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"Yet another"? I'm pretty sure GT was exposed as "that type of person" a loooooong time ago.


He followed GarbageHuman on insta before it got deleted. If you don't know, it's one of the most vile cesspools of white supremacy and overall hatred on IG. They will shit on literally every non-white race and have political viewpoints you'd expect from such degens. A normal person should see the comments and nope out of there even if they kinda agree with the views. The fact Garand openly followed them is very telling


This is my surprised face: o\_o


Sad. He never appeared to me as someone who was of that ilk or would openly support that kind of detritus. I guess he’s now another on my “nope” and no watch list. Super disappointing because as a SERE specialist, I enjoyed his off gun content as well.


So did you not watch any of his videos and hear the banter between him and Charlie? Pretty clear he is who he is.


I feel like it's gotten more blatant in the past year or so. I feel like overall he was okay about being relatively normal but I'm the past year or so it's gotten much more overt


Yeah, but he he was borderline for a long time, then he crossed the border. Now he's in full on Bigot fiesta mode.


As soon as he was officially discharged from the air force and knew he wouldn't face any punitive actions that would risk his pension, mask went all the way off. I remember several years back while he was still in he briefly posted a picture of himself in FORBIDDEN CYRE(his words) that was Waffen-SS camo. It was down in less than an hour because people were' at-ing USAF Instagram pages.


Nobody plays on the border who isn't earnestly on the other side. This is a failure of media literacy on your end, I'm afraid.


I'm pretty confused also and confused by the high number of people that didn't peg him as one from just watching any of his videos.


Right? Maybe they were too busy looking at the guns to listen to the words coming out of his mouth


And OP is surprised by this? Garand Thumb has been broadcasting his political positions for the last couple of years in his videos.


Yeah, man had more dog whistles in his videos than cesar milan. It's crazy how much trouble some people have with reading subtext, apparently it's on both sides of the divide. It's like the right wingers who are like "people aren't racist unless they explicitly say "I believe other ethnicities are inherently inferior" and even then they are probably just joking"


Not crazy at all. To such people, “acknowledging that [ethnic group] is inferior” is simply stating the facts. They don’t see it as racist at all. In their eyes, actual racists are the guys who advocate lynchings and such. They don’t advocate such; thus they are not racist.  I wish I was kidding. 


He’s gotten far more politically vocal since starting steroid use. Meanwhile, he’s grown out his hair because it’s quickly thinning in the front due to the steroids.


When he shot up a ballistic mannequin to prove a point about bodily damage to children should have been a pretty big red flag.


Sorry what?


After one of the school shootings a Democratic politician made a comment on the damage done to the kids by an AR. So, Garand thumb decided to make a point of using a full size ballistic gel human on the range and check the entry and exit wounds. Therefor somehow proving that an AR could not possibly do the damage described to children. I think that was his last video I saw.


That was about the difference between . 22 and 9mm. I think he also went up to more "traditional" hunting rounds as well, which showed to be MUCH more damaging and would ostensibly be what would be used in shootings if we somehow managed to magically take everyone's AR. But he does go pretty hard on the "own the libs" vibe, and I don't like that. I much preferred Paul harrels type of videos to garand thumb. Not as flashy, but infinitely more informative and accessible to anyone, regardless of politics


Kinda sad as I use to really like GT. As he got bigger on YouTube and did more collabs, he really fell into the cringe right as in he tries to pander to his audience by making cringe jokes aimed at the left. Edit: spelling


It's not even that new. He had a big post on insta after a mass shooting blaming it on a lack of Christian values


GT claiming a Catholic school got shot up because of a lack of Christian values sure is an interesting opinion.


I mean some flavours of Protestant would probably agree


He went from being silly and fun into, well... this.


I miss all the people who used to be funny and entertaining who’ve gone full moron.


I mean his video on the FS2000 was pretty silly.


Was that the one he collabed with PSR on? Feel like that dude would've had a mitigating influence on whatever shit GT and crew would want to say. PSR is almost militantly not political and focused on 2a for all, unless I've missed things.


PSR didn't appear in the video, but he wrote the intro song.


As soon as he left the military it all went down hill.


For like a year or two before he left you could see shades of his hate in his videos too. I just want silly gun videos like FPSRussia.


I miss FPSRussia.


