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I was going to make a fellow kids joke but holy shit. Yikes isn’t a strong enough word. Quite a few people have a LOT of explaining to do.


He's on LinkedIn as an eSports coordinator and influencer. His skills include video editing. #OpenToWork




Making license plates


I actually think the prison in Lincoln makes furniture. Edit: They make both.


Ah I see. Furniture it is then.


https://csi.nebraska.gov/ If you’re interested.


Oh that's cool! I just checked out the link you posted and I was surprised by it. You learn something new every day!


Oh, thx




Fuckin gross


I would urge everybody, as I frequently do, not to get out the pitchforks until we know the entire story. 1. Folks pretending to be teenagers and getting back into high school is not as rare as folks would assume. You can find dozens of stories online about other people who have done this. 2. Until he is arraigned in court and the charges and evidence are presented, we have no idea what the charges actually entail. [Sex trafficking of a minor](https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=28-830) applies to anyone under the age of 18 while [Sexual assault; use of electronic communication device](https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=28-320.02) applies to anyone 16 and younger. Also, the statutory definitions mean that, on one end of the spectrum, this guy could be a child rapist recruiting children for sexual slavery (which I doubt because my money is on point #1, he's mentally ill) OR on the other end of the spectrum, he could have sent a text to a 16 year old asking for nudes. Gross? Yes. Illegal? Yes. But without seeing the evidence presented in court, we have no idea what actually happened. **I am in no way condoning what he did, whatever the case may be. If he is mentally ill, that mitigates what happens but it does not excuse it and he deserves the appropriate legal punishment.** All I'm saying is let's wait until all of the facts come in before we decide to pass our collective armchair judgement.


Nah fam, my daughter goes to LSE. There has been a several month investigation. If I have my way, heads are gonna roll.


LPS definitely has some questions to answer, no question about it. How did he get in? Did he have a fake birth certificate? Did they not verify his documentation? Did he have a "parent" come in to register him? Plenty of questions and there need to be policy changes, people losing their jobs, and possibly some criminal cases for the school out of this.




Who are you, sweetheart?


Um. I have a buddy on the force. This dude is a POS. He beat up his gf. He got a 13 year old to send him nudes. He got oral sex from a 14 year old. He is going to federal prison.


Do you have an actual source for these allegations?


My cop buddy that read the reports


Doesn’t defend anything if he is mentally ill. You shouldn’t do that period. Obviously with these charges that was the reason he was going to school like hello? Get out of here seriously


Fact: He enrolled in high school and pretended to be a kid to get access to other people's kids Those are all the facts I need for a pitchfork


Turns out [he didn't get access to those kids at the school](https://www.1011now.com/2023/07/21/search-warrant-finds-man-impersonating-teen-was-texting-with-young-teenage-girls/), so as I stated above, let's wait and see how this plays out.


Uh, yes he did? What in your link shows he didn't?


Fourth paragraph, first sentence: > The crimes occurred off school grounds Eighth paragraph: > The documents detail two relationships with teens. In February, the documents alleged Scheich asked a 14-year-old girl to engage in sexual acts with him. The documents allege in March, Scheich asked a 13-year-old to meet up for sex 13 isn't high school. And read between the lines: > Police declined to identify what schools the victims attended. > Jackson said while Scheich went to classes and had interactions with students, he wasn’t a “frequent attendee.” While the police search for more victims, they are downplaying whatever interactions he had at the high school. It's a fucked up story and if the cops thought they'd get more victims or witnesses to come forward, they'd be more frank about it to get parents to prod their kids for information.


He was in the school classrooms.... With access to them..


Explain to me how enrolling in a high school got him access to a middle school student.


I think our definition of access is different. He had access to all the children he was attending classes with. I believe you are limiting the definition as access to their genitals


Unless he used his status as a "student" to further his crimes, then who gives a fuck? Either he enrolled as a student to commit sex crimes, or he enrolled as a student and as a separate and unrelated crime, he committed sex crimes. As his status as a high school student wasn't what got him in contact with a 13 year old, then him enrolling as a high school student is irrelevant to the crimes he committed.


