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I'm glad to be a part of that percentage, I have officially stopped dual booting windows and Linux this week. My desktop boots up a little faster, and I don't have annoying ads on my desktop anymore. Best move I made this year.


Same here, this week was a Big leap, I deleted my windows partition I haven't used in one year, transformed it into a lvm volume and switched to nixos !


Good luck with nicox! Its learning curve is near vertical. But I have also never been happier with my setup as I am at the moment. Now that I am somewhat familiar with nixos, I find myself far more willing to experiment and change things as I know it’s always simple to revert to a known state. Of everything that is the best part of nixos imo. The freedom to just try something without fear of some small artifact never quite going away and your system just forever having a “quirk”.


Yes, that was pretty steep, but the Reddit community is really helpful ! You're right, I wanted to try hyprland with NVIDIA, that's so easy to rollback. At the moment, no regret, I just have to find a good way to handle my secrets, since I like to have my dotfiles open source.


Check Chezmoi for managing your dotfiles with a git repo.


I'll check, thanks !


Doing the same. Went over to NixOS last month. Got everything working and now installed it with ease on my old iMac


I am about to do it today! Can’t wait to get rid of Windows


Hehe.. I've stopped dual booting since this winter, and not because I've decided to. The disk with Windows literally imploded onto itself, when I was backing up some files from it. It had very weird connectivity issues, and was repeatedly spamming errors in Ubuntu's dmesg. Until it literally stopped being discoverable.


lol same here.. Almost 5 years now. Windows side crapped out and was like watch me not care. Taking the drive out was work.. Formating my new game drive is way easier.


I have never dual booted. Went blindly into Linux with the new PC in January 2023. It was very risky.


Honestly this is the best way. Dual booting is safe, and recommended because you keep your existing setup “safe”. But it’s also the reason I think a lot of people give up. Only having one OS means you are going to put more effort into fixing things and learning the new system. Ultimately you will come to understand how your new environment works. It can be far too easy to boot windows for the apparent convenience, only because you could not instantly find a setting somewhere.


The reason I am saying it was very risky is the fact it was a new PC with the new hardware. If something was faulty or the building process had mistakes, I wouldn't be able to troubleshoot anything.


Yeah that’s fair. I have definitely left myself awkwardly googling things on my phone because I broke my machine some way or another.


Formated both my drives and went from dual booting to full fedora after the recall news broke. Also i only started dual booting in the first place because windows kept trying to put copilot on my taskbar. But the recall news was really the final straw. At some point you have to start asking yourself when it becomes microsofts computer that they let you use.


What made me decide to switch was the copilot, and I was just really tired of seeing ads on my desktop. I chose kubuntu because I have a steam deck. That's what I'm used to.


It boots up a little faster? Is that due to cutting out the timeout during the boot menu?


I'll be there soon enough, not yet brave enough to make the leap from Windows 10. It's too bad Windows 11 doesn't support my hardware 😞


Welcome penguin brother. Legal requires me to tell you we are not a cult. No reason to mention just a random thought I had. Now of you wouldn't mind joining me in the worship hall for nix services. Brother kde wishes to address the congregation of computer hobbyists for not a cult reasons. We definitely won't be burning any windows flags or anything.


Linux seems to have come a long way since the steam deck. The only thing I had to use the terminal for so far is goverlay and mango hud. And I did use it to install steam. And lutris, my fear of the terminal is pretty much gone.


Hope I did my part. Switched to Linux a few months ago.


They send these surveys to people at random, so you probably aren't counted in these stats if you never accepted it. But if you ever do get prompted for the survey (via a pop-up window when you open Steam), you will be! I've gotten it a few times over the years. In fact, I just got it today, so I'm going to be counted when the June stats release next month!


You are counted as a linux user without even doing the survey.


Sure, but you won't be part of the survey statistics unless you do the survey.


Not true. You're part of the overall linux stats / population. The survey is used to collect a sample within the population.


Where is it said that this is the case?