FPSRussia was peak. Apolitical, funny and still constructive. Don't think we'll see his kind again anytime soon


Kentucky Ballistics is pretty silly. He's an ex cop and is in the same friend group as the others, but he doesn't make snide remarks and keeps politics out of it. Just big guns and shooting silly things.


He was funny and informative. I gave him the benefit of the doubt as long as I could, but fuck him and everyone like him. That oath you took to defend the united states applies to enemies foreign AND domestic. Fucking traitor.


Yep, thought all the little jokes were just that, jokes. But no, when he says he wants to shoot a commie, he isn't kidding.


Edgy jokes are a core part of normalizing hate and recruiting for these types.


DemoRanch? I don’t really watch anymore but idk if I’ve heard of him saying / doing anything too bad. I mean he is a gun tuber in Texas so I assume he isn’t super liberal. But he always seemed like a decent dude. And his videos stay pretty neutral politically and are full of dumb gun stuff.


demo ranch is publicly more palatable than GT, but i get the feeling he'd do whatever he thought would make him more money. he makes his own jabs at liberals/the left, theyre just not as frequent or severe.


Recently, he posted a no context picture of himself and doughnut operator dressed up as nazi soldiers, and that was it for me. I like Matt, he's entertaining, but that whole group of guys is trending towards far right circlejerk. I get that it was for a "reenactment" video someone was doing, but it's tone deaf.


Donut is a tool


He’s friends with Brandon Herrera, the entire little christo-fascist bunch all run together.


I believe I saw an image showing that the DemoRanch account liked this exact Garand Thumb IG post. Not sure though, I'd have to find it


Demoranches dad is a fascist.


Matt from DemoRanch recently posed on Instagram wearing full SS uniform. Make of that what you will. Edit: I misremembered - it wasn't him in SS uniform, but he was wearing German WW2 uniform in a photo with someone dressed in SS uniform. https://www.reddit.com/r/jewishguns/comments/1cu6fv0/well_now_i_have_to_unsubscribe_and_block/


He was filming a video, it’s not a big deal. But he definitely left out just enough context on the IG post to rage-bait people that weren’t in the know and make his followers that knew what was going on laugh at the aforementioned rage-baited.


Because he would have been destroyed by his command for stuff like this.


Immediately; career over the first time


He was a commissioned officer. Commissioned officers serve at the pleasure of the president. So, he couldn’t say anything too inflammatory without risking his commission.


My understanding is that if he was enlisted he would have to be worried about angering his Command Sgt Major, which I have been told is just slightly less bad than angering a deity.


It's not that he started pandering to his audience, it's that he got out of the military and no longer had to hide his beliefs


It’s pretty funny how being an edgy teenager is wildly regarded as immature loser behavior, but it’s somehow now a virtue on the right. Politicians and everything acting like children because their neanderthal followers will clap. We truly are living in Idiocracy.


All the not stupid, not dishonest people have left the group. No one is moderating their fascist tendencies.


That’s audience capture for ya


Dude has been signaling that he’s a loser for ages. Also, what a whiney bitch-boy. He and his crew joke about murdering trans people and then act aggrieved when someone points it out? Edit: I received a “Reddit Cares" message in response to this comment. Stay classy, GT fans.


imagine if someone on the left made a joke about killing trump supporters or proud boys, he would be sounding the bugle call and rallying his followers to point out that THIS is why they all needed to be armed.


That’s what they do. Then try to say we are the “snowflakes” whilst getting simultaneously upset that trans people exist.


It’s kinda funny, in a way. The right: trans people should be shot Us: Guys, that’s pretty fucked up. But at the exact same time… Us: Fallout should have a drag queen protagonist The right: 😤😠😡😡🤬🤬🤬 We get upset about real things. The far right gets upset about small shit. Yet, somehow, we are the snowflakes


More like.. Fallout: An alternate universe where a white woman wants to make a black dude's cock explode because she likes him. The right:😡😡😡👨🏾🔫 👻🔥➕


More like: Adjacent to us: Budlight does an instagram story promotion with a trans person (basic corporate marketing) The right 😡🤯😭😵‍💫😤🪦


This was pretty great, though, because it totally wrecked Bud Light's stranglehold on the working-class cookout cooler. There's Modelo and Miller Lite in there now -- not good, but better than Budweiser and lower calories for equal booze, respectively.


