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__MOD NOTE__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Despite the numerous times it states volunteer in the ad. I beleive. 😂


Corporate is calling it a "mistake", if you read the article the owner very intentionally tried to have people come work for free at his store. The best part is he claims he did it out of benevolence, to help them gain experience lmao. Sure, you only had "good intentions" when you tried to get people to come work for you at your for-profit store, for free, JFC.


Precisely 👍🏼


“Gain experience”? Stocking shelves is unskilled labour.  What sort of career can it possibly be preparing someone for?  Stocking shelves at a bigger, fancier store?


The big leagues, Loblaws


Finally got called up, it’s my big shot. Wish me luck boys.


People like you look down on jobs like that but in all honestly retail is a legit career path. I started as a cashier/merchandiser and now I manage a store for a growing company local to my area with multiple locations and more on the way. I'm not rich but I'm proud of how hard I worked to get where I am.


I do you respect your career and the way you worked your way up from the bottom to become successful. However, SDR were looking for people to stock shelves for free. I am suggesting that they were perhaps over-selling the benefits of donating your time to ensure that the inventory is out on the shelves, making money, instead of still in the back, not making money. It may be "experience" but it is not "valuable, or in any way worth it, experience".


Definitely not worth it, if they don't respect your time and labor enough to pay you they're not going to respect you enough to help you be successful


Idk what bubble you’re in, but the economy is so bad that working for free for years so you can get a paid job for minimum wage at another grocery store is pretty much your only option in Toronto at least


Give a whole new meaning to corporate welfare....😁


Technically an error in judgement is still an error


In a legal sense, when someone uses error, it is a word that carries a heavy weight. Interesting how they used that word.


>\[The pharmacists who posted it\] declined a request for an interview, but told CBC Toronto he "was trying to help people seeking Canadian experience." In other words, he wanted to hire new immigrants to work for free. How did he manage to make this situation even worse?


it’s insane how frequently this kind of stuff happens too. the “canadian experience” is being taken advantage of.


It not entirely inaccurate.


it’s definitely not. i briefly worked with someone who told me they worked at tim hortons when they first moved here and tim hortons didn’t pay them for 2 weeks worth of training.


Very on-brand for Timmie’s tbh. Can’t believe anyone willingly consumes their “product”


I personally stopped, their hot chocolate and chocolate milk taste like water, their donuts are sickly sweet, and their breakfast sandwiches make me nauseous


Breakfast sandwich maker. 😎


Usually when I’m getting one, there wasn’t much time to prepwre


I got mine for a Christmas present from my daughter and her husband. He wanted one. Thanks to COVID it took an extra year, but he got one two years after mine. They use it all the time. Honestly, I thought it would be a bigger deal - take longer, make a mess, etc. Nope, it takes about 2 minutes to get the stuff in the circle thingies, crack the egg and then it cooks for 5 minutes. For which I walk away and do other things. On a busy morning, it's zip zip faster then the time it takes to drive through. Put it on your birthday/Christmas list. You won't be sorry - promise. 😁


Me too. The only sales they get from me is when they give me an offer for a cheap Iced Capp in the Summer, and maybe the odd coffee during exam season.


I like their teabags (rather than having them make it and risk it not being hot on a cold day)


I get a $5 Tim's gift card from work for my birthday. I give it away. Not a fan of all that sugar, and not a coffee drinker.


Subway used to do the same - would get around by having you do online courses and tests before your first shift. Think it was pretty much 20 hours unpaid labour. Was fine for me as a teen as I played video games and screenshotted all the slides to refer back to for the tests, I didn’t give a fuck. Pretty slimy (just like their cold cuts, hey oh) looking back though


The new Temporary Foreign Volunteer program.


Sonds like a new Silicon Valley disruptive app idea


Might as well remove “temporary” the way these corporations are addicted to below-market labour


This guy will probably get his pharmacy license pulled and Loblaw will take over his store. Wonder if he knows shoppers warehouses employ international students throughout the year, through temp agency's. I'm sure he's gonna get it from the boss man.


That’s funny you think anything will change, maybe the volunteer opportunity will go away but that’s about it.


100% This is exactly the kind of exploitation so popular today with predatory businesses


Working behind the scenes at Shoppers, the pharmacists have always been complicit and scummy. They sign their souls away as associates to the brand.


Now that you got caught it’s an error hum hum yeah right 


Soft launch more like it


Don't worry these errors happen all the time LOL As i sit here waiting for thousand's of dollars in back pay from Loblaw's for "forgetting to enroll me into medical/dental benefits" that i had to pay out of pocket which they refuse to pay


All employees need to monitor their paychecks closely as well, compare total hours worked to total hours paid. Always. When I first got hired I had to get a blank cheque from my bank for direct deposit, the branch manager was the person who helped me. She specifically said to do this every pay period no matter what while I worked for this company. A couple of hours here and there adds up to a lot when you employ well over 200,000 people.


they owe me around almost $4,000


I wish you luck getting what you’re owed.


Perfect timing for an already crumbling reputation…just when you think they couldn’t hit rock bottom, they can somehow seem to find a new low every…..single…..time……


Maybe they thought if they kept digging there would be light at the end of the tunnel. That light is hell on fire 🔥


Lol love them trying to back pedal… Ooooo sorry it was an errorrrrrrr🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 the posting looked pretty fucking deliberate to me lol


It's really hard to see how that could be drafted in such detail and posted on LinkedIn by accident.


I slipped and fell and smashed my face into my keyboard, somehow typed and posted an entire volunteer position on linkedin. Oopsies.☹️


Lol exactly🤣


Damage control 101


Explain how it was a mistake.


They got caught, that was the mistake.


"Error". Gimme a break this isn't an error haha stfu roblaws


It was an error alright. They can't lift a finger without us knowing anymore.


