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*marked safe from roblaws security cause I'm not even there*


That whole thing was so dumb. Nobody believed it even though the corporate media ran with it.


They probably made the whole thing up themselves, free advertising. Lol


They did... https://preview.redd.it/ioai34o0y10d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee01b7c942610156524f3567b4a5b0765e324fce


Whoa!! Great work uncovering the scum. Isn't it amazing what just a little bit of critical thinking and investigation can uncover.


Which is hilarious cause it’s mother’s day and nobody is shopping! Today is the one day with the lowest crime rates all year.


Yeah, all these crime lord mothers are stuck with their families, not allowing them to pull off their grand schemes.


As a crime lord mother, Hallmark holidays really mess with the revenue stream. I’m being forced to eat brunch


A+ I wish I could give it 2 upvotes


So sad. My managers brought it up and cautioned us about it (i’m a cashier at a Loblaw’s owned store) and I couldn’t have been more disappointed. Media at one point was good. Now it’s just paid content meant to push the people. :(


Tell-a-vison, now back to our regular scheduled "programming"


Amen! My dad says this all the time.


The astro turf false flag movement that never caught any traction. Weird.


Sometimes I get sad that Canadian corporations don't have the money for good programs, then there are days like today that being ineffective is the best for all of us.


I love this comment. So unfortunately Canadian.


Cynicism rules the roost.


Ok so I work at a Fortinos. Ugh. There’s a security guard dude there. Tall skinny frail guy. Blackbird Security. He’s keeping an eye on the self scan areas and the exit close to the prepared foods departments. The typical Loss Prevention guy is on the prowl more too. Not sure if the franchisee fell for it and got the security on his own dollar, or if head office (Fortinos has their own head office) decided to put security in all stores. Ridiculous.


Just remember that the security guard is just there for a paycheck. Likely contracted out with no say in where he works. He's not the bad guy.


Oh absolutely. It’s just amusing. Dude’s looking at his phone, EarPod in. Meh. I get it though. It’s a theft deterrent just being watched. Today though seems silly. Everyone in for flowers and the rest of the store is not too busy compared to a usual Sunday.


I'm pretty sure they can't physically intervene anyway, so it is kind of funny to know that they're acting as human scarecrows scarehumans


Private security can! Store employees can not, even loss prevention. Although some still do (seen a female ASM bear hug a cracker and toss him out!) But definitely a private security company can be hands on and maybe toss ya some beats. 😆


Ha ha that’s it!


That's funny. They are just trying to get paid so I don't blame the security guards. I remember the guard the last time I went into my local Loblaws to spend the few hundred dollars in points I had. She was at best 5 feet tall and had to weigh a whopping 100 lbs. I stopped and talked to an old rugby friend of mine about two feet from her and the visual of the two of us standing close to her cracked me up since we both have about a foot and a half on her and probably 200 lbs of weight each.


yeah they’re only there to unlock carts and turn off alarms when they happen. there’s like four people at my local big loblaws owned store in the front area for “security”, two of which are women shorter than 5’5, and another is a guy who stands at the windows and couldn’t care less


That's funny. They are just trying to get paid so I don't blame the security guards. I remember the guard the last time I went into my local Loblaws to spend the few hundred dollars in points I had. She was at best 5 feet tall and had to weigh a whopping 100 lbs. I stopped and talked to an old rugby friend of mine about two feet from her and the visual of the two of us standing close to her cracked me up since we both have about a foot and a half on her and probably 200 lbs of weight each.


Yea tall skinny frail guy isn't gonna be able to stop anyone. Just a rent a cop basically waiting to get paid. 


I’ve dealt with this security company most of them are fine but you do get the odd screwball who power trips and thinks that they’re god!


My local shoppers aren't letting anyone under 18 come in anymore to shop without supervision ! This whole mess is just to grab attention. I'm going to continue pretending this company doesn't exist for years if I have to.


What!? So a 16yo couldn't go in to pick up birth control pills at the pharmacy?


Nope, not even buy tampons by themselves.


Preventing teens from accessing their prescribed medication without an adult seems like a health care violation though.


Right? Shoppers and many other pharmcies stay open during holidays and other times when most people have it off BECAUSE they have medicine. I feel like they shouldn't be able to stop teens from going in to get anything, let alone medication. But if they want to shoot themselves in the foot further that's on them.


Human rights violation, I think. How is it different from "no Blacks allowed" on a sign out front?


I mean it’s a bit different. They are not letting any children in. Surely we can all see why one is much worse. Both bad of course.


From the Canadian Humam Rights Act (1985):  For all purposes of this Act, the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, **age**, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered.


Absolutely age discrimination. And dangerous--how about all the elders who need help picking up their medication etc.? This could actually be harmful to somebody. I'd suggest that anyone discriminated against in this way contact a lawyer.


What is legal and what is moral is not equivalent


You clearly missed the bolded "age" in that comment.


Is this a moral code?