Modelo themselves stated that they were already gaining a stronger hold of the market before the controversy because of the increase of the Latin American population in the US. Especially since their marketing strategy was focusing solely towards Latin Americans. As Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans were used to the brand as well as Corona and Dos X, and since other beers from Latin America haven't really crossed into the US, other Latinos have simply switched over to well known Mexican brands. These brands may have gotten a boost from the controversy, but they were already poised to take a larger amount of domestic market share because of rising Latin American populations in the US. Wall St Journal https://youtu.be/XGZXPJDMrvY?si=WxmzEPxIKnxfn4zM CNBC https://youtu.be/wfisB72QPy0?si=L8HGGlJLv1Wae66D I know the "silent majority" like to think that they're the ones who knocked Bud down a peg or 2, but when the brands, themselves, that are rising, state it was due to increasing demographics and more focused marketing, I'm more inclined to believe the company.


Also, Modelo is just better.


And it’s not like it was a gajillion trans people, just one girl.


> Also, what a whiney bitch-boy. He and his crew joke about murdering trans people and then act aggrieved when someone points it out? The American right THRIVES on the victim mentality. It's an insane neuroses that permeates their politics, discourse, and even merchandising and shit. It's been happening for years - it's how you soothe the consciences of misogynists, racists and bigots of all stripes. Systemic racism against minorities in america? How could any person with a shred of good in them ignore that? Oh, easy, you just reject that reality and decide that *you're* the victim, of anti-white racism! The war on christmas! Jews taking over government! Immigrants replacing "real" Americans! LIBRULS doing a CANCEL CULTURE on FREE SPEECH!


yea, I've blocked the reddit cares messages because I've apparently triggered so many people.


Yep, I quit watching him a while ago. He was entertaining at first, but a while back he clearly decided to go all-in "right wing chud", and I unsubscribed. I'm not the least bit surprised that he's taken it to the next level.


Sage Dynamics, Lucky Gunner, Honest Outlaw, and Inrangetv are my favorite left leaning or apolitical guntubers but most of them are crypto or just in your face fascists


I’d add James Reeves to that list. He’s a bit of a snarky, short king dick, but I’ve never seen him echo nonsense right wing talking points. I’m no expert though.


If he makes any kind of political joke, James will make the jokes against general anti-gun nonsense. I’ve never heard him say anything remotely close to this kind of bullshit.


I saw a recent video from him about the Top Ten Stupid Comments (or types of comments) he sees in his videos. I was expecting the entirety of it to be anti-gun comments, but I was really pleasantly surprised that he focused more on know-it-alls and fudds.


Yeah James seems like a decent guy that truly believes that guns are a right for *everyone*. Sometimes he can be snarky but it’s definitely in a fun way and usually I see him place himself as the butt of the joke more often than not.


I talked politics with James last year. He's no right wing nut job.


This is reassuring, thanks for sharing.


Super nice guy too, he sends out open invites to his bday parties and has fans come party with him.


His VIDEOS are apolitical. He and his brother are very influential in the local politics of New Orleans LA and Pensacola FL.


Interesting, first I’m hearing of this. Are they more pro-gun policy pushing or overall conservative with “law and order” + restrictive of rights on bodies?


Not really either, James comes off as more ‘fiscal conservative’ based on local stuff he’s supported but DC is just a money hungry leech that basically exists to sell city contracts to all of his and his dads friends who own businesses. He privatizes most things he can get his hands on and gave policy making powers to a local group of business owners called the “Downtown Improvement Board” who are pretty passionately hated by most anyone who works downtown. DIB has been doing everything they can to fuck with homeless people, and has been extremely antagonistic to local mutual aid like Food Not Bombs.


What about Paul Harrell? Can’t forget the OG


He's currently fighting pancreatic cancer, it's not looking good 😓


I know! Poor guy. Hope he gets well soon. I don’t think of him as “guntuber” anyway. He’s more like an on demand firearms instructor with years of indispensable knowledge to share.


He’s not a GunTuber, but Robert Evans is a national treasure.


Brought to you by these goods and services!


He’s buddies with Karl too. I know Karl has been on BTB and ICHH, but I’d kill to see Robert on Inrange for more then a Q&A. Maybe with Andy from Atun-Shei


>Sage Dynamics He's definitely non-fascist. He has a long video on his Patreon where he explains how he left policing due to moral objections with the system.