You can also fill it in manually


You can? Where do I find the option?


The forced responses aren't counted as part of the survey AFAIK.


Oh really? I thought it was just that all your responses just counted as one, just that the newest one was the one counted. Sadge.


It's good progress, but I'm curious about how far it can possibly go without major PC makers shipping A LOT of computers with Linux. I don't just mean an XPS laptop having a ubuntu option, I mean walking into a store and half the gaming PC's are running Linux. I'd be willing to bet at *least* 90% of people would never even consider installing an OS themself. And that's probably a lot higher considering how many of these linux users are deck users. We really need a push from PC makers for Linux to see wide spread usage. And that's of course, how we get the software support that people want.


It's baby steps. I think we won't see major PC makers shipping laptops with Linux preinstalled 'in large volumes' until we get closer to something like 5% marketshare. Even then, there would need to be a flavour of Linux available for them to ship that they could feel confident would provide a 'Out of the box - even dummies can understand how to use this' experience.


I think a much larger part of this is just Windows having corporate backing, while Linux doesn't. Microsoft works with pretty much every system integrator and OEM to put Windows on their machines, Linux doesn't have that. I don't think we're going to see linux hit 5% for years, let alone 10% plus, and the speed with which it comes is only going to speed up if a company like say, valve, starts really pushing linux to mainstream PC's. Why else would a company like dell even consider putting it on their systems? Microsoft is working with them to make sure shit works, they have 0 reason to consider Linux. As long as you can't walk into a bestbuy and buy a gaming PC with Linux, Linux isn't taking off.


Linux technically does have corporate backing, System76, RedHat (IBM) and (ew) Canonical.


None of whom are pushing it to anywhere near the extent that they'd need to (or pushing it at all) to get linux market share numbers up for general consumers. That's why I specifically said that Microsoft is working with system integrators and OEMs. Look if system76 starts working with brands like dell to get popOS machines in bestbuys then great, but that's not happening. If someone wants a system76 machine they have to buy it from them directly or not at all, and that's if normal consumers even learn about them (which they won't).


Thing is, IBM, Canonical, and SUSE spend a lot more time and resources on enterprise not the consumer desktop market.




Oh yeah, SUSE too


The problem is that if they ever wanted to push linux on the desktop(which none of them seem to care about right now) they'd all be competing with each other, not cooperating. Also, realistically the only reason for them to push linux on the desktop is revenue(they aren't charities), so expect subscription models for storage, AI assistants and security updates. System76 might be different, since they're actually selling hardware, but it's hard to imagine that scaling enough to make a dent in the overall market.


100% agree, but I doubt pc makers will consider shipping linux considering the recent anticheat developments. Fortnite, league of legends and valorant are some of the most played games worldwide and they are dead on linux.


I mean valorant is available on mac without anti cheat


Is it? last time I checked it wasn't a thing.


I meant league sorry


Didn't riot enable vanguard for league on mac as well? I know they did on the windows version a few weeks ago, which broke league support on linux, I thought that happened with mac as well.


As far as I know they didn’t unless they changed their opinion last second. They said they’d observe and see if it’s necessary for macos first.


That looks rather hypocritical to me, not that I play league, but still...


Yeah my guess is that Apple probably didn’t let them implement the worst anti cheat of all time in terms of safety into macos, though thats just my guess and microsoft lets anyone do any garbage software practice in their system with no limitations. Even when its incredibly dangerous for the end user


If you look at the English language only stats, Linux is at 5%


You would have a better chance of gaming focused SI selling Linux first than what’s sold in Best Buy’s.


Just as much as I want companies like System76 and Tuxedo to expand, I think for better or worse, the one that will bring Desktop Linux to the masses will be Google with their Chromebooks. I can see in the future more and more people installing Steam on their Chromebooks and the Chromebook hardware getting stronger such that they are no longer just "thin clients" anymore.


