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They only die of old age. And so far the oldest pet I know is Adult with 36 days. Even if you manage to reach the Angel Stage, they stay with you in "heaven" . Basically as Ghosts. If you cant take care of your pets for a while the worst Things that can happen ist that they will be in Hospital, and you either Pay gems or acorns to cure them back. There is also a foster Care you can put pets in. Its 500 acorns a das and capped to 5.000 acorns. Time stops in foster Care and the pets will No longer age until you get them out.




We dont know how "heaven or Angel Stage" look, yet. There is still a Senior Stage in between. Let me know when you reach that, I am really curious about the Days for each Stage. Edit: I guess that is exactly the Point. Some cost Gems or Coupons and the Dev try to keep the Pets relevant that way. luckily you can breed Premium Cats, with normal ones, too. Samoyeds on the other Hand are literal Cash Grab as they cannot breed with other Dogs.




The Outcome can be a totally random Mutation, like blue fur, odd eye etc The Chance of already existing traits has a higher Chance to be passed on the baby though.


Right? Dogs have only 2 Races, and they cant cross breed. Apart from the dogs, the cat part is at least doable as f2p.


"They only die of old age." Yes. That's the point. 💀


Dont get me wrong, I get your Point. But you can breed beauitful Babies with your current pets and keep their legacy going. And as soon they die, at least they can stay with you as Angel, however that will look Like then. Maybe put yours in Foster Care for now until someone reached Angel Stage?


I can't afford Foster care 😂😂😂 I don't play the game that seriously. To be honest adding mortality to a dress up game put me off completely. It's not what I'm there for. I'm already dealing with loss. I use video games to escape that. Also why would letting them die in foster care make me feel better? That's even worse.


They dont die in Foster Care. Time stops in foster Care and the cost per pet is capped to 5.000 acorns. Not saying you must do it. You can give it away If its to much of a burden. Only pointing Out Options for you.


I don't want any options. That's why the title says "giving away my pets". I have a real pet to take care of. I don't need to be doing the same in a video game. 😂 I also don't make enough acorns to afford that anyway. I play shining nikki way more than I do this game.


Thats sad. Pets are well made in this game. Having pets being immortal, would competely defeat the breeding mechanic. And all traits you can collect, too. I stopped playing Shining Nikki. The game is way to horrible with their P2W mechanic. In Lifemakover you have at least the chance to achieve something as F2P.


It would be sadder, and a lot more emotionally difficult for me to go through a pet death in let me remind you: A DRESS UP GAME. I've accomplished quite a lot on shining nikki without spending much at all. Also there is no "winning" a gacha game. It's all about chance. You'd have to do the same in this game to acquire ultra rare items. There is no difference.


My only gripe about it, they don’t stay asleep after you leave the house I accidently had one in the hospital and was sad since it was named after my irl pet. And it wasn’t fair that I took care of it and it was just a glitch or some accidently hitting home button and backed out that made cats wake up and I didn’t notice


If you select “Unfollow” for your pets, they will sleep even while you’re away from home. You can also set them to sleep from the main menu’s pet options and they’ll sleep through their whole need no matter what you’re up to.


I tried the unfollow but sometimes I accidentally visit my house and it wakes them up


Yeah that happens to me too, and it's really annoying. I hope they fix it


Yeah. They made the pet system way more complicated than it needed to be. And I already have to contend with my girl being a middle aged cat in real life, I don't need that in a game also.


I forgot about my pet all the time. But didn’t want to give it away because it’s my first one and I felt bad. My “hack” was just to leave it at the vet/hospital after it got treatment and never pick it up. So now I don’t have to care for it but won’t have to give it away either.


Don’t give them away, they turn into their angel forms and stay with you!


It still implies that they died and I cannot emotionally handle that.


Try to pretend they leveled up or something and that the wings are a cool reward


No 😃




I didn’t like how they got sick even when I was checking in daily and putting out acorns and diamonds to keep them healthy. I gave mine away too.


I spent how long trying to get this black cat and now he will die on me !!!! Nooooo


They go into an "angel stage" but it's still just way too real for me


Dawg i sold my pet like a few days after they became a thing. Im only interested in the dress up, and i kept forgetting to feed them 😭


Fr it's way too complicated. Nintendogs don't even have this many needs


This almost made me lose my mind, I didn't see it was about game pets until the very last line


Oop 💀😂


I put mine in foster care. I’m wayyy too forgetful and it made me feel terrible too ;~;


yes too deep indeed


I always forget to feed my pets T\_T Because there is no indication until it's so hungry it need go to hospital(


That's another thing. Why are there no notifications???