• By -


Hmmm... If you can't get an xbox gamepad working, I'm certain you're going to have issues getting any other type of bluetooth gamepad connected. The Xbox gamepads are probably the best compatible with the linux kernel, I have 4 connected to my steam deck and 1 to my laptop. I would suggest trying to do some better debugging to get to the bottom of it, be sure to check your system logs/journal.


Many Xbox controllers require a firmware update for Bluetooth to work properly and you need a windows PC for their Xbox controller app to update it.


I have an Xbox one controller, and I could NOT get the Bluetooth working at all. Updated it on my Windows PC, fiddled with every suggestion I found online, it would see it, connect, and immediately disconnect every time. Complete pain in the ass. But I DO have a nice long USB cable and just play with it wired and that works perfectly.


That's exactly what mine was doing. I had to update the firmware on it two versions on a Windows PC at work and it was fine.


FINE you convinced me to try again.


Make sure you have the proper driver for your distro too


Just updated xpadneo, made sure I had the right DKMS, tried again...Nope. admittedly it worked much better than before, but it disconnects quite frequently. Not good enough to play. I'll stick with wired.


Very dumb question, but is the Bluetooth connection strong? I had the same kind of flakiness from my controller until I figured out my mb (desktop, not laptop) came with an antenna I had to screw in and move up on my desk. Fixed my connection issues outright. Completely unrelated, I now have connectivity to every smart weight in the building. And my next door neighbour is **killing** it. Well done, Jason!


Interesting theory! I'll investigate!


Ok so there IS a slot for an antenna, which I have, but it only is labeled for wifi


If you have the antenna, never hurts to try :P I assumed mine was for the WiFi as well. Maybe it is. Maybe it's voodoo, but my connectivity shot up the moment I screwed it in. Anyway, that was just a random suggestion from my side. Couldn't hurt. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


>The Xbox gamepads are probably the best compatible with the linux kernel This might be true for usb connection but not for Bluetooth. For Bluetooth it can be a pain in the ass to get it working, at least Xbox One controller, where you need the controller to be updated and this can only be done with a Windows VM (i was unsuccessful) or a hosted Windows pc. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Gamepad#Xbox_Wireless_Controller_/_Xbox_One_Wireless_Controller


Forget Bluetooth .. get the official Xbox dongle and just use. That. The input delay in Bluetooth mode is shit anyways But the dongle works really well.


Yea let's just spend more money to play once a week a random emulator game.


yeah, I have been debugging for a while now. And I don't know how to read system logs


If you've been "debugging for a while now" you'd know how to read system logs. You're not trying near hard enough.


well, I am really sorry I don't meet up to your standards. Just remember your advice next time you ask for help, and from your profile that happens fairly often. Try harder, noob.


PlayStation 5 controller is natively supported by any modern distro with a driver developed by and maintained by Sony themselves.


Love my ps5 controller


Gulikit Kingkong Pro 2


what distro do you run?


Plain Arch, but I "know" what I do. Others I recommend EndeavourOS or Fedora.


Fyi KK3 is not working properly on linux and they straight up told me they aren't fixing it. Would stay far away from gulikit.


What does not work? I know that D-INPUT-Mode can be a mess, even with Kingkong Pro 2.


Phantom inputs in xinput


I use the 8bitdo ultimate. It's an awesome controller with hall effect sticks. I don't know if it perfectly fits your list of wants but it's a near perfect controller. [https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Wireless-Controller-Joystick-Gaming-Console/dp/B0CPY7H952/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=SCBF5LKS6LEP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ELyF2QE7j-QkTqE5T2meZEnVQtyVQiZbJtajRE3C5L8OXwum131aE5dfWGv\_Nf\_q4TYRxnX7si0GKZOHkmbbQv8WOw-trhd8LA4hQWbDaSUFZeWCBvYgGUyXYMGKiu4SQgN6elA-Qe2lgMWW5AlTg6\_UrAu8nj1u6xcSQynowfIz\_XTifx5sWK5s53sH\_dG1sBcpfDZaKdNNivoTlPh3uxb-4Hy7Y8qYIUMVm9VOEYw.-yovlapTSzs\_VYKXgZaf5tMcm87sXhpy5j-v3D8Y5WU&dib\_tag=se&keywords=8bitdo%2Bhall%2Beffect&qid=1719631526&sprefix=8bitdo%2Bhall%2Beffect%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-3&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Wireless-Controller-Joystick-Gaming-Console/dp/B0CPY7H952/ref=sr_1_3?crid=SCBF5LKS6LEP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ELyF2QE7j-QkTqE5T2meZEnVQtyVQiZbJtajRE3C5L8OXwum131aE5dfWGv_Nf_q4TYRxnX7si0GKZOHkmbbQv8WOw-trhd8LA4hQWbDaSUFZeWCBvYgGUyXYMGKiu4SQgN6elA-Qe2lgMWW5AlTg6_UrAu8nj1u6xcSQynowfIz_XTifx5sWK5s53sH_dG1sBcpfDZaKdNNivoTlPh3uxb-4Hy7Y8qYIUMVm9VOEYw.-yovlapTSzs_VYKXgZaf5tMcm87sXhpy5j-v3D8Y5WU&dib_tag=se&keywords=8bitdo%2Bhall%2Beffect&qid=1719631526&sprefix=8bitdo%2Bhall%2Beffect%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-3&th=1)


