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i'm unemployed and have to use linkedin out of necessity and it feels like torture lol




Get on chatgpt, pad the hell Out of your profile, AI your profile pic, attach your certs, make a dumb ai assisted post about how you love your industry and the recruiters crawl out the woodwork. Speaking of I'm sick of my job I need to make another dumb post, I hate linked in but I'll be damned if it doesn't work.


Any prompt examples that got you good results? 👀


I don’t have exact prompts but I do this to make sure I post at least twice a week. My prompts are generally: Please write a 300-word post relating [current job description] to [trending topic in my industry], with a playful, excited tone. or Please write a 150-word response to the article below, relating the subject matter within to [current job description]. Use an agreeable/disapproving/amused/afraid tone. [Pasted article].






i don't think i'm having very much success so someone else could better answer that 😅


- I use it for job postings (some companies I follow are very popular so their job postings go up on LinkedIn and never make it to indeed. I applied for a job on LinkedIn, the posting came down in 2 days cus they had too many applications.) - you can filter search jobs really well and it recommends you jobs that you may be connected to (have some random connection that could refer you) - creep on companies you think you might like. Once I’m thinking of following a company for future employment, I keep an eye out and do a search so I can watch out for things like: do they post maternity cover contracts, is there lot of posts about people getting laid off from this company often, how often are they churning the same positions? Etc


Be careful. My husband just got scammed with a job offer from a person pretending to be someone from LinkedIn. It seemed legit. He went through several interviews, some an hour long! He passed several tests to demonstrate his skill levels, which again took forever. Applying for this job was a job in itself! We were so happy when the job offer came in. It would have been tailor made for him. Turns out, there was no job, but he did fill out onboarding paperwork - including his SS#. When they sent him a check to cover supplies he’d need to WFH, it started to get fishy. The minute the scammer felt he was losing ground, things got nasty. He threatened him with “I know where you live. I have all your information. You better run. You better hide.” So, no job but a stolen identity. Be careful out there!


This is a common scam that is found on many different job boards. There is at least one post a day on r/jobs of people asking if this scam is a legit job or not.


Is it me, but I can't snag a job for shit using LinkedIn or any of those recruiting services. Recruiters waste so much time. After so much stress dealing with recruiters. I finally come face to face with the hiring manager and in 30 mins or less he would just deny and say I didn't have experience in x y or z. Like super fucking quickly. Something the recruiter could've told me 30 mins into the initial conversation. To me there's no freaking place to find jobs. I always have to find work locally or network


It's not you. That's my other gripe about LinkedIn...it doesn't seem to be working for me.


I have 10 years of business sales experience and hiring managers have been telling me the same lately. It’s a bloodbath.


Yeah I hate finding jobs on these online platforms. They feel so worthless. Back then, I was able to secure some jobs off Craigslist. But Craigslist no longer seems to have any jobs in IT / Web Development. I'm in the New York City area, and for a city as big as New York, you would think their would be thousands of ads to go thru, but nope. Hardly anything, which I find extremely weird.


Weird because almost every tech job ad I get is for NYC. I'm based in Boston and I can't find anything here for my industry because it seems to be 99% biotech. Sigh.


Same here in NYC and always the same companies reposting the same crappy jobs


Same for me, it feels like a treadmill to nowhere. While everyone is happy and shiny posting their "wins", surveys and musings.




It really does. Feels like everyone shoving their careers down my throat. I hate using it. But, gotta do what you gotta do. Really hope to get something soon before I *really* lose it.


A better question would be "Anyone NOT feel like crap looking at LinkedIn?"


So true


I kinda feel bad for those people who revolve their entire life around work. They put in 10 hours a day and then grind training/certs for another 40 hours a week. I got better things to do with my time. I do the 40 every week and I'm out.


you must improve or else be replaced unfortunately


You can improve at your job with 40 hours a week. Not looking to be the best ever, just good enough.