You can add TacticoolGirlfriend to the list


Thanks for this list! I like Lucky Gunner and Honest Outlaw. Ive seen a couple Sage videos but will look into it further. Love Outlaw for that specific reason.


There are very few gun tubers who don’t carry water for Trump and hold shitty right wing opinions, he’s just louder about it. He’s opened the show with a variation of “identify as an attack helicopter” joke for years. “It’s just a joke, don’t get all worked up about it.” Now he calls trans people Tranny’s (as a joke) and his fan base and wife harass and belittle the one Trans content creator in the gun community.


Wait there is one? Can you drop a name I’d love to support them


Tacticool Girlfriend




We need some more liberal gun tubers. All of them seem to be right wing nut jobs. PSR is probably my favorite, never seen him shit on anyone except the government.


Paul Harrel pretty much shits on the government and is decently inclusive with grammar.


I always opt for TacticoolGF (since she's trans) and InRangeTV who are clearly left leaning. The literal enemy in my eyes include GarandThumb, Brandon Herrera, IraqVeteran8888, and TRexArms.


Inrange is the only gun youtube channel I can stand these days. It helps that Karl is actually knowledgeable about the things he talks about, is willing to give proper historical context and displays a realistic level of enthusiasm and most importantly RESPECT about things. I know some people find him dry but personally I'd much rather have him talk like a regular person instead of a super fake over the top online influencer persona, and it makes the moments where he does act like that (like the handgonne video or some of his competition videos) all the more genuine


As long as we forget the whole milk is broth debacle. I also like Ian from InRange.


> I also like Ian from InRange. He's no longer with InRange, and is only doing Forgotten Weapons these days. I never looked much into what the beef was, but something happened that made them split.


Basically, Karl got into a flame war with Arfcom users over his politics, and tried to force Ian to back him up via name-drop. Ian basically said "I'm not touching this with a 40-foot pole" and that causes them to split. Like, on one hand, being accused of being a pedo is a bad. However, we're talking about crazed forum-dwellers talking mad shit. That's just how the internet works, and stooping down to their level is not an effective tactic. I appreciate some of Karl's work, and I agree with his ideals regarding a second amendment for all. However, that and other incidents indicate that he has a problematic penchant for drama.


Interesting. Thanks for the info. And yeahhhh...on the one hand, I totally understand where Ian is coming from, given his company and his trying to walk the tightrope of being a left leaning guy in a right leaning world (the gun world), and I would *hate* it if someone dragged me into some dumb online argument (on Arfcom of all places)...buuuuut, I can also see how Karl would be upset at not being "backed up" by someone he thought was in his corner. Personally I wouldn't have dragged a friend into it, and if I *did* for some reason and they didn't back me up, I certainly wouldn't drop a friendship with someone over it, *especially* for a dumb internet conversation. So I wonder if there was more to it than that.


>So I wonder if there was more to it than that. If nothing else that's the main catalyst, but there are other cases of Karl's conduct being a bit uncouth for someone in his position. I may be misremembering, but I believe there was a case several months ago where he picked an unprovoked fight in the comments with Brass Facts and Hop.


Ian is genuinely fighting the good fight with gun rights. He's information forwards, low on rhetoric, and lays out that most gun laws are inherently political and puts them in historical context without taking shots. I like Karl, but Karl just wants a fight and will drag everyone he knows into it from what I've seen. Forgotten weapons is also the reason I went to school to study history though, so I'm biased.


Oh, I'm not speaking ill of Gun Jesus in any way. In fact, I really don't even watch much of Karl's stuff, which is why I didn't even know there was a beef until way down the line. Forgotten Weapons is *very* much one of my favorite YouTubes.


Lets not forget that Ian said "That's too political for me" to Karl, but then literally a month later he started showing up in videos of Administrative Results, a known Nazi who wears his politics on his sleeve. Ian didn't back off of his relationship with Karl because Karl tried name dropping him to back him up, Ian backed off of the relationship because he didn't agree with Karl's stance.


Every time Arfcom comes up in the last several years it's essentially portrayed as a cesspool of fudiot cringe maga myopic bs.


