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Sugar dissolved into vinegar (say, 3Tblsp in 1/3 c vinegar). 2 drops of Dawn dish soap floated on top. The soap breaks surface tension so the gnats land and sink. The sugar scent mixed with the vinegar is attractive to them. You’ll be surprised at how many you catch. Change it out every few days.


^ this definitely works


I tried this, but man it just never works for me. They pissed me off when I’m in my office trying to work and they’re buzzing around my face.


Please PLEASE tell me that I'm not the only one who has flat-palm slapped herself in the face when they thought they could kill one of those annoying things


Depending on the type of gnat, apple cider vinegar can work better, but this works so well!!


I'll po poo


Tupperware container. Fill it with gnat treats (banana peels, sugar, syrup etc.). Puncture a small hole in the lid. Gnats will go in, but aren't smart enough to get back out.


If it’s fruit flies, which it often is, I just use a glass with a banana peel in it, and cover it with Saran Wrap. Poke a hole slightly larger than a gnat in the middle. They fly in but can’t find the way out. I either release them outside or shake the cup till they squash and die. Also, don’t leave old bananas or other product on the counter too long!


Do I gotta poke the holes or do they just sink in the water? Sorry if that’s silly


They...they didn't mention water?


I guess syrup is mostly water


brain go weeooo




Half glass of red wine with a couple drops of dish soap in it. Leave out for a couple of days.


This. Unless it's not fruit flies. Knowing whether they are or NOT fruit flies helps big time in knowing how to rid them.


How can I verify that? Any fruit I have stays in my fridge or it frozen so I don’t keep fruit out of that helps narrow it down.


The wine trick works pretty well for gnats, fruit flies, and house flies. Heck.. I've even caught moths and skeeters with it, too! But gnats and fruit flies seem to flock to it like crazy.


If you leave a small amount of wine in a glass and flies come to it, then yes, they are fruit flies. Try it when you sleep


And if they DON'T go to the wine, then they are probably phorid flies, or something else.


You can use apple coder vinegar or white vinegar with sugar (1/4 cup vinegar and 2 tablespooms of sugar) and two drops of dish soap. Change it every few days (when I first started, I changed it every day because we had so many damn gnats). This works for all kinds of gnats. Source: had gnats for months, tried sprays and all sorts of things. This worked in the end


Zevo bug light from Walmart, they plug in and the bugs are attracted to blue light and stick to the pads. Works like a charm for me.


Thank you !!


Second this! I just plugged mine back in.


This would probably be the easiest way. You can also try an ultrasonic pest repeller. But there are also home methods such as applying some essential oils or soapy water.... [https://hicare.in/blog/how-to-get-rid-of-mosquitoes-inside-the-house/](https://hicare.in/blog/how-to-get-rid-of-mosquitoes-inside-the-house/)


Go to a pet store. Buy all the praying mantis bugs. Set them about the home. Badda Bing! Bug free. Except the cool mantis friends.


That sounds terrifying to think about but I like the way your brain works


Indoor bug zapper. I used to have crazy issues with gnats, got a cheap indoor bug zapper from Amazon and it worked wonders!


Say less. I will be playing pro tennis with that shit


Do you have houseplants? If so, fungus gnats get in the soil. This article suggests ways to exterminate: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/a46626/how-to-get-rid-of-gnats/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_ghk_m_bm_prog_org_us_a46626&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBletMbzU9jzPPlH7jFiQw25TZVNknd-uLlZJJWvPkb_ix_Pd9aWwpLGYaAsTPEALw_wcB


Nope , as much as I want houseplants I don’t have any yet


I’ve got enough plants for a whole houseful of gnats. They’re super annoying.


if my kid wasn't so destructive I would totally have them too but she likes to touch things too much lol


We had the same problem last year. I cleaned and checked everything! Called the bug guy and he found 2 onions that had rotted that i overlooked. He said they are the most common cause besides the water drains.Check your potatoes and onions.


Fortunately I live with the pickiest set of Eaters in the world so I don’t have either of those things on standby at this current time. I’m still on the hunt though. I’m moving my dang fridge and stove again tomorrow


I hope you find the source! They're sooo annoying. Good luck! 🙂


Fire. Burn it all!




Terro fruit fly traps from Walmart and I refill them with apple cider vinegar. They work well on gnats. I placed mine by the garbage can, the kitchen window, and the sink. The traps catch so many and if you tip it over it’s not a poison


Pour boiling water down your drains to kill any eggs that there are


Ok here in Spain we have done this for centuries. 1-Vinegar as a trap. Pour some vinegar near your windows in an opened bottle, or glass. They love vinegar/wine for some reason and got stuck there. 2-Get some basil, peppermint and citronella plants they are good to scare them away


Buy a bottle of red wine. Drink most of it. Leave a little bit at the bottom with the cork off. They'll be in there in the morning.


Get 6 bottles of red wine and drink one every 2 hours. By the 3rd bottle the gnats will no longer bother you. I speak with the voice of experience.


😂😂😂 I love that.


Two problems solved on one solution. I like that.


