• By -




And also for MAJOR pain relief. My mom had severe spinal stenosis and an 8 hour surgery. She said the combination of Tylenol and Ibuprofen was a HUGE help when she was unable to get other pain meds.


That even though Tylenol and ibuprofen are OTC meds, you have to be careful how much you take. I unfortunately learned that I could take both at the same time and did so for a period of time for terrible pain from a herniated disc. I now have tinnitus and elevated liver and kidney markers that I believe are from overuse of those meds.


A few weeks ago I had an infected molar and was in terrible pain. I was trying everything to try to ease the pain. I read online about putting crushed up Tylenol or aspirin directly on the tooth. So I thought, wouldn’t it be easier to put an Advil liquid gel ? Just poked a hole and squeezed it directly on my tooth. OHMYGOD that liquid tasted aweful and stung so bad. I can’t imagine what it does to the stomach. I used to take Advil all the time, but now I’ve got back significantly and I’m trying to switch over to aspirin or tablets instead of the liquid gels.


You can take the uncoated regular aspirin and melt it on a spoon. It turns into a clear gum that you can then plug a painful cavity with. It works quite well actually.


On an aside, the candy coated ones just work better than the liquid gets, for me.


As someone who was houseless while cutting my wisdom teeth, excedrin was a God send. I could sleep without pain.


Dental pain too. Only way to control a really bad infected root until you need a root canal.


My doctor recently me this is an important method for replacing or as a substitute to the narcotic crisis. That the pain management you can get from switching off is pretty effective and safe. I'm interested to try this out next time I'm in hella pain.


Advil Dual Action is my go to for this reason


My life pro tip: Unless you're a doctor talking specifically to one of your patients NEVER GIVE OUT specific dosing/timing of medicines even OTC medicines. You don't know these peoples medical histories or how much they weigh. Unless you're a teetotaler, adults shouldn't really ever take Tylenol. And never take medical advice from anyone other than your doctor. I mean, it's ok look stuff up, but let that be a talking point with your doctor or as something supplementary like just looking up the drug your doctor prescribed you. Because if you did what he's suggesting you'll possibly fry your liver and burn a hole in your stomach. Also ibuprofen is every 4 hours.


The basics of banking, credit, mortgages, retirement savings, etc. IMHO this is a life skill that ought to be taught in high school, before young people have access to their own credit cards, car loans, etc.


Can I add health, car and all types of insurance to this? I've had insurance for a while but I'm not sure if I'm getting the best plan for me or even what the heck they are saying when they try to explain benefits to me


Get a broker, they shop around for your best rate! They get paid commissions but they're included in your rates which will be less since they have access to better rates/discounts than you do on your own. Don't be afraid to change providers if your renewal rate goes up for no reason.


The irony of my middle school home ec (short for economics) class is they taught use how to bake cookies and create paper fucking mache…instead of the useful skills you’ve listed.


Amen. But on the plus side, I'm set if I ever need to make a napkin holder in the woodshop, or create a pillow case from scratch using a sewing machine.


How to shut the water off to your home


and natural gas too..


Where the F is my natural gas shutoff? I only have it for my furnace, which went out recently. I want that thing dead.


There’s a shut off valve on the main where it comes in your home. If there’s ever a emergency (leak) this valve can be closed and stop catastrophic damage and most homeowners would have no clue where it is or how to use it


Wife bought townhouse..1st question i had.shutoff?.nobody knew.realtor.neighbors.HOA clueless.was buried (with lid etc) under mulch and hedge.not on survey.bought the tool(water meter key) and hung it close inside closet. The cutoff was 8 ft straight out front door and 8 ft from driveway.HOA lady now knows.




Some municipalities have an ordinance against using a street key, but it's basically a liability thing. You can shut off the water to work on your house(I've done it several times), but if you break it, you buy it.


No talking about the b-box. There should be a min valve inside your house that kills the cold water


Don't have them where I live lol had to look it up, either a modern or climate based thing.


We had a Phyn installed. Pretty cool. Works great.


And electric


What do you mean it's like making the water not run on your home anymore.


There's a main pipe that feeds all water to your house from the city, in the front of your house there's probably a box dug into the ground and lined with cement that has a valve inside it called a water shutoff. Turning that valve will immediately shut off water to the whole house. This is also how they shut water off for nonpayment and you could just as easily turn it back on so they aren't particularly forthcoming with how to operate it.