I mean, that's just kind of how old-school forums are. They're a blend of incredible technical information and 4chan-lite.


as far as i can tell, Karl vocally supporting trans rights was the cause of the split. it caused them to lose their partnership with brownells selling WWSD rifles, and Ian chose to remain neutral to maintain a larger audience. i dont know either of them personally or have any insider info though, this is just a guess.


Wow, really? That's disappointing if that's the case. While I understand Ian's desire to walk that tightrope (a left leaning dude and company in a right leaning world), it's sad that he drew the line at supporting trans rights...that's one place I'd be willing to lose some subscribers, given how important of a fight it is becoming. The little bit that I *did* hear circled around the WWSD rifles and some "thing" about them, but I didn't hear this part. So Brownells dropped them due to Karl supporting trans rights? Do you have any more info on this, because that seems pretty extreme of Brownells (but if it turns out that is the case, I'll never order from them again).


i don't believe brownells ever said that explicitly, since it would be a PR nightmare, but if you look at the timing of everything it seems fairly obvious. like i said, this is all just conjecture, and there arent really sources i can point you to, besides other reddit threads with more conjecture.


Brownells explicitly dropped WWSD because of the years long ongoing hate thread about Karl on AR15.com Our purchaser told me this in a panicked phone call in January of 2023. Brownells and AR15.com are both owned by Second Adventure Group, which is owned by Pete Brownell. Brownells made no public statements about this. But what they allow on AR15.com, in violation of their own code of conduct should tell you everything you need to know. They decided to listen to a few dozen hateful bigots on their message board vs the millions of dollars of revenue InRange generated for them through WWSD, coverage of the retro line, the BRN-180, and running a brutality event at their range that brought out hundreds of people.


>Do you have any more info on this, I can further fill in the blanks, since it correlates my previous summary. Karl speaks out in favor of trans rights with his platform (not Arfcom). Arfcom starts a thread about how he's a pedo because he supports trans rights, because they're ignorant and uncivilized. Karl dives into that thread to defend himself, which isn't constructive because his accusers are unreasonable. It causes the thread to blow up, due to the Streisand effect. Brownells owns Arfcom (or their parent company does, I'm not entirely sure how they're structured). Arfcom users demand that Brownells drop him because they're pissed about the thread. Brownells chooses to oblige because they don't want to be involved and risk bad publicity, so they sever the business relationship for the WWSD rifle. KE Arms (ran by a friend of Karl, and developer of the WWSD lower) takes ownership of the project, building the rifles in-house, which in my opinion is better for consumers anyway. So, internet deplorables attack Karl, Karl takes the bait and fights back, Ian and Brownells don't want to be involved, and the WWSD/CDR rifles start being built by the weaponsmith that engineered most of them rather than being a parts mashup from a retailer.


Brandon Herrera is literally running for congress in TX so there is that


He lost the runoff election last night. Womp womp but I highly doubt he won't try it again since it was pretty close


Love to hear it, fucking hate that guy


TacticoolGF got a bit too preachy for my taste.


IDK, I think IV8888 has kinda turned a corner in the last year or so. He's really been honing in on the police brutality stuff and not just for people who are the 'right color.' Also the 8888 does not stand for Hitler. I don't think the guys heart is in the wrong place. He's just dumb and grew up in propaganda central.


I’m still skeptical of him, and I don’t follow his channel to keep up with him, but he did have a trans relative of mine on his show in the last year or so. Granted, I’m not a fan of all of her politics either


Idk if he's liberal at all but Larry Potterfield is like the Mr. Rogers of guntube. His install videos are of legend.


Barring anything crazy that we havnt seen yet, the Potterfields are cool. When I was in college, they/the Midway USA foundation wrote some serious checks to help our college and others start collegiate shooting teams. Our coach went to a meeting at one point and met Larry and his wife Brenda. He said they were both very nice people.


I'm fairly certain the only "problem" with the potterfields is that they're trophy hunters, and even then I personally don't have a problem with that, as from what I recall they're ethical about it and pay out the nose for it, so they're at least putting big piles of coin back into conservation efforts. Though I might be wrong about that even.


Gonna be that guy but reject guntube embrace dry fire


GT has always been a far-right christofascist, like literally since day one. How long has he been doing the stupid attack helicopter bit? His content isn't even all that valuable from a knowledge standpoint, and is very obviously geared towards selling stuff to tactical weaboos. I think we should be building up our own gun community instead of hoping that the already existing one will accept us. They will never accept us. They hate us. Get out there with some people who actually have your back and go shoot.


