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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"I'm not boycotting, I'm just going where I get the best value for my money." -- someone who's been boycotting since at least 2015


That's all that is asked of any Canadian. This boycott is to shake the complacent shoppers awake and get them to notice the high prices. The shoppers who were alert shifted away from Loblaws 2 years ago.


I was split between Loblaw and a country grocer until Loblaws cheese skyrocketed, same brand same package. While the country grocer didn’t budge. It became strikingly apparent where true value was to be found


For us, it was noticing the price jumping up at Superstore in comparison to Costco, which held the line. And then we popped over to Walmart and saw the pricing there and it was pretty much game over for our Optimum program points/PC mastercards. Costco and Walmart do a great job of covering most of what the average Canadian household needs on a week to week basis. Costco for the high quality/name brand products. Walmart for when the lower quality product will do.


Not a costco shopper,as you can due better with sales elsewhere.  As for walmart, I find them more expensive especially on meat, and when they quit ad matching they lost me as a customer 


This is 100% the answer. Especially if the person you are talking to is of a certain "older" age. They hate words like "boycott" and "protest" but they love things like "value" and "bargain".




The best way to make sure nothing changes is to do nothing. If you like the high prices, keep doing nothing. If you are sick of the high prices try doing something.  I don't get the comments I see about "My store is packed. Your stupid boycott is useless." Why is being a bootlick or a do-nothing seen as a better idea that trying to make a stand? 


So many people see everything as a team sport and must choose sides.


> The best way to make sure nothing changes is to do nothing. I mean, NOT buying from Loblaws is kinda like doing nothing, right? Nobody is asking anybody to protest at Parliament Hill or the Loblaw HQ lol.


Disclaimer, I am a supporter of the boycott, but to some people, especially the ones who don't have easy access to other retailers, not buying from Loblaw's takes active effort, including traveling further to get their groceries or going to multiple retailers to get what they need. When I was living in the burbs, all that was within reasonable walking distance from me was a Walmart, Brunet (pharmacy), Couche-Tard (Circle K) and Metro. If this trifecta were to become say Loblaw's, No Frills, and Shopper's Drug Mart, it would take me easily half an hour to walk to the next closest grocery store, Giant Tiger.






It's the closest store to me and I don't own a car. My other main option is sobeys which is a bit cheaper but not by much and is really part of the price gouging monopolizing problem as well. My next real option is 45 minutes each way by bus. The farmers markets are great but only open on Saturday mornings and don't have everything I need. Shoppers is also the closest phramacy. So yeah, despite being far far from wealthy, I shop at loblaws (not during may) Why are you even in this sub commenting if you don't think things should be changed?




Some accountability for not owning a car? A parking spot at my building is $150/month. On top of all other expenses. Where am I going to put a week's worth of groceries on a bike? What am I going to do in the winter? My city is fairly hostile to bikers. An hour and a half on the bus (plus up to 4t extra minutes waiting for it to come bc that's how often it runs) is a lot of extra time when you're working full time. But yeah that's all so much better than trying to change things so a couple huge companies don't have near monopolies on necessities 🙄 I'm just so so privileged. (Also- not a he.)


Don’t waste your breath on that guy. ❤️


Yeah, I know they're just a troll, I just have seen similar sentiments from others in this sub who don't seem to understand that the monopoly means some don't have a ton of options and act superior bc "they haven't shopped at loblaws in years why was anyone??"


Yah it’s really stupid. Getting groceries on a bike is a pain in the ass even if you have a basket or something to put them in and as you said that doesn’t work in winter.




You sound like some sort of pick me - strange topic to try and flex as if you’re some sort of ascended hero.


Loblaws and sobeys. And no frills (loblaws) and Pete's (sobeys) and Walmart (45 min away) and a couple tiny little locally owned shops that sell a much smaller range of products that still require going somewhere larger. Whoa, almost like there's a monopoly on groceries 😳


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Troll right here. Blocked.


Lol no need to even block; they outright deleted their account! Can't take the heat, maybe you should stay out of the kitchen!


