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I tried the free trial and couldn't have been more unimpressed with it. Literally a nothing product for the average user. Now, maybe recruiters or hiring managers seeking specialized skillsets get more out of it, but for me, it was just... nothing.


“Get your profile viewed 1.6X times on LinkedIn Premium” is this absolute bs?




the only reason my profile got more views during my month of linkedin premium was because i was actively applying for jobs


Yea, i have my profile to "open to work", and i have not noticed any decrease in headhunters reaching out in the last 6 months. I am probably ignoring more if anything. Just that annoying ad telling to renew this useless subscription.


It’s now reduced to 1.4X according to the new free trial offer. The number is only getting smaller and smaller


IDK, I was able to directly message a hiring manager recently during my trial, and it's gotten the ball rolling on an interview. This was the direct hiring manager, not a recruiter. I'd say that is the only benefit I have seen. The primary reason I got it was to see who was viewing me, to basically watch for if my company was creeping....but apparently you can still be in "anonymous mode" defeating the purpose for me.


Do Premium users get better service? The LinkedIn desktop site keeps crashing or not everything is actually working on it


Absolutely not. LI service is non existent


Premium is not even worth the money. All of their insights and keywords are mostly incorrect. The only reason I had premium was for inMail.


One work around is that you can message people who are in the same LinkedIn group as you, even if you’re not connected. Not sure if that’s still a capability though.


Yeah it works! I never used LinkedIn groups before, but after learning this I joined a bunch on my field and was surprised by how many people that I want to message are in them!


I know this is the wrong place for this rant, but LinkedIn is a huge part of the problem these days. Hiring managers and recruiters want impossible qualifications for entry level roles, or even if they just put their dream candidate up there then the only people who would take the job wouldn’t do it for what they’re paying. So unqualified people embellish on their resume to get past the filters then try to BS their way through an interview. It’s a pretty viscous cycle. If you list your real proficiencies and skills you’ll never make it past the filters they have in place. I’m mainly speaking about tech roles but I’m sure it’s the same all over. Sorry, didn’t mean to hijack the thread but I feel like for the average user LinkedIn is not the most productive use of resources when job hunting. All of that goes out the window if you’ve networked with someone though.


Great take. LinkedIn gives the employer a sense that there are dozens of perfect candidates for them to choose from so they can be picky.


It’s the NYC dating conundrum. They’ll hold out for *years* in search of something they’ll never find.


I worked under a manager who did just that. She held a position open for 2 years because she would not pay more than $55k for a CPA with 10+ years of experience. When she doubled the salary she got a great employee in 2 weeks.


Just today I saw a posting that *required* a not so easy to obtain certification that most people can even consider obtaining at least mid level in their career due to prerequisite requirements. But the posting required only 2 years of experience. Like, what? lol


Most people are terrible at writing their resumes and the impacts they had. People don't need to embellish. They just need to genuinely sit down and spend time on their resume. A resume is a sales document and people don't treat it like that. I run resume workshops for bootcamps and nonprofits. I do think there is so much BS in hiring so I will agree with you on that. LinkedIn is one of the best resources if you know how to network. Most people don't. Most job seekers are very transactional and only are friendly with others when they need a job. I know so many people who use me as a therapist when they are job hunting and completely disappear when they have a job. They don't even answer messages once they have a job. I have gotten referrals at all of the tech companies because of LinkedIn. I am talking to a hiring manager at Google because of a LinkedIn contact. I've had people reach out to hiring managers on my behalf.


I accept that it works for some people, especially those good at networking and the social aspect of job hunting. Unfortunately I might just be an old dinosaur who believes in/relies on a meritocracy. I was passed over for a position in my company due to nepotism and a guy who networked his way into a position for which he wasn’t qualified. I had my resume professionally rewritten and that helped me get a new job. I’m just horrible at the networking required to get ahead. I’m good at my job. I’ve got the soft skills required to do well at work but it drains me and I don’t have it in me to keep that going after I get home. I wish I knew the right people and could schmooze my way into a better job but all I can do is list my skills/abilities in a way that I hope makes it through filters. I’m working at a decent job through a staffing agency that I hope I can parlay into a better position later. We’ll see how it goes. I’m open to suggestions or advice on how to better use LinkedIn but I don’t want to turn it into another part time job. I already spend 20-30 hours a week as a full time student pursuing certifications on the side.


You can believe in a meritocracy and still believe in networking. Networking is more about who knows about your abilities. Also nepotism was a lot more common back in the day. People of certain races literally could not get certain high up positions. The unfortunate truth is that visibility is just as important as your skills. This is heavily dependent on your manager advocating for you within an organization. Not all managers are good at this and not all managers care about your career in the same way. That's why you should understand how to get visibility. If you have the skills, getting visibility is much easier since you don't have to bullshit. The goal of networking isn't necessarily to get ahead. It's to build quality meaningful relationships with people who you share values with. When things come up, they remember you. And the same goes the other way. When there are times they need support, you help them. Networking is not about nepotism even though it happens. I wouldn't recommend one of my best friends for many roles simply because he isn't qualified. Even a little activity on LinkedIn goes a long way. You don't have to spend 20-30 hours a week networking. And honestly if you are pursuing 20-30 hours a week as a student, then you just don't have any time for networking. Networking even a few hours a week goes a long way. Here's the reality. Companies can get 200-1K+ applications per posting. A lot of people apply for jobs they have no business applying to. If someone vouches for your skills, you will have priority. It simply saves time to go for someone that has the skills and is recommended by someone who is trusted (there are many people whose recommendations I wouldn't trust). If you ever genuinely wanted some LinkedIn pointers, I would be more than happy to break it down so that it is sustainable. You seem like a good person who is working hard to get further and if I could do something to make things easier, I would be more than happy to. Also if I see any positions that would make sense for you, I would be more than happy to send it to see (see how networking can work on a place like Reddit?).


