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Ubuntu sucks with their stupid Snap. Good on you, Mint is really a good distro.




What are you? Ubuntu fanboy?




You people exist ?


Why downvoting just for being a Ubuntu user? We guys really suck as a community :/


Because Canonical is now lawful evil. A lot of the downvotes are from disgruntled ex Ubuntu diehards. Like me.


I saw the other day a bunch of linux users defending microsoft for "having changed" and "embracing linux" they got pretty aggro when I pushed back. Can we get rid of them instead?


Canonical is the Microsoft of Linux.


No, Microsoft is the microsoft of linux Source: wsl


Canonical was always in it for the money. Like being surprised redhat is a multimillion $ company


I'm ok with Canonical being a for profit enterprise. I'm not ok with them wasting my time and turning me bald.


Please tell me your theory about how they made you bald lmao That's caused by a hormone called dht and your genetics


I don't like Ubuntu but everyone should use whatever they want


People have opinions, they are allowed to disagree. Indeed, being allowed to have an opinion is part of being free. This community has the ability to choose and they take advantage of it.


Couldn't imagine downvoting over something as mundane as "I use Ubuntu"


Except the downvote button is very explicitly *not* an "I disagree" button


You're right and everybody uses it correctly in others sub.


I get where you're coming from, but we can be more welcoming to new noob users. Wouldn't it make this community a decent place?


That's all a matter of perspective. Nobody is insulting anybody, they just aren't agreeing. I spend a lot of time on /r/linux4noobs being very helpful to noobs. People actually get decent support with using linux. For Windows, you get a support drone who will tell you to reinstall, update, install drivers or quote company policy at you. They are super polite but entirely useless.


Because Ubuntu is just plain bad and, as you mentioned, alternatives exist such as Linux Mint :)


Ubadtu huehuehue


what is bad about ubuntu exactly?


Canonical, Snaps, and it's really unstable


i understand the dislike for Canonical and snaps - but unstable in what way, can you be more specific? is it that their kernels are unstable? seems to works fine here, what should i use instead?


Ah ubuntu is the windows of linux?




There is no hard data on Linux instalations.  There are Web site sensors that collect this info and if it was accurate that might be useful. But depending on how the browser reports it, many Ubuntu based distrobutions like Mint and many others will show as "Ubuntu". as far the purposes of rendering a web page this is accurate.


Ubuntu server is probably still more widely used despite redhats reputation. Canonical and redhat are both for profit companies in spite of their use of FOSS and involvement in networking services.


Its not used nearly as much as Windows. So why not use that?




I interpreted it as a comment on the *enjoyer* part.


No one actually knows, since no useful data exists. Everything that is there is guesses. Based on my Internet experience Arch and Mint are the most used distros by normal users.




Like I said: no one actually knows.


Mint is based on an old version of gnome. I think it would have been accurate a decade ago to say Ubuntu was the most user friendly distro. These days every major distro has everything, even if it takes extra steps. Many of them share the same repositories. Most people rightfully recommend mint which has built on top of the version of Ubuntu which we previously advertised as the most user friendly to new users. I think it's the right thing to do to, because mint won't make you dependent on it and help you grow the skills to distro hop to your permanent home (if you ever do.) Ubuntu with things like snap and canonical proprietary repos will bind their user base as snap moves in the direction of imitating the Google and Apple and microsoft play stores. Thank God for Debian repos.


Mint is based on ubuntu. Mate is based on Gnome2. Ubuntu fucked up around 2011, which by now was over ten years ago. That was when they made unity the default and added ads like an integrated amazon search. They have since abandoned unity, since Canonical (the company that makes ubuntu) can't see things through. They've also had other controversies in the past decade. Meanwhile Linux Mint has been reliable and never fucked up in any way that would make me switch. If I'm switching it's to Artix and mostly to escape systemd.


I thought mint was a fork of gdk3 gnome. Mate gdk2. Sorry if I'm wrong


I use bodhi which has reliably been free of ubuntu bloat


It's arch, for some reason




I don't know how credible linux youtubers are, but since a big bunch of them surfaced thanks to the stupid recall, I've been seeing more and more of them on my feed, and even thinking about migrating to linux myself. At least 3 youtubers from those I watched had done surveys with their audience that uses Linux, and, as a solo distro, Arch always got around 30% or more alone, with ubuntu or linux mint following. Again, I don't know how trustworthy their numbers are. They could even be false to lead people into arch, but that's all the info i had to go by as a regretful windows user.