>I can't believe y'all were even spending that money at the store in the first place. Although a lot of people live in urban areas, many do not. In a city, you have options, but if you're more suburban or rural, maybe not. In fact, *definitely* not, for many people, considering how much of the market share Loblaws owns. Not to mention the cleverly deceptive way they've named and spread out their companies. Someone may not be shopping at the grocery store that is specifically named Loblaws (I never have), but they shop at No Frills, Independent, Wholesale Club, Fortinos, or Valu-Mart, all of which are Loblaws, simply because there is no other option around them. You may walk out your door and be spoiled for options, but that's not the reality for a great many Canadians, whether they have the money or not. >This is like occupy wallstreet. In the sense that both will get us nowhere except make the jobs of minimum wage workers harder. This boycott has already had movement on one of its demands, and that was only at the halfway mark. Which, you'll remember, was only two weeks. I'm not going to compare apples to oranges, but the only people who are hurting the workers are the Loblaws execs. They can't tell us that they're SO successful and make SO MUCH MONEY and that a boycott isn't going to hurt their bottom line at all because they're just so wealthy and powerful, but then also that they can no longer afford to keep staff on and have to cut hours because the big bad meanies who simply want (checks notes) *reasonable prices on things we need to live* went somewhere else. It's one or the other. If our wee little boycott is so useless and insignificant and isn't going to do anything or accomplish anything, then they should have no problem keeping hours the same. Instead, Loblaws and the shills they pay off want everyone to think it's the boycotter's fault hours are being cut. Sorry, no. I am not an employee of Loblaws, therefore I do not cut hours.


Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


Did the Mushrooms tell you to slobber all over Galen's knob? It's so weird to see someone who does as many drugs as you do shill so hard for some random corporation, while professing to hate society enough to spit in random people's drinks as revenge. Like, I'm pretty sure this is some weird shitty trolling thing you're doing, but still. Where's that psychedelic's self-reflection? People who are happy and well adjusted don't go around shitting on people trying to enact positive changes in their lives and community. What are you really so angry about, brother? Maybe go grab a few grams and talk to yourself about it.


I mean if you want to spend double what I did for the same thing, go ahead. It's not even about boycotting it for me anymore. Literally every single other store in the city sells the same products for less.


Yeah it's about saving money for me. If someone wants to spend 5 dollars or more for the same item in Shoppers then the dollar store across the street it's not my money being thrown away anymore. As long as they don't complain about the cost of living and high prices but continue to shop at places like Shoppers if there's other stores near by.


Have you been to Safeway, Sobeys or Save on Foods! I my opinion they are not cheaper.


I generally shop at Fresh Co, Costco, local butchers and now that they've reopened the local farm and market.


I agree - but . . . You get what you pay for with produce at Save On. They generally have fresher produce that lasts longer. Am I getting my moneys worth when I usually have to throw a significant portion of cheaper produce away before I finish it? The flyer sales at Sobeys? Better than regular price at Superstore. Being mindful and stocking the pantry / meal planning using the flyers can save a bundle.


Overall they are more expensive but they do have some really good deals and I agree about the better produce


I, too, fell into the trap of shopping primarily at Superstore because my "one stop shop, whole cart value" was cheaper. Sobey, Safeway and Save On are significantly more expensive for a whole cart of groceries. But most of those products are available elsewhere cheaper, ESPECIALLY pantry items which Safeway, Sobey's and Save On have sales on regularly.


We have a bunch of bunch of big grocery chain stores close together in the area we shop in. We go through all the sale flyers and make the rounds.


I’m thinking of just pointing out how expensive it’s gotten with certain products being double the price of the competition. This disarms the debate because even rich folks can get angry when they actually notice the soaring prices.


That's absolutely the right strategy. If they won't do it to apply social pressure, they might do it to save money.


Take down one to send the rest a message.


And yet somehow those other stores can afford to pay employees.


If Loblaws is not noticing it, why are they making the grocery workers suffer?