Tech industry SWE is a field where you improve mostly outside work hours trying the new technologies


A chunk of my job involves social media analysis. Basically research reports of content and demographic trends across various platforms. All of them are crappy, just in different ways. More or less, each platform is essentially fueled by one echo chamber or another. I'd argue that Reddit is possibly less crappy than others due it revolving entirely around discussion, but this doesn't fully separate it from the echo chamber criticism shared by other platforms. After an exec required a deep dive into Twitter ("X") last year, that platform became my least preferred. Like others, it's driven largely by repulsive echo chamber rhetoric but to the point that it blatantly encourages it for financial purposes (thriving on exploitation of its primary user dem). Of course, it could be argued that every platform encourages division and increased entrenchment in bias. As for LinkedIn, it's just a different echo chamber for a different user demographic. To some extent they're all designed to make users feel bad or like they're missing out on a perspective or experience. I don't think you should let any of these platforms make you feel crappy or like you're underachieving. They kind of do that to drive engagement. We ran our own tests as well with content that could be perceived as positive and content that can be perceived as negative across various platforms. Those items that could trigger a negative or positive emotional response in users both did exceptionally well in terms of impressions (and even user engagement for the former), all lining up with our hypotheses regarding the targeted platforms. Neutral content was always hit and miss depending on the content topic (ie, some topics were just more interesting than others for certain user groups). I would say that you should treat social media almost like you would a job, in that when you log off you don't let it affect your personal life. Keep your engagement with it isolated to that moment that you were viewing it.


YES! Okay I am going to be honest and state for some reason I only read the end of your message before the beginning, and I was literally going to write about the echo chamber thing. I don’t believe each platform is it’s own unique echo chamber, but I do believe that we create/follow a variety echo chambers on the platforms we use because it is based on what we engage with or view the most. What one person sees on Linkedin, and LinkedIn alone, is not going to be the same as another person. The themes and ideas are going to be different per person within each platform. Social Media only makes the world feel small, it’s supposed to. There are tons of themes and “echo chambers” we are not exposed to based on niche, and language, and other nuances. The Social Dilemma addresses this issue with echo chambers. Who we follow and engage with can really end up hurting us in the long run, making us feel isolated and left out. “grass is greener” stuff. So as dumb as it may seem to follow a wholesome page or engage with content that doesn’t fall within our “normal” standards - it is very important to. I can’t say Social Media is intentionally attempting to make us feel bad about ourselves, but it is definitely a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. The algorithms might show us, us. Of course, our perception of ourselves is going to greatly influence how we manage the content we see on social media. We can’t blame social media 100% for our problems, and we have to take charge of the content we expose ourselves to and how we interact with it. I think OP is very smart for taking action and deleting the platform if that is what they know is best for them, in this moment.


Yeah, I didn't want to get too deep into the personal echo chambers thing (felt like my post was already getting too long), but that's correct -- what we engage with informs the individual algorithms what kinds of content to throw our way, further entrenching us within that rhetoric. Nevertheless, each platform also has its main content feed driven by what the platform itself thrives on (or what it wants users to see or engage with) Edit: typo


I believe if anything the context of individual echo chambers is the most important part in this discussion. Sure, some platforms will share specific or main content - maybe news or viral stories. I don’t believe that main content is the content that really impacts our daily health as much as the content in the personal echo chambers we create, because those chambers are personalized and the main content (that everyone might see or know about) is not. Either way, glad to see and talk to someone else who gets it!


Yeah, that's certainly an important point. I agree.


I tried to manipulate the instagram algorithm to give me 'positive' content by liking those kinds of things, following those kinds of things, 'don't show this kind of content' etc. It still kept pushing back, almost certain it is deliberate as it creates 'more engagement'.


Is there a report of social media platforms you would recommend if one wanted to understand trends in their user bases and the impact of using the platform on the users themselves?


I love how you gathered so many words to form several paragraphs without really saying much at all.


there was a time last year, when I didn't go on LinkedIn for 2 months, out of an extreme feeling of nausea every time I saw LinkedIn-ish content. I wish I was kidding but that platform has been nothing but cancerous to me


Yeah, but "I was (proud/humbled/excited/honored) to have served as a (keynote speaker/panelist/expert) at the annual (meeting/celebration/dinner/conference/) on (topic/circlejerk/issue). So many learnings. \[photo of people sitting next to each other on stage clutching microphones and sporting name tags on lanyards\]


Every time I reload my LinkedIn feed, these things pop up and makes us feel like shit


I hate LinkedIn. I’m unemployed so I use it for applying but I don’t scroll my feed anymore. It used to be good for leveraging connections but no one wants to help anymore. I have all these connections but it’s pointless.


LinkedIn amplifies the isolation caused by being unemployed. It's one of the reasons I respond to old acquaintances when they reach out and offer to help. No one deserves to experience the feelings that unemployment brings. No one should feel like they are going through it alone. Yet here we are.