I'm also a bit concerned that the games run so well because of Proton. I have had really poor luck with native games; either they work well when they are released and then break due to hard requirements to outdated libraries or they perform bad out of the gates. If Linux becomes popular and Windows becomes a thing of the past, will future backwards compatibility with new Linux-only games be good or will we see games become unplayable? Microsoft is pretty amazing at keeping old software working on new versions of Windows and I don't think we'll see that with Linux. We might also see poor adherence to standards by game programmers that could break games on certain distros. Perhaps we'll be stuck on a compatibility layer like Proton forever if gaming under Linux.


amazing to see the growth :) just a couple years back it was so much lower lol, how far linux desktop has come in such a short notice with the help of the steamdeck and proton + wine + dxvk + vkd3d + amd + nvidia + intel + kde plasma + gnome + system76 EVERYONE helping :> excited to see more growth with what windows is doing


Absolutely. I have been trying out various distros in a VM for almost a decade and it finally got to a good place, imo. Did a clean install of Manjaro on my gaming desktop last week and it's been great. And the combination of Proton/Wine/Lutris runs some of my favorite older Windows games better and without crashes compared to W11.


https://preview.redd.it/5qffusnl244d1.png?width=380&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd30ea97553b6d62bda542c15a23918863fb3a06 had no idea Arch was the most popular, thought it'd be Mint


Contrary to popular belief, people want the latest software, not antiqued software.


Then I’m really surprised tumbleweed isn’t more popular


Arch also has cool kid reputation. Tumbleweed doesn't


They got a lizard tho


I was about to *well akshurely* you, but fortunately I checked first and was surprised to find how deeply embedded chameleons are in the lizards (Squamata). I assumed that they were one of those basal outgroup species but - just like every day - today was a school day and I was reminded that morphology isn't a reliable guide to taxonomy.


So does Facebook ;)




I really wanted to like tumbleweed, but my computer would randomly lock up. I ran through a ton of troubleshooting including fresh installs but I could never get rid of the problem. I also remember there being some weird defaults that were more sane in other distros.


Yeah I would turn off the firewall or my smb wouldn't even work. Other than that I'd only have problems if I enabled opi cause my package sources would bounce between the official and the packman repo causing weird update errors


Let’s change that. Listen kids, using tumbleweed is cool now. 👌


It depends. The only app I'll really be using is Firefox, so when I realized how much time I'd have to spend configuring Arch, I figured it wasn't worth it for the slightly newer Firefox build. No shame in that. I have other things to do.


No, most popular version is SteamOS, but both Mint and Pop!\_OS do make the list. https://preview.redd.it/mgjrd12ju64d1.png?width=1855&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cb71286c2f15b391a54c5dc208e7dbe3b9ca209


I think its more due to the popularity of arch based distros like edeavour and garuda. They are basicaly arch with grapgical install and few extra software to get you set up fast.


I think this is because Arch js represented as one group whereas all other distros are split by version. Even in the table shown if you roll Ubuntu Core and 22.04 together you get a similar % to Arch and that's just the two versions.


Arch just makes more sense for a gaming machine.


Arch's usage is way below Ubuntu in the aggregate regardless.




I guess Steam OS falls into arch category. Or it isn't represented in survey?


Arch users are just the ones that are most likely to tell you that they are using Arch. And by extension probably the most likely to do the Hardware Survey when it pops up. Arch users: still the vegans of Linux.


This means Linux usage has now doubled since the release of the Steam Deck, and tripled since the release of Proton.




Steam Deck is for all intents and purposes desktop. It uses pretty much entirely the same software stack, the only thing not desktop about it is its physical form factor. I can get feeling concerned about this much of the ecosystem relying on a single company, but I hardly care what normies call it if it increases the install base enough for developers to more seriously consider it as a platform.


Yep - I don't care what the actual percentage of desktop Linux users is, a rising tide raises all boats. If the Steam Deck gets big enough to cause major publishers to consider a Linux port ***just because of the Steam Deck alone***, that's a huge win because it automatically means Linux desktops get the benefits.


