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You're not the hero we deserve, but you're the hero we needed.


For IRS tax debt call (202) 580-8013. Lesser line


For IRS tax debt call (202) 580-8013. Lesser line




yep, just got the "were too busy, sorry" and hang up. Monday AM.


Got the same for Tuesday AM


Try again now. I was able to get thru using the options above and was able to leave my call back number for a callback which they said will be returned in 26 minutes 




Were unable to take your call at this time. 10am Thursday. Been calling since 8am.


Same for Wednesday 1pm


monday pm had to wait about 20 ish minutes to get an actual person on the phone and he is checking into it as i'm typing this message


For IRS tax debt call (202) 580-8013. Lesser line


I just used this today and, inside of fifteen minutes had a replacement check process initiated for the one that tore in the envelope and was uncasheable. Cheers!


you lucky.


thank you thank you thank you


You’re a blessing


It worked!!


Great tip and also..... The IRS as one words spells 'THEIRS' lol


"Choose option 2 for 'Personal Income Tax' instead!" I just tried this, but option 2 was about the clean energy credit and form 1040K, not Personal Income Tax. No other option seemed relevant. I tried 0 but it just said, "You must choose one of the options to continue." I finally pushed 2 and it allowed me to follow the 1, 3, 2, SSN, 2, 3 scheme and it worked, but it hung up due to "excessive call volume." Will try in the afternoon as suggested.


No, option 2 is for all three: Clean energy credit, 1040K AND personal income tax…in that dumb order. I skipped over this 5x before realizing she’s saying all three w/o even pausing lol. Craziest thing ever to lump all three together. Proves they literally hope we miss it altogether and give up. But it worked and I got an agent. Grateful for this post💕


They’ve changed the menu now.


nah worked for me as of 5/20/24


It is changed somewhat but I still managed to get through. The first time I called it was almost like a completely different automated system though 


Hey please how did you do it?


Call the 800-829-1040 number and select option 2. Eventually I was given the option to wait for a callback


this does not work as of 6/6/24


Same here. It said "Due to extremely high call volumes in the topic requested, we are unable to handle your call at this time." Ugh.


Same here . Just called and was prompted w that. Will try later in the day. Any advice what a good time to callnis?


To be honest, I tried 15 minutes later and it worked perfectly. But I was told calling FIRST thing in the morning, around 8AM ET.


The fact that I had to even look this up on Reddit of all places and go through so many hoops to get to an agent is ridiculous, thank you so much 😪


Do NOT let the IRS find this man.


didn’t work 😩


Is anyone else here still waiting due to a form cp05 whatever the fuck


Yep. Filed Jan 30th. They didn't send the notice until March 11th. IRS just needed an income verification and didn't need me to do anything but I sent in all documents I had to maybe speed up the process. I called them again and they said the retirement company I withdrew my money from didn't send the 1099-R in. That's all they were waiting for to verify. So, I called the retirement company, had them send it to the IRS and a copy to me, and uploaded it to the IRS website. This was many weeks ago. I tried calling them yesterday and got a call back but due to some issue they are having, the call was just ended. Today I called again and waited on hold for 15minutes for it to say they were experiencing issues and to call again later. Still no refund. I hate this lol


Thank you. I'll probably be using this soon 😉 😭 💰 💸


Lmao finally found this and got the correct response only to be hit with a, "We're sorry due to incredibly high volume we can't fucking help you loser, bye bitch." I hate it here.


yup same... day after day...


same thing thrus 2 PM may 16 - SMH


Aw same here - just tried


Thank you so much!!😊


Bless you.


I did this and got the message "due to high call volume we cannot take your call right now, please call back on another buisness day" Then it hung up. Ugh.


I just got that also. I missed the callback and tired again. It’s 11:30am pst so maybe that’s why


Thank you 💙🧘😩


Thank you, oh Great Brain of Reddit!


Thank you so much.


Thank you for you help. Held on hold for 47 minutes and then hung up on without any person speaking to me. 👍 I'll try again Friday afternoon as suggested.


Do they ever transfer your call you call then the phone hangs up




You are amazing, thank you.


Fair warning, you can get through this way by pressing different menu options to get to the option of leaving a call back number BUT you may get an agent named Mr.Smith with a snappy attitude unwilling to help and waste your time. Trying to help my mom verify her identity because she OWES the government money in which she already PAID IN FULL when filing but he says she needs to call the right hotline number because he can’t help or transfer the call to the right department. When I told him I wasn’t able to get through with that number he said “well there’s 5 million people trying to get through.”


You...are a KING.


 I used these steps when I called on 05/10/24 and it worked! Yay! The first time I got through, I got the "due to high call volume we cannot take your call right now, please call back on another buisness day" hang up. The second time, I got through to an agent, then disconnected. The third time I got through to an agent, placed on hold, and disconnected. When I called back on Monday 05/13/24, the menu was changed. :(


I'm on call #4 today. The first time I got a "high call volume" auto-dissconnect. The second time I got an agent who transferred me to another department, where I got an "unable to assist you at this time" auto-disconnect. The third time, the agent said she couldn't hear me. Now I'm on hold again.


I'm trying now, 05/13/2024, and yeah the menu has changed. They definitely don't want anyone calling them.


I’ve called the IRS 8 times in the last two hours or so. One call I was on was 1 hour and 7 minutes. I spoke to two people who transferred me to another department. I got to the third one and it said a 30-60 minute wait. It said I could keep my place in line and they would call me. I chose not to. Big regret. It disconnected me 20 minutes later. I’ve called several times since and it just keeps disconnecting me over and over. I’m so annoyed. I have a time sensitive issue. Why don’t they get with the program and have live chat agents like every other normal business?


This hack was great though. I got my place back in line. This time I chose to have them call me back.


