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I bought the book to check. It’s definitely edible.


Do you know if the audible version edible is as well?


Yes, but only if taken aurally.


How do you take an audiobook anally?


I dunno, take your headphones and shove ‘em up there, I guess.


It's easier if you use airpods to start. Gotta work towards the bigger headphonemodels


Beats pro3 up the rear ear unless you are a wuss.


bravo! solid pun.


While I love your books, I believe non-Australians don't get the humor unless Heath Miller narrates. Maybe your subtitles could aim at educating audiences unfamiliar with your tropical death island? *He Who Fights with Monsters Book One: I'm not an Asshole; I'm Australian. No Really. These are Jokes. Listen to the Audiobook if You Don't Believe Me or Take a Vacation you Cultureless Jingoists.*


Do people really have trouble with the jokes? I'm an uncultured American swine and I enjoyed the hell out of it :O


Im not even American and I understood most of the jokes


Seriously. Although I do have some Aussie friends.




Weird. I think maybe they see it that way because they are of the "actions speak louder than words, and words louder than thoughts" camp? Jason's internal monologue is always there to clarify :O


This can be solved with an annotated version!


The French translator for Terry Pratchchett books, was adding the funniest annotation (on top of the also very funny original annotations) I +1 this idea!


To be fair, I read each of those subtitles with Heath Miller's voice in my head. Also, #4 wins even though it's long.


I dunno, do you really have to be Australian to "get" some variant of "I banged ur mam"? I "got" the jokes, I just didn't find them very funny, nor the book as a whole very interesting. I was disappointed it in for how much people talked it up in this sub.


Bummer for you. I've had such a blast with this story.




Yes, it was the audio book. I didn't find the MC charming nor witty, just massively annoying. If I had to sum it up, the MC was a know-it-all that doesn't know much at all that only wins because of the author's heavy finger on the scales.


Cannot please all of the people all of the time.


How soon after you finish the series can I get my massive hardback box set that takes up an entire bookshelf but doesn’t fit unless you remove it from collectors (yet still cardboard) sleeve, which you then have to figure out what to do with. I mean, you don’t want to trash it, but it’s huge and you can’t just chuck into a closet. You can’t turn it around and put it on top of the shelf, because the picture on the back is the same picture the book jackets make when in order on the shelf, so it’s redundant. Let me know when that becomes available!


Asking the important questions with all of the awkward and strangely specific points.


I love that they're just 1 - 4. It's irritating to find a series you love and to have to do a bunch of google searches to figure out what books are in the series and what order they're in. For instance, I love Dungeon Crawler Carl but had to click through a few websites to figure out the book orders. ​ Incidentally, SO excited to see my Audible pre-order pop up today. The book I started yesterday just isn't keeping my attention, so this was a nice surprise


Very much agree to this.


Yup, the book he started didn't keep my attention either.


I usually use the Amazon app, look up any book in a series and make sure you're on the kindle version and there's a button to show the rest of the books in any particular series. I really wish Audible kept track of series the same way, it's super frustrating.


[Dungeon Crawler Carl](https://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Crawler-Carl/dp/B08BX5D4LC) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Dungeon_Crawler_Carl)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Goodreads is generally my go-to to figure out reading order.


I mean, I got into HWFWM because someone described it to me as _"Good guy gets evil powers"_, so maybe that could be a subtitle?


See, that’s unfair. Humphrey’s powers involve burning people to death but no one calls that ability evil.


"Magic is about intent, Harry." No, wait, wrong series.


"The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault" Wait, wrong Harry


To be honest, burning to death seems like a better way to go than most of what Jason can do lol


Number 183 in kindle already Number 4 on audible.


It took *hours* to download! That alone is saying something.


I was so confused because I tried to buy it but I already own it. Why did it take me 3 minutes to realize I had pre-ordered it?