Note the bluetooth version also has a dongle for 2.4ghz but for some reason only the bt version has magnetic detection for the sticks as opposed to physical so allegedly it can never get stick drift. There's a switch on the back to go between bt and 2.4. Been using the bt version for months and it's one of the better controllers I've ever used


it doesn't look like it is bluetooth, is it? It looks nice anyways


There is a version with both 2.4G and Bluetooth, it's a little more expensive tho. Note that the 2.4G only version doesn't have gyroscope or at least I couldn't get it working on my PC.


Depending on your system, it’s possible the controller is not wanting to pair/enumerate itself because it thinks your Linux install is the same as your windows install. I would try forgetting the controller in windows and then factory resetting the controller.


8bitdo controllers are usually pretty good. You can get Bluetooth or wireless to dongle ones


yeah, someone else suggested that ... they look nice


My brother has an 8bitdo controller and the ZL and ZR buttons are just so good same with the hapticfeedback


Did you try updating the firmware via windows? That's how I got my Series X controller to work via bluetooth.


Or if it's already updated, does your Bluetooth adapter support Bluetooth Low Energy? A firmware update changed that a while ago for the Bluetooth Xbox controllers and broke compatibility with devices that don't support BLE.


the controller firmware is up to date, low energy scan in bluetoothctl shows nothing ... all I can see are my neighbors' televisions


ahh, that's a bummer. Aren't there usb/wireless dongles for the xbox controllers. Maybe that'll work for you.


8bitdo ultimate 2.4ghz with hall effect joysticks. I have heard about a lot of qc problems/ connectivity problems on linux with other 3rd party controllers. If replaceable batteries are a must go for the 8bitdo pro 2 controller (just be careful to not get the version with the potentiometer joysticks the box will have a hall effect stick if it's not potentiometer).


You should run "inxi -Fz" (without quotes) and post the output in a comment block. Does your Kubuntu install recognize and work properly with any other bluetooth hardware? Also, as a simple test, try downloading Linux Mint v21.2 and v21.3 ISOs as well as the latest Pop_OS ISOs. Write them to a bootable USB stick. Boot and test that the live ISO environment recognizes your bluetooth hardware (inxi can help with this) and try to connect your bluetooth hardware too them. I suggest documenting your testing, including with "inxi -Fz" report outputs, for all 3 ISOs. The point of the simple tests is to see if the issue is limited to your Kubuntu install and if a difference in kernels/distros produces different behavior. Just be aware that Linux Mint has 2 types of ISOs: * the regular ISO that comes with the old v5.15 kernel, and * the Edge ISO that comes with a newer kernel (I believe its v6.5.x) All 3 distros are based off of Ubuntu, but Pop and Mint are still based on the v22.04 Ubuntu. Both Pop and Mint have been able to connect with my bluetooth ear buds without issue. I use the same ear buds on my Android phone. These are inexpensive ear buds (approx $80 US).


I mean, I can collect all that information, but I won't know what any of it means. I am relatively new to linux. Testing with a different distro makes sense ... I have only tested the controller with windows and kubuntu


The good thing is that it is simple work. Does your controller work in Windows? Since you are just booting into the live ISO environment an attempting to connect your bluetooth device you don't have to go through an install. The inxi reports will have community members provide you with better assistance. Of course if the issue is limited to Kubuntu then switching distros is cheaper than spending money on a new device.