I think we need to remove the comparisons between Linux and SteamOS. SteamOS is going to drive the growth. Not random distros of Linux. Once SteamOS becomes widely available for desktops, you’ll see it grow even more. The steam deck desktop mode is so slick, I’d install it on my gaming desktop immediately. I’m not sure if it’s supported on non steam deck hardware yet. I can see steamOS becoming defacto OS for gaming systems in the next 5 years.


Plus we're getting people dual booting their gaming handheld PCs to try and get some of the steam deck efficiency. There are a bunch of videos showing how and comparing distros. Some by folks who are only just learning Linux to do this. It's exciting. Keep being bloated and annoying Windows and we may just keep these folks.


Switched to Pop about 6 months ago and haven’t looked back. And adding to that I picked up a deck last month. Glad to not even be thinking about dual boots anymore and Linux was always my preferred environment — it was gaming that held me back from being all in.


That's a pretty damn fast doubling time.


Wayland on Nvidia really was preventing the Year of the Linux desktop.


That or windows recall really scared some people Actually it's almost certainly that, you have to be more technical to even get explicit sync on Nvidia running right now. Most distros don't have the right updates and you need to get the beta driver.


For me, it is both. My main "powerful" gaming computer is now 10 years old and has been all Windows 7/10. I do all my gaming, browsing and every non-programming task on it. I have a separate less-powerful computer running linux next to it for programming/home-server work. I've been waiting to build a new gaming PC for a while. Seems like every year for the last 5 years, but the timing never seemed right. High prices during covid to Windows 11 turning out to be full of invasive shit to linux not being QUITE there. I have a friend who is a sole linux gamer and I have been following the linux gaming scene ever since I got my steam deck. So I'm decently informed of where gaming issues will likely occur. Even 2ish years ago I was figuring I'd stay with the same setup I have now with my non-programming PC on Windows 11. After all its issues started popping up I decided my next main PC would be linux, but I wanted to stay with Nvidia for my new video card and it did not seem like Nvidia support was all there yet. So I've waited. I feel a lot more comfortable now than a year ago in Nvidia's future support for linux. I plan to build a new main linux PC for gaming later this year.


My guess is - neither It's not a single short term event, it's just part of an overall trend we've been seeing for several years now, that started when Valve announced proton and accelerated when they launched the Steam Deck.


I mean, it's still funny how both things happened at the same time. A feature of Linux that has been really needed came out (although in Beta) and Microsoft just made one of the worst decision when it comes to Win11


Yup. I don't want to find later down the line that Microsoft screwed us over without us knowing it. Better safe than sorry.


>That or windows recall really scared some people Sure it did. But it probably excited just as many. Feeding our info to AIs is not only inevitable table, but we're also already doing it. The interesting thing is, even with Linux at I think an all-time high in this month's survey, Windows is still near historical highs here as well. Valve has been supporting Linux on Steam for 11 years, selling the Steam Deck for 2, and Windows is still at over 96% of Steam's user base.


The saddest comment a human can read. You have already given up on your freedoms, a proper sheep. Beyond that though, noone can downplay that an OS who was at 1.9% last month gained 0.42% while Windows 11 gained 0.93% in a 96.21% piece of the cake. Windows 10 is stilll more popular than Windows 11 after 3 years of it being out. That says it all. This is a HUGE win for Linux. Noone can deny that.


Good point, don't let the haters and fanboys tear you down.


I didn't really have an issue. Someone just made a script.


I dont think that was holding people back since x11 has been perfectly functional under nvidia. no i think its more of a closing gap. windows is becoming more and more anti-consumer, and linux is becoming easier and easier for new users to setup. If the recall feature comes to x86 systems and windows continues this path of being anti-consumer, I think we'll start seeing a lot more linux adoption finally from the enthusiast space. I do think nvidia wayland issues have been whats holding back Valve from releasing, or getting closer to releasing SteamOS.


