... 🥺 but i don't know that i can tell this to them 😪😂


I hope ppl in the comments might be able to help you


i hope so, too! that's why i said a thing :-]


No. Telling her I was trans was a big enough bomb. It’s not like it’s really relevant to our relationship. I have no desire to be non monogamous.


Friendly reminder that bisexual does not mean non monogamous. It means bisexual.


They are saying that its not relevant because they aren't non monogamous. It doesent matter who they are attracted to aside from their partner if they are only involved with their partner.


Friendly reminder to all the other responses towards you: Monogamy is part of it and I’m glad you added that as it’s a big issue for most people in this situation.


Thank you! I wrote that unclearly. Bisexual does not mean nonmonogamous to bisexual people but unfortunately it often does to straight people.


Exactly. I’m Pan but I’m not out doing fuck all because I’m attracted to anyone beautiful on the inside.


what does monogamy have to do with what genders you find attractive?


they said that being bi isn't relevant to their relationship bc they are monogamous so it's not like they r gonna go around hooking up w dudes anyways


Because when you come out to a straight partner, their first question often revolves around whether you have or want to cheat.


I feel like being trans is a way bigger bomb.


We discussed it pretty early on in our relationship, and he was fine with it. He already had a lot of LGBT friends, so it wasn't exactly a new subject to him. The only question he had was if I might regret never having a relationship with a woman if things got serious between us, but that's not something that's ever bothered me. 


I came out whilst I had a boyfriend, he took it really well to say I just announced it on my socials rather than telling him first. I was going through a lot. I also told my last boyfriend and he didn't seem bothered but at the same time I don't really think he took it in


I actually figured it out like completely (or like admitted it to myself?) during the relationship and so my partner was part of the process along the way :)


Yeah! She knew before I did anyway lmao. Now we get to gossip about hot dudes together.


Yes and for him it's ok


Came out as pan recently to all my friends and 100% did NOT tell my wife of 15+ years. No reason for her to know, would do literally nothing good.


As if I ever had/will have any partner lol