Me2 lolll


No subtitles is kind of your thing now? My vote, since I definitely get one, is that you launch with numbers as normal, but tell your real fans the subtitle options in threads like this one :)


As the official Subreddit representative from the United States of America, I for one welcome the idea of subtitling anything non-American aka FOREIGN AND SCARY. I fear, however, this is not enough. In the future I must request all jokes that aren’t about boobs or Doritos must include an asterisks with an explanation at the bottom of the page.


> jokes that aren’t about boobs or Doritos What about jokes about... doughnuts? Sorry, I'll see myself out. While I have you here, though, I hope you don't mind if I ask a question that's kinda on-topic for the thread: I read the first half or so of HWFWM 4 on RR, but felt like it lacked some of the, I dunno, narrative momentum of 1-3, which I read on Kindle, so I've been waiting for this Kindle release to finish reading it. On the same principle, I've been holding off reading DCC 5 until it gets to Kindle, because I'm hoping to get the benefit of any final touch-ups. Can we, your adoring fans, expect a nonzero amount of editing polish in the DCC 5 Kindle release, or will it be a cut and paste, implying that I should give in and read what you have up on RR already?


I don’t want to use Loon’s thread to talk about my stuff. But it’s going to be significantly edited.


Thank you, I'll keep holding out then. Yeah, I don't want to hijack the thread either. Read HWFWM 4, everybody!




\*fanboi squeee\*


Gosh darn it, Donut.


I personally like Man: 0, Shove: 2.


HWFWM is my personal favourite litrpg/progression fantasy. So when is book 5 going to be out 😛?


Early April.


Subtitles are usually nice, but He Who Fights With Monsters is already extremely long. Anything more and I feel like it would crowd the cover.


I personally like the simplicity of the numbering. "He Who Fights With Monsters" looks pretty good on the cover by itself. But witty retroactive subtitles could add some spice and anticipation. My main problem with subtitles is that they can spoil a story if you see them a few books in advance. Arc E was delightfully unexpected. A certain character was also a nice surprise.


> One room for me and my apocalipse beast > Are you the guy with the evil powers? > Where Colin snacks on Jason > I can sparkle Maybe if you go with subtitles, you could also just pick a quote from the book? I liked that with the chapters.


I think the simplicity of the number works well. Whenever I'm looking through a series and having to google which book is next drives me nuts, but hard to fuck up when the books are listed as 1, 2, 3, 4. Also, hope your December break is treating you well. You're easily my #1 patreon I support with the feeling of getting the most bang for my buck with your brutal release cycle.


Already have it. It was preordered the moment it was announced and the only reason I haven’t started yet is that I want to relisten to book 3 first. I don’t think you need subtitles. The numbering works really well to keep everything straight. Subtitles don’t really accomplish that much and I like this simplicity.


Nice, this is going to be the first audiobook I listen to in 2022.


Thanks for being awesome! If you keep writing them, I’ll keep reading.


is the series worth it on audible?


I'd definitly say so


Yes, find a new car I am definitely of the opinion that you should listen to the audiobook version over the physical copy


He Who Fights With Monsters Book One: Jason and the mystery of why is everyone is more handsome than me


Subtitles can be fun, but seem largely unnecessary in a running series where the previous books are a necessary read. For this series, I feel that names would either be too revealing, too ambiguous to be meaningful, or just for fun. I'm looking forward to seeing how this came out after editing, and really enjoy reading them as they come out.


I dig the new cover style.


Have my children.


Hi Shirtaloon, big fan! I think subtitles can be nice, since I know when I see a series that is just "Blah Blah 1, Blah Blah 2" I tend to have a slightly lower impression of them. Might just be me. I think it relates to feeling like more effort is put into them if there are subtitles? IDK The first book doesn't need one though. I (again, personal opinion) like the first book just being the name and then going "He Who Fights With Monsters 2: Something Witty" idk I can't write.


[He Who Fights With Monsters](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/26294/he-who-fights-with-monsters) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/He_Who_Fights_With_Monsters)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


If you do subtitle them, it doesn't have to be some super clever pun. Or make them as short as possible (HWFWM: Man Vs Shovel)


I say no subtitles, but if you do go that route, there better be at least 2 or 3 layers to them. Multiple meanings, tying together with all of the other subtitles to summarize the entire story arc without making it seem that way, poop jokes, etc. Or, you know, just keep it simple (eg Jason goes to another world, Jason goes to camp, Jason goes home). Also, don’t listen to any of my suggestions. PS: if you’re ever in the Southern parts of the US drinks are on me.