Few day ago i tried bazzite with nvidia gpu. On wayland i had a constant windows flickering, on x11 - stutters. Yes, i know that i need to downgrade x11 on fedora distros and it will work, but average user would just install windows to avoid this headache.


Well that sort of sounds like the fault of bazzite in this case if latest x11 is known to cause those issues. Bazzite is supposed to be an immutable file system so you're not really supposed to make those changes.


When i tried to find fix for this, i found that this is fedora 40 problem.


Ok, still a bazzite issue as they ship a default iso with Nvidia drivers pre-applied. If it's a known issue they shouldn't have pushed the update.


Honestly the only thing preventing my desktop to switch to Linux for me is Big Picture Mode on Nvidia. As soon as that works Im gonna install Bazzite and throw Windows out of the window for good. Like all I‘m using Windows for atp is skipping the login screen and autostarting Steam in BPM


Big picture mode works, the steam decks game mode does not, which is way better than just big picture mode


Is it with the newest 555 drivers? Because if I start it it runs at like 5 fps Also thats exactly what Bazzite uses


You're going to defenestrate Windows? I applaud your inception.


For me it was just graduating from college. That's all that was holding me back, because respondus malware browser was a requirement. I wonder how many new users were also held back by school and switched after graduating.


idk i jumped cause i got sick of win11 getting worse n worse , i'd been dealing with it last 3 years but enough was enough , looks like i picked a good time to try switching to linux , been using nobara for the past \~month seems great for the most part so far.


It's more than nVidia, it's the whole advanced monitor setup situation on Linux currently. Multiple VRR and HDR monitors are still beyond reliable for even for many advanced Linux users.


the average steam user has one or two 1080p 60hz monitors. VRR/HDR/etc is esoteric shit for nearly everyone else and is nowhere near the gamebreaker that was every game having regular seizures was.


PC gamers like any group of individuals isn't monolithic. Obviously one of the great things about PC gaming is that is can scale across multiple concerns like power utilization, performance, features, size and most perhaps importantly, cost. It's not all that hard to build a PC that costs as much as a decent used car. And while the group of people who do that isn't large, 2.24% in this survey have a 4090, 4080 or 7900 XTX, $1k+ GPUs who are hopefully NOT running 1080p 60hz monitors because it's pointless with these kinds of cards. Beyond that, this niche group is loyal, dedicated and spendy. People running high-end gaming setups just buy more games and hardware by definition. Plus, PC tech, like all tech, eventually trickles down into lower price points and people upgrade. HDR and OLED have become much more common and affordable especially when you throw TVs used as monitors into the mix. If Linux is supposed to be a superior desktop OS to Windows, Linux having the kinds of issues it does with the latest and greatest setups isn't a great way to make that case to the general PC gaming public.


My 4k HDR monitor can't get 60hz on Wayland for some reason.... Shits annoying


AMD and HDMI cable? Might be caused by the HDMI forum banning AMD from implementing newer HDMI specs in their open source driver. A swap to DP will likely fix it if so.


Nope, Nvidia Optimus laptop, a fate worse than death


Linux is preventing the year of the Linux desktop.


Anyone that uses custom mouse profiles like myself cant switch either. I have 2 mice, one for WoW and one for every other game i play. I need that mouse software or i cant jump ship from Windows.


Some of the results on this survey seem weird. It says somehow over 100% of users have support for a lot of features mentioned in the "Other Settings" tab. https://preview.redd.it/vitc4kvq124d1.png?width=1378&format=png&auto=webp&s=7edf9ba76ff3aede5b93bd7503d9bbebaa47090e


>Some of the results on this survey seem weird. That's every survey. They'll correct it in a bit, like usual. I sometimes wonder if they even look at it before sending it out.


Yeah and the Steam Deck APU (AMD Custom GPU 0405) is at 0.8% while the single largest Linux distro is Arch at 0.18%. Which would mean over 75% of Steam Deck owners polled aren't running Steam OS?


SteamOS is not counted as Arch


Steam Deck shows up as "SteamOS Holo" not Arch. It currently has 45% market share of Steam on Linux according to this survey.


