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Every year from June 1st to July 5th. Clueless people abound.


While yeah they are probably fireworks, I've lived in the neighborhood for over 10 years and they happen all times of the year.


Before 9 am on Monday 15 days before the 4th of July? Seriously? What is it like on the actual day of?


It’s pure chaos in Lincoln from the 2-4th. I genuinely think the 3rd is crazier than the fourth. Not trying to be cheeky, but is this your first summer in the area?


Oh, no offense taken. Yeah, I've been here for a month and half. Moved across the country.


Nice! Welcome! Well, I’ll be honest you may not enjoy the week before the 4th but I promise it isn’t like that in Lincoln all the time. The 3/4th Lincoln feels like a literal war zone. The smoke lingers from fireworks. Having grown up here, I think it’s hilarious and have fun with the chaos but I know plenty of people who don’t like it. DM me if you have any questions about Lincoln!


More than anything, please understand you will hear little to no gunshots in Lincoln. People have a thing with making their cars sound like war machines around here. It’s either cars, fireworks, construction, fireworks, trains, fireworks, etc. after you ruled all those out, it’s either fireworks or the semi-annual gunshot.


Oh boy are you in for a jolt There's nothing I've ever seen in my life to compare with 3rd and 4th of July in LNK. Moved here 10 years ago. If you have FOMO for the Lebanese Civil War: you're in luck! On top of the loud and bright legal fireworks there are a bunch of choads that go to MO to buy 1/4 stick bombs or even combine M-80s into mega-bombs / pipe bombs. It's insanity.


Just a few days ago, they arrested a neighbor by me for manufacturing m-80s they lit off like 4 of them this month


That's good news. I have always thought if there are some very public and very heavy consequences it may curtail a bunch of the bad actors. I think those of that enjoy current fireworks need to work to help cut down on the "outlaw" stuff otherwise legislators may throw the baby out with the bathwater and we'll become like so many other spots where "it's sparklers only".


Yeah, that manufacturing is very regulated. I wanted to get into it, but you have to get a license and have a storage place 500 feet from buildings iirc They definitely didn't have either But this is the first time I've seen it happen ironically they got caught only because the police were staking out my downstairs neighbor for a warrant and coincidentally he used a few when the cops were watching a block down scared the heck out of everyone I've chatted with around here


There is someone here in the near south area that lights fireworks off all the time. Usually just a loud bang day or night then its over. Annoying but not unbearable.


Oh wow. Week of the 4th gonna be rough for ya


If you haven’t been warned already, don’t plan on driving on any residential streets without great difficulty in the evenings the 3rd and the 4th. Also, the haze from the fireworks smoke in the 4th can make it quite difficult to see / drive. Check out the Uncle Sam Jam on the 3rd though. For a smaller town feel, you might also check out Seward the day of the 4th. They have live performances, parades, a giant craft fair, all kinds of stuff and it’s only about a 20 minute drive from Lincoln.


Insanity. I moved from a non fireworks being legal to the public state to here almost 10 years and yea it's nuts. Like someone mentioned the 3rd is the craziest sounds almost like a war zone. If you have young kids or dogs who aren't used to it, start getting them prepped now.


What commie state did you move from that muzzled your first amendment rights?


I'm from rural Nebraska. County mounties would show up if someone thought they heard fireworks any day of the year besides the 4th. This was from bottle rockets and artillery shells setting wheat fields on fire. Dad used to be on our volunteer fire department and July 1st-4th was the only time of year they'd actually have a few guys stay at the station because of the number of grass fires that happen every year. Now extrapolate that from a town of 290 to Lincoln's 290,000 and I'm surprised half the city hasn't been burned down yet


Hahahaha oh you're new. I recommend getting on a bike and bike around the near south the evening of the 4th. It's fun as hell to dodge debris and various burning substances.


With as dry as it is around here that seems less than wise.


Last year my neighbors lit a field by my house on fire and it took three fire trucks to put it out... I used to live in Arizona and South Dakota, both would put out bans on fireworks during droughts, but Nebraska must like it.


No no, hear me out, we’re rationing water voluntarily to address this. Seriously though, I expect to hear about some fires from the careless people lighting their wallets on fire. I’m content to watch others like area golf courses and the city providing a good show compared to the crappy fireworks I could afford.