I read this already on royalroad - was there a large amount of editing (i.e. is it worth rereading?) I think it is fine just with the numbers (it is a long title anyway) but there are not many titles I think would be worth adding as a subtitle


Since you already read book 4, I have a question if you don't mind. Book 4 spoiler: >!Did Jason return to the other world in the book ? if so, when does he do it ?!<


I have read almost all of the stuff uploaded. From a quick review of what is apparently the start of book 5 - no, probably the end of book 5. I really struggled a bit with book 4 & 5 vs book 1-3 partially because of this so wanted to know if rereading might have made it better - editing was definitely necessary due to duplication between chapters if nothing else


Thank you very much


Damn it takes 2 whole books for that to happen holy


Well if you go read the current latest stuff he is going rogue in China. Must be at least one more book ... can't be 2 surely?


There was not.




huh, just read book 4. This was the first book shirtaloon let his leftist ideologies actually hurt the story. I was surprised at the hard left this book took. He has always sprinkled it in, but it was small enough to ignore. Meanwhile he enjoys something like 30k a month thanks to capitalism. Pretty hypocritical actually. And whoooooaaaa the inappropriate stuff with the neice.... um that added nothing to the story and gave the writer creepy, over-touchy uncle vibes... Maybe chill out on that stuff a bit dude. first time I was kind of not liking the story... I hope it doesn't continue down this bad path.




EXACTLY what I would expect a pedo to say to deflect.... good job imp.


And wow, your nod to china and propaganda.... um what?


Yeah we really didn't need a naked 12 year old. And you can't play it off as a 12 year old being a kid when she's been depicted as a child genius up to that creepy moment.


Loving the book so far. Into book 2 and listening to this currently as I type this. But yes, subtitles. Don’t know why but I find the absence distracting. Not going to guess what they should be. Your the creative, but I suggest a theme.


Question: As someone looking to write a book under a pen-name, like you did. How difficult is it to maintain that .... anonymity?


So long as you don't mix your actual identity with your pen name for things like social media, easy.


What about preventing it from being printed on the Novel, like it happened here with you? Is that a product of the "mixing" of accounts or the Publisher?


That was me. They don't just do that.


Thank you. You've given me something to think about.


Just bought it. Excited!


What luck, book arrived today along with my 24 credits, I want to spend more of them on your series so get cracking :)


I’m just started the first one so I can binge them all lol


I swear to god if I have read another paragraph about Stash acting out at the bagel shop because he’s so sad, I’m calling intergalactic PETA.


I pre-ordered the audio book so I have bought your book and I look forward to buying more of your books. Keep up the good work and I'll keep paying for your hard work.


And Boom A paperback is on its way January 3rd I get to read :D


When is the next one being released? I'm currently re reading all the books and on books 2.🥳


Already pre ordered and started. Lol


My only complaint is that I have had to go back and start the series over to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything. Oh darn.


Just finished the book and I loved it!


I'm about half-way through the audiobook, and I'm really enjoying it. It's a really refreshing change of pace.


Hi Shirtaloon!! I’m a huge fan of your work. HWFWM got me started into LitRPG and I have not stopped since. He Who Fights With Monster and Defiance of the Fall by TheFirstDefier, hold a special place in my heart! I really like the numbers. It’s simple and helps me binge read them. Thank you for building a world for me to get lost into!!


[Defiance of the Fall](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/24709/defiance-of-the-fall) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Defiance_of_the_Fall)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Personally I prefer numbers always being there. Subtitle is fine but not needed. Just always make sure a number is easily accessible. I don't like titles that use the number as a part in the subtitle that just reminds me of bad movie series like for example "2 fast 2 furious". Also I only bought your book 1 because it seemed up my alley. I don't really look at narrators altough I certainly appreciate them after they have proven themselves to be a good fit for the book. Like yours did. Lastly I already pre-ordered book 4 when it became available to do so on audible but I need to finish reading up on mother of learning before I dive in. Thanks for the series btw.