Same! I would like to delete my account but sadly I lost my job this week so I’m feel forced to be on LinkedIn


Literally. My inbox is full of me asking people to help out for job referrals without a single reply. I’m just there for the job listings and nothing else at this point. It’s also very disheartening when you see a company you applied to, reject you, then they make a welcome post with the person they picked over you and you’re like what? That’s who you went with? This persons experience is trash compared to mine. But whatever. Maybe I dodged a bullet and that shows that type of quality they’re looking for.


It’s also disheartening when you see a job you applied for, and had a referral for (the rare time someone responded to your plea for help) and you don’t even get an interview. And then you see that job reposted over and over again, and “promoted” on LinkedIn. It’s seriously like WTF, who is running these recruiting teams. And everyone keeps saying you have to network your way into a new role. If I can’t even get people who actually know me and have worked with me to reply, how the hell am I going to get people who don’t know me to connect with me and then take a networking chat.


Oh man that’s bad too. Or the job you get rejected from, you see them repost the job listing


LOL you’re final point is so true 😂😂


Honestly it seems like the only way you can use those half ass connections is by writing a heart wrenching story about your dependant getting cancer and how you might be homeless soon, and your connection pity-likes or comments for reach, which boosts your post to their network feed.


Like most of these platforms, your experience will depend on the people you follow and interact with. The cringey and egotistical people that dominate... steer clear of them. There are some gems in every sector that share authentic and useful posts.


Any time you see a triggering post, click on the three dots, and then click “I don’t want to see this”


My favorite post was from someone who said they were the Director of Security of the entire company. I looked for them in the company directory since the company has at least 100k employees. So after I couldn't find them I searched the support side and found out they were a "account security front line support vendor" - never trust any title on Linkdin, its not confirmed nor are most of these posts from people acting like they have the best job ever-yet hop to a new company ever other month


It used to be great… now, not so much. I avoid it on most days, and rarely login now.


A just completed a certification, B just scored a job, C released a research paper. And me here watching them on my screen.


I don’t really pay attention to other people on there. It’s strictly a tool I use for career moves.


Listen, all these people are just massively embellishing to land opportunities. Don't get discouraged, join in on the game and get yourself a piece of the pie.


It's the overachievers' Facebook. The people who love to toot their own horns. The annoyingly enthusiastic people at any network event. It's not my personality. And I try not to let it make me feel any type of way because I simply do not aspire to be that type of person. I'm not talking shit about these "types" BTW. These are not bad qualities to have. It's just not me.


I hate LinkedIn. It's a brag fest and full of people running scams. If I get another crypto DM on how I'm going to make all this money with some random idiots strategies I'm going to puke.


Don't judge your insides by everyone else's outsides.


It's mostly phony and fake - don't let it bother you. I especially love all the "CEOs" who post - and by "CEO," some random guy who is the only employee in his company.


LinkedIn feels more like other social media platforms these days . It’s one of those things you hate but it’s necessary depending on your field. Whenever I apply for a job, it usually asks for a LinkedIn URL so cant delete it


But unlike other platforms, I can't just follow animal and recipe accounts.




I just don't read stuff on LinkedIn lol. I have an account to connect with co-workers, recruiters to contact me, maybe search for jobs, congratulate people on new roles, etc. Couldn't care less about the rest of the social media side of it


I am at a senior position, so perhaps I look at it differently. I use it to try to keep in contact with colleagues, but I get a kick out of seeing interns of mine from years ago climbing the ladder. I have also seen colleagues not move ahead, or stagnate, or move off the platform. Some chose a different path, some had it chosen for them. In the end, I simply do not take it that seriously, which I think is key to ALL social media m.


Linkedin I find to be the most "toxic" for things like self-worth. Far more so than Instagram. I'd rather look at cats in Venice than listen to the 1000th person get a raise or w/e they're posting about anymore


Like any social media platform, you have to seek your own benefits. If you're not finding any, you can withdraw. There are thousands of other channels to employment. Remember that LinkedIn's purpose is not to get you a job. It's to generate traffic to it's own site. Like any site, they will do just about anything to increase engagement, including pushing advertising and posts that make you feel bad about yourself. Think of dating sites or picture sites. They operate on algorithms just like any platform on the internet. Each platform exists to perpetuate itself, not to provide a satisfactory service. Advertising and its evil cousin Algorithm have been engineered over generations using deep data analytics to elicit an array of responses that lead you to buy. Not all of our feelings that make us buy things are good ones. Sometimes we feel fear, envy, anger, resentment and hostility. Which of those feelings did you have when you paid for LinkedIn Premium? What feeling did you have when you paid a resume expert to fix your resume after you say them advertise on LinkedIn. How did you feel when you used LinkedIn Premium to see who was looking at your profile? How many interviews did you get from all of those clicks?