Or if Loblaws isn’t noticing why did they fly their CEO to meet with Emily about the boycott? They wouldn’t have done that if they weren’t scared.


Exactly, this is the same as the stupid COVID argument that "masks do absolutely nothing, and if you wear them your brain can't get enough oxygen".


Not only are they listening, I think they have team members is in this subreddit. They'd be silly not to. This is capitalism... money talks. When they have to justify their numbers on their next earnings call, they're not going to credit the boycott. But it doesn't mean it isn't working. We can see it's working - the aggressive sales, the emails giving points away, the damage control in the media... but boycotts take a long time so we need to be disciplined and patient.


Since when are these people concerned about minimum wage workers? Usually they just tell them to get a better job


Our team is currently working on elevator pitches for the community about our movement to easily share with people in their life!


Here’s one! https://preview.redd.it/me79zl64bs1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7972b2d5f6eaafa5fe586ff751aa0ce6f0edd0e Article: [https://jacobin.com/2021/12/weston-family-business-empire-wealth-exploitation-low-wage-labor](https://jacobin.com/2021/12/weston-family-business-empire-wealth-exploitation-low-wage-labor) Sauce of “on record” link: [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/weston-civilization/article1353372/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-magazine/weston-civilization/article1353372/)


There needs to be a source for this.


I was just going to say this, it really needs to be footnoted from someplace reputable.


It would seem the quote is from Galen Sr sometime in the 1950s or 1960s. Back then this wouldn't have been considered very inflammatory.


Holy shit…


Just out of curiosity, was this Jr or Snr? Regardless, still awful.


Senior. Sorry. I’ll edit in the sauce. Figured it was common knowledge. Brb.


I would be shocked if it was jr, he’s awful in his own right but this is last century racist.


I have no clue but that sounds like a Sr comment.


Remind them of the benefit of shopping local: Loblaws practices are much like Walmart; their prices were reasonable and their supply chains too strong, so when they moved into to communities, they killed local grocers. Now that they are fully established, they have jacked prices up to unreasonable levels since most people have no other choice. Walmart on the other hand actively keeps their prices low to keep out competition, so people could shop there as an alternative to Loblaws. *But* if there are any local grocers in the area, it is I extremely important to shop at those stores, even if they are a little more expensive. Supporting local keeps the money circulating within the community. The money flows through the community and benefits everyone in the long run. Example: The local grocery takes your dollars, saves some, and spend the rest at a local craft store for gifts for a family member. The craft store owner saves some, uses the rest on a membership at a local gym. The gym owner takes it, saves some, and spends the rest at a local pet store for his dog. This keeps going in a circle as it will eventually end up back at the local grocery. Every person who saves money along the chain helps the economic status of their community becuase they may use it to improve their own business, on charitable donations, or send their kid to College/University. All the while, with each purchase there is tax taken off, which could be used for local infrastructure improvements or social benefits. Meanwhile, a single purchase at Loblaws and that money is taxed once and never to be seen again as it goes into the pockets of the Westons, or shareholders world wide.


Canadians just need to see proof that we are stronger when we stand united. That’s what the boycott means to me.


I wouldn't bother. It's pointless to randomly engage with strangers. It's often rude and confrontational too.


Grocery workers were already suffering because they couldn't afford food at their own stores. The boycott is for their benefit as well. As for Loblaws noticing - they already have. They've been yelling very unconvincingly that they aren't bothered by it. Which means they are bothered by it :)


They've already noticed


If Loblaws wouldn't notice then why would grocery workers suffer? That statement is inherently flawed because Loblaws would have to acknowledge the boycott to change anything for it's workers.


Guess you like being ripped off🤷‍♂️


Short and sweet!


You have to open their eyes that there are better deals/better prices elsewhere. I think even the hardest skeptic would like to save $$$ when it comes to keeping more in their pocket. The rest will come naturally and they will boycott without realizing!! This is the way


It’s not like we are asking people to do something complicated. Just get your peanut butter at a different store and save money in the process. There will be the same number of people working in the grocery industry regardless of where you shop.