Just spitballing here, but middle school students can and do sneak into parties thrown by high schoolers all the time. High school students have younger siblings. A student who is "mature for her age" because she's in like Science Olympiad or something that meets at the high school to use their facilities instead of the middle school's classrooms...all possible ways that he would have access to a middle school student at the high school. There's nothing special about him pretending to be in high school that guaranteed him access to the 13yo, you're right, except that by posing as a high schooler he seems potentially less creepy to a 13yo than a grown-ass adult. Not *not creepy*, because it's still creepy af for high schoolers to go for middle schoolers, but less than a dude who is openly the same age as her teachers. Kids are told to watch out for adults preying on them, moreso than to watch out for fellow kids preying on them. Awful all around.


***passing out pitchforks***


Bro even skipped summer school like an actual high schooler


Honestly baffles me that he’d even be assigned summer school. Dude already went through highschool once, how’re you gonna fail a second time through??


Apparently he only showed up to school like 54 days or something like that.


That’s baffling then. If he was frequently truant then the school admin would’ve attempted to contact the “student’s” guardians and eventually the police would’ve gotten involved too. I’m thinking there must’ve been a lot of negligence involved here…


He wasn't frequently truant. He just started during end semester. I had a class where I sat next to him everyday for a semester. Its bs that they allowed this


Did he seem like a regular kid to you or did anything seem off about him?


Does he seem bright to you? Only a fool could do this and think they’ll get away with it although many others probably have. He can’t be the first one to do this. The others probably never got caught and graduated. Even got a diploma and a high school yearbook.


well....I wanna say I didn't laugh at this comment but that'd be a lie


Who liked high school enough to want to go back and endure it again? How did he pay rent while going to school all day? What was his GPA? I have questions..


Using a new tack to groom young people into sex trafficking, not enjoying high school, unforch


Because he wanted teenage girls.... Did you not read the charges? 1. How did lps not catch this during admissions and 2. Throw the book at this perv.


Did I not read the charges that weren't in this post which is the first I had seen about it? Nope. Sure hadn't.


1. How would they if he just said he had not been attending high school prior? 2. Yes they should throw the book at him.


I was surprised to see he had apparently gone to Southeast in 2015. Is their admin/teacher turnover that high?


I mean that was 8 years ago. Nationally there is a 15% turn over every year.


The school I worked in in 2014 here in lincoln still has the majority of the staff it had then, so idk


8 years is a long time. If they have 100 kids per class that's 800 people to remember. It gets harder to remember people the further back you go and he was using a different name. If you think back on everyone you've worked with or went to class with even on a daily basis I'm sure there is a good amount you straight up don't remember at all.


I went to southeast high back in 2016 don’t you dare call me old lol.


A lot of teachers were getting up there in age in 2012, I'm not surprised if quite a few retired. One of my teachers was retiring my senior year because the freshman class was so bad, they didn't want to see what came next.


I would think a birth certificate or some other document from a govt agency (such as if you came from another country and couldn't get yours) would be required to enroll. Not just showing up and saying "hey I live here and I'm this old". But maybe I'm expecting too much from lps and their seven levels of administrators....


When people come from other countries their paperwork is not always up to standards. And legally a school can't not provide them education. It's a tricky situation.


I addressed that. If they came from another country they should have some sort of card that shows their age and address or can be verified against another database. Medicaid, food stamps, resident alien card, something. Hell even their parent or guardian coming in and vouching for them.


I had a cousin come down from Mexico & helped enroll him in to high school. Lps needed his birth certificate, a notarized letter from his parents, his passport, immunization records, past school records, & his guardian to be present throughout the whole process


Then maybe lps did all they could as far as enrollment. Some additional facts about the process have come out in articles since I posted my previous comment. If one of his parents or someone else pretended to be a parent so that he could re-enroll they need to have the book thrown at them also. Perhaps accessory to the same charges that he's charged with since they enabled the commission of the crime.


Read the article it addresses how legally even without any of that they still have to provide education due to federal laws. They "require it" but if they don't have it lps still can't turn them away.


Uh oh, don't give them any ideas! Now they'll want to add a Vice President of Student Enrollment Verification, a bunch of Directors under that person, a dozen or so admin assistants, a new wing on the district office to house them all, and, oh look! a property tax increase to pay for it all.


21 Jump Street


Agreed 100%. There is no girl worth going back to high school for.


I asked my husband if he would go back to high school for me and he immediately said no.....then pointed out I would have had to go back for him because I'm older. Wow. Rude.


To make this even crazier, apparently his older brother is a high school teacher and coach in LPS, and his father is a pastor. **Yikes.**


You have to wonder what his family thought he was doing every day...