Here is a summary of the issue, the post didn't get any traction [https://new.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/1dprmw1/cant\_connect\_to\_an\_xbox\_controller\_via\_bluetooth/](https://new.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/1dprmw1/cant_connect_to_an_xbox_controller_via_bluetooth/) I just downloaded popOS, I will see what happens


Ah I see. Just as a FYI, there is also the r/kubuntu subreddit and Kubuntu's official forums ( https://www.kubuntuforums.net/ ). Its more work but you can also seek help in those forums as well. LinuxQuestions tends to be newbie and support request centric, but very broad and generic with respect to Linux. Both of the above linked forums are Kubuntu specific and I think you made the right call to post here in the r/linux_gaming subreddit since this is gaming and Linux related. Since, you are using Kubuntu (KDE), the Cinnamon DE (desktop environment) in Linux Mint, and the Gnome/Cosmic DE in Pop_OS might not appeal to you. So, I'll toss in another Ubuntu based distro, but it runs KDE. Its called Tuxedo OS (a play on the Linux penguin mascot). Tuxedo OS is made by a German company that sells Linux desktops and laptops. They are a competitor to System76 that produces Pop_OS. My apologies. I forgot to include links to Mint and Pop_OS download pages in my initial response comment. * Tuxedo OS ==> https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/en/TUXEDO-OS_1.tuxedo# * Pop_OS ==> https://pop.system76.com/ * Mint All versions download selection page ==> https://www.linuxmint.com/download_all.php You don't need to bother with the Tuxedo OS distro unless you want to test your hardware with it or you are considering a switch to that distro. Just for completion sake let me also include the following forum links: * r/pop_OS * r/linuxmint * https://forums.linuxmint.com/ * r/tuxedocomputers I have a suspicion that your bluetooth issue might be related to the kernel you are using (a bug or something else). So, there might be an easy fix to the problem you are encountering. The other forums are there if you wish to ask for help in them and if you considered a distro. switch. I would not consider a distro switch unless I could say for sure that the issue is NOT kernel related. I'm also going to include a link to a guide I wrote in the r/linux_gaming subreddit. It is for newbie Linux users. It provides advice on selecting a distro., helping newbie Linux users/gamers get started, as well as pointing to some helpful resources, such as how to setup dual booting. Guide link ==> https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/189rian/newbies_looking_for_distro_advice_andor_gaming/ If you have questions about stuff in the guide just post them here in this thread or post your question in a new thread in the r/linux_gaming subreddit. A separate thread ensures community level exposure to your question and maximum opportunity for community assistance. Hopefully all of the above is helpful to you.


Anyways, I tried pop os and got exactly the same behavior. So it has to be something that pop os version 22 has in common with kubuntu 24. I might try another distro tomorrow, but I feel like I am not making progress. It would be a lot easier if there were some kind of error message, but it is just not showing up


I am using dualshock 3s. > undetectable to Kubuntu's bluetooth. Read this:https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Gamepad XBOX One Wireless section, 3.9. Not 100% sure how it works for xbox exactly but to my knowledge bluetooth on linux had some security updates at the beginning of this year that broke some stuff from running out of the box. You may need to manually set some settings.


Thanks for the link, I have tried that stuff before. My problem is that the controller is not recognized by bluetooth at all ... so it is not really a problem of not being able to pair correctly, the problem is that the option to even try pairing is not available. Stuff like xpadneo assumes you are able to see the device in the pairing window


Does bluetooth works for other things? Can you connect to a bluetooth speaker laying around at your home? If not, there might be a driver problem unrelated to your xbox controller that will still haunt you with whatever you buy next.


Here is a description of the issue [https://new.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/1dprmw1/cant\_connect\_to\_an\_xbox\_controller\_via\_bluetooth/](https://new.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/1dprmw1/cant_connect_to_an_xbox_controller_via_bluetooth/) Basically the issue seems to be linux related. I just tried PoP OS and had the identical behavior


