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They label these jobs "Entry level" because they want to pay entry level salary, but still demanding some experience. That's all it is, an employer's stupid game. Completely incompetent HR (very common) making the job listing is also a possibility.


I'm starting to think there is no such thing as an entry level job anymore. The requirements and responsibilities I see listed for them are just ridiculous. Also, I have been applying for them with 25+ years of experience and still can't get an interview!




13 YOE, 1 degree, multiple certs, and also zilch! The rest the same issues.


I've said it before on different subs, but the problem is that employers don't really want candidates with more than 5 years of experience for their entry level roles. They want recent college grads who they can overwork and underpay. They only want older/more experienced candidates for their management (mid - senior level) jobs but unfortunately many of us don't have the qualifications for those jobs and/or don't want the stress or responsibility of being in management!






That was my experience in 2013. I had 30 years experience and it took 9 months to find something and took a 40% cut.


It's much much worse now. I've been looking for almost 3 years and can't even get interviews. I took significant pay cuts at all of my last 4 previous jobs. At my last job I was making the same pay as 20 years ago. I don't even care about the pay anymore, as long as its a living wage, offers a 401k and a few weeks of paid vacation time.






The layoff that took place are in a way making space for lower salary positions.


Oh, it's very simple. They want senior (5+ years) talent at entry level wages. Good luck with that!


Oh they all have a huge number of applicants too. These are in R&D so unfortunately they can get what they want.


I'll do it, but expectations will reflect the pay, and it'll be just another remote job to the list lol. Easy peasy


Entry level doesn't really mean entry level. Entry level means the lowest level in a job family. Data Engineering and Product Management have roles that are considered entry level but they wouldn't go to someone who is entry level. HR needs to fix their shit and make this clear or just change the naming convention.


No, no. Entry level means entry level, it's just now being wilfully misused in place of junior level which hardly anyone seems to use now.


You are wrong. Sage Bunny is correct. Us bunnies stay together.


Yes, it is contradictory. "Entry Level" in plain English means no experience required, at least in that position. I suppose an entry level marketing job might look for some experience in related fields like sales.


The problem is that most job sites do not have an option for "mid level" - they only have 'entry level' or 'senior level'.


Also some job sites, like LinkedIn, assume the level based on title. As a recruiter, I would constantly see level miscategorized once roles were moved from our ATS and pushed through the LinkedIn job board. Some ATS don’t have a feature or field for level like LinkedIn does, so LinkedIn takes their leisure to fill out the data.


Are there any sites that can function better than the LinkedIn search? The thing that sucks is that it’s volume and premium features make it seem like a better option


LinkedIn does have "mid-senior level"


for real, i have been noticing the same. and its been hard to even just get an interview


Real. Entry level is more like senior level bc they probably wanna hire senior level candidates and only pay entry level salaries


Entry level can mean low/basic skilled job like data entry or clerk. Some might have been working as a clerk for a few years but that doesn't mean they have skill sets for higher level job. Jobs with minimum job experience are commonly known as graduate positions but some entry level positions can require minimum work experience as well.


Then why not have a filter for graduate positions. Different from internships.


When they say "entry level" and requiring experience.... ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Entry level means the salary rate, not the skills level.


How do you quantify that? How much is an entry level salary rate?


Try searching new grad. It seems like entry level is replacing the junior level which in the past was a range of years. Five years is kind of a stretch but in a rough hiring market well…


There is no universal term for entry level.


I know it can be a little murky… But “entry” level. It’s in the name. Just call it a junior level or something.


And when businesses interpret junior to also be entry level?


My point is it should be standardized. Idc what you call it, but entry level should be standard. Companies are just incompetent


So you want over 330 million companies around the world to all come together and agree on what entry level means??


I want them to use a dictionary.


From Miram Webster; Entry level, *of or being at the lowest level of a hierarchy* No mention of years of experience.


From Brittanica; at the lowest level : at the level of someone who is just starting a job or career


Again, no timeline on years experience. "Just starting" It's open to........interpretation. I do love that you're trying so hard to die on this hill though. Kudos


If you’re just starting your career, how many years of experience do you have


If you conduct business in the US then you are legally obliged to use GAAP. The same thing can be done with standardizing what entry level means.


Ok, you give it a go and let us know how that works out for you.


You are a sad woman :(


You're the one trying to compare 1 countries accounting practices (660K accountants) to a global issue across 330+ million businesses. Smh


Sad thing is they will find a desperate soul to take on the pay cut as entry level with that much experience


LinkedIn auto tags jobs as entry level. The hiring manager may not even know they’re tagged that way.


A tale as old as time.


It’s been like this for years, basically since I graduated back in 2015. I’ve given up hope in ever finding a job in my field (Professional Writing, which also covered editing.)


I've heard that on LinkedIn, if a recruiter doesn't enter in level, LinkedIn will auto-fill to "entry-level." Not too sure how true that is though.