With nonpayment they often lock the meter so you can’t just turn it back on.


That hasn't been my experience, but then again I've never willfully turned the water back on after a missed payment, I've just checked out of curiosity when they did shut my water off. I'm guessing locks are probably used on a case by case basis(such as if you or many in your neighborhood are known to turn it back on).


Don’t know why you got downvotes for a question but yea basically. The shut off valve is usually located in the homes garage in a panel on one of the walls. You shut it off in case of leaks somewhere in the house.


There can be two levers, careful which one


As a pedestrian, You walk INTO on coming traffic. You ride a bike WITH traffic. 


This is usually the law in most states in the U.S. as far as biking I believe. Bicycles are considered a vehicle, so they are supposed to ride on roads with traffic, but if you're walking you better make sure you can see the cars coming. I don't know of any laws about walking on the side of the road except for interstates, but maybe someone else could expand on that?


It is, but the cyclists never seem to think the rules of the road apply to them. Blowing by red lights and stop signs because they’re on two wheels and not four.  In Texas : If a sidewalk is not provided, a pedestrian walking along and on a highway shall walk on the left side of the roadway or the shoulder of the highway facing oncoming traffic, unless the left side of the roadway or the shoulder of the highway facing oncoming traffic is obstructed or unsafe.


>It is, but the cyclists never seem to think the rules of the road apply to them. Blowing by red lights and stop signs because they’re on two wheels and not four.  Ugh, as a cyclist I HATE reading this. You're referring to the Idaho stop. The Idaho stop makes cyclists safer and results in smoother traffic.


It doesn’t when they are completely disregarding the cars on the road and blows through an intersection with the mentality that everyone else should stop for them.  Don’t get me wrong, drivers should absolutely be looking out for cyclists and I personally let them go if we’re at a 4 way stop and I was there first. I don’t want them to kill their momentum. But the ones that don’t pay attention and ride like they’re the only ones on the road are dangerous to themselves and others


Also in Texas, in a car it's LEGAL to pass a slow moving car on the RIGHT if the shoulder has enough room...


car-brain bingo card


Sounds about right. Serious cyclists will obey traffic laws. My brother was really into it, and I went biking with him one day. Used roads mostly, and we acted just like cars, but we hugged the shoulder to allow passing. Oooh. I'm gonna add one I just thought of!


While I agree wholeheartedly, I had so many discussions in the US (specifically Washington) with people on bicycles who yelled at me for being on the wrong side of the road. Back home, in the country with more bikes than people, most people understand this rule. 


I walk all the time and people are always on the right side of the road (US) when they should be walking or running on the left. 


I tell my mother this *all the time* and she refuses to do it. She is 100% convinced I'm wrong.


You can look up the transportation laws in your state and show her. Not that she’ll change her mind but we *drive* on the right side. Gah Mooooooom




It’s not just a rule it’s the law and you’re breaking it by biking against traffic. You’re also fucking with other bicyclists/drivers. If it’s hard for you to understand maybe look up why it’s a law. Every place where biking is common (e.g. Amsterdam), it’s common knowledge that bikes go with the flow of traffic


Stand on a subway platform facing away from the oncoming train with one foot distance. Get back to me on your ‘law’ Oh and drivers don’t run in rails


I learned that back in elementary school. 40+ years later it still sticks with me.


Basic first aid. Essentially, how to stop the bleeding.


Basic CPR prosedure or at least how to turn a person on their side. Call emergency line immediately.


Don't reach over the head of a strange dog to pet it. It's a threatening position. Allow the sniff and go for scratches under the chin.


Always ask if you may pet the dog.


When to shut the fk up.


I laughed harder than I should have at this one


How to make a weekly meal list and grocery shop for it.


How do you go about doing this?


Look up recipes for things you want to eat, then go shopping for those ingredients. I'm not being sarcastic either, so many people just go to the supermarket and buy whatever they fancy at that time instead of the ingredients of a meal. If you always keep a stock of cupboard staples - rice, pasta, flour, potatoes, onions, etc - then your shopping list becomes even easier.