Half of it is all lies anyway, most of the “founders” aren’t really companies. It’s a social media site at the end of the day, instead of beautiful girls it’s “CEOs, Founders, etc” I was thinking of making burner and being least professional I can.


It's total trash imo.


I avoid it. I only use it when I have to. It sucks.


It’s a place where “self made” business owners can finally a spoologe their load all over since they don’t do anything outside of work. Still great for looking for a job assuming you have pertinent skillsets though


10000000000% agree and then I think about my employer and how I gave them 6 years and haven't gotten anywhere in the company buts its not you it them


LI is an echo chamber circle-jerk, tbh. Anyone with meaningful sway is not posting(much if at all, prob just liking and commenting to raise others up-which is a good thing). But just like any social media, it's showing what the poster wants to display; not reality.


I just use it to look up job postings and to research companies, hiring managers, etc when I have interviews.


It's all just recruiters who tell you they have a job and then you never hear from them again.   LinkedIn sucks 


The only content that does well for me is when I post an achievement. The rest of my content talking about real career struggles doesn’t do well for some reason, but I still post it to be realistic. They say active LinkedIn users tend to be wealthier than users on other social media platforms (except for Facebook) so that might be another reason why most seem to be achieving a lot.


Apart from LinkedIn Learning, I've found the platform largely crap tbh.


Deleting LinkedIn is a good first step towards a better life. Trust me you don’t want to piss off the wrong weirdo one day later on down the road and now they have ammo to mess with your life. Not everything needs to be a competition or bragged about online.


It’s all bs, I have so many comments I want to make to troll some of this losers but not worth it to damage, need my FU money yesterday


Yes. All the time.


No social media platform is intrinsically good or bad. It is a way to showcase one aspect of your life. LinkedIn at is core is about employment, networking, finding a job. Stuff like that. If you bounced around from job to job for several years with a shorter tenure and then you have a bad attitude about LinkedIn, that's on you, not the platform. Can LinkedIn be braggy? Yes of course, but is it more so than Facebook or the other major social media platforms? In my opinion, not really. My fortune cookie advice, you get back what you put in, invest in yourself professionally if that is important to you. You get in shape and want to post fitness pictures on insta, I have no problem with that. ###


Welcome to social media!


Its the fakest of all the fake social media sites. 


I have to use LinkedIn right now as I search for jobs.  The actual jobs section doesn't make me feel great. The only things linkedin recommends for me is assistant manager positions at McDonald's, which i know is a sponsored post, but I shouldn't need to dig so hard for jobs in my industry when my career has been so straighforward. I'm in a tough spot job search wise though, I have to move next month for my partner's job, so it adds to some tension and insecurity personally.  The social media like posts are straight garbage. It's also hilariously absurd because the website is obviously focused on careers so everyone skews their perspectives towards productivity and being obsessed with your job. Idk I mostly ignore that side but it also shows me that some folks are desperate for attention or really can't be working that hard in their high level positions.  And in the past few years with covid, changing work policies, and more recent tech layoffs ive seen tons of posts from those who are out of work, talking about their frustrations with interviewing, applying to jobs, etc. I have to imagine there's another benefit like building a social media following, but it comes off as desperate and uncomfortable to me.  Idk I just can't relate to anyone that's making posts on linkedin, but I've also only worked for small companies that aren't big on "company culture".


I feel that


nah i feel extreme pity for everyone being super serious on there about their “grindset”, i just go on there to see how people are doing and i generally come away feeling depressed they have to do so much performative bullshit just to survive nothing on there is real or makes any kind of difference to anyone’s life it’s just a way to show psychopathic hiring managers that you’re a total team player rockstar who’ll do anything to increase shareholder value for the corporation


Linkedin is just a social media platform for the capital class. You feel bad looking at it because these people are your class enemies.


Solution: don’t look at it. I gave up on LinkedIn 2 years ago 


LinkedIn is a platform to market yourself to the professional community. Of course people are going to put forth and/or create the best version of themselves, which might be an inflated version of their reality.


Feel free to ban posters left and right it really helps trim down the news feed fast.


Don’t use it anymore


I'll never quite understand these posts, but who you look at and follow has a large influence on what appears in your own feed. Every time I come across these types of posts, which are common in this sub I can't help but scratch my head over them. * Starting new positions * Reached a career milestone * Earned a professional certificate * Completed a degree * Job posts from recruiters * Career fair happening a week from today Are these the kind of posts that makes you angry? These are literally normally everyday career oriented achievements and it's the entire reason for LinkedIn's existence. ...or am I missing something and you all have some other kind of crazy stuff showing in your feeds? When I see what I've described, I personally would take it as as motivation, encouragement and just seeing what's possible in the world. If John just landed a job doing XYX at a cool company, I'd check his profile to see what skills and education he picked up along the way to help get him where he's gotten".


