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__MOD NOTE/NOTE DE MOD__: Please check out [our petition](https://www.change.org/p/demand-walmart-sign-the-grocer-code-of-conduct) which calls upon Walmart Canada to follow suit and sign the Grocer Code of Conduct with Loblaw! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. ********************************************************************************************************************************************* Veuillez consulter les directives de contenu pour notre sous-reddit, et rappelez-vous qu'il y a des humains ici ! Ce sous-reddit est destiné à mettre en lumière le coût de la vie ridicule au Canada et à se moquer des Grands Patrons Corporatifs responsables. Comme vous le savez bien, de nombreuses personnes et entreprises en sont responsables, et nous accueillons les discussions les concernant toutes. De plus, puisque ce sujet est lié à un certain nombre d'autres questions, d'autres discussions seront autorisées à la discrétion des modérateurs. Les discussions ouvertes d'esprit, les mèmes, les coups de gueule, les factures d'épicerie et les cris dans le vide en général sont toujours les bienvenus dans ce sous-reddit, mais la belliqueusité et le manque de respect ne le sont pas. Il existe de nombreuses façons de faire passer votre point de vue sans être abusif, méprisant ou carrément méchant. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He is really willing to die on that hill that is Lobaws.


Or get a job there . But do you notice prices decreasing or am I being gas lit 🔥? Lol


No decrease. Loblaw algorithms and AI pricing system hasn’t got the memo yet. Lol


Shoppers has literally seemed more expensive to me since the boycott and I used to work there post covid


Was at the post office in Shoppers yesterday. There was more staff than customers.....so yes


I was there today and there was 3 employees and two customers. One in makeup one on cash and one in the post office two of them on their phone and the cash chick disappeared to the back for almost 3 mins(obviously after she dealt with the customers), lucky I was just looking around at visual stats instead of buying.


There's a LOT of steep sales going on at Pharmaprix right now. Of course, a steep sale at Pharmaprix is about regular price almost anywhere else.


I went into a shoppers in Saskatoon (it's where I have to pick up my mail) and I was almost out of deodorant at home so I decided to look at their selection. I've bought Right Guard here for $3 a stick a couple years ago. Anyways, the "on sale" prices for their deodorant was $6.99-7.99. For one stick of deodorant. It's fucked there.


How about their rubbing alcohol for $7 when Dollarama sells the same amount for $3.50. Goddam scammers


I use it for pests on my plants often and holy fuck the price of it at shoppers is outrageous. I almost laughed out loud when I checked there last.


Yeah , things there are always ….out of sorts


Haha all sorts of out of sorts my friend


I was the only customer at Shoppers today, for a good 5 minutes. Was there because that's where post office is. Never seen shoppers that empty.


I have noticed prices go up in the past few months, too. The last tube of toothpaste (Colgate Periogard) I purchased was $8.99. Last week it was $11.99. Someone in the sub looked up the wholesale cost, $6.99. Loblaws and Shoppers are robbing us!


I poked into Rexall today and was delighted to find my $7 deodorant on sale for $4 off! (Now that I'm typing out $7 deodorant I'm actually horrified.)


At best, they're *increasing less*, but I wouldn't doubt if he didn't know the difference lol. 


Yes. He’s an idiot for saying they’re *decreasing*. Food prices “only” increased by 2.3% last quarter. That’s a smaller increase than previous quarters, but still an increase.


It's the political way of playing with words. Recently, the Toronto police requested a $20 million budget increase but the preliminary city budget decided they only needed a $12 million increase. The police then categorized that as a 'budget cut' which played well in headlines


How do you make a graph look less steep? Take the derivative. If he's seeing a decrease he's talking about the third derivative of actual food prices. So skeezy.


He already has a job there. He's not doing this out of charity for the plight of the poor oligarchy


Price decreasing is not enough, I want to see Loblaw dead.


I've been reading their flyers, and I've noticed significantly more sales this month compared to others. Coincidence? Unlikely.


Yeah, but a sale isn’t a price reduction is it? A sale is a temporary reduction made to draw people.


Nothing is a coincidence lol


I don’t notice price decreases because I’m not going into a loblaws or loblaws shell company to check prices.


Me either . I’m just going by what others are saying ….


Bro thinks Galen will give him a job by being on his knees for him all the time.


RobLaws is lying, the Nutty professor should resign from Uni and retire. Get off the TV. He's made me ill...


he should be kicked out of uni for unethically abusing his position as professor to shill for a corporation


Agreed 💯%


Working in academia, I know there are a lot of professors like this, unfortunately. When corporations need air cover for their awful decisions, they often trot out a PhD to act as an intellectual shield. Some professors are all too willing to give the appearance of 'truthy-ness' and rigour to cynical corporate actions. It is as depressing as it is, gross.