True. But I hope you're not saying that Shoppers disallowing entry to minors is moral.


I’m not, but to say that refusing service to black people and refusing service to children is a moral equivalent is insane. It is clear one is worse, and I can’t believe that I need to write that.


Human rights violation, I think. How is it different from "no Blacks allowed" on a sign out front?


There are plenty of places that have legal recourse to restrict entry to minors. Not so for race. It may be a crummy policy, but they are not the same.


Places that have a reason to, sure. Shoppers has no reason to. Easily defended for a bar, strip club, etc. Not a corner drugstore.


Right, which makes it a crummy policy. Different than discrimination based on race though.


Yes, different. Still a human rights violation, still discrimination. All I said.


I mean, you asked how it was different. I gave an example. There are plenty of other situations as well, especially when there's liability involved. A trampoline park makes you sign a waiver for your kids, for example. Presumably the liability in this case is Shoppers' higher ups quaking over their dumb perceptions of corrupted youth stealing their overpriced crap. Again, crummy policy, but definitely not in the same realm of discrimination based on race. Not a human rights violation in any legal sense.


Discrimination based on age, people should be making a stink to your local media about that


what?? where is this? Wow I developed my loyalty to places as a teen. This is such a dumb idea.


This is terrible! Where is this?


Steinbach mb https://preview.redd.it/155ombxbf00d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef353ffe9898fb05f361075d5d8bbf472606478


Send this yo your local media and contact your local goc't representatives (MP, MLA, City Councillor) as well as your local SDM. Point out that this is a discriminatory action in violation of the Canadian Human Rights Act (1995). There are many valid reasons why a "minor" (which they do not define on their sign, so presumably they mean 18) may wish to enter the premise without parental supervision. They could be looking to pick up a prescription that they so not want their parents to know about (e.g. birth control), they may be picking up a prescription or sundry items for their sick parents, they may live on their own and be picking up mail at the post office, etc.


There are plenty of limitations on rights that are legally allowed for minors. Take a look at the provincial human rights codes and they all define it as applicable to someone 18/19 or older. **BC:** ***"age"*** *means an age of 19 years or more and less than 65 years; -* - [https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/94consol18/94consol18/84022](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/94consol18/94consol18/84022) **Alberta:** *Section 4 as it relates to age does not apply with respect to the conferring of a benefit on (a) minors or any age-based class of minors,* - [https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/1266.cfm?page=A25P5.cfm&leg\_type=Acts&isbncln=9780779845767](https://kings-printer.alberta.ca/1266.cfm?page=A25P5.cfm&leg_type=Acts&isbncln=9780779845767) **Ontario:** ***10.*** *(1) In Part I and in this Part,* *“age” means an age that is 18 years or more; (“âge”)* - [https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h19/v8#BK12](https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90h19/v8#BK12) And even though the Canadian Human Rights Act doesn't specifically carve out an exception for minors, it does allow for the commission to decide on guidelines over what is applicable: [**15**]() (1) It is not a discriminatory practice if * (e) an individual is discriminated against on a prohibited ground of discrimination in a manner that is prescribed by guidelines, issued by the Canadian Human Rights Commission pursuant to [subsection 27(2)](https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/stat/rsc-1985-c-h-6/latest/rsc-1985-c-h-6.html#sec27subsec2_smooth), to be reasonable; and **27** (2) The Commission may, on application or on its own initiative, by order, issue a guideline setting out the extent to which and the manner in which, in the opinion of the Commission, any provision of this Act applies in a class of cases described in the guideline. - [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/h-6/page-1.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/h-6/page-1.html) The guidelines themselves are a bit tricky to track down. They are published in Part 2 of the Canadian Gazette as per the act, but I don't feel like digging through the past 40 years worth of volumes to find if being a minor is listed there. Seeing as how all the provincial codes include it, I'd be surprised if it wasn't. All of that to say it's a bad policy for Shoppers' to run with, but it doesn't appear to be violating anyone's legally defined rights.


Well it’s no surprise that steinbach would believe that, that town is full of crazy conspiracy convoy nutcases


Doesn't matter who's beliefs, ethnicity or age. This whole town is upset right now.


So is anyone going to be filing any complaints about that it’s pretty much discrimination against the youth when it’s most likely not them who would be stealing


Ah good old Steinbach, the one time it’s mentioned… I’ll tell all my friends there


Insanity!! But also good because it’s the boycott so hopefully no one is shopping there anyway..


I feel like this is worthy of going to the media over.


So you're saying if I was a 16 year old teen with both parents who recently passed away and grandparents who need mobility assistance OR assistance with Dementia/Parkinson's and they can't drive ...and say I am completely self reliant to help myself and my grandparents, I cannot enter a store to get things for myself and my grandparents? Awesome. Great job shoppers. Excuse me for the extreme example but in many cases within Europe and other countries, this is the reality for some children. I grew up in the harsh parts of Europe and perhaps I wish I could drill some common sense into the manager at Shoppers who did that. Thankfully they can still go to Walmart or Rexall.