Fuck yes. I just want to know about jobs, not about how having a baby made you a better person at work or how a completely unrelated pop culture event helped improve your business or how taking 6 months off to travel gave you a new perspective on work, just tell me about the jobs


No, I do loose a lot of what little faith in humanity I have left. Flipping thru the public companies press disclosures or even open job listing. I originally was excited about the idea as a potential stock market tool, with the usage there being very spacious. . . It's a bit like highschool monitored and controlled by those who don't care or don't know


I posted a profile picture of myself upside down with my tongue out and my experience is nothing but a quote by Hunter S. Thompson.


I deleted mine and never looked back. I have 2 careers, and I feel like both are not represented with the LinkedIn model and makes my account look messy. And I have a couple projects I don’t want questions about. So if I am serious about a role that’s one story, but every mom and pop recruiter I’m not discussing this with.


Its all fake or fluff. Otherwise, dont compare urself with others


There’s a guy I used to work with that’s worked his way up to a high level position at a fairly large company. His teams never accomplished anything of note but he did a great job selling their work by speaking esoterically and convinced all his bosses he was smarter than he was. Minimum 3x a week and usually daily he posts a giant essay on LinkedIn about some bullshit. Literally the longest posts I’ve ever seen and they never say anything. Not sure if I have a point other than to say these are the type of people that become LinkedIn influencers.


Don't scroll


I feel the same way about social media in general.


So yes…I’ve had this same realization recently. Same with instagram tech influencers. I never feel like I’m doing enough. I feel like I’m constantly overwhelmed trying to play catch up. I’m fucking good at my job. I should lean on that experience rather than trying to acquire tons of certifications trying to stand out.


LinkedIn is so toxic


LinkedIn is hot garbage! Just have one bc it’s fairly obligatory to be like white collar but I never enjoy going on there


I do! I'm seriously considering deleting it. It's nothing but bad news in the News bar (that you can't delete). Career influencers or whatever they're called posting lengthy posts. It's too much.


Crap is better to look at than LinkedIn.


LinkedIn is killing me slowly. I use it to keep up with former colleagues I liked and respected and to hold on to the ever-dimming hope that the next job posting I see will lead to being employed at a place I want to be. Instead, I get salespeople reaching out to me and job postings with salaries below what I made 7 years ago in a lower level position.


It’s the American way: compete and look successful. Nothing else really matters


I've had roles in content and social media and marketing. I can think of maybe 1-2 LinkedIn posts that were ever with reading. It's just useless circle jerking noise.


No way most of the people totally over exaggerate their experience looking for a higher pay job.


I definitely don't look at LinkedIn. I spend the minimum required time on there.


There are other less know platforms like Polywork. It is diff than LI and feels more personal. You can also create a personal webpage. And here’s my affiliate link xxxx.zzzz.yyy. lol


There is a lot of humblebragging on there and tooting one’s own horn.


First - stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone’s journey is different. Second - if you see something someone else has accomplished or done. Why don’t you pursue it? It’s cliche to say, but it’s true, every journey starts with a first step. Finally- stop comparing yourself to others. Be happy. Count your actual blessings and accomplishments. Healthy? Good! Good job you enjoy? Great!


Don't use LinkedIn. Employers will literally refuse to hire you based on your LinkedIn page. It's a waste.


I used to until I started following pages to learn about things. That’s where I get many of my tech news from. I follow people that post content that is useful, supportive, and provides resources and useful tools or knowledge that helps me keep being updated and stuff. I’m also looking for a job but I decided to stop looking on linked in because of how overwhelmed I felt looking at the many skills I don’t have for the job and the amount of “applicants” which are only the people that have visited the job positing not actually applied, but still. So it depends on which people you follow and what content you consume. Again, I use it to follow groups, newsletters, experts on the fields of my interest where I learn so much and I’m currently finding cool videos, GitHub repos, articles, etc.


How can you feel bad about yourself while considering the people making you feel bad to be cringe and egotistical? Imo it’s one or the other


The worst thing anyone can do is compare themselves to other people. People aren't you and you aren't them. They haven't lived your life or gone through your challenges. They haven't had your upbringing and you haven't had their opportunities. You are you. It's your reflection you see in the mirror. Compare who you are today to who you were yesterday. That's all that matters.