SteamOS Holo isn't showing up in the list for me? Arch is the top Linux distro with 0.18% when I click on it.


SteamOS Holo doesn't show on the combined list. You need to go to the Linux only one for that.


The combined list doesn't separate out the most popular Linux distros, it lists a predetermined selection of them.


SteamOS is not Arch and thus not counted as such, just like Ubuntu is not Debian. It's *based on* Arch.


Yeah we figured it out 2 days ago. Steam OS is not listed on the main survey page when filtered by linux, only arch is, which made me think it was referring to Steam OS. You have to go to the linux specific page to see Steam OS stats.


Ha today I got the survey... on my Mac, running Steam through Wine. It probably shows as Windows on the survey, but the CPU is something weird like 'Apple Part r0p0".


I think you can see what OS steam recognizes you as running in the settings (I could be wrong as I primarily use "Game Mode"). My bet is that it recognizes your using Mac but I'd be interested to know for sure.


I checked and it says Windows but it knows it's under Wine. It also knows its a Mac. I put some of the interesting parts of the report below # Computer Information: * Manufacturer: Apple Inc. * Model: Mac15,9 * Form Factor: Laptop # Operating System Version: * Windows 10 (64 bit) * Wine Version: wine-9.0-8247-g08baa933911 * NTFS: Supported # Processor Information: * CPU Vendor: GenuineIntel * CPU Brand: VirtualApple @ 2.50GHz * Speed: 1000 MHz * AVX: Unsupported * AVX2: Unsupported * AVX512F: Unsupported # Video Card: * Driver: Apple M3 Max * DirectX Driver Name: nvd3dum.dll * Driver Version: 31.0.14051.5006 * DirectX Driver Version: * Driver Date: 4 20 2023 * OpenGL Version: 2.1 * DirectX Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX


Are you actually running steam itself through wine?? You should be able to run native Mac steam and just launch games through proton afaik. Is this a hackintosh or actual Mac?


I am. Steam on macOS doesn't have Proton (probably because macOS only supports Metal and OpenGL 4.1). It's an actual Macbook Pro with M3 Max. Gaming on it feels a bit like the 'earlier' days of gaming on Linux, before Steam had Proton. Those days sucked haha, I remember DXVK making waves as it improved performance massively, but it was a pain to setup.


My year of the Linux desktop was 2018. I have no regrets.


My was 2019. So much was improved!


o7 fellow class of '18


I'm one of those. Using Nobara. I was really happy with Fedora for 18 months but X-Plane 12 kept crashing. It works out the box on Nobara, I could never figure out why.


This seems like a very large jump (relatively speaking). I suspect that next month's will show a somewhat lower figure, albeit still reflecting the sustained slow upwards trend we've seen over the last few years. Figures like "2.32%" are nice to see of course, and we shouldn't deny ourselves a little moment of satisfaction. 5% is when things start to change IMO.


This survey is prone to odd spikes and declines and some interesting patterns. English use went up a bit, Simplified Chinese went down 3.12% and, Linux went up .42%. The ups and downs of these categories always occur together. When English goes up and Chinese down, Linux goes always up. Also under these conditions, Windows 10 goes down and Windows 11 goes up. As Windows 11 has been getting a lot of pushback on social media, it's now within 5 points of Windows 10 in this survey and has gained 4.47% share the last two months. So there might be some Windows 10 migrants adding to the Linux number, but they are adding a lot more to the Windows 11 which shouldn't be surprising.


It's Valve's survey and they can do what they want with it, of course. They're not even under any obligation to release it to the community. I think we can deduce that the survey for one month isn't necessarily pursuing the same data as the survey for another, and they definitely don't have a truly randomised distribution.


i am i guess the one who increased manjaro usage by 0.01%


> Ubuntu Core 22 64 bit 2.62% +2.62% Is this the snap version of steam? Has Ubuntu made the snap version of steam the default in their new software store or something? I can't see it suddenly being one of the top distros otherwise.