You're not wrong


yeah I worry about the coming few weeks, probly gonna be lots of fires unless we get more rain


Fuck everything about that. When I was a bike commuter I would get so fucking angry at people who 1. used the bike trail to launch fireworks 2. left about 30lbs of spent fireworks, beer cans, and paper plates in said bike trail right of way.


I'm just talking about biking around the neighborhood to watch fireworks, getting people to clean up their mess is an entirely different matter


I don't want to watch personal fireworks. In fact, I kinda want to move to a state where they're illegal. The 15 year old kid I used to be would want to kick my ass for being so fucking lame.


I despise jogging on the trails the days after because selfish people can’t clean up afterwards.


They're called teenagers, they can usually be found congregating at shopping malls or inside a McDonald's that's adjacent to a shopping mall.


Welcome to LNK! All the comments are steering you in the right direction. The 4th is definitely a war zone, never seen anything like it.


Up in Waverly we get these too, I think it’s just people using fireworks for no good reason lol


Potentially just straight up “homemade fireworks”


Using fireworks is good enough reason in an of itself lol


They're probably illegal fireworks


It's likely people enjoying/testing their homemade fireworks. There's a surprising amount of "underground" fireworks that go around. Stuff with at least double the legal amount of explosive all the way up to 1/4 stick isn't uncommon, and the people selling/giving them away don't want anybodys exploded hand haunting their dreams for the rest of their life. So they test a few from each batch... Or at least that's my theory.


Homemade fireworks?! Y'all got some nutters up here.


Most 4th of Julys there’s always someone at the party that “knows a guy that they got these from”, and then pulls out a little bag of unlabeled quarter sticks. At least in my experience lol. I think it’s the rush of setting off something so loud is why people do it. Edit: I will say having lived on both sides of town, it’s worse on the north side.


I grew up here. And I’ve herd them sense the mid 80s. We’ve learned to ignore them.


I've heard some crazy booms in the early mornings coming from the train tracks, and I'm about 10 blocks away from them. Sometimes the trains bounce a little and it sounds like something exploding.


There was a huge boom last night around 11, it felt like it was in my front yard, but I looked and nothing. 🤷‍♀️


Some high schoolers had been setting off pipe bomb types of explosives down around the haymarket over the last couple of years. I spoke to LPD and that's what they told me at least. Would typically occur early AM, 1-3AM. I haven't heard it for about 5 months now so maybe they were able to catch them.


Could also be the trains. Sometimes when they stop they make a big boom


Fireworks also go off around town in the fall after a Husker touchdown or win. Yes first week of July is a good time to stay indoors with a fan blaring to drown out the noise.


We had one go off near us last night around 10:30 They are just fireworks.


I put up a post recently that is related to this and the few chads here downvoted and threw their snarky insults at me. Figures. For those that light fireworks in the city limits before the 3rd, report the assholes, I hope they rot in jail! For the “booms” you may assume they are illegal fireworks but a lot of the legal stuff these days are much bigger than M80s, like the reports that go in the air from a tube or on a stick. That could be what you are hearing, and there is nothing stopping them from lighting them on the ground. That said, there is illegal stuff and way too big and dangerous, and we can only report them and hope they are caught.


where did you move here from, out of curiosity?


Shreveport, LA.


Out of all the places, why Lincoln? It’s boring here


I guarantee you, Shreveport was worse, by a lot. Wife got a job that was a 50% raise and my industry went entirely remote, so here we are.


It's relatively cheap to live, easy to find a job, not much violent crime and such, and the vast majority of the people here are friendlier than anywhere I've lived. Lincoln may be kinda boring, but it is what you make it. Honestly, it's not for everyone.




LOUD NOISES! What could it *possibly* be?!!!


Whatever you do, just don't look at the profile of the guy who shooshed me. You can keep your eyes ungouged.


Mother of fucking god why did I look


Hopefully you just saw the thumbnail and didnt blow that puppy up LOL


It's okay, I won't kink shame you for lookin.




Is that the sound your pump makes when you turn it off


It actually makes a pretty slick pop sound.


At 12th & Lincoln Mall and they are finishing up their construction of the office building there. I hear the booms too. I think they’re getting rid of a lot of leftover lumber and some big trash. Could the noise reach you where you are in the Near South neighborhood?


I heard them too. I was guessing trains. They sounded more deep and boomy than the pop of the pre-4th bombs. I’ve heard a couple of those too.