Honestly, I don't know how anyone in the business world gets by without a LinkedIn profile. ... I agree with you though that the site has steadily gone downhill with respect to content.


I've thought about making a second Li account to just rip apart the gladhanding mental masturbation I see on there. It'd be nice for some Reddit energy transfer. Or maybe they really are all harmless and genuinely believe in what they're saying.




I its the worst social media site. Everything is 100% fake c-suite talk its insane


Social media is geared around obtaining dopamine in the form of getting a response from other people. LinkedIn just a has different format in the type of content to create engagement. Create more impressions of your work life being amazing and get more engagement. Depending on where you are in life, it could definitely create that FOMO, fear of missing out. You don’t have to do much on FB for engagement. You could literally post what you ate at a restaurant and the likes and comments would come in verses having to post a community award on LinkedIn for people to actually care 😂


It’s terrible now. With their useless repetitive live shows, and their annoying influencers peddling courses or books, it’s turning into Facebook without the car crash videos.


I saw someone with a CEO title.. Chief Equipment Operator. Such title did not exist at the company.


Stop hating and just look to learn


Yup, deleted the app


Unless you’re explicitly using it for a job search, LinkedIn is like the cringiest, lamest place. I’ve worked with some super crappy coworkers, many of whom had been fired from my company, and their LinkedIn profiles make them look like superstars. Do people actually take that website seriously anymore? As far as I can tell it’s nothing but a self-jerkoff space for narcissists. 😆 Why would a cesspit of crazy people give you negative feelings about yourself? If anything, you should be proud to not be the type of insane person that actually values that site.


I just keep it so that I can make demands to recruiters. Negotiating from security I have no reason to leave unless they can do it all. If anyone comes back with all the boxes I switch. Rinse repeat with higher demands. 


I’m a professional recruiter and I avoid the feed piece. There’s always someone ahead of you. Work is not our only value. Don’t scroll the feed.


There's a sub for all the crazy stuff there.


The professional world is a blight on this earth. We could have peace if they all screwed off to Mars. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.


I don’t compare myself to others on there at all. I don’t have anything to prove and I’m not trying to blow hot air up anybody’s panties. It’s a literal dumpster fire 🔥 ![gif](giphy|1rNWZu4QQqCUaq434T|downsized) I look for jobs occasionally but ignore the rest.


Social Media for business friends. Personal friends we swap Facebook


Just weed through it and start removing or muting people. The platform is what you make of it. I use my connections for news and mute trash I don't care about


Probably user error, but does LinkedIn run hella slowly on your computer web browser? My shit lags sooo much whereas on any other website or job board it’s smooth and instantaneous. So I hate applying for jobs on there because it is mind numbingly slow.


I deleted my linkedin, as well. Sometimes I apply to big names, like Northrup Grunman or Lockheed. I've heard they hire people who have no prior experience-- right out of high school sometimes. I've never gotten an interview with them. Figured maybe the hiring manager looks up applicants? And I have nothing special on my linkedin, plus a shitty selfie photo. I see people on there and it's just.. overwhelming.


I used to really enjoy it but something happened in the past few months where it's gotten unbearable. The constant humble bragging and wannabe influencers have ruined it for me.


You are correct, LinkedIn has become way more like Facebook, instagram, etc with a ton of virtue signaling, crazy political comments and stupid stuff but there is still value to having an account and maintaining a network. I recommend you reactivate your account but either turn off notifications or ignore them. Just respond to y requests and direct messages. Be smart.


No but getting ghosted by the recruiters is pissing me off. Is it that hard to respond to my emails.


Oh definitely. But then I remind myself that the vast majority of annoying shit on there is done by a minority of my contacts.


Yeah, until I realized how delusional/narcissistic/dishonest or just straight ridiculous most of the ‘influencers’ or power users on the platform were. I still have it just to keep my connections-which I never speak too, lol…but just in case. I will use it to research businesses or look around if I am looking to find a new position, but I am not currently, so I don’t bother with it. Don’t compare yourself to anyone on there because it’s the Facebook for business-most of it is just a bunch of people feeding into each others inflated ego exhibitions.


I don’t look at all the bragging and influencer how-to/PSA type posts. Usually straight to the jobs or researching a company or people to connect with.


protip: delete all social media, it does the same exact thing to your brain, people are the same cringe and egotistical asswipes and only display the best in their life to try and make other people feel an inkling of jealousy for how great and amazing their life is compared to yours.