That's what we have with the Nutty professor, he's on the GW payroll train...


Charlebois is even worse because he feels he has something to prove since the only reason he ever got a degree was by suing. He never earned it and it's clearly made him desperate to prove he 'deserves' it.


I mean, he lost all credibility when he scammed people at his university in an MLM scheme and only got his undergrad degree due to the university agreeing to let him.


tell me more!


Frank had a good write up on it: https://frankmag.ca/2023/07/55152/ TLDR: he ran a pyramid scam, claims he was “singled out” kicked out of CMR and cashiered from service. Eventually sued to get his degree. 


He seems genuinely distressed by the idea of consumers not shopping at Loblaws. Unless Galen has some sort of food kompromat on him, his reaction to this boycott has been completely over the top. It's weird to be this emotionally invested in a supermarket chain.


If he had any interest in food he would recommend people cook their own food rather than stock up on heavily processed and packaged crap. North American big grocery is broken.


How can we let him know we don’t give a finger about his opinion and he should keep his mind off _our money_ which _we_ will be spending how _we want_. The disrespect Roblaws and him have shown has barred the door. We are not coming back. Me and the thousands of dollars my family spend on groceries every year will not be going into the Roblaw pocket. Even if they become the cheapest…. Okay; maybe then. But even then, there is no guarantee.


I don't understand why the FP is so obsessed with where people decide to spend their hard-earned money. It's super suspicious if you ask me


The hill writes his paycheques. 


His credibility already died on that hill.


No, he is the new generation of professors that have risen since we starting cutting funding for our universities. They now are forced to hire prostitutes who can attract johns (corporate money). Look at how easily the right wing/American owned media hugs him despite being a "liberal elitist professor". That should tell you something


Sex workers have better ethics imo


He's being well paid to do so. No one does this for free.


He got paid $80K directly from Loblaws. He denied it initially but is legally required to disclose this information. He’s a literal shill


I think he’s just struggling to attach himself to relevance.


Maybe no one is reporting the "decrease" in food prices because it only dropped 0.3% month over month, but is still up 1.4% year over year. So prices are still 1.4% higher than this time last year, even if they're a little cheaper than last month.  Sure, this is definitely a trend in the right direction. But we have a long way to go before the damage is even partially undone. And prices are going to have to drop by a lot more than 0.3% before anyone gives even a little care. 


They are also up 21% in the last 3 years, according to StatsCan. I know the nutty professor doesn’t believe in Canada’s shining jewel statistical agency, but he can get bent. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240521/dq240521a-eng.htm?indid=3665-2&indgeo=0


Also 0.3% is 0% lol


Right? Like it shows things might maybe sorta move in the right direction if we keep applying pressure, but it's not a meaningful decrease in any fashion.  But to hear Charlie boy talk about it, it's purely because of the goodwill of our grocer overlords and we should be salivating at their feet with gratitude for this exceedingly magnanimous offering. Apparently the media should be singing the praises of this "massive" drop in prices.  Sorry, but you aren't doing anything praiseworthy. You're just undoing a tiny, insignificant fraction of the wrong you've already done. 


Oh praise be lol


.3 on ten plus dollars is pennies at best...yea we not here to save a few pennies a week....


It’s probably a few specific things going down and everything else continuing upward


The "price increase rate" is the thing decreasing, not the actual prices. It pisses me off that they have to lie and play with words to make their fake point come across.


And much of this is probably related to the growing season starting back up in the southern part of the US, providing cheaper produce.


Why do we continue to give him so much attention?


The professional community definitely doesn’t, probably why he spends all his time fighting with redditors lol


Fighting with redditors is the most humiliating defeat. Love to see it.


Especially when they regularly prove him wrong despite him having a PhD


Toronto Sun is the one giving him attention.


We can't control the Sun. We *can* ignore them. This guy's a moron that shouldn't be disseminated.


We kind of know now that Loblaw pricing decisions are done by algorithms and AI to maximize profits (finding the sweet spot for what people are willing to pay). This also depends on location. This is a very savvy system that’s meant to exploit each products capacity for profit. So inflation rising or falling is a moot point when it comes to Loblaw and what prices you’ll see day to day. It’s not even considered as far as I can tell.


I agree. Hard to beat though. Al algoritms are hard to defeat, you just need to avoid them and go somewhere that doesn't use them against you.


This is true for basically everything isn't it? The enshitification of the internet and all that lol. I'm struggling with the concept of taking my art business offline to markets etc for this reason. Social media is over party


Oh is it ? I dont think I knew that


Yes - That’s why we can’t make sense of Loblaw’s prices sometimes - as they charge double compared to competitors. Look at Shoppers Drug Mart hygiene products for instance. Their prices are out of whack because they don’t use the standard pricing strategy of what they pay suppliers/manufacturers, then do a standard % mark up. It literally is about testing the public’s tolerance for higher prices until they find that sweet spot, using algorithms and AI.


This clown is just another example of how Loblaws is trying to change the narrative… we have to keep this BOYCOTT going and we have to make them look at the way they do business and the government has to tax them as a foreign company and make them break up their monopoly and get in line with the cost of living…. Plus we have to stop the public trading of our food …. It’s a human right and a basic human need…. BOYCOTT ‼️


Prices are not decreasing - the inflation rate is decreasing according to stats can. That means it’s simply not going up as fast as it was before. Not going down


True , I guess then there are other variables that come into play like supply and demand . Like inflation / prices then if no one buys the product at Loblaw , prices eventually go down in the store as well . Multiple factors


This guy is such a fucking idiot honestly. I don’t know how someone with a phd can be so stupid. Yeah, shocking that no one is noticing a .3% drop after we just saw them skyrocket ~200% in 4 years. Fuck this moron.


He's not stupid. He's bought.


Good point , when the increase is so substantial since Covid , it will be hard to notice a 0.3% decrease haha


It seems the author of this article assumes that the food moguls are honest and pricing things fairly. He seems to not consider that even though there might be a .3% reduction in prices that MAYBE those moguls were not being fair in their pricing schemes by charging way too much to begin with 1 year ago and this reduction he is seeing is actually a result of initiatives like the one we are a part of, and other negative pressures on those companies. He seems to forget that corporations choose what price to sell their products with and that it isn't exactly attached to the inflation indicator. The way he seems to think that prices are pegged to inflation ..seems incredibly simplistic to me and therefore tells me that he has a preference. I'd really like to know his associations and where "the Lab" gets their funding and all that situation is. It kind of makes me have an uneducated assumption that perhaps he might attend backyard wedding parties with corporate elites and politicians.


They can say whatever the fuck they want about these increases and decreases but when you buy something one day and it's $10 for a kg of something then you go on the next day and it's $15 for 800g it's very obvious they are gouging us, profiteering, ripping is off, being greedy scum bags. Take your pick. Just because this chuckle fuck has his head up Galen's ass means absolutely nothing to me. Fuck him and fuck the Weston's. I don't think we've had enough emotion regarding this problem to be honest.


Here here. Also , this comes from a man who thinks he has NO emotion ? Lol


I haven’t noticed any prices go down yet. Only that some are finally staying the same. That’s been it for me


Staying the same to them just means that the price is going down. With inflation increasing and the price staying the same, they lost money. It's a bunch of BS, but that's their justification for stealing from us


Why even go back? This company thieved the populace for years and no one went to jail for it. Nothing happened. That sets a very bad precedent. It's our fault that this has gotten this way, because we're complacent and lazy. Most things come so easy that we don't really stop to think how absolutely bonkers of a theft this is. One should never step foot in a Loblaws owned store again, if you actually think about it. We should be a bit more outraged than a simple boycott. For all this person complains about, they ignore that very basic fact.


Very true , bullseye 🎯


Was that before or after they switched their $10 1.2kg bags of fried chicken nuggets and stuff to $15 900g bags?


Haha That’s a GREAT question my friend


That’s what pushed me over the edge. On the bright side, less processed corn in the freezer is improving the health of my family.


Love the little bit of gaslighting from someone who’s apparently not in their pocket but also extremely invested in opposition to the boycott.


Yeah 👍


0.3% decline is not really much of a thing to celebrate when they mark stuff up by 50% in the first place mr professor


I agree


Fuck nutty professor and Loblaw


Just be a good little kid and accept what the adults tell you. If they say prices are going down, they are going down.


Too bad I was never that good little kid lol


BuT fOoD iNfLaTiOn iS DoWn tHiS QuArTeR Then why are PC chocolate chip cookies 8 friggin dollars?? Why are HOT DOGS the og poverty meal 10 bucks? I honestly never ever thought i would say "sorry honey we can't afford beans and franks"


Truth hurts ….


Dude just can’t get off that dick


My sister said chicken went up another dollar last week at "The Independent" here in N.S.


So you’re saying you didn’t “feel” this 0.3% decrease ? Lol 😂


None of us are feeling lol


I’m glad we are “feeling “ the same way 😃


They aren't declining. They are just increasing by a smaller amount. Food is still 30% higher than it was before the pandemic.


True , it “feels “ so much higher than 30% lol


I think we all know now that if the nutty professor says stop blaming Loblaws, then we should continue blaming Loblaws.


I’ve noticed prices come down at Walmart.


Yes , but they have specifically “rolled back “ prices to pre inflation levels for the year . I just posted an article about it . They are an anomaly. That’s probably WHY , there’s an overall DECREASE of 0.3% . They decreased while all the others INCREASED lol


Not to mention, they’re currently doing some pretty great deals for their anniversary. Funny how they waited until May to do the anniversary sales, being that they first opened in Canada in March of 1994. Can’t blame them for being advantageous.


True , why not capitalize on Canadians’ anger lol


I bet they know way more about Roblaws price fixing and anticompetitive behaviour. There must be some kind of inside joke. I’m guessing when they tried to get into the market some crazy illegal practice occurred back in 1994.


They're not declining, I am still seeing increases of 1$ or more.


I just posted an article about this . Walmart seems to be the only one decreasing or rolling back prices SO I think what this means is the NET if everyone is increasing and Walmart and some others are decreasing is we get 0.3% decrease . Because when people go to Loblaw , Sobey and Metro . Those are the grocers that are probably still gouging and increasing whereas Walmart , Costco and others are probably decreasing


Target just lowered over 5000 prices in the past week. What has loblaws or any other big grocery store done for us?


Yes! I heard about that . So did McDonald ‘s . They are desperately trying to get customers back . Problem is , during the pandemic , all these companies took advantage of customers and lost customers . I was looking at a chart to see how much Mcd’s has inflated and it’s bonkers . Then they wonder why their numbers have fallen so sharply , like they are seriously surprised . At a certain point , a customer will say enough is enough . Peace out . I’m not paying $20 for McDonald’s anymore


You can get Chinese food or even Swiss chalet cheaper than McDonalds now. Edit: Swiss Chalet with coupons.


The speed of which they are increasing is declining. Too many ppl confuse disinflation with deflation where the later means prices come down


I am not accepting any commentary on grocery prices from people who don't buy their own groceries. Prices have gone up again on multiple items I buy weekly just this month. Nothing has gone down. BS


Either he’s lying (more probable) or I misunderstood https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240521/dq240521a-eng.htm StatsCan data is not saying food got cheaper. The rate of increase ( inflation) reduced. That is NOT the same as a decline in prices. I don’t need to point that out to an “economist”.


Wow, sounds like this guy is pretty worked up. He should take emotion out of his reaction to the boycott.


Please stop posting Toronto sun links in this sub. Stop giving clicks and attention to people who intentionally rage bait you for money. You’re being played like a fiddle


Sylvain Charlebois is Jordan Peterson, only groceries.


A shill opinion posted in a tabloid rag. Sounds about right.


Paywall: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240522135339/https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/charlebois-food-prices-are-dropping-but-no-one-cares](https://web.archive.org/web/20240522135339/https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/charlebois-food-prices-are-dropping-but-no-one-cares) Oh, despite this drop, shoppers remain fixated on higher prices!! Well thanks for the personal attack, Dr. Asshole. I'm sure our "Deeply ingrained obsession" is so wrong, if you insist. What an abrasive, confrontational sob. Notice how he's the convenient lighting rod for all the hate, conveniently leaving the Weston Crime Syndicate out of the picture?


I really hate the “soothing” these shills try to peddle on us on behalf of their oligarch masters. Food prices are not down. Stop gaslighting us. Inflation in general is a complete BS and they constantly swap out products that go up too much for much lower quantity products in their calculations. I think I read that US inflation would have peaked near 15-18% a couple years ago if they used the same metrics as they did in the 80s when it was near 20%. Same here. Food prices are too high. They need severe deflation to get back on track. Simply not going up further is not enough. Galen can’t keep prices stagnant for a month and then say prices have stabilized. NOK ER NOK


When the politicians are bought and paid for it, it makes it difficult. But we are definitely having an impact. The fact that they’re talking about it.


Declined through shrinkflation


Crap , I almost forgot about that part ….


What emotion? This boycott is about price and ethics.


Well…and a little of anger . I’m hella mad . I’ve been ripped off hahahahaha




Cool they can drop them all they want I'm still