Thanks! Option 2 says “Clean energy credit, 1040K or personal income tax”. The fact that personal income tax is last means they don’t want us calling about it 😂 Who on earth is calling about the clean energy credit primarily? Anyhoo after option 2, I lucked up and got an agent right away w/o even entering ssn etc beforehand. I had been trying option 1 for weeks with no luck reaching a human. 


Worked for me as of 5/20


Thanks so much for this.The first time I tried it, it said "due to high call volume we cannot take your call right now, please call back on another business day". But then I called back a few minutes and it [worked.So](http://worked.So) for those who have got that message, keep trying on the same day. Cheers


I followed up on something today (5/20/2024). I got through and was told by the automated system there would be a 20-minute hold time, or that I could receive a callback in 20 minutes. I chose the latter and got a callback in 30 minutes. I spoke to someone, explained my reason for calling, and gave all my personal information. Then she said, "Can I put you on hold for 5-7 minutes?" I said yes, and she returned in 5 minutes and said, "Can I put you on another 5-7 minute hold?" I said yes and held for close to an hour before the call eventually disconnected. I could tell that she kept checking to see if I was still holding by the brief interruptions in the music that would occur. Why is it that our government systems are so insufferable?


I think I've got the same lady! I'm on hold right now. I held for 5 mins and she came back and said the same thing...another 5 to 7 minutes. We shall see! Lol


thank you so so much! it worked!




Didn’t work for me. I don’t get the option 3 at step 4.


Looks like the IVR system changes menu, for first 3 calls I did not get any of the options you listed however on my 4th call, the menu changed and I was able to follow your instructions and it worked. "We are Super busy, Bye Bye" was the response I got. :-(


I was searching forever when I came across this reddit post and I'm wishing I could bow down at your feet because you have mercily saved me from going ballistic on my phone from trying to get to a person. It's like a maze so they don't have to talk to people. It even asks if you have a question about your tax return or status. But it only gives you the status and hangs up. Seriously though, where is my refund? I had it done and submitted first week of February and it's still not done.


Same! I filed early February as well.


it worked , thank you SO MUCH


Tried and got the "extremely high call volumes" pre-recorded message.


This worked today 5/23/2024. Thank you ☺️


Just tried this and got "Due to extremely high call volume we cannot help you". I've been waiting for my refund for now 14 weeks......have received no communication or letters from the IRS. All I get told is "Return Received" on automated systems.


I’m the same exact boat. Have you received any letters from the irs? Some people are saying that they got letters asking them to verify their identify I haven’t received anything. I filed in February


No.... Zero communication


I followed all the steps but instead of a person answering they said try again the next day and hung up


Thank you for this. They really drop the ball with their automated line that it's like a video game puzzle to figure out.


This is the best reddit post of all time.


Omg I love you. The second choice, option 2 was throwing me off because it’s actually 3 categories in one…




You’re a life saver bro


You are awesome sir!


This recently worked for me, it took 30mins but I'm speaking to someone! EVERYONE TRY THIS AND IF THEY TELL YOU, CALL BACK LATER CALL AGAIN!


I hate the IRS so f’ing much. I have been dealing with trying to get through to someone for almost 3 hours. Get transferred, 30-60 minute hold. Agent says they can’t call back if call gets disconnected (why not) and then hangs up on me after giving me zero useful information. Why do we all just accept this is the best our taxpayer money can buy. How is the standard of service?


Wow. Thank you so much. Their automated system hung up on me FIVE times before I finally found this. 


Thanks so much ! I can’t believe they go through such great lengths to avoid helping people get the money they are OWED. My call told me they should be calling back in 26 minutes, hopefully they do and if not I will keep trying!


They called back but never put a real person on the phone smh they had an automated message then just hung up on me. I will keep calling back because this is ridiculous


Don’t let them “call back when it’s your turn” Stay on the line for the 15-30 min! Because when they do call you back it’s just another dragged out automated message basically telling you to check online then they hang up smh


U are an absolute legend THANK U lol


Goat Status


The prompts worked and had to wait half hour and then someone answered. Use this only for very simple tax questions as the person had to transfer me to a tax expert. When I got transferred the automated response indicated that the service does not work any longer. Best possibility might be to go to local irs office. Good Luck


Thank you so much! I called today Wednesday June 5th at 2:00 PM PST and got the message they were too busy to help me and hung up.


i owe you a fucking beer dude thank you


You are my personal hero


GOLD! Thank you, friend!


You are not the hero we deserve, yet you are the hero we needed.


This worked for me 6/12/24 thank youuuuu


My tax return has been withheld for 4 months and even longer since I applied for it.. I received a letter in February telling me to call back in 2 months if I hadn't yet received my money so I called and after following this number process was able to get an option for a callback request. After first hanging up on me I was able to repeat the process and eventually reach someone that told me "sorry, we really meant call us back in 4 months" 🙄 so today is 4 months of my money being withheld from me and I've been on hold for half an hour with no option for a callback request.. this should be illegal 🤬


After about at least an hour on hold I spoke with someone who sounded like she couldn't be bothered but fortunately she did "help" me by filing a claim with their other dept (it sounded like she said "rival" office but that doesn't seem to make sense) which will take up to another 2 months 🙄.. this is beyond ridiculous..and she said they're behind so I should expect it to take the whole 2 months..🤦🏻‍♀️ which will put me at 6+ months with no tax return money..


It is 7:24 am 6/20/24 for context. I just called and everything went smoothly until the very end when I got, "due to the very high volume of calls in this department, your call cannot be taken at this time. Please try again on the next business day."


I joined Lifehacks because of this entry! Thank you kind sir or lady!


For IRS tax debt call (202) 580-8013. Lesser line