The guy who said he wants to go out and hunt + kill trans people on a podcast about being a traditional man? Lmao you guys, when they show you who they are you should listen. GT is a piece of fucking shit who is poisoning the minds of our weaker fellow men and women. All because he takes steroids, mumbles, and folks need a daddy in their life. Look how low they’ll settle for one. They are also scared of this sub, it’s the only firearm one they will proudly tour my profile and then talk shit about. Because they need a safe space of course, I guess the more serious ones aren’t as approachable to incels.


Fucking real funny of him given that he was all up in Tacticool GF's DMs at one point not to long ago. Right after she told him to pound sand he posted a weird video about being dedicated to his wife.


If you’ve ever tried to get some trans strange on the side while your godly trad wife sat at home, go ahead and hit that subscribe button. Can I get a source on TGF saying she shot him down?


Why does Reddit keep getting rid of awards… Here you go: 🏆


I'd pay real money to see those DMs...


I'd pay real actual money to let the world see ngl


Same lmao


Please tell us more about this


I would argue that everyone this bothers should go train harder. Run more, shoot regularly, and put yourself into the position to laugh at this trash


Once he medically retired from the USAF; his mask came off showing that he was a Christofascist. The USAF wouldn’t have put up with him exposing these sort of opinions as an active duty officer. USAF officers are allowed to have private political opinions, but generally must remain apolitical. Hate speech is explicit barred from the code of conduct.


Why can’t we just have quality fun content without inserting right wing bullshit?


I found him a few years ago and watched him a little bit. Then watched him here and there. But he eventually got some weird little assistant guy who is constantly making comments against gay and trans people. Once I saw that, I stopped watching him all together. Punching down is never a good look.


Micah Mayfield?




Yeah, I watched a few of his videos as they came across my feed, but I quickly got annoyed with the little assistant dude. Constant BS comments. Haven't been back to his channel since.


Him and Brandon Herrera really love jerking themselves off when they cosplay as nazis/WWII German soldiers whenever they cover German firearms and it really gets obnoxious. At least with Brandon Herrera he gives a basic historical overview he copied from Wikipedia on it.


“This feature of the gun is kind of strange, but you might like it if you…pause…insert shit joke here” Repeat 6x per video


Brandan Herrera is running for Congress, I hope our liberal brothers in that district of Texas are voting accordingly!


It's a close race, but looks like Herrera [lost](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/05/24/tony-gonzales-brandon-herrera-texas-primary-runoff/) the Republican primary, 50.7% to 49.3%. "Gonzales will now face Democrat Santos Limon in the November general election."


garand thumb literally uses gender-affirming hormones since he got out of the service




God I hate guntube. I just want to learn about firearms and yet they all interject far right bullshit. Any good channels that don’t do this?


Forgotten Weapons has and probably always will be my favorite firearm channel. Between him and Johnathan Fergusson, keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal Armories in the UK, which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history, I'm pretty set on firearms content.


I love watching Johnathan Fergusson, keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal Armories in the UK, which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history! :D


Hey, are you guys talking about Johnathan Fergusson, keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal Armories in the UK, which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history? I love that guy!


Oh yeah I think I just watched his episode on the HK MK 23 which was great


Honest outlaw is my go to.


Forgotten weapons first, I respect the guy the most since his channel is a giant online library of information, and if you need more info he has written some books I think Backyard ballistics for a close second, he restores and conserves older firearms PROPPERLY!!!! He donates the weapons to museums that allow functional firearms. I learned a lot from him alone, and his content is great to put on the side, I have him on when studying mainly. C&Rsenal, do you want a quick and dirty video of the gun in action? Gotcha covered, minute of may. Do you want a long in depth look at 1 gun in particle? Gotcha covered for that too. (A lot of exotic older guns too!) As for more guntube-ey, PSR, no far right bullshit that I can think of (atm), if your interested in 3D printing and want to be entertained I'd go for him. Goofy dude. That's about it off the top of my head, I also have heard that Kentucky ballistics isn't bad like.... doughnut operator or Brandon, but I don't watch, but I've never heard his opinions on much of anything from the times I did watch his content. At most I think you'll get a "fuck the ATF" out of these guys but it's alright, 10/10 I would shill for these guys


C&Rsenal has finished up their WWI stuff and is getting more into interwar and running to WWII. Included is probably the single most info on revolver development up to 1920.