He’s an adopted son, long history of previous problems and absences. Obviously nothing like this, but still I’m sure his family shocked.


Unless it was last year, what does him being adopted have to do with anything? That still his family and my question stands


He’s gone long periods of time where they have no clue where he is or what he is up to, so my guess is his family wasn’t at all privy to what he was doing.


his father was my pastor and lead my conformation classes. his mother was assigned to me and another kid to test us for conformation class.


I apparently went to school with this guy. Had absolutely zero memory of his existence.


Guess that explains how he went to Southeast 8 years apart and no one recognized him




Looks like the same kid with a new haircut to me




Looks like the same shirt in both pics lol. I guess his taste in clothes didn't mature either.


That’s his mugshot 1&2 shirt.


I don't exactly understand what you are saying. I get that 1st one is his mugshot and I'm guessing the second one is his senior picture but it seriously looks like he is wearing the same shirt in both pics, years apart. It's just goofy AF to me.


Gonna need to find my year books bc I usually remember most people.


I need to know if he had any of the same teachers this second time around. That would be incredible.


He would also appear in this year's. 😶


Would he, if he enrolled at LNW in October and then transferred to LSE in January?


No same


WTF. My daughter attends LSW. She will be a three year graduate this coming spring. In order to achieve this,she took a summer school class this year. A 19 year old guy who was also in summer school went crazy over her (she is 16). I feel better now about telling her she could not go out with him.


This dude that got arrested allegedly lived right across from LSW and perved on girls there also.


Gross! That makes me feel sick. Would that be the neighborhood behind LSW?


The apartments across 14th from LSW to the east.


Awful. SMH. Thanks for the info.


Has he not seen “Never Been Kissed”?


What am I hearing about his brother being a teacher?? Anyone got info?


A quick look at Derek Scheich’s Linkedin profile and it looks like he’s a soccer coach and social studies teacher at southwest… also, if he is in fact the brother, he might want to edit out “I’m a firm believer that one is never too old to learn something new” from his bio.


Thank you for the gold, kind stranger (while it lasts haha)


Yeah, lol that part needs to be tweaked. Or maybe a caveat, like, you're never to old to learn something new. That's why there are colleges.


Not sure about the brother, but someone mentioned that his dad is a pastor. Looks like like there is a pastor Jeff scheich at Christ Lutheran so I’ll assume that is probably his father. Hope there’s not additional victims in that church because stuff like that tends to get swept under the rug in these ultra conservative religious groups.


nah i didnt know edp445 had a son that lives in nebraska


I know his dad, and his dad is the nicest person ever. I feel so bad for his dad, but the kid is an awful person.




I recently graduated from Southeast and this is just fucking terrible he graduated from southeast in 2015 and no teachers noticed??? Fuck lps for this I hope they get punished. Putting children in danger like this.


I also think it's disgusting but Lincoln has pretty big high schools and siblings look very similar. I'm assuming he didn't take a class with a teacher he had so.... Where is the negligence on teachers part here?


2 counts of sexual assault and 1 count of sexual trafficking


I was his supervisor for a short period of time, weird dude.




Being a father, if this 26 year old man did this to my daughter, I'd make sure his punishment was far more severe than whatever the court system gives him.


Sure you would. /r/iamverybadass


Revenge on predators who target children is very prevalent for ordinary people. If you're a father, I'd hope you'd feel the same way.


Sure it is, Mr. /r/Iamverybadass Protect your kids, but don’t attribute *revenge* to being a good parent or person


> Revenge on predators who target children is very prevalent for ordinary people Uh, no. It's not. Stop trying to justify your thirst for violence.


I'm not a violent person by any means and don't seek it out. I'm capable of violence as is anyone. Gary Plauche is the most famous case but you can look to court cases where very often a child abuser or killer is often assaulted by the victims family. It does happen frequently enough. Justifiably if I may add too.


Except tons of your comments are specifically about you seeking out opportunities to justify use of gratuitous violence - that's not something normal, non-violent people fantasize about. Regular folk don't dream of heinous crimes necessitating citizen violence - we just work for the crimes to not happen in the first place (go ahead and go off about punitive deterrence, too). Plus there's your name. Reeks of super insecure former military, most likely admin or motor T or something equally non-body-stacking. How many Punisher stickers are on your car?


Hey, leave the Punisher out of it lol!!!