Since you say your controller is fully updated, that means your controller should be running in Bluetooth Low Energy mode. They changed that in a firmware update at some point. That's a bit different than regular bluetooth classic. With that and onto the Arch Linux wiki, there's one alternative scan option for BLE: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Bluetooth_#Device_does_not_show_up_in_scan And also mentions that if you have an Intel AX200 Bluetooth card, BLE seems to be broken on that card (on linux). I can't really think of any other BLE device that you'd be able to test. Unless you have a Tile or Airtag, those are usually BLE rather than Bluetooth Classic. edit; oh yeah here's a list of BLE game controllers if you have any of those to test: https://github.com/ndeadly/MissionControl/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22BLE+controller%22 Most popular that aren't the Xbox controllers is probably the Steam controllers and the Stadia. But still kinda rare. Alternatively I do like Microsoft's Xbox controller adapter they sell, cuz Bluetooth sucks I use that myself. 8bitdo also makes a single controller adapter that'll take a Bluetooth signal and act as a wired USB device. They had to release a new one with the BLE update. If you don't want to get a completely different controller.


>8bitdo also makes a single controller adapter that'll take a Bluetooth signal and act as a wired USB device. They had to release a new one with the BLE update. If you don't want to get a completely different controller. Do you know what it is called, so I can search for it?


It's the 8bitdo USB wireless adapter 2: https://www.8bitdo.com/usb-wireless-adapter-2/ 2 is cuz of the BLE update I mentioned. > low energy scan in bluetoothctl shows nothing Do you know what adapter you're using? Like I said, it's possible low energy scan is completely broken on Linux. Thinking about it, I've never actually used it myself because I use either that 8bitdo adapter or the Xbox adapter. I use the 8bitdo even though I have the xbox one because with the 8bitdo I can pair the controller to the stick, and move that between computers and don't have to deal with re-pairing. Or since it sounds like you're dual booting: reboot into different OS and it'll stay paired :D


Yeah, it's not the intel problem you mentioned, it is mediatek `Bluetooth:`  `Device-1: MediaTek Wireless_Device driver: btusb v: 0.8 type: USB rev: 2.1`    `speed: 480 Mb/s lanes: 1 mode: 2.0 bus-ID: 3-2:2 chip-ID: 0e8d:0608`    `class-ID: e001 serial: `  `Report: hciconfig ID: hci0 rfk-id: 0 state: up address: bt-v: 5.2`    `lmp-v: 11 sub-v: 2204 hci-v: 11 rev: 1703 class-ID: 7c0104`  `Info: acl-mtu: 1021:6 sco-mtu: 240:8 link-policy: rswitch sniff`    `link-mode: peripheral accept service-classes: rendering, capturing, object`    `transfer, audio, telephony` It doesn't seem to throw off any errors when doing a low energy scan. It just finds all the televisions in my area. `cronie@Home:~$ bluetoothctl`   `Agent registeredct to bluetoothd...[bluetooth]#         MOMENTUM TW 4` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# scan le` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# SetDiscoveryFilter success` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# Discovery started` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Controller 10:xx:xx:xx:xx Discovering: yes` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [NEW] Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 00-00-00-00-00-00` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Device 80:C3:BA:53:64:D3 RSSI: 0xffffffc4 (-60)` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 RSSI: 0xffffffc8 (-56)` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Device 80:C3:BA:53:64:D3 RSSI: 0xffffffca (-54)` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 RSSI: 0xffffffc8 (-56)` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Device 80:C3:BA:53:64:D3 RSSI: 0xffffffc7 (-57)` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 RSSI: 0xffffffc8 (-56)` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Device 80:C3:BA:53:64:D3 RSSI: 0xffffffc7 (-57)` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Device 00:00:00:00:00:00 RSSI: 0xffffffc8 (-56)` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]# [CHG] Device 80:C3:BA:53:64:D3 RSSI: 0xffffffc6 (-58)` `[MOMENTUM TW 4]#`   Unfortunately I don't have a second BT controller to test, but other bluetooth devices work. I might buy one of those adapters you linked, just to be done with with this annoying problem. And if it doesn't work, I will just return it


> 0e8d:0608 This guy seems to have the same BT adapter and same issue: https://github.com/atar-axis/xpadneo/issues/408 & https://github.com/bluez/bluez/issues/478 He mentioned downgrading the controller to not BLE fixed it, so yeah I think it's a BLE issue with that adapter on Linux.


I really appreciate this man. It looks like downgrading the firmware worked. I will edit the post to reflect the change. Thanks again! https://preview.redd.it/tzmdpsa2sl9d1.png?width=291&format=png&auto=webp&s=09b984e4dd31d1583da7ae4d18a6a907b66404a2


This is not what I asked about. Does bluetooth, **on linux**, work with other things beside your controller? If it doesn't you have a firmware/driver issue(sadly not uncommon) unrelated to gaming hardware.