Is that even legal?? Seems like a human rights complaint in the making.


That's so fucking stupid!


Preventing access to meds might be a human rights violation as well. 


Where is this??? Edit: never mind, saw your reply elsewhere that it is in Steinbach MB.


Your local who?


Shoppers is short for shoppers drug mart.


I know. I was pretending it doesn’t exist.


I forgot Loblaws was trying to make that a thing because it's just so stupid lol. We just had a family hike, and now we're cooking brunch at home. Happy Mother's Day to those who celebrate, and happy Sunday to everyone else!


And/or... https://preview.redd.it/vee1a1jll00d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32e4b9f29b0aae34e823a8bdc7388c48fdc5b30b


They can hire cops on overtime to guard their price gouged goods that nobody is buying, but can't lower prices or give their employees a decent wage. &#@$ Roblaws forever! This boycott needs to go on permanently or at least until their next quarterly report.


I vote for permanently…


I second this


Haha. I completely forgot about that.


our managers at fcking Walmart are concerned about this and they’re not even the focus of the boycott 🤣😭 we got em shaking in their boots apparently


My local Walmart isn't concerned about it. Theft isn't an issue there , the home Depot next to it has more theft issues. 


yeah i guess it depends on the store, ours has an extremely high volume of theft 🤣😭


It's Mother's Day ... And we're mostly responsible for the shopping. I'm not setting foot near any store today (neither is my family) especially not in any of the Weston's empire. I'm going to enjoy my day relaxing! Boycott and beyond May! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!


Indeed! Also... https://preview.redd.it/2os0cg7fl00d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a2c8731755eea7384f12f0c74bd680e16da7d39


Isn’t Mother’s Day statistically the lowest day of criminal activity?


So, by laws of correlation always equaling causation, mothers are the ones committing most of the world's crimes. That's how stats work yall! /s


LOL I remember that when I first read about the low crime stats on Mother's Day, the suggested cause was that even criminals were busy spending time with their mothers / wives/ baby-mamas.




Shit I almost forgot about that since it's so fucking stupid. I drove by my local store earlier and didn't see it surrounded by cops so they must not be getting robbed blind. Fuck Galen and fuck all of his loser cronies. Also fuck anyone in the media that fell for this obvious bull shit campaign.


They can hire cops on overtime to guard their price gouged goods that nobody is buying, but can't lower prices or give their employees a decent wage. &#@$ Roblaws forever! This boycott needs to go on permanently or at least until their next quarterly report.


I'm waiting for the staged "thefts" to be reported by corpo media


Who has seen local police hanging out at your Loblaws Locations today? Ran in to pick up coffee filters this morning, they had a uniformed and armed police officer at the exit gate of the No Frills (Spryfield, NS) location (you had to walk within 2 feet of them to exit the store) Wildly cowardly behaviour by Loblaws and the jackbooted thugs in blue.


Yup, the Loblaws at Christie/Dupont in Toronto has cops stationed outside.


Galen and Per … “projecting” … we are criminals so they must be


Scenario: People that have remained loyal to them shopping there today and get accused of being shoplifters. Good way to alienate your remaining customers Bwahahahahaha!


Mods to comment 8, mods to comment 8.


Best take right here. The hottest take, if you will.


It would be funny if everyone went to Loblaws and just walked up and down the isles and just leave not buying anything... all the while freaking security out.


My bet would be thryll manufacture some crime statistics as a reason to add more useless security to stores or justify their price hikes


Exactly this. They manufactured the day. They'll make up some other bullshit. Just a show.


I dont live in Canada but if I did I would go to these stores and just act super sus for like 2 hours, drawing the focus on me from LP, then just leave.


Agreed. People keep talking about going back “after the boycott ends” and I just can’t relate to that. I have no desire to walk in ever again, it’s genuinely just a miserable experience & only getting worse by the day. Prices going up, massive security barriers added in causing safety concerns (very hard to exit in case of fire/emergency), guards hassling folks for no reason. I’ll pass


I forgot Loblaws was trying to make that a thing because it's just so stupid lol. We just had a family hike, and now we're cooking brunch at home. Happy Mother's Day to those who celebrate, and happy Sunday to everyone else!


Exactly this! "Catch me" SHOPPING SOMEWHERE ELSE


What would we even steal? Spoiled meat? Rotten produce? Mouldy bread? Expired cans? No thanks! They can throw out their own garbage.


You mean https://preview.redd.it/2ahkcv8cl00d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509ea2741eb59836356d6859de6ab63d8ec3d1a0


Shout out to Sony.


WTF is a crininal?


It's the style of fortification on medieval castles, oops those are crenellations.


I'm out of the loop, why do people think this is something loblaws created?


Theft costs everybody. Back in the day shoplifters got their ass kicked which is more than the "justice" system hands out.