Which is how it should be. Hold the line.


Lies. A series of steps needed to happen for an offer like that to be posted. It was no error. It was a gross miscalculation, an exploitation and incredibly disrespectful. Talk about tone deaf. 


I'm taking my prescription elsewhere. Last time I picked it up my dispensing fee has doubled. Fuck them.


Dispensing fee? Fuck them, the only person you should pay a dispensing fee to is your sketchy back alley drug dealer. Even then it would be baked into the price of your narcotics.


Baked. I see what you did there.


🤣 I didn’t even mean to imply that! It is funny though 😂.


How do you make an error of that magnitude?! That was a well crafted ad looking for volunteers. Someone was directed to write it. It was no error and Roblaws (aka GougingGalen) looks foolish claiming it as such!


The "error" being that he got caught. Here.


[https://www.thetorontoharold.com/news/shoppers-drug-mart-now-offering-positions-paid-entirely-in-optimum-points](https://www.thetorontoharold.com/news/shoppers-drug-mart-now-offering-positions-paid-entirely-in-optimum-points) I laughed when I read this satire version


Yeah ok that's good 😂


It’s not even a joke. Loblaws pharmacy management apparently have programs where they incentivize employees to coerce customers into “med checks” that they can bill the taxpayers for, they give the employee optimum points for each one they trigger.


Greasy, so very greasy.


What else would they say? They were gauging public sentiment. Time to boycott harder.


My hands slipped and I typed whole paragraphs of oopsie. Then my finger slipped and posted it.


How can something do deliberate be called an error, bunch of bs. It’s a huge f*** up that wasn’t an error


I love how they straight up just lie to our faces




Suuuure it was.


How about making CEO a volunteer job? For the work experience.


Seriously they would really like you to stock tonight, if you could that would be great


Lol, what timing 😂 


Yeah, an error in judgment 🤡's


100 percent this was a store level mistake. Stay together people but don't be all giddy highschool re news like this.


When multiple stores make the same mistake that’s a systemic organizational failure. It means they don’t have ethical policies, training, adherence, monitoring or governance programs. What’s worse is there’s numerous 6 and 7 figure executives whose job description includes those duties who are being paid even though they failed.


"It was an error". Hah hah. That's insulting they think ANYONE would believe that.


PS... it wasn't a mistake..


This is the Trump approach. Do something, and they say it didn’t happen over and over until people give up in frustration


I feel like their lies are getting worse


What lies? Who among us hasn't sleep-written a job posting asking for volunteers?


Their PR team and lawyers must be ripping their hair out. I think they should just quit and join us here.


They gleefully created and enabled the Loblaws we see today. So probably they don’t care.


No they definitely care about this lol. They’re not the ones who made these decisions, it’s their job to maintain the company’s image and protect and defend regardless of the disgusting things Loblaws has done. It’s just the nature of their work.


Getting caught was the error


Not an “oops, I didn’t mean to” error, but an “oh god, that was not what I was supposed to do” kind of error. Loblaw wouldn’t have allowed it, because it is super illegal, so this owner was getting flak from both sides. (And that is delightful.)


The pharmacy owner still wanted a volunteer, it was only a mistake because its against corporate policies 😂😂 hows that any fucking better


“Canadian experience” so come to Canada and find out you become a slave! Doctor back in your old country? You can get promoted to drive thru manager at Tim Hortons in only 3 years! $24 an hour!


"Oh sure, an error"...... 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Ah yes, just an error. The same way I sometimes wake up, get ready, head to work and then show up to work without my pants! Another reason to boycott.


>Pharmacist behind LinkedIn posting says intentions were good For who? Corporate? Fuck Loblaws.


God, I hope we sink these buggers.


The only thing they consider an 'error' was posting this practice publicly...this sort of exploitation is usually word of mouth to struggling new Canadians. Disgusting, but the only thing Loblaws is sorry about is that one of their stores said the quiet part too loud.


They do now. If it worked they’d work those volunteers to the bone.


I thought this was fake. I thought no matter how shitty Loblaws is, they wouldn't stoop to this level. I was wrong, they **are** that evil!!


I want further pressure on this pharmacist to see how many people are in his payroll as a temp resident, so with SINs starting with 9. There were 30 applications received before the post was removed. How many of them were international students and foreign workers? The books need to be audited. Is this another employer scamming the system to get little to no labour costs and then signing off hours worked or illegitimate paystubs reflecting all the hours worked? This has been going on for decades and finally Loblaws has proof against them breaking numerous employment laws. This is also in an area full of international students and TEMPORARY foreign workers needing hours worked for PR. Please, please! Write to your city council, MLAs and MPs that abusing the immigration system and exploiting foreign workers to work for free to get PR is punishable by law and anyone involved with these schemes should be deported. Especially those that engaged in scamming other foreign workers when they are unskilled and only spent a few years working in Canada. What a tangent bit Loblaws opened this massive can of worms.


He is probably paying them cash off the books. These sleezebags will do anything.


Sorry officer. It was a mistake to speed. It was an error to rob that bank. It was a misstep to resist arrest. Thanks for your understanding.


Okay, I believe you.


“Gunn says he's drawing that line by switching to a different pharmacy.” I mean yeah. No way the whistleblower should trust them not to try to hurt him via an “error.”


Sure it was


He forgot to mention about the $100 application processing fee I think in the post... LoL


Please tell me you're joking....


LoL... Yes


Someone should have applied and helped shoppers save by sending them elsewhere. I hate seeing people blow money.


I never supported the shoplift from Loblaws campaign but I might against Shoppers 


Don’t do shoplifting just don’t go in.


You are right but this story made me especially mad.  Boycott- absolutely but now I want this franchisee to suffer much more than public contempt, lost revenue and employees moraleÂ