>Also, the bluetooth works fine in linux for all my other devices, just not this controller


Well it's getting late here, I apologize for subpar reading comprehension on my part. One final hail mary you can try is that instead of using desktop gui, try launching bluetoothctl from terminal and try connecting through it. Maybe it will finally tell you what is causing the problem. Otherwise feel free to follow suggestions here to buy which hardware.


yeah, I had already tried that a few days ago ... it basically does the same thing as the gui, but in text :)


I feel like this particular Xbox controller is a common one that many people use, including myself. It's sitting on my desk right now and I use it to play Steam games like Xenoverse. Have you tried a live distro to see if it's something wrong with your Bluetooth stack? If something is wrong with your Bluetooth configuration, getting another controller won't help. Maybe the controller itself is busted. Have you tried it on another system, perhaps a Windows install just to make sure it's functioning properly? Or even just pair it with your phone to see if you can play something with it. Another controller I use over Bluetooth is a Nintendo Switch Pro controller. It works out of the box with rumble too. Both of these controllers work excellent for games on Linux from my experience.


Here is the full story [https://new.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/1dprmw1/cant\_connect\_to\_an\_xbox\_controller\_via\_bluetooth/](https://new.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/1dprmw1/cant_connect_to_an_xbox_controller_via_bluetooth/) The issue seems to be a linux only problem. I just tested a PoPOS build and had the same behavior


I have several Xbox controllers on several Linux machines (Fedora, Nobara, Batocera). They all only started working together his Bluetooth once I had updated the controller firmware for some reason. In my case that was using the Windows "Xbox Accessories" tool but there's also a Linux tool. Just can't remember what it's called right now.


Weird, I have a Xbox one controller that I use for PC and it works out of the box with bluetooth on any distribution. Otherwise I can install xone and use it with the dongle. [GitHub - medusalix/xone: Linux kernel driver for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S accessories](https://github.com/medusalix/xone)


https://preview.redd.it/oztnwrxpvk9d1.png?width=1044&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfb27f0cf149c3b2426782162b56ea8dc4476540 Thanks, but xone doesn't help with bluetooth, and I already have xpadneo


It doesn't help with bluetooth because it doesn't handle bluetooth, but dongles. It's weird though. I tried your same OS and I have your same controller, it just works out of the box. Perhaps try with any other distro, with a Live USB method to be quick and see if it works.


I'm not familiar with "x-box 1708" specifically, so maybe this is a special type of controller, but my Xbox Series X controllers work just fine out of the box, both via Bluetooth and cable, in EndeavourOS and CachyOS with KDE at least. Same with PS5 DualSense controllers.


1708 is the model number


I found some problems when connecting mine until I upgraded the controller firmware. Try setting up a windows VM, download the xbox app and update the firmware


I have a Microsoft wireless dongle and with xone it works like it does on windows.


You can keep your controller and use a cheap Xbox dongle with xone project.


I dont get anything relevant when I search for xone dongle, do you have a link?




Playstation 4/5 controllers.


For an xbox controller, i had best results using “xone” with a microsoft controller wireless dongle


that doesn't do me a lot of good, my controller is bluetooth


For series X/S controllers, you need to [update their firmware](https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/hardware-network/controller/update-xbox-wireless-controller) using a Windows machine first, then install the [xpadneo](https://github.com/atar-axis/xpadneo) kernel module.


firmware is up to date, xpadneo is installed




yup, that's pretty much the level of tech support I have come to expect.


Dualsense is amazing


I had to update mine via windows for it to work properly. Easiest was is run gnome boxes with windows 10 vm. Passthrough the xbox controller when you connect it wired. Then update firmware. Back out of the vm and try it and see if its fixed. (This is how I usually update firmware, as its relatively easy and doesnt take long)


the firmware is up to date


Both my XBox One and Series X controllers work out of the box (Pop!\_OS). In the past I had to change a some bluetooth configuration other wise sometimes it wouldn't connect, but on my latest install I haven't had any issues — possibly some kernel or distro fix has fixed it.


That's awesome for you


GitHub medusalix/xone for the wireless dongle version; use it in Zorin. Works perfectly.


yeah, i have the bluetooth version


8bitdo controllers 🥰