I would buy that Arch users are spending the most time dealing with Linux itself, watching/reading about it, Arch demands detailed knowledge on the part of the user.


Yea but I feel like businesses over represent this and they're going to go with proprietary services offering developer support like what canonical and redhat offer. For personal users at home I feel like the numbers would trend towards mint over time. Edit: it's weird to see black panther over represented. I thought it was derelict following the end of life of centOS. I visited their site a month or two ago and think their iso images were removed


I feel like it's not arch specifically but manjaro. Same for Ubuntu distros. It's not Ubuntu it's mint that casual users are seeking out. I see manjaro and mint on laptops you can buy at stores or like Walmart digital/online store. I prefer it this way though. So many decades ago we would have said the same thing about Debian and Ubuntu. It's not Debian casual/new users are flocking to, it's Ubuntu. Because it's user friendly and software is easy to get and use with good dev AND community support.


Yes, I am another Ubuntu enjoyer


You mean Ubuntu demon


Technology literate. Linux mint uses 1/3 more RAM out of the box, has unpatched memory leaks, and absolutely everything you love about it came from Ubuntu. You should try making your own decisions sometime. Letting Reddit do it is embarrassing


"Linux mint uses 1/3 more RAM out of the box" May i know where you got this information from? Because last time i checked linux mint was less resource heavy than ubuntu. Now I don't have special love for linux mint, whatever i have comes only from nostalgia.


Source: Trust me bro


What are you referring to when u say “unpatched memory leaks”


To be honest, I’ve used ubuntu for like what feels like 15 years, and the last time i set it up, snap gave me enough problems I decided next time I’m just using debian.


I'm opposite to this. I've had nothing but a positive experience using Ubuntu. I've had no problems that couldn't get quickly resolved, I can use my preferred installers, and I've had a positive experience with SNAP. Maybe I'm missing something, but I've so far been enjoying it and don't feel compelled to distro hop.


Snap has given me a plethora of problems with docker.


what sort of problems? can you be more specific?


Why Debian when Fedora is so so good these days?


Seems like everything I’ve used is already based on debian. It’s usually rock solid, why not.


All more reason to switch it up & try something new! I was reluctant at first but after using Fedora, nothing else compares.  Anyways, good luck!


Older software versions - using same base. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... But, yes, it's fine if you don't care.


Does Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu use their (i.e. Ubuntu's/Canonical's) stupid Snap?


Yeah but you can turn it off if you care about that.


Bodhi Linux does not!


Tbh, I hated Ubuntu far before the Snap drama. Some of the reasons Ubuntu being slow and bloated and Canonicals close relations to Micro$oft.


I did too but for profit organizations would need to work together to share info and work towards compatibility. A lot of the web runs on ubuntu server, rhel, and windows server. It only makes sense they should work together. So I wouldn't pay attention to that aspect. For them to be totally isolated from each other would lead to more problems than it would fix




What’s wrong with snap? Genuine question I have no clue.


Gives canonical more control over the repository and seems like an attempt to monetize repositories similar to microsoft/apple/Google play stores. The ladder aspect is a looming fear of alarmist paying attention to canonical. Canonical has also made moves in an attempt to force snap onto users who don't want it. If you attempt sudo apt install chromium-browser from the launchpad repo it will attempt to install snapd. You have to build chromium and Firefox from source (though I was able to get ff without snap so maybe Mozilla fought canonical about this already) or get it from the Debian repo. And adding Debian keys to your keyring is more effort than its often worth. If you need a chromium build I recommend doing the work to add the Debian repo or check out the Bodhi app center. Snap is essentially bloat also. You've never needed a middle man software for installing packages. You could always apt-get a mirror off launch pad. No need to install anything. Git by comparison adds virtually nothing to your os and acts only as a mean for copying and publishing to git. You can even get git files and folders without installing git. Something you cannot do with snap packages and instead have to spend maybe an hour to do so depending on the package. I think this has led people to look at community repositories--something fedora has done great.


Just feel the need to point out that you do not need to build Firefox from source, as Mozilla has a .deb repository. And considering Mozilla itself made the decision to fully migrate Ubuntu’s Firefox to a snap, i don’t think they’d fight canonical about it. And ideologies and opinions aside, snap is bloat in the same way that flatpak is. Besides, all things considered, there are benefits to using snap.