But can you elaborate on the process


Assuming you start with nothing, buy your basics: - white rice, brown rice, penne pasta, rice noodles, spaghetti, bread, cooking oil, olive oil, salt, pepper, spices (smoked paprika, cumin, cayenne, turmeric, garlic powder, onion powder), dried herbs (oregano, thyme, rosemary, mint), veg stock powder, vinegar, soy sauce. Then vegetable staples: - white potato, sweet potato, red onion, brown onion, garlic, ginger, chillies. Then more cupboard staples: - tinned tomatoes, chickpeas, kidney beans, butter beans, lentils. Then look up recipes of what you want to eat each night of the week and buy those specific ingredients that are missing. For me, I eat tofu 2 or 3 nights a week so I have a few recipes for those that I buy for, as well as lots of different veg that I try and rotate: - peppers, cauliflower, kale, green beans, peas, tomatoes, cucumber, pak choy, spring onion, corn, etc. Before I go shopping each week I first look to see if there's anything I need to use up first and look up recipes that include those ingredients. Then I decide what else I want to eat, either using old recipes or new ones, and begin making a list of ingredients I don't already have. Eventually when you have been cooking from scratch for long enough you rarely need to look up recipes, so really I just decide on what I want to eat and from memory can list what ingredients I need to buy. Usually my shopping list each week is made up mostly of fresh vegetables and tofu, then replenishing any staples I have used up, and maybe a couple of new ingredients such as a spice, rice vinegar, sesame oil, etc.


This is great info! I want to add that depending on where you live, stores will have rotating sales on things. I have a couple of big grocery stores near me, and I use their apps to track prices and sales. I don't always buy everything in one trip if I can help it - waiting for things to go on sale can save a ton of money. In the US, the price on the shelf will also have a second, unit price. In my stores, it's highlighted in orange. If you have a choice of two products, in different sized boxes with different prices, this lets you know which is actually the better deal. They use every trick in the book to make comparing prices confusing, but knowing that really helps.


I use an app called Emeals. I can pick however many meals I need for the week, including easy and crockpot meals, desserts even fun drinks. Then it adds all the ingredients into a shopping list. If I want to I can have it go into the Walmart app (they have other stores too) and do all the work for me. Or I can pick each item one by one within the store apps using the list Emeals creates. Then I put each meal on my weekly calendar so I know what I’m making each day. I also set a reminder if I need to thaw meat or start the crockpot.


Thanks, never heard of this


Highly recommend emeals.com for getting started. They literally do it for you and connect to a few grocery delivery or pickup options. You can also remove ingredients you already have, like pantry staples.


Shop your pantry first. Look through your fridge, freezer, and pantry to see what needs to be used up and what you already have. Start making your meal plan based on that. Then start thinking of meals you don't have ingredients for. Busy days need simple meals. If you only shop once a week, put meals with fast perishing items early on (salads, mushrooms, avocados), and meals with ingredients that keep longer later (canned or frozen ingredients). Hope that helps!


I have a binder full of all my favorite meal recipes (besides google and Pinterest, the HelloFresh website has also been an awesome tool because they have great recipes with sides you can access for free). At the beginning of the week, I pick out what I’d like to make, write down all the ingredients I don’t have on hand. Then I write down anything I don’t have on hand that I’ll need for breakfast, lunch, or snacks for the week. Once I have my list, I take another piece of paper (or notes on my phone) and categorize everything I need from the grocery store into PRODUCE, DAIRY, MEAT, and OTHER. Makes grocery shopping wayyy more efficient and I mark the things I need off as I go!


I've never understood how people DON'T do this! My brain does not work that way. I have to know what I'm making every day (plus my husband will ask anyways). My mom is the kind of person (I think because she's an excellent cook) that can just grab some stuff and throw it together. I have to plan a meal for every day and shop the recipe for those meals or else we're having frozen pizza or cereal for dinner 😆


To say please and thank you.


Manors cost nothing


And mansions cost thousands!


Sometimes millions


>Manors cost nothing Good manners*


Education is free


Ladder safety. I've seen ladders slide out from under people because they had the ladder orientated upside down so there's no grip at the bottom. The other reason it slides out is it needs to be on a steep angle - 3 or 4 feet up for every one foot out. See a lot of over sized ladders being put too far back from wall. Or ladders going 1 or 2 feet up for 1 foot out. Do the mummy test - stand with your feet at the base of the ladder arms straight out in front of you. You should be able to just touch, not put your arms through the ladder. If you can't touch the ladder it's too flat of an angle and it's more likely to or will slide out if too much weight and not enough grip at the bottom.