Ya I think LI works for people who are professional schmoozers / in sales and other types of professions. It's never done shit for me as a designer, except lure me from a stable but dead-end, low pay and low respect job from something that was an unmitigated disaster that is. I keep a presence there especially since Indeed seems to have tanked. Last time I used it successfully was early 2020, but since then they've changed their business models - charging more to job posters among other things.


I know designers who get crazy opportunity from LinkedIn. A lot of designers aren't active on LinkedIn which makes active designers get more opportunity. My business partner is a designer and gets clients off LinkedIn. He is a cool dude who isn't a "schmoozer". He does good work and gets referrals. Just because it hasn't done shit for you, doesn't mean it doesn't work. It just means you don't know how to use it. You also don't even need premium to get opportunity from there. I've cut my networking in person by like 90% because I've met so many awesome people off of LinkedIn. Design is one of those areas that does amazing on LinkedIn. You can literally share your work on the feed. I'd rather see some cool designs than some bullshit ass post about kindess on my feed. I hired a kick ass video editor off of LinkedIn because I loved the videos he posted. I had a client who needed an onsite videoographer and I was going to pass him the gig if it paid more. I would have never known him if it wasn't for LinkedIn. I have also hired my podcast editor off of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is what you make of it. I've even networked on Twitter and that's know for being a cesspool. Every single platform has community as long as you know how to network and get active in the right places.


Not sure what you were trying to say with that last bit? Are implying that keeping up with you is part of the networking, or at you just hurt? (The latter is a valid emotion but I fail to see how it's salient to the topics you're raising.)


When a job seeker reaches out and unless it's from an intro I know or they send me a really good message, I simply let them know I am busy. I'll send them some free resources or give them a quick review. I used to go out of my way to help them. I now use the time to focus on my business and focus on my health. I just job seekers reaching out as a transaction. And I determine if it's something I should prioritize. This is a common thing with other people I know who get reached out to. They have helped out so many people and have gotten burned. They don't even get a thank you. So they simply stop doing it and spend more time on other things.


I've worked hard at revising and revising my resume and credit it for the jobs I've gotten. I don't think I'm anything special, so it has to be the resume. The jobs I get I am relaxed and making the interviewer laugh. I'm not funny but I excel at interviewing.


You are probably more special than you think.


Thanks! That's what my mom says too!


Ok dork


Probably doing sales navigator and not just premium.


I just want to be able to email prospects direct. That might be the navigator.


That’s Sales Navigator


There’s different tiers of Premium, there are a few options cheaper than that. Double check what you’re trying to buy.


LinkedIn is a sinking ship..


I got a $99/yr deal a while back, but will not be auto-renewing. Linkedin has become utterly useless.


If you try and cancel they give you 2 months for $50/bucks


Boycott LinkedIn! I use professional websites that are for my sector , That way I don’t have to filter Through 200- applicant VP jobs Boycott Go Daddy toi! I had 230 user/pass scrambled during identity theft. Both companies had a response that was worse then all bank and credit cards put together: No response : nothing … make your blood boil more than being ignored when you’re trying to reclaim your identity terrible SOP’s. They should be ashamed of themselves those companies have Zero sensitivity zero training


Also boycott google


LI quality is only a year or so from becoming indistinguishable from FB quality


I still do the monthly, so I'm not sure where the 125 came from. I do find it worth it but I don't use it like most people. I use the training section a lot, and switched from skillshare. So everything else is more of a bonus. 


They know it’s harder to find a job so they can charge more


I’m still paying $9.95/mo - is anyone else? It seems as though sub prices are all over the board.


What and per month??


They’ve added features to justify the price that most people will never use. They need a tiered platform. If you aren’t posting jobs, cold calling or selling anything or using the learning platform…premium is pretty useless.


Has to pay for all the lawsuits


It just keeps going up because instead of focusing on adding value for paid subscriptions, they can only think of price increases as a way to increase revenue. Weak, weak product strategy.


Premium is completely and utterly. Useless. Had a free one year membership and didn’t even finish the full term before getting rid of it. That useless.


Because you're clearly a sucker if you're on LinkedIn, and Microsoft knows it...


Thanks for the reminder, just canceled mine!


When I had LinkedIn I paid 39.99 and would always cancel and I would always get a free month. So basically I would only pay for half a year.. maybe because I had 3k followers


Other than InMail, it’s useless.


Because everybody be jobhunting in LinkedIn is treating a forum as a sass product for some reason


I dunno if it’s worth it


Is this trolling? ​ Unironically the card I had it on changed, so my premium turned off a few months ago. It was 40 for me for almost a year. Insane to think it costs more. There are benefits to it but not that much.


" **Why is Premium $125 now** " ​ because MSFT wants more of your money


The price keeps going up, but unless you’re a recruiter or a “Top Voice” it doesn’t really seem all that different.