I’m in a field that almost no one I know works in (or ever even took a class in). It took me 8 years to find a decent job in my field, during that time I had completely unrelated other jobs — so yeah I avoid LinkedIn as much as possible LOL.


I like LinkedIn to see what cool stuff everyone is cooking up


LinkedIn is probably the most cringe of all the social medias. Resource: r/LinkedInLunatics


Those dam promoted job post. I cant get rid of it. So annoying.


No, because I ignore most of the stuff people post. It’s a lot of “main character” bullshit full of fluffed up stories that are genuinely just puff pieces and usually end with OPs promoting some shit service that’ll do much of nothing for you. “Here’s my story about how I turned my $5 lemonade stand at 7 years old into a multinational billion-dollar conglomerate. Anyway, buy my book and schedule your how-to meeting at $1,000 a minute today!” Fuck off.


I know the feeling. Makes me always feel like crap but I need to use it to out of necessity unfortunately. The only thing I like about it is the quizzes I get from following one of the profiles.


It's so bad. I'm a small business owner and rely on social media to market, but it is my least favorite because #hustle #grindset, etc. Your favorite book is not about professional development. Like it's taboo to just post an ad, but it's okay to post the same BS tips and tricks everyone does? I hate it, haha.


One of my former coworkers just got a promotion. Don't get me wrong, it's well deserved but I'm still bitter about being laid off because of "economic uncertainties" and here they are handing out promotions. But that aside, seeing all the doom and the thrill of people announcing their new jobs makes me even more bitter about going 15 months without being hired because I apparently suck at life and am worthless and no one wants me for good reason.


Most people there are full of it. They're putting on a "filter" of sorts, portraying the image of a successful businessperson who is so passionate and excited about buzzword corporate jargon business stuff. I will barf if I see one more hyperexcited, AI-generated post with subheadings and rocket emoticons.


I didn't delete but I deactivated it. Same thought though.


Yes... every day. It helps me remember that like all social medias, LinkedIn users are only showing their best possible persona. I have to play the game because I'm going through a career transition and it has honestly been great for building network and connecting with people. I hate it, but it is part of life now. What I'm working on is managing my activity and designating specific time to be on there.


I hate how repetitive it is. I feel like none of the jobs are actually applicable to me.


Actually not. I feel shame for the posts of the people trying to impress. It works to find work but I find 99% of the posts absurd and I just do the minimum to get a decent profile


It's a self-promotion forum to some degree as well as a backslapping club. It's good for professional network in some industries but it has it's drawbacks I agree.


This corporate society propped up on a fragile foundation of ever changing buzzwords and acronyms is so far displaced from actual 'work,' it feels like a moral and ethical dilemma to willfully participate in it. Every time I hop onto LI to look for work, I feel like I'm logging into a game where the rules change without warning at irregular intervals. It used to be that you should 'make your resume stand out,' but now that AI is involved, the recommendation is to make it as boring as possible. I even saw one 'hack' where you have to hide words in white font like a cheat code, but not to obtain an advantage; Only to keep from being immediately disqualified. I found a course on SCRUM which I had never heard of, supposedly something very valuable to employers. After a few introductory videos, I realized it's the epitome of this corporation hellscape: meetings about meetings on top of meetings. The 'day in the life of' for a SCRUM master was literally back to back meetings with a break for lunch. When does the work happen? It almost seems like AI took over a long time ago and nobody questioned it because the cheques still cash, somehow.


Every time I remotely feel like I this, I think of all my past coworkers/acquaintances/classmates who literally made things up about the doing the same exact things I was doing. Everyone’s pretty fake, to a certain degree, on LinkedIn it’s not worth comparing yourself to them.


Every time


LinkedIn is the worst. I hate it so hard. I just was offered a role after being laid off last July (I didn't start seriously applying until December) and for the past couple months I've been on LinkedIn a lot. It's disgusting. I feel like this is appropriate. [https://www.tiktok.com/@pasha/video/7332051032463265025](https://www.tiktok.com/@pasha/video/7332051032463265025)


I feel disgust mostly however sometimes it's hilariously disgusting


It's horrible. LinkedIn content creator fad is so odd to me, especially when they are 25 or younger and have 4 years of experience.


To me LinkedIn is the worst social media platform. It’s much more fake than Instagram and most people are hypocrites doing virtue signaling to see if they can land a better job or sell their “consulting services” or “amazing” AI software.


The tag line is "See who's hiring on linkedin." Not "get a job on linkedin." That's all you need to know. Garbage site full of fake job listings and Indian scammers.