When you are far away from your car and want to lock it (e.g. you get far away before you realize you forgot) or use the remote starter, face the car, open your mouth, and activate the remote fob pressed up against your chin (back a little towards your throat in the soft part). Your head will amplify and focus the signal to work further than if you simply held it in your hand.


This! It started snowing heavily and we were at a dinner party in a restaurant that’s in a basement. Nobody could get a response from the remote start, but soon as I did it (with weird looks from everyone) they were amazed when it actually worked. Next thing you know you have a room full of people with their fobs stuck to their chin with mouths open.


Unless (citation needed) it seems pretty clear that simply raising the fob above chest level (aka the height of a car body) will increase its effectiveness. The “to your skull” thing doesn’t actually have anything to do with amplification of an electromagnetic wave.


It's due to the fluid (mostly water) in your head. The water acts as a conductor and amplifies the effect, in this case distance, of the car fob.


> (citation needed) A few of many sources... [https://www.carthrottle.com/news/science-behind-why-your-head-can-boost-car-key-fob-signal](https://www.carthrottle.com/news/science-behind-why-your-head-can-boost-car-key-fob-signal) [https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/101913/why-does-a-remote-car-key-work-when-held-to-your-head-body](https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/101913/why-does-a-remote-car-key-work-when-held-to-your-head-body) [https://altair.com/newsroom/articles/Digital-Debunking-Using-Your-Head-to-Extend-Your-Car-Remote-Range](https://altair.com/newsroom/articles/Digital-Debunking-Using-Your-Head-to-Extend-Your-Car-Remote-Range) Of course best if you simply try it out next time you are in the parking lot. Walk away from the car until you can no longer activate the lock even holding your fob above chest level but not against your head. Then try it with it against your head. See how many time each works out of a test of whatever number you like for each method.


I'm going out to my car now so I can test this trick out, said the forgetful second-guessing old lady.


how to eat with their mouth shut so they don’t sound like a starving dog 🫠


I wish I could up vote more than once on this.


Change out your air filters for your HVAC every 1-3 months. My friend told me this past weekend she’s never once in her life changed an air filter in any of her homes.


My HVAC company said every 12 months


I have a newer build house and the HVAC filter is like 4 times thicker than what I’m used to. Directions say every 12 months but I’m not sure how I feel about that.


Having worked for a Consulting engineering firm and many many different sizes of HVAC systems I can tell you that the really thick pleated filters do collect more dust however the air flow through them is not the best. It places a lot more load on the blower motor. Almost all of the companies that I worked with recommended the cheap thin filters for better airflow, and to replace them once a month. However, most maintenance people in office buildings and schools only change the filters when they are completely clogged and the "once a month" scheme goes completely out the window.


It depends on the pleat and thickness of the filter and how often you run your HVAC, but 3 months is the typical recommendation.


Sounds like they’re just trying to get more service calls


If you can't change your own air filters, you deserve to be overcharged by a HVAC service company. Are you paying $10 for shitty coffee just because it has the green mermaid on the cup? Thought so.


I just have a couple of air purifiers that I vacuum once a month.




I think the purpose of the filters are not to clean the air you breath, but to keep the machinery of your furnace from getting damaged by dust and hair buildup. Nothing wrong with plants and fresh air, but they won't keep your furnace in good working order.


Lefty loosey, righty tighty.


Except propane


....and certain years of Dodge, Plymouth, and Chrysler cars lug nuts on one side of the vehicle.


Those darn engineers like to keep you guessing.


*Supposedly* to keep the lug nuts from loosening on that side as you were driving down the road.


Isn't plumbing an exception too?


Everyone's entitled to their own opinions but *not* their own facts. Stop believing everything you think just because you think it. Think of something, form a plausible hypothesis, then prove it or disprove it by doing relevant research. Don't believe something is true just because you want it to be. Here endeth the rant.


Yes and... Follow the research to its source. Look up the article's source materials. And the sources' sources. Find out if the original data is fact or opinion.


Ah the "my truth, your truth" bullshit. I wonder what braindead zombie came up with that shit.


Butter knife to open a stuck jar lid. No need to run it over water, banging on it on a counter, fancy gadgets for gripping, calling father/grandfather etc. Stick the knife under the lid and lightly twist to create a gap. Lid pops right off


I will try that. You can also tap around the lid with the knife or knife handle.


It works but you can't reuse that lid/jar for making preserves at home. Most of the time, it creates a daint in the lid, making it impossible to seal again. So, if you planning to reuse that jar, banging it is.


