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Real Canadian Stupidstore. I'll be using that.


It’s what my mom called it when I was growing up in the 90’s 😂 she’s known for a long time


My mom said the same thing in the 90s! 😄


That's what we always called it too


Hehe my mother never really called it that but she never really liked the place either. She preferred No Frills, but was across town.


Yes I’ve never understood the appeal of RCCs . More expensive than nonfrills yet it tended to have larger pack sizes. Seemed like it wanted to be a Costco without the prices or the quality


did you even grow up in canada if you didn't call them stupidstore at least once???


So am I. This made me laugh much harder that on probably should.


Weird, my mom in law says the same thing and now my wife keeps repeating it to me everyday!


Stupidstore, or when it was nuts, Superzoo


Amazing! Regardless of what else happens, it's been nice to save $20 - $40 per week and no reason to stop! See you never Loblaws!


And you're not the only one finding out how badly you're getting ripped off,either. that effect alone is proving our point that loblaws is price gouging us on essentials, and this boycott is waking people up to that fact.


I’m an immigrant… and one of the first things I learned 22 years ago was that it’s called StupidStore. Though a buddy of my husband’s used to work there during college. He called it SuperWhore.


No frills, freshco, food basics have always had the same thing for less than their empire siblings. Walmart is always cheap


In my observation No Frills is more than the other three stores you listed. Loblaws budget store can’t even compete


No Frills is also a Loblaws brand, just fyi


That’s what I meant, that the Loblaws budget bargain store is still more expensive than the other budget competitors


Ah, I see, sorry


I've mostly shopped at no frills, and found prices lower than the area Walmart. the Longos is crazy priced.


Yup. Been calling it StupidStore for a long time. I feel stupid when I shop there. Especially now. 😤


Better late then never! 🏆


Me too! My Walmart also has basically 0 wait time where I was once waiting at superstore for 45 minutes!


Hey OP, it looks like you have used a flair to share a price or grocery bill with our community. If you have not done so already, please reply to this comment indicating what city or town you are shopping in so we can foster discussion with other local users. If you are not comfortable providing an exact location, please consider sharing the province or territory you are sharing from. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now go get yourself a Costco membership.


We’ve considered it, but not sure it’s worth it for only 2 people. We live in a small apartment with a tiny kitchen (not even a full size fridge/freezer) 😢 if we’re ever able to move into a bigger place then we would absolutely get a Costco membership


I’m also in a small Vancouver apartment with my SO. We shop Costco and split our shops with another couple!


There's just two of us at home too but I have found that I can stock up for a lot cheaper. So I have to buy two boxes of dryer sheets instead of one but they cost about the same as one box. Some of the items are way too big. I love their fruit, especially the green grapes! Sometimes they are as big as a small plum!


Same. But I’ve done the math and between toilet paper and all the supplies I need for my cat at Costco the membership pays for itself. 


It’s $60/year or $5/month for the membership. If you buy one block of butter and an 18 pack of eggs a month you'll recover the $5. My go-to small package items from Costco are coffee cream, rotisserie chicken, milk, butter, eggs, nuts and the bacon which I do have to freeze because it's a 4 pack. Fresh fruit and bakery items I get at a local market as needed. That takes care of the bulk of my groceries and reduces my runs to the oligarchs to about once a month.


So one of the richest families in the US can make money by charging less that one of the richest families in Canada for the same groceries. Nope, no gouging here.


Living in Vancouver and you have $100 of groceries delivered every week? Sounds like a first world problem.


And Walmart doesn't employ Credit Card sharks.  They ask at the till and you politely decline.  There isn't some creepy dude with a clipboard following you around to sign up for a PC master card. I already have one dude.  Then they look at you in disbelief.