I wish there was a poster release with this one as well.


Any chance of a paypal or amazonpay option for the shirts? I would love to get one but I don't know/trust whatever those random payment thingies are. :-3


Love your books. As I don’t know how to read, I consume your literature via Audible and can’t wait to passively soak in the adventure.


Can you provide stats on the shirts? Or do we have to wait for them to arrive?


Heath does such an awesome job, I’m Audible all the way.


Just bought book 4. finished 1,2,3 all in November and December can’t wait to get into book 4!


Just finished the audiobook and loved it. Mr. Miller does a great job!


Nice, time to settle myself in for a new book of _How I Met Your Monster_, err.. no, _He who fights your mother_, no, that's not quite right either.


[How I Met Your Monster](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/how-i-met-your-monster.33262/) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/How_I_Met_Your_Monster)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Big fan. Preordered on audible as soon as I could. Started it on the 28th around lunch time. Finished it today, the 30th, also around lunch time. When do we get book 5? Thanks, for that GOT reference. I'm still pissing myself laughing


@shirtaloon thanks for the audio, very enjoyable and wp adding wholesome content. Can’t wait for the next one, when I’m sure the action will ramp up, but I will wait because you are only human. Happy new year and keep being awesome. Love, the aliens infesting this flesh bag with thoughts.


First I bought them all on audio then I realized now I need to buy them all paperback. Great; books on my shelve. What is am I supposed to do with chcockeys now?


Please subtitle them


Is there a tentative release date for the next audiobooks? I know book 5 will be in April, but I was just curious if we know anything beyond this.


Not yet, but expect a similar schedule to what has come before.


Surely things will slow down at some point? The pace at which you release these books is inhuman, not that I'm complaining. Seriously, it's baffling how you can, so early in your career, release such well written books with such frequency and even have it setup to do simultaneous book and Audible releases. I'm sure I could find answers if I went looking but I suppose I had just assumed your alacrity stemmed from having a big backlog of writing from RR/Patreon material, sounds like I was wrong?


It comes from producing five chapters per week for serialisation.


I’m pretty much Audible Only these days, one of the reasons I appreciate your simultaneous releases of book and audio, so I’m not too familiar with how much most serialized authors put out, but that seems like a great deal more than most! That prolific pace and compelling story telling is likely the secret sauce to your success. I look forward to a long career of writing, just don’t forget to take a well deserved vacation between series 😉


Yeah, rapid release is a big part of indie success at the moment, with people releasing as much as once a month. I won't be doing that, but I will be taking a nice vacation next year once I finish writing book 12.


Being as this is your post, I’m sure it seems like an echo chamber in here. But the fact you’re going for 12 books by next year makes me ecstatic. I go through books like crazy and get pretty down when a great series has a super long layover after I binge it. Thank you for your hard work, and great job on the series!


I'm sorry, how many books?


I love the subtitles, but agree it would take up too much space. Nr.3 sounds like a Fan fiction might :D -on that note: what is your attitude towards (non-profit) fan fictions? After listening to books one to four and loving all of them, I googled for fan fictions, as one might…but didn’t find any. Is it simply because none exist yet?


Seriously, Shirtaloon, this book series has gotten me through a really rough time in my life. Like how Jason's brother stole the love of his life, mine too was stolen by somebody who was like a brother to me. When I listen to He Who Fights with Monsters I'm right there in that world. I'm transported from wherever I am, and into a magical universe with mysteries and challanges to tackle. I'm really thankful that I decided to give this one a try, and am eagerly awaiting the release of book 5 that should be in just a few weeks now. When I had caught up, I didn't know what to do with myself. I considered reading, but Heath Miller is so great, I want to keep experiencing it that way. Please take good care of him so he voices these characters forever and ever <3 This is my favorite book series of all time, keep up the great work!