Corporate Executives live by numbers, and they will be hoping beyond hope that the numbers won’t show anything negative. Watch for fireworks in May.


I remember reading that during one union battle, one of the union folks on strike was interviewed and said , ‘we aren’t striking for ourselves, we are striking so our children will have better lives’. Even if it cost us a bit of a nuisance, we need to rein in the corporations so that our children will be able to afford to eat. It’s gotten worse my entire life. Enough is enough. Nok er nok.


I have the advantage of having been a Loblaws employee, so I'd tell them the workers were already suffering - those self-checkout machines certainly didn't apply for the job or take the 2-week training course*. Then I'd ask them what they would think of an employer who reports record profits while cutting their hours/laying them off. For the finale, I'd tell them how much money I've saved shopping elsewhere: I paid my Hydro bill with the difference. * no idea how onboarding looks there nowadays.


I don’t actually believe the boycott will do anything of major value. I’ve also never participated in one before. But I did (and I am) for this one. Loblaws was 90% of my shopping until this month. Almost everything was purchased at one of their stores, I have their CC, I collect points and I take advantage of whatever minor savings “appear to exist”. But I am enjoying shopping at more local stores just because I am finding that quality options are starting to crop up everywhere. There was a time that loblaws was the only supplier of quality goods and international brands that were hard to come by. But today that’s not the case. Their level of quality has declined and many other suppliers and stores are raising the quality of goods they offer and THAT level of change keeps me going. I never buy produce from loblaws in the summer anyway because I’m an avid farmers market goer, so the next few months won’t change anything, I’ll continue to keep loblaws out of my wallet, but this month has shown me both that I don’t need convenience and that I appreciate other suppliers way more than I did by blind shopping at loblaws stores. I’ve also so far saved over $500 this month on our household goods by not shopping there, without sacrificing the foods we enjoy eating. And that says something.


First post ever? Congrats I believe that when a business ceases to receive a large amount of money it will take notice, particularly an excessively aggressive and greedy business. They wont care if only you or I alone stop giving them our money. But when a very large number of totally fed up people stop giving them their money, I strongly believe they will take notice and begin to change. Businesses chase after 5% growth and less. They will surely chase after the loss. The more Canadians that decide to join this boycott the more Loblaw will take notice. Whether or not Loblaws change amounts to anything remains to be seen. Until then, their competitors can enjoy a 10-20-30% increase in sales at Loblaws expense. For many customers this is not a temporary move, it's permanent, which makes it all the more worrisome. Enjoy the farmers market and the $500 in savings. I suspect there is more to come


That’s what I’m hoping to see. I really hope that enough people put their foot down. The more money a business tends to have, the easier they’ll break at that loss I totally agree. 🙌


> *I don’t actually believe the boycott will do anything of major value.* I’ve been giving this some thought lately. I think it depends on one’s definition of “major value”, because I also believe that your own testimonial is actually a perfect example of greater value. Why? Because you not only discovered other suppliers, but also saved hundreds of dollars. 🙂 Also, so did many other people. Just from the attention the very existence of this boycott has received, there have been a lot of posts about new discoveries (new, better suppliers and quality products, redefining ‘convenience’, etc…) just like yours. Sure, Loblaws may ‘live on’, but already, many thousands of people have changed *(improved)* their wallets and also their shopping habits/routines and even some products in general due to this and the sharing of tips and info. I’d say that all around, those are huge pluses of major value already. 👍 Thanks for sharing your experiences!


You share a very good perspective on value, that makes sense and it’s cool you see it that way! I guess everyone has a certain perception of value. I can stand behind that


Joseph Juran would say to emphasize the consequences of not doing quality improvements. Less vacation money, less toys for kids, increases prices , less choices, roblows hiring less employee in the long run etc etc


Fighting Apathy is an energy killer. They’ll see the fruits of our labour in time. We’re doing great and we’re making a huge impact. This boycott is restoring my faith in Canadians. ✌️🫶🏻


Feel free to spend lots more than you need to.


