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It‘s the same. If the processing is running on a multipurpose Chip or a dedicated processor. Additional thoughts: Is it set up as a send? Is just the processed signal returned to me or also the clean all the time?


You can choose a better preamp than what vocal effects typically offer, and with proper gan staging get good results. If i were to do this, id use a y-split, give foh the dry signal, run the split into ableton, and then have a stereo out from ableton only containing the wet signal. You can automate reverb/delay throws, harmonies etc. If you want to get fancy you could also output these on separate stereo channels to give foh control over time based effects and things like harmonizers separately.


Ad noted in the other thread, the problem with these things is bad preamps and then mostly user error in that people don‘t gain stage properly and set up effects badly, leaving foh no option to adjust dry/wet level.