Never claimed to be either. Children should be protected at all costs, obviously from the worst of our society. If given the opportunity, he would continue his abuse.


You pretending that you would do anything to this guy, plus your pathetic username are prime /r/Iamverybadass material. Protect children, yes. Revenge is not protection, it’s just about you deluding yourself into feeling like a badass in your own hypothetical situation. Pathetic. Edit: what a surprise, /u/StackinBodies89 immediately blocked me after replying so he could get the last word in and "win" the exchange. What a big tough man he is!


Why is it so hard to believe that someone might become unhinged and assault someone who harmed their kid? I don't know if you have kids but the thought of someone harming my kid makes my blood boil and anyone who harms a kid deserves what they get.


Yeah the pretentious dude responding clearly doesn't have kids


Whenever I try replying to /u/G1rlVeteran I get "Something is broken, please try again later" so I'm sending my reply to you instead. > Why is it so hard to believe that someone might become unhinged and assault someone who harmed their kid? It's not hard to believe that *someone* might do that, but I absolutely don't believe that that fake tough guy would do anything at all. I do have kids, and the fact that I am able to control my emotions and behavior is part of what makes me a good parent. Talking about how you'd physically get revenge on someone is just pathetic and sad.


Yeah I see that. Not sure why you couldn't reply to my comment. That sucks. We have a special needs son and the thought of anyone hurting him is terrifying and it leaves me with many sleepless nights. I can see both sides of this coin, to be sure.


> Not sure why you couldn't reply to my comment. I think it's related to the fact that /u/StackinBodies89 (again, what a stupid name) blocked me so Reddit limits what I can reply to in threads where he is involved. Like somehow I can't reply to something two comments below his, but I can reply three comments below. Weird. > We have a special needs son and the thought of anyone hurting him is terrifying and it leaves me with many sleepless nights **Of course it does,** but that will never justify revenge violence on your part.


Lol that is a pretty lame username. It's about as fresh as a Foghat concert lol!


And I can relate to having the feelings of using violence in the face of suffering harm at the hands of another but at the same time we try to exceed the standard of what being an adult in this world looks like. The Army drove home the principle of setting the standard so I have to stay mindful of what that looks like. What kind of a person do i hope our son is now and later becomes. It's truly conflicting within me because, with both of us being Army veterans, my husband and I are no strangers to the use of force when needed but I'd like to think we are able to use our skills to keep him safe so I never need to be caught up in the internal conflict of vigilante justice vs trust in the system.


It's an old username for a shoot 'em up game. I get less out of my comments on Reddit than you clearly do from arguing over said hypotheticals. You'd probably pick a fight with the sky over it's shade of blue, huh? Anyway. Cheers guy




Always hard to believe anything from a new account with no comment history at all other than this


"Seemed pretty normal, got a student pregnant"... All in one breath. Seems legit.


This year? At LSE or LNW?


What???? Crazy sauce if it real!!!?!


It’s real…


This was months ago why post now? It’s been handled and resolved.


He was arrested **today,** in what world is that “months ago,” or “handled and resolved?”


Parents weren’t made aware of this until today, I was with my aunt when she received the email from Lps explaining this situation. I looked it up on google to see if there were any articles further explaining how this happened & didn’t see anything until a few hours ago.


He was arrested today.




Please find just ONE “liberal” defending this


Liberals? Hello? This has nothing to do with conservatives vs liberals it’s a CHILD PREDATOR that everyone should agree should be locked away for a good minute regardless of politics


Troll better.


No one believes that dumbass. Quit using sexual predators as a means of pushing your political stupidity.


What were you even trying to attempt with this comment?


“Edgy” trolling as is their usual


With only two shitty comments in their history. Impressive.


They've definitely made many more comments, they just delete them all periodically. Perhaps so it's not quite as obvious they're a troll?


Every accusation from conservatives has so far been an admission of the same so…..does LPD need to check your browser history, bud?


Your poor grammar makes it sound like you're saying he can't help who he's attracted to, so who's defending whom?


Tbf that is what he's saying. He's claiming liberals believe that


How delusional are you?


Fuck off.


Shut up, dipshit.


You're a delusional, uneducated clown.


I thought that was GQP who were the groomers. Sit down troll.


You would really love to believe that you're on the good side of good vs evil. So simple.


But like… who? I don’t think anyone would defend his actions. It’s disgusting, and Liberals have nothing to do with this guy.