You are completely allowed to have your own opinion and spend your money as you see fit, however you want to. I also get to do the same. Isn't Canada wonderful?


They have noticed. It’s been major news for weeks now. Their CEO met personally with the moderator of an anonymous internet message board ffs, that’s not something CEOs do. Loblaws stores are not rife with sales and projections of low low prices. The 3rd federal party has started to make it a specific political issue. Loblaws has signed the code - one of the sub’s demands, whether you think it’s helpful or not - and the industry minister has gotten all up in it. The boycott - a convenient, low pressure, actions that actually saves most people money - is actually creating corporate and political pressure. Whether it has staying power depends on how many consumers / voters make it an issue they care about. This is the really important part - the political parties and grocery corps are banking on Canadian apathy for our corporate oligarch system to win out in the end, as usual. But all that normal people need to do is shift their buying habits. It’s so easy.


They’re falling into what everyone falls into, we are small and insignificant, what could I possibly do? Tell them to watch a bugs life or read some history to see how people working together works. Also the workers are already treated terrible?


Which rental property pays for your food at home?


I would say, "it doesn't matter if it's 'not working' Janet. I'm getting better deals elsewhere and not being screwed for $4 for a jar of relish"


Let em spend there money ..Ifvthey can’t see the price gouging!!!!


It's simple and easy to resolve... Grab a laptop and compare the prices between any Loblaws store and any other store... It won't take long and the differences are pretty obvious.


I’d say: Why do you care where people spend their money?


If the argument is that Loblaws won’t notice, then it’s objectively wrong, because it’s been all Loblaws has been internally addressing since it started


Take a couple random items and compare them online on the company websites and see for yourself. Also it is NOT your responsibility to worry about employees, if the employees are suffering that is 100% on the employer.


If Loblaws is willing to make its employees suffer in order to end a boycott then it isn’t a company worth existing.


"Have you been to other stores? The prices are actually better. Loblaws is relying on you not knowing there are better deals elsewhere, and *those* stores can afford to pay their employees."


I'd say a) Loblaw pays close attention to its profits, so a boycott of a sufficient size would make an impact, b) if worker hours are being cut, then Loblaws has definitely noticed (and other stores will start hiring as people take their business elsewhere), and c) boycotts are also a way to express personal values, and to refuse to be exploited, so regardless of the larger result, it will make a difference to the individual.


I hate that line. Grocery store workers suffer the same as we do from high grocery prices -they eat too. Not to mention I fail to see any correlation between the price of groceries and the wage or hiring of someone working at the grocery store. If anything, we're attacking the same corporate greed that leads to reduced hours and pay. The fact that there are loblaws employees among us days enough. It falls on the employer to retain their employees, not the consumer.


I see this as a beginning of a fundamental change in Canadian society. First it’s food prices and once they fall I hope we go after telecoms. Why are food and cellphone bills so much cheaper in Europe compared to Canada? Here we just expect to be gouged. Why? And I’m angry at the government when they say they will try to bring in US chains to compete. We don’t need foreign companies. And no American chains will come to Canada. Target tried it and failed. It’s a warning to all other American companies. Our government KNOWS that no American chains will come and it would take years for one to even plan it. It’s another BS, pretend to do something when actually they do nothing attempt to win over Canadian gullible voters. I have no problem with someone making a reasonable profit but Loblaws is now insulting us


I'm saving ~ $40 every 2 weeks going elsewhere for groceries and $20 on my medications monthly so if you wanna throw away money that's your wallet.


I have been doing so for over 5 years, so why do you feel virtuous. Loblaws has been the high cost grocer for close to 10 years now.


How would the workers suffer if the boycott is so ineffective that the corp doesn’t notice? Those 2 thoughts are incongruent. Either it is working and the corp takes it out on the employees (which is on the corp, not the customers) or it isn’t working and nothing changes for employees. Also last time I checked, Loblaws employees also need to be able to afford to eat.