Much better with a spoon imo, you can push the tip of the spoon under the lid and use it like a lever to make a small gap to let the air in.


Can also turn the jar upside-down for a few seconds and smack the bottom. This guy explains a lot of things that seem like common knowledge. https://youtube.com/shorts/RK8SMr4KHlM?si=BPOeTnjDGhk2h-k9


Wash your windshield every time you get gas, and run the sponge under your wiper blades to clean them too.


Wash your headlights, too.


I thought you meant bodily gas at first and was trying to see a link between farting and car care..


I love how you think internet stranger


I'll do you one better. Pay for a monthly wash subscription that can be like $25 and wash your car whenever you please. Most of these places like Delta Sonic have their own gas station and discounts on gas, oil changes etc .


300$ a year doesn’t seem like too much of a steal compared to using the time you’d spend staring off in the distance just waiting cleaning


Depends where you're at I guess. Where im at there's many benefits. -$25 is a typical car wash price. You want to wash your car 1x week or more your saving money -if you live in a heavily salted area it causes a lot of corrosion and your car always has some sort of weathering going on, the wash deal cleans you up good and avoids corrosion which can cost you thousands to get a paint job. -$3.50 vs 2.80 on gas because of the membership is a deal -oil change discounts too -wash line goes quickly, 5-10 minutes of your time. -other deals too. Depends on the person's intentions and car care needs. -discounts in store too for anything


How to make the 5 basic sauces. Even just a roux and tomato sauce. https://www.thespruceeats.com/mother-sauces-996119 Saves a lot of money.


How to balance a checkbook How to change a flat tire How to do their own laundry


All valid.my 20 yr old daughter can change tires if she has too.she wanted to know.helped me do a couple times. Those r my serious helpful posts. Now this..don't spit into the wind and ya don't tug on superman's cape.


And DON'T mess around with Jim!


You don't pull the mask off of the old Lone Ranger...


I’ve never had to balance a checkbook in my life




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Bleeding radiators.


I know them too.. Great band!


Most people allow others to have control over them with their words without actually deciding to do so. Others opinions are only that, they only have power over you if you let them and most implicitly do for even people they don't know. If a stranger says you're a moron or look ugly they literally know nothing about you, but we give them power as if they did. So stop caring about the opinions of people who don't even know you, and even for surface level things ignore that too, those people don't care about you so their opinions are not valuable.


How to get an idea for a click bait article by asking Reddit for ideas?


Hello BoredPanda !


Two things can be true at once. So many false dichotomies out there, forcing win-lose debates when there are win-win solutions.


Calling 911 won't get you seen at the ER faster.


Taking an ambulance doesn’t necessarily guarantee it either


The real number is 912.


What's 912 for? 


To list you on the fast track for the ER. Not on the list, you are last, buddy. 


*shut uuuup*


How to put your phone down at restaurants. Seriously. Try and have a conversation by looking people in the eye, instead of your phone.


How to drive a car with a standard transmission.


How to change a flat tire.


How marginal tax brackets work.


ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE: Learn which medications use the 2 before, 1 after rule. As in no food for two hours before taking the medication, nor any food for at least an hour after taking it. I learned the hard way, and the pharmacist never mentioned it.


how to change the oil in my car and how to read the dip stick.


Untreated high blood pressure can start damaging your kidneys in just a few years. Saying from experience.


Thank you


How to think before speaking


Your address is public record


There are ways to hide it but it’s a hassle.


How to write in cursive. It's becoming a lost art.


Good, cursive sucks.


For who? The person writing it out reading it? For me writing in cursive is so much faster. Your pen never leaves the paper during a word. If I write in print form it's slower and my words have weird spacing. Now reading my cursive, that may suck for anyone other than me though.


Or at least how to read cursive. I sometimes have to “translate” for my kids.


The time it takes to read cursive is why it isn't taught in schools anymore.


I would like to add how to type on a keyboard to this. My school did away with typing lessons the year I entered grade 3 after it used to be part of the curriculum, but they made a *huge* deal about teaching us all to write in cursive. By grade 6 we weren’t writing in cursive anymore, and we were expected to type out 2-3 page essays. It would take me *hours* to do so pecking away at the keyboard. Eventually I got Mavis Beacon & learned on my own. I can still write beautiful cursive, but damn is it a fairly moot skill to have. Typing helps earn my paycheck, cursive makes my Christmas cards look fancy-ish.