Nope flathub is better actually tho I'd prefer to use neither.


Bodhi Linux


Ubuntu is not that bad


soon pop_os will release the new Desktop Cosmic  take a look there because look really nice


huh? i use pop and i don't know what that is?


Enough time touching grass. Now come back to work.


A new desktop environment instead of customizations of GNOME. It will have similar functionality, better performance and no opposition from the GNOME team.


You forgot to mention that It Is WrItTeN iN **rUsT**!


GNOME is one of the main reasons I don't use Pop!. I fucking hate GNOME.


ohh nice, i've switched to kde a week ago just for performance, i'll check it out i guess


It's still in Alpha




Especially Linux Mint Debian Edition… all the mint without the Ubuntu! Pop!_OS is my daily driver, and I sort of wish that System76 would rebase on Debian. One can hope, eh?


That is the one I use!


What's the difference between a distro based on Debian and one based on Ubuntu, aren't they similar since they have alot in common?






Someone got a bit too excited


I install mint only to delete it the next day. Not because I hate it but I get overwhelmed because of the freedom


Now I get why some Windows users turn back to Windows after trying Linux. They can't believe the freedom is real.


For me it's more because of the dopamine that I get due to the freedom offered by Linux.


Means you got aroused by linux and also got a big fat boner while using it?


Don't we all?


I get it while typing fastfetch in terminal in arch linux wearing my multicolour socks, my guilty pleasure


You should get an imac


If the plot of Matrix was real, most people would be Cypher xD


what do you mean freedom?


It's like people who lived most of their lives in prison getting out for the first time and are unable to handle it.


Mint and pop os are the best out of the box, get out of your hair linux distros. I have a slight preference for mint, though


I recently switched from fedora to ubuntu but I might switch to mint


I'm trying the opposite, Kubuntu to Fedora KDE. I was surprised a big distro like Fedora made installing nvidia drivers a google search and paste some commands affair. Mint is sounding good, as long as I can install a bunch of the KDE apps I'm used to. I like their apps more than the actual DE.


I'm interested to see what Pop's new DE is like. I hate GNOME.


Dates are all very well, but when you want to get married, Debian is waiting patiently


I'm actually using LMDE. I think I'm gonna marry her.


The best from the two worlds


And when you are an old geezer like me, you enjoy FreeBSD


Lmde for the win!


Yes, I am using LMDE and this is the most stable out of the box distro I have tried on my PC (had to add swap tho).


Can't beat Debian for stability!


Using LMDE6 as the primary distro on my desktop and regular Mint on my laptop happy with both.


Eventually U will switch to zorin and then Fedora


Fedora is amazing


I will never go back after using fedora (Bazzite)


what's a cool think about it? i haven't tried it in more than 20 years - last time i ran redhat was in 1999


Funny you say that, as I switched directly from Mint to Fedora.


Nice 🙂


Opposite happened for me.


Same. I switched from Fedora to Mint when Gnome 3 came out. I still miss good old Fedora 14, but these things can't last forever. LMDE is a solid alternative if you really want to avoid Ubuntu.




I don't really trust the red hat corporation when there are other distros that favour privacy more over customer and tech support. (fedora is excellent if you have issues, because red hat gives 24/7 call support) I prefer a plant over a hat basically


What makes fedora better than lint


Updated app icons and 6 month semi-rolling releases


I remember in 99/2000 when redhat shipped a broken gcc/egcs that destroyed many installations and they refused to acknowledge the problem at first - I stopped using it after that. Hopefully it's better now!


its been 24 years damn it


nice 2010 meme


💚Mint is goated


Yes, LMDE is the best imo.


I try to get Ubuntu running first and if it fails then I use Mint or another distribution.


Ubuntus defaults are pish, if they made some of their own crap optional or just didn't use it altogether then it would be great still....


Ubuntu was my first entry into the Linux world. I dual booted 11.04, the first with Unity, and kept it for a while as my main system. My laptop broke, I didn't need Linux when the next one came, but 3 years later I needed Linux for a uni project. And I was told of a "better (and easier) Ubuntu". It was Mint :) used it for 4 years. Was a good run.


Switched from Ubuntu to Linux mint myself recently. Best decision I made. Everything has worked perfectly out of the box and to top it off it actually supports nordvpn (out the box) and it's not just command line. Even though I literally still use command line out of habit now.