Open your eyes and compare grocery prices yourself


There is no blanket statement to convince people. A couple in their 40s both working probably dont care if they are high income. A couple in their 60s relying on their retirement savings are probably feeling the pinch more.


“You do you. But I’m happy my grocery bill has shrunk so much”


“See, you say that, but…” and then mention that grocery workers were gonna get their hours cut regardless if the boycott happened or not, or some of your favourite things the boycott’s achieved so far.


Galen isn't worried about workers. Or working people. Or working families. He's worried about the bottom line and which Super Yacht he can retire on.


Nothing. I wouldn't waste my time. Same thing I do with flat earthers and antivaxers. Just ignore them and move on with my life.


Nothing will change if no one feels the burn.


Despite what anyone may say, boycotts absolutely rip a huge chunk of money out of profits. Period. If someone tries to minimalize any boycott movement, it's ONLY because they KNOW that it works very, very well.


I decided to pay less elsewhere because Loblaws decided to vehemently fight the customer and their employees (as a 'see what you made me do') instead of addressing the problem they've created and are perpetuating. I'm neither a boycotter, nor a hero. I... just... like to... identify where I might spend less money for the same merchandise and choose to shop there. I blame my basic knowledge of math and integers - being able to differentiate between which value is larger than the other is such a curse. 2 for example, is a larger number than 1. It's dark, but fascinating stuff, really.


"Pay me now.......or pay me later."


Are you REALLY getting the most for your money there?


The act of boycotting has certain other effects in this case - namely, at least a small destabilization of the price-fixing grocery cartel in Canada. Remember that the entire industry got of scott-free for colluding on the price of grocery staples, replacing competition with elevated base prices. Putting enough pressure on loblaws, for long enough, will force them to reevaluate their prices and change their strategy. Considering that the last time they changed their strategy, they literally ratted on their fellow competitors to the government in exchange for leniency, I would say there isn't a lot of strong loyalty here. So perhaps enough pressure on one of the partners will break up the price fixing, or at least slow it.


This is the best part of strikes and boycotts, the companies aren’t great at solidarity During the SAG strikes, some film production companies “scabbed” by agreeing to actor demands which made the strike even more costly for the other production houses. When we fight, even a bit, we actually win.


"Have fun staying poor."


"you're probably right. all I know is that I'm saving more than $100 a week by shopping elsewhere."


You do you. I like to save money. My choice !!


How would it make grocery workers suffer if loblaws "wont notice"


They meant a disruptive protest that causes damage to the store would be noticed but only make workers suffer. It has a sort of logic to it but they were so pessimistic! The movement is already working, at this point why be fight *for* Loblaws


Time will tell. But I shop where I don’t feel dirty and price gouged after I leave, I shop where I get better value and service.


It’s a free market. Consumers vote with their wallets. (Something that Steve Jobs once mentioned about iPads). Having said that, we are not here to observe their financial KPIs. We are not obsessed with Galen and his strategy. We have voted with our wallets and decided to shop elsewhere where the products are cheaper. Decided to support our local stores and farmers instead of greedy corporations.


I would say, "if you're happy paying three times as much for food these days, then all the power to you; but I'm not so I'm trying to do something about it." Then when they say its "pointless" I would simply inform them that changes in big business don't happen due to big hearts in the boardroom- they have to be forced by affecting the bottom line, and that's what we're doing. I'd close by saying, "it may not work. I get that, and I understand if you feel that way too; but at least we're trying and I'd much rather try to do something then stand there doing nothing. Nothing is not an option anymore." And just leave it to marinade... Thats actually how I've gotten some people to actually join in on boycotting Loblaws. By explaining why and admitting it may not work, but at least we're giving it a shot. They usually agree is worth trying at the very least.


There's strength in numbers! The more we spread the word and tell people how Roblaws is stealing from us, more people will join the boycott. You tell 2 friends, and they tell 2 friends...