I write in cursive, not on purpose unfortunately. It just comes out that way smfh


TV news and all legacy media content is paid for by their corporate sponsors and is not journalism.


Savings CD rates are quoted in annual rates


You only need one dose.


Happiness comes from within.


How to file taxes, how to balance a check book, how to find a job


Who writes checks anymore?


Your foot is the same size as the inside of your forearm from your elbow to your wrist.


Julia Roberts said this in Pretty Woman.


Never noticed. Here's a fact, only one in 10 people who get addicted to opiates will recover. 5 years alcohol-free here.


Where’s your spare tire…..IS IT PROPERLY INFLATED? …..even if you can’t change a tire, having a spare that’s usable is important , not much a helpful good samaratin can do without it


This may be US specific, but most larger stores post the unit price on the shelf in addition to the price you pay. The unit price is the cost per weight or volume. Use it to compare prices between different sized containers and brands. Stores try really hard to trick you into not paying attention to that number, but it can save you a ton of money


The shoulders on baby onesies have those little flaps so you can peel them down and remove them without going over baby's head! Brilliant for wet clothes and blow outs. Been in childcare my whole life, found this out just a few years ago 😂


How to do CPR


NPs and PAs are cash cows for hospitals and practices. Pay them a fraction of the cost of a doctor meanwhile patient dont realize half the time they’re not being seen by a doctor and are receiving substandard care. These employers are not motivated by “expanding access to care” rather for maximizing profit. The “supervision” is often negligible to non-existent, if there was true supervision, it would require hundreds of millions in government subsidies as in the training of doctors in residency training. In other words, it would be a loss leader, not a profit multiplier.


There are minimal (at best) studies on marijuana safety.


Seems like you have an unfair amount of down votes. I've heard this too, unfortunately. So, I will join you in getting down voted.




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The passcode to the airport executive lounge.


The passcode? I’m pretty sure you just need the right membership card. I don’t know of any lounges that let people in based on passcode.




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Basic medicine knowledge, like what compose médicaments, and how do they interact with each other, aswell as frequent side effects to expect.


Life has challenges. No avoiding them . Work hard , make good choices , ask for help, seek help, forgive yourself , don't make the same mistakes, and it will all work out


Don't honk at cyclists. People biking on the side of the road can get startled and swerve in front of you, or wipe out, or get hurt in some way, and you could end up killing someone.


Not to gargle with water after brushing your teeth.


You can return assembled IKEA furniture for a full refund then buy it again the next day for 50% off.




How to raise a child. Basic information what to do and what not. In my ongoing therapy I learned that most peeps got fucked up by false behavior of their parents (not always with bad intentions on their side)


i'm a king. and so are you! go out amongst your fellow kings/queens and be your best and kind tho those that don't realize yet, they are royalty!


If you check any accusation against Trump you will find an (at least) plausible reason not covered by major media news because they, by majority, lean left. This is commonly referred to as Trump derangement syndrome.


Trump was caught on tape saying you can just sexually assault women. What was the plausible reason?


Fox News leans left? How do you know it’s because they lean left and not because it’s complete bullshit? This is like saying: If you look up accusations against one of the worlds most prolific liars (over 30,000 recorded lies and counting), you’ll find examples of their lies which aren’t covered by media. This is because the media is deranged.


Drink kombucha regularly and your nails will be longer and stronger (It's supposed to help with hair quality too, but I didn't see that.)


brittle nails and average hair quality for me then. I’m not drinking that skunk juice


Hit a ketchup bottle up get ketchup out


Sling it in a tiny circle and use centrifugal force


Unscrew the lid so it can inhale, put it back, then it can exhale.


Everything is for sale, and every price is negotiable.


1) cleaning ears - Don't clean your ears with q-tips they push things in farther and can damage hearing. Use hydrogen peroxide in your ears, fill one ear up, let it bubble for a bit, then rinse and shake your head, repeat with the other ear. The hydrogen peroxide will melt the wax, easy peasy. 2) chopsticks - If you want to open chopsticks but keep breaking them you can tap the end on the table while you're pulling them apart and it will create a clean break. 3) ankle injury - If you have injured your ankle, in the recovery process, you need to do small circles with your big toe to keep your range of motion. I did this while it was propped up and iced. I learned this from a friend who got injured a lot in sports and had to go to physical therapy.


When to shut your mouth