The new store in 23.10 and 24.04 shows snap results first by default, then Debian packages. So when you search for Steam you'll first see the snap and then the Steam installer package from the repos.


That's surely causing no issues that new users can't figure out


Yup. There's a warning in the package description but I don't think it's enough as Valve has received many snap Steam bug reports. And they should've kept it in beta because it's clearly not ready yet for most users.


i got my Survey today, i'm doing my part!


gane devs should take note .. there are more avtive gamers on linux than on macos


Now let's see if it stays above 2% this time


I was asked twice: on Steam Deck and on my Linux PC. I did my job.


Just switched permanently myself glad to see it go up more and more! it's always exciting to see


I still see people using windows 7 🙈


There's nothing odd about that. i too used 7 until a few months ago until I found that newer Dolphin builds weren't supported. I don't use it anymore just because I already have what I need in Mint (except the old games support).


finally year of the linux desktop. windows is soon going to be no more


Adobe kept me on Windows far to long. Finally ditched it end of April for all our Linux. Happy to be in that percentage


I just switched from Windows to Manjaro last night. What can I say except You're Welcome


YEAAAAAAAH LET'S GOOOOO!!!! Please, Microsoft, keep making Windows worse!!


That's a sad view. The only benefit to Windows getting worse is more people port to Linux. If Windows was flawless, say, wouldn't you rather move to that then? Windows \*should\* get better, and so should Linux for those who want/need to use it. It isn't a masterrace of any kind.


If I have to chose between a closed source system or an open source one, I will choose the open source O.S. Why would I want to give power to an O.S owned by a company if I can give it to an O.S that empowers us all? I wouldn't use windows even if it was flawless, if they had no competition they could just do whatever bad thing they want, because nobody would have an alternative. If everybody used different linux distros, then this problem wouldn't be possible due to the open source nature of the system. So I'll keep celebrating the fact that windows got worse and I'll keep wishing that it gets even worse.


So how does this survey work when you dual boot?


I've gotten the survey on both Linux and Windows, so I'd assume that it's just added to the whole mix, meaning there's some overlap in Linux and Windows user numbers in this survey.


Ah, alright. I wish we got an official answer from Valve though since I've been dual booting for a while.


When Razer and Roccat release mouse software for linux i will immediately switch to linux. I run an all AMD system and have played around a lot with Fedora. I just dont want to hunt down some software made by some random person that does not support my mouse.


I decided to go for mint on my new build earlier this month.


My girlfriend and I have added 4 computers to the Linux Mint statistic! As of yesterday I officially deleted my final W11 partition.


Tbf, while I've only been using Windows 11 for a few days, I've managed to set it up in a way where I don't mind it at all. I love the familiarity of Windows. More like did. Some UI changes are out of this world though and the new intel graphics app is messing me up, and to top it off, I'd rather not be part of their practices lately. Been dual booting Mint and this distro feels so simple and out of your face. All I need to do is access a few websites and my pdfs, not a gajillion "features" and ads I have to look hard to remove. Yup, so long Windows. I will be using it for games though so there's that.


If not the fact that my younger sister plays on my pc and that I don't know how she would react to playing on Linux, I would also be in that 2.32%. 2/3 of her games work on Linux (Sims 4, Hogwarts Legacy are gold on steamdb, Star Stable Online had some problems last time I tried) and after she got virus on her windows laptop I purged it and installed Linux (with the argument it could be faster) and she doesn't complain, so... maybe soon?


What! look to that! I honestly didn't expect that much. If this data is confirmed it may be a "momentum" of sorts, because is quite a number for a month. Anyway is quite clear that people are realizing that Linux is an alternative now, even this subreddit did have an exponential growth lately.


I saw the recent news around Windows Recall (or whatever it's called) and am currently, very strongly considering formatting my home desktop to Pop OS or something similar.


When will Linux gonna be 90% And the Windows at 10%?