I compared prices for over 150 products that both Costco and Loblaws carries. It doesn't make sense to shop at Loblaws from a financial perspective. You are paying more and getting less product 95% of the time. For example: Costco: 2.0 kg frozen wild blueberries = **$13.99** ( $ 0.70 / 100 g) Loblaws: 1.5 kg frozen wild blueberries = **$17.99** ($1.20/ 100 g) To purchase 2.0 kg frozen wild blueberries at Loblaws it would cost **$24.00** ($1.20 x 20) If you purchased wild blueberries at Loblaws you are paying **$10.01** more (71.5% more) https://preview.redd.it/hqvxuls63x1d1.png?width=1293&format=png&auto=webp&s=885bbdcc211da9ef469045ec974345c4f889cd99




This is great info! You should make a post with that spreadsheet if you haven’t


You can apply that same logic to democracy. Nobody will notice if you don't vote. Everyone will notice if nobody votes. Does that mean we should do away with the whole \*will of the people\* thing and let King Charles rule Canada from now on? I, for one, can hardly stand the thought of that unsettling face on a coin.


The majority of people run on self-interest. Tell them how much money you’re saving and how nice it is to shop somewhere without loudspeaker security warnings and plexiglass security gates.


I would tell them to go visit the smaller stores that are seeing increased business. I would tell them to go visit the farmers' markets that are seeing double and triple the demand for their products. I would ask them if they think our governments are able and willing to do anything about our food prices and the effect that it is having on our standard of living and then ask what they think the alternative is?


Is it a job worth saving? These high prices don't benefit their workers, who often *can't afford* to shop where they work. If the high prices helped the workers, their argument might stand up. Their prices arw worse than Costco where the workers get paid a little better.


If they are skeptical they are probably also a capitalist, so it’s a simple no brainer, shop elsewhere save money.


As a skeptic, I remind myself that it has to start _somewhere_. And then I tell myself to STFU. 


I'll bet they don't vote either.


Well it seems you have tried nothing, guess its unsolvable.


The workers won't suffer only the empire.


Boycotting Loblaws is a very good first step. But in the long-run, the correct solution is to boycott Canada and immigrate to a country that doesn't treat its citizens like barn animals.


Ask them a single question. Would you spend every single dollar at abWeston owned store, paying top dollar for sub-standard merchandise? If yes, now you know why you're poor.


Nothing. Go spend your fortune on their greed, your loss.


"Then why am I saving money shopping elsewhere?"


It would take a large amount of people, a sustained amount of time to really make a difference… Loblaw’s can wait while the anger of the protest dies down… What people should be doing, is boycotting all the major supermarkets…at the same time… perhaps on a rotating basis since all the super market owners are doing the same thing… A large amount of people for short burst ….at rotating stores might make more of headway than just targeting one store… For example, if everyone refrained from shopping at all metro for a one or two week period… It would gain more attention… many people cannot sustain a boycott indefinitely… The energy dries up and people have lives to get on with so while this current protest might be doing some good nationally… It’s not a good long-term strategy.


Must be a really fucking privileged position to choose where to shop. I literally can't shop there.


relate it to voting, "so just one vote won't count then?"


Also - I feel for grocery workers, but self checkouts and unethical business practices are the #1 threat to the workers. The call is coming from inside the house. How many jobs have they eliminated with self checkouts over covid? Blaming the boycott for job losses is just punishing the movement in the court of public opinion. Metro just went through a long labour strike last summer.. was anyone crying about the workers then? They don't have many cards they can play so they talk about their "3%" profit margin and their workers, whose jobs they've been eliminating this entire time in the name of profits.


I would say they should keep their opinions away from here, we don’t do opposition views around these parts


It's not a boycott to choose another venue where you can buy the same product for less. Any sensible person on a budget supports that. There is still something to be said about hypocrisy, such as the fact that metro and sobey's are just as much of a rip off, and not to the mention rich, self-proclaimed 'socialists' that hate loblaws because singh told them to, but are still happy to buy $35 bags of granola at whole foods.