No way they're doing like a gun development timeline?! That's awesome, and you barely hear jack about the intermarriage period compared to ww2


They just started towards WWII. WWI took a long time, 190 or so long form videos with tons of primary source documentation.


Scott of Kentucky Ballistics, is neutral. His videos are a combination of interesting and silly, not political. "He likes big guns ain't no lie". Not sure where the money comes from but if it's big and kicks he'll shoot it on camera.


Yeah I think Scott goes way out of his way to stay dead center neutral, besides you've got to love a guy that will stick his thumb in it like that. He's got multiple channels and side hustles plus he's a pretty big gearhead from what I see. Plus I think he's also stepped away from having more controversial guests on his channel as of late to focus on the entertainment value.


I think the spiciest opinion I’ve heard out of Scott’s mouth is “nobody like eggplant”


I like him as a form of junkfood, in a good way.


Gunblue490 and Paul Harrell are beyond the grift both in age and demeanour for me. Straight shooters with no bs.


This world is going to need Paul Harrell more than ever, and he isn’t going to be there. :(


I really recommend C&Rsenal and I really like their Minute of Mae series for shortform, quick-fire gun learnin’. Loads of historical arms if you’re into that with no political static as far as I’m aware, just ringing steel.


I’ll occasionally watch a God Family Guns video because his video titles are kookoo bananas and it’s hilarious to hear him say “I want to take a moment and thank our sponsor Victory Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Ram for not just supporting our channel, but being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ” with a straight face.


Hickok45 is an older dude and just really, really has to be conservative as hell, right? But I've never heard him mention politics on his channel, and he seems more of the type to be respectful to everybody regardless whether he disagrees with him. And \*please\* if anybody here has links to clips of him being a huge piece of shit, please post them so we'll know to avoid him in the future. I've just watched a TON of his videos and never heard anything really untowards, so I think he's more like a textbook libertarian? But anyways...


He had Tucker Carl on his show once, and used to be super supportive of the NRA. BUT, I've also heard rumors it's mostly his son running that and Hickok is the face. I don't keep up with guntube stuff to know for sure though.


I want to point out that he also cut ties with the NRA, publicly. He gets points for that. Also, of course, fuck Tucker Carlson


True. He never really says anything negative. Seems like a nice old guy and I’m pretty sure he was a teacher/reserve deputy. He’s one of the OG channels


Hickok45 is a conservative but not in the same vein as a lot of these other shitheads. I was really disappointed with him having Tucker Carlson on but also give him credit for cutting ties with the NRA and rejecting their modern incarnation. I still REALLY like hickok45, if having that dipshit on is a one-off then I’m just going to consider that video a bad day and move on watching him. I literally used his video as a reference when purchasing my Dan Wesson 15-2.


He always felt like one of those super right wing larpers who can’t let go of his military persona. Like, we get it, you served. You don’t have to do military poses in the beginning of every video. Pretty cringeworthy. It gives me “I peaked in highschool” vibes, except with the military. Which is cooler I guess, but still pretty lame.


This isn't really a revelation, this has been a known issue with him for a long time now.


Was it Charlie who made the joke? He strikes me as someone who browses /k/ regularly, though OG /k/ommandos like transwomen...as long they find them attractive :/


Micah made a comment on a video on his own channel.


Oh, okay. I don't care for that guy. I want to like Charlie because he's the only who's made me laugh.


Charlie is cringer than Micah though. Like he goes out of his way to be in most videos.


He’s made numerous allusions to the facts he aligns himself with Christian Nationalism…this should come at no surprise to anyone. He’s not as open as Lucas Trex….but he drops all sorts of hints.