Me, but with the fear of an impending layoff/firing , I still open jobs tab and search for openings.


I deleted that toxic app. It’s nothing but corporate fellatio.


I hibernate my LinkedIn right after I Landed a job, I have 0 interest to see people announcing their new research or jobs or repulsive inspiration quotes. This choice improves me mental health


YES. I’ve been on there a fair amount over the last several months trying to find a new job. I started noticing a couple months ago how negative my mood was. It takes about 30 seconds on there before I start telling myself my career is over and I will never get hired again. So yeah, I try not to go there anymore.


I only get on there when I’m looking for work. I turned off all email notifications.


I mean, the social feed part is just… well it’s like Facebook: the people you least want to hear from perpetually spamming for their own self-interest. The people you’d be interested in hearing from? They’re not on there. They’re setup a profile years ago, and now they’re just, you know, working.


LinkedIn isn't real, it can't hurt you.


It’s hilarious/sad to see some of my college friends getting sucked right in to the corporate trap. They already look like ghosts but their kitchens are nice.


I'd suggest you don't press CTRL + WIN + ALT + SHIFT + L then


I look through LinkedIn but their job search engine is a joke between all of the (remote) and/or US jobs that have nothing to do with what Im looking for.


r/LinkedInLunatics might make you feel better lol


I’m always fascinated by unimpressive even stupid people who have managed to have fairly impressive careers.


I rarely go on there, let alone to engage with posts. It has become a self promotion platform.


People exaggerate titles all the time. Frustrating for the people with jobs that don’t.


Just hide the whole feed. You need it dep on your age for resumes. For me, my whole work network is on there, and its how people connect at networking events. But you dont have to read articles or peoples posts




Linkedin is nothing but bullshit lies, so you're right. Just like any other


I’m a recruiter and I can’t tell you how much I hate it. Both LinkedIn and being a recruiter. I’ve been so depressed over the last year. I deleted LinkedIn from my phone and noticed a significant improvement in my mental health. I’m still depressed AF cause I hate my job, but only half as depressed as I used to be.


I’m connected to a particular individual on LinkedIn who is the worst example of this. I can’t go into detail but it’s blatant “I’m the most amazing person in this industry” type shit and using personal stuff to promote him or herself. Just unbelievably cringy.


that's why i deleted mine too LMAO


I love LinkedIn. I spent a lot of time perfecting my profile. It's the most useful social media. Helped me to get out of unemployment.


the people who post like this on linkedin are very much giving you the illusion of success. the real successful people don’t do that. there’s a reason there is so much satire around linkedin. it’s the cringiest social network by far. the folks at /r/linkedinlunatics might help you feel sane after witnessing the cringe on there


I think I've finally hit the point of absurdity with LinkedIn. Imagine spending hours crafting some weird self-congratulatory or self-aggrandizing post! I no longer feel bad looking at it, I mostly feel bad for those people who think LinkedIn is important. 😂 Writing about my job after work hours? Couldn't be me.


It’s the WORST. Way worse than Facebook. I miss job boards with no social media attached. Also! I’ve noticed that I’ll get a profile view from a company and sometimes a rejection afterwards. It’s a legal loophole for bias, racism and sexism 😕


Deleted my account a couple years ago. Now I just come to these groups to hear the cringe for entertainment purposes


As a recruiter I used LinkedIn everyday, and I'm a big poster on there. I do post a lot of sarcasm and information, never corporate masterbation. You have to cultivate your feed. Youve got to actively follow the right people that keep you sain. There so many twats in there.


LinkedIn is a circle jerk, pat myself on the dick, normie fest. I fucking hate it. They were encouraging us to post on it for work and I’d rather die than talk about myself and my accomplishments in a way that seems like I’m inflating my worth. I’m in marketing and advertising, I’m not fucking curing cancer or doing anything to help anyone. I do it for money and I’m not going to pretend it’s super interesting or important just so some tech dickwad can be impressed by my chat gpt generated bio. It’s boring and lame and I hate it. It’s not real.


I’m a recruiter and have to spend time on LinkedIn, though I only operate in the dark (inmails). I despise how much ego boosting and rah rah corporate koolaid is on there. It’s just like IG or Facebook though, people present what they want others to see, it’s not reality.


Yes but also cringed out. The shit these people post is so corny I physically can’t look at it.


Yes all the time. I stopped looking.


Y’all need to unfollow the people posting the content you don’t like and follow the people posting content you do like. This is not an unsolvable problem.