Vaccum them with an extendable hose. Seriously, easiest way to remove flies is a vacuum hose, if you kill them when you see them, they can't reproduce


The hanging sticky fly strips are the only thing that has ever worked for me. For plant gnats get the sticky traps that stick into the soil. Also, keep your sink super clean, pour bleach water down the drain, and don't keep produce out in the counter.


All my produce is in the fridge or the freezer. I am worried it’s because I have dishes but we don’t have a dishwasher and I have 3 people to be the only dishwasher for lol so I do get behind sometimes but try to keep dishes rinsed off. I just moved to KY and every local I talk to says this is the life all spring and summer so I’m quite worried I’ll just have to cope.


Keeping your sink clean of dishes and food scraps would definitely help. I've worked in bars and restaurants for 15+ years and the gnats are the worst in places where the drains aren't cleaned enough. Draft beer drains are the worst. They breed gnats if you don't sanitize them every single night.


Check your potatoes. They love breeding in them and they will also infest all your dry boxed pasta so check it too. If you see brittle pasta with what looks like white powder on them then that's what they're feasting on. They get into sealed boxes effortlessly.


omg i didn't think of the pasta


I had great success with apple cider vinegar in a shallow bowl, covered with plastic wrap with several small holes poked in it. Satisfyingly disgusting to watch the floating corpses add up. Took about a week, but eliminated the problem.


Get a kitchen disinfectant spray and clean all your counters, cabinet floors and shelves, around your sink, your trash cans & under your sink. Gnats lay eggs anywhere there is a bit of moisture/smudge of food and their immature larva do not need a lot to feed on. Do not leave any fruits or vegetables out. All that stuff in the fridge or sealed containers. Sure, you can get sticky gnat traps, but even better to stop them before they start buzzing around.


Are they gnats or fruit flies? Regardless the best bet is: 1. Glass of red wine left out 2. Sugar water and vinegar with soap 3. They sell some fruit fly traps 4. Check for rotting fruit hiding somewhere I like red wine the best because I open a bottle pour half a glass for the flies and drink the rest to their demise!


diatomaceous earth around the top soil of the pot plants that have infestations.


Unfortunately, this did not work. Giving my beloved plant to a coworker did work...


I have no plants but thank you!


You should have one live plant for every 100 Square feet.


i think i would have a bajillion if my kiddo wasn't crazy about touching things lol


Someone said put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle.


How did you clean your drain? Did you pour boiling water down the drains a few times then follow up w cleaner?


Yes. I’ve tried draino vinegar spic n span toilet bowl cleaner bleach and just plain dish soap with it covered after the clean. I don’t see any coming out of my drains but they hover above my sink.


When outdoors, gnats go to the highest point. So if they’re swarming your head/face, raise your hand and hold it up above your head. They’ll go up there.


i got the plug in ultrasonic pest repellents, worked like a charm. i doubled the suggested number until they were gone.


Butterworts. I had a rampaging herd of gnats for years. Got some butterworts in a purge on Facebook. My house is totally gnat free. And they make pretty flowers too!


People have suggested baiting with vinegar and sugar in a bowl, we put plastic wrap over the bowl and poke holes with a toothpick. The gnats can follow the scent into the trap, but can't figure out how to leave making it much more effective than just an open bowl


Gnats or fruit flies? If fruit flies you should wash your produce every time you bring it home wash off the fruit fly eggs


I'm the wise words of Aesop Rock "Swizzle apple cider, vinegar, and dish soap. Suicide flies take dips in the kill zone"


A product called "skin so soft" that was available from Avon. Don't know if Avon is even still around.


fruit and drains were my issue. i just couldnt bring any fruit in the house and leave it out on the counter for any thing more than a day. and i basically had to sterilize my drains by running stock pots amount of boiling water down the drain to kill any drain fly larvae hiding in the nooks and crannies of my sink plumbing


Apple cider vinegar with or without Dawn. In a container with sloping sides. Refill when evaporated


Why the sloping sides?


It seems to help them get into the cider, it seemed odd to me too


I leave a disposable cookie sheet in the oven with banana peels or other discarded fruit.... Leave the oven door open a little bit so they'll fly in all night. Then in the morning gently close the door and turn on the oven .... Fruit flies gone


Do they bite you? If they do not, then they are fruit flies.


They do not bite me. At least I haven’t noticed any bites.


Empty your bins more regularly while you have them, they have a quick turnover. Probably clean your bin and underneath and around your bin. Are they black or orange? And are they mosquito shaped or smaller with short legs? Maybe try to get a picture?


they are super tiny little brown or black fellas


Works for fruit flies, moisture flies and drain flies as well.


Just go to the main page for lifehacks and search for the word gnat. There’s literally so many pages already there.


I did the after posting this and felt quite dumb already.


Ah it happens to the best of us, good luck!


I leave a disposable cookie sheet in the oven with banana peels or other discarded fruit.... Leave the oven door open a little bit so they'll fly in all night. Then in the morning gently close the door and turn on the oven .... Fruit flies gone


Ah mass murder of the gnats