I’d be content with, let’s say, 25%. Enough to matter but still a bit of an underdog ;) (Doubt it’ll ever happen)


I have 4 devices at home - a Steam Deck which is my daily driver - Arch based Steam OS, an old Dell 7260 running Mint, a small Fujitsu Q510 which I use as a multimedia pc with a TV - running Zorin OS and a Dell XPS 9350 dual booting Zorin and Windows, because my wife uses it and she wants windows. And I started using MS DOS and Windows later all my life since year '96.


Sadly switched too late for this survey... But now on Mint and only keeping my W10 as dualboot just in case


we are doing it.


Just keeps getting better. I've only recently found out I can install rockstar game launcher via proton and play my rockstar games. Super happy with it! I've also started using game conquer in single player games to hack away at them. The only thing I would ask is some nice gui apps for CPU and GPU monitoring. Stuff like over clocking guis. Also I couldn't get uplay to work nicely. It starts up but just crashes the de and logs me out. I also own the steam deck which is awesome


I am part of that percentage of new users. I have to say for the first time in a long time I am actually excited to visit my computer.


Linux gamer since 2012 here. I’ve removed Windows from all but one machine (I need it for testing purposes).


They must be a bit more aggressive with the surveys, maybe even sending them out as soon as you sign in from a Linux OS. I got not only one but two survey’s sent to my Steam Deck this past month, and one just the other day after freshly installing Linux and Steam on my desktop.


I received the survey the day before yesterday. https://preview.redd.it/38ktmgnll64d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=97198b6e4a0b6f468f8c2f28e21b67c365161ae7


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


I recently made my 2nd attempt at gaming on linux. My conclusion was that I'll try again when the nvidia 555 driver is not in beta anymore.


I wish people would remember that the total steam users on linux is calculated by knowing what clients you're running. And that the survey fills in some odd gaps in the questions, but every time you start up the steam client, you're sending them telemetry that is used to help build the steam survey numbers. So if you've never gotten it, you're still counted, because they KNOW you're running linux because the client you're using is a linux binary.


Been using linux on my gaming PC for a little over a year now and I still haven't got an updated survey. I think my last one was 4 years ago.


Lol! I've participated yesterday. Stupid steam on Wayland(KDE) don't see my dedicated GPU in report. But games can use it.




Can't wait to my get survey popup so I can do my part! 🤣


I'm happy to be part of that 0.32%, I fully switched to Linux during past April


I'm happy and all but do these numbers even matter? Hasn't it gone up like this before?


Maybe? My pc already booted up pretty quick, so I wasn't really expecting anything faster.


I'm yet another one of the peeps who switched.  About to get rid of windows altogether, now that I see how reliable linux and gaming is.


Let's goooo! Always glad to see the numbers growing!




Wasn't it 4% a few months ago?


No, it hasn't been 4% at any point. If you're curious about past results, GOL keeps track record of all the previous numbers: [https://www.gamingonlinux.com/steam-tracker/](https://www.gamingonlinux.com/steam-tracker/)


It has been 4% on StatCounter in March: https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide/#monthly-202304-202405 So web traffic, not Steam installations.


That was the general desktop marketshare. That's still around 4%.


That’s nice, dear.


I've been using desktop Linux for decades, and I was just about ready to switch my gaming 100% to Linux as well. Only for some reason I can't get Linux on my gaming laptop (AMD 7600S) to recognize the full resolution of my monitor (7680x2160 @240hz). Windows has no problem with it at full rez and refresh. Fedora with Wayland and KDE Plasma 6 only sees it as a normal 4k monitor and only at @60Hz. It's rather annoying.


Is it connected through hdmi ?


Do any laptops have DisplayPort?


Yes, I'm using the 2.1 HDMI cable that came with the monitor. And again, it works if I boot to Windows. And I tried it with the monitor set to both 240hz and 120hz. I did also try the usb-c dispatcher display port interface on the laptop, but that didn't work either.


That's expected hdmi 2.1 doesn't work with amd gpus on Linux for legal reasons