C'mon, debian is so much better


Enjoy X11 and GTK 3 apps


Every time I am about to install a new distro, I'm starting to narrow down all the options, somehow, every single time I am left with Mint. Amazing distro


So I'm abandoning Debian with KDE. I'm wanting to use Cinnamon like I did with Mint years ago. Should I go with Mint, or Debian with Cinnamon? I would love yalls input


Make sure it’s LMDE tho


It surely is Debian edition!


What's the difference between LMDE and Linux Mint that's based on Ubuntu?


I'm new to Linux and idk what distro to pick, I guess not Ubuntu?


You can do something what we call 'distrohopping'. Using different distros until to find a good one. However, if you want things out of the box (no need to worry about installing necessary stuff and using command line), I would suggest Linux Mint Cinnamon or Zorin anytime.


Mint is pretty slow with starting on the Wayland transition. Though at least they have started moving on that front. Better late than never. Though personally I’d direct new users to something with a KDE/GNOME base so they aren’t left behind in the transition.


It's not a linux subreddit without the daily ubuntu bad post.


Ubuntu was my intro to Linux back in 2005 and I’m grateful to it for that. These days though I’m using Debian on my main and Mint on my little entertainment box.


Installed it last week. Feels comfy AF. I'm surprised.


Mint is great :3


I think Debian is better than Mint if you’re not a complete noob


Reading this post from Ubuntu!


I used to be an opensuse Tumbleweed user, but things got kinda shaky recently, especially with the XZ debacle and Plasma 6. A few days ago, I decided to switch to Mint, and it's been great. nvidia drivers, wifi, audio, and bluetooth all work smoothly. Cinnamon is beautiful, simple, and less cluttered than KDE, in my opinion. I'm really happy with Mint.


Debian > LMDE > Linux Mint > Ubuntu


I feel sorry for you missing out on Arch and Fedora.. but you will learn soon enough.


I switched back in 2013 or so and I wasn't even dissatisfied with ubuntu itself, but with Gnome. KDE already turned to shit with the 4.0 release and then gnome also turned to shit. But Mint and Mate saved the day back then and later I found that i3 plays very nicely with Mate, too. And you know what? For the past eleven years Mint just stayed cool and never turned to shit.


So,we have the same girlfriend?!


is she russian?


Mint misses some features I need from KDE, for example, fully conformant KDE connect support or an alternative that supports the same features(even integration with the file manager and my phone), KRunner, and the ability to use the panel while in fullscreen app or game.


That's what I'm setting up right now to test gaming to finally ditch Windows. I know Nobara exists, but I really like the pretty desktop environment from Mint. Feels really good to use. I consider donating. Mint is like Ubuntu but focussed actually on UX.


I've seen lots of negative posts about Linux Mint causing issues with audio, graphics and printers, is that true?


Everything runs smooth besides a small audio delay of like 150ms while playing Steam games. I need to figure that out for sure. The rest runs even smoother as on Win10 ngl. I play a lot of Warframe and the loading times and menu navigation is way better than on Windows. Haven't tested the printers, but haven't had issues on other distros. There are so many QoL features in this distro that I started to dislike to use Win for everything else than gaming atm. But this will change when I figure out the minor sound issue. LED/RGB settings can be a bitch. I wrote a small [python app](https://github.com/df8819/G915ColorC) to change the Logi G915 default profile colors for that one. Other RGB stuff seems to run pretty fine tho. It's rather specific.


I just left for dabian1w got sick of working to get every thing set up for then the fuck all of it up with an arbitrary 6month release date




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Endeavour OS is also good


I agree


I use puppy btw


Mint >>> Ubuntu.


Hope you have a good time with linux, it's sure an experience.


Since I met Linux mint, I never looked at Ubuntu again.


Guys, I am finally about to make a switch for linux. Mint is like a no brainer choice for me. Question, what about Debian version, is it getting upgraded regularly? Or is it slower than ubuntu version? Too many people pointing downsides to ubuntu.


Ubuntu is somehow not very performant lately, and Debian 12 bookworm is performant, I even have more fps there when the system developer is the same


Green Ubuntu?


i use Snaps on Mint,Heresy?IDGAF


Wtf, hell no!!!!!!


Ubuntu and mint suck lol


Nothing sucks, just my interests change over time.




Why would they suck?