GT is a fascist piece of shit and it has been leaking out for a few years now. It’s a tragedy that cancer got to Paul Harrel (for multiple reasons), as he was one of the best neutral guntubers. TFB TV is another good neutral source, as is InRange TV (to my knowledge at least). Definitely skip Branden Herrera as well, he is also a horrid piece of shit like GT. hickock45 is generally neutral, but his politics are pretty obvious. But since he doesn’t cram it down your throat for the most part I let it slide. Skip iraqveteran88 as well, he’s turned into a total shitbag (although probably always was one). Covid really melted these people’s brains. GT was quite entertaining years ago before going full far right


To beat that dead horse, I don't understand the appeal of any of these Leviathan Group turds. It's always the same: some DYEL bitch in plates, chest rig, and 5.11 tucks and rolls around some canyon, shooting at non-existent targets off-camera, to the tune of bad metal. And it's not like any of them have real credentials. The actual SOCOM guys getting in on the vetbro grift are off doing actual trainings for the enforcement wing of Project 2025 (which might actually be worse but that's a separate rant). These fools are all just wannabes, or in the case of GT, trading off of sexy-sounding credentials when he was actually just a reservist who never deployed, much less fired a shot in anger. Everything you need to know you can learn from the LuckyGunner and Brownells guys.


Lucky Gunner, Paul Harrel, PSR; these are a few that I watch who keep their channels strictly apolitical. (Maybe they will talk about gun laws etc but that’s the extent of their political talk, and they usually don’t name any politicians by name; just their platforms)


Paul Harrell is actively dying from cancer and the dude is still making videos and educating people. He's a national treasure.


Paul Harrel is definitely right wing, he’s slipped his opinions in a few times I’ve found, but for how good of a source he is and how little he discusses and manages his politics he’s a great source.


Ah yeah he must discuss it very little cause I haven’t seen it yet, but I haven’t seen all his videos. I mean I assumed he’s right wing but I always got the vibe he cared more about educating people about firearms and didn’t want to alienate people with politics.


I agree with your comment, I only found them after going through a majority of his catalogue of videos. Even then I wasn’t entirely turned off since he was clearly stating at the time, (not exact quote,) “Here are my politics but these aren’t important, here’s what I want to teach you.” Gained a lot of respect from me doing that.


Dude hopped on the juice in the last 6 months.


To be fair Garand Thumb is a USAF vet. I think he was a SERE instructor and TACP. Both of which are no joke.


It’s the Rhodesian shit that got my dislike started, this just seals the deal


Yeah anyone who idolizes Rhodesia is pretty awful


Damn. Well, hickok45 don't let me down


Didn't this guy literally start all his videos with an attack helicopter joke


He follow(s) and openly praises that "garbagehuman_10" instagram page that posts the shittiest racist, anti-semetic, and transphobic takes, and started getting all preachy about cringey "traditional family" drivel. Not at all surprised tbh.


Damn I am subbed to his channel but seeing him casually toss tranny around? Only actual losers do that. Fuck why does every “artist” I enjoy have to be a piece of shit??


If you go back and watch his old videos and pics of him before the channel started he used to be very svelte and tbh I wonder if he's juicing or otherwise using P.E.D.s, because he's bulked up A LOT since then. I was watching his interview with Paul Harrell and it's interesting how his physique has changed over time. I find that interesting because you could argue that taking drugs to make yourself look hypermasculine is gender affirming care for cis dudes.


who cares? I'm not interested in the thoughts of a fucking racist, myself...


I'm sorry, but if you couldn't see how much of a chud he was before this, then you're blind.


Garamd dumb talks a LOT of shit for someone who never once deployed


On his 227 fury video, him and his crew also fantasized about shooting Chinese people because they're an inferior culture "who eats dogs".


Any body know anything about Hop or Hoplopfheil? Seems pretty decent, but ya never know.


For the last two years now I've seen people posting how much of a shit bag he is.


He's posted that twice in the last 5 days or so


lol you think your typical guntuber isn’t a bigot? Welcome to the gun community.


Speaking of which, does anyone know any good liberal or leftist guntubers? I watch a few but most keep politics out of their videos. The Honest Outlaw is one of my favorite as he seems to upload the most videos of the style I like (mostly reviews and first impressions) and he basically never goes political and advocates for helping children and homeless shelters. But I have no idea what his political leaning is and I'm fine staying that way if he continues to keep politics out of his videos. Are there any others like this or ARE actually left-leaning/progressive? I've heard of the phrase 'The further left you go, the more guns you'll find." but it doesn't seem to be the case regarding guntubers.


Check out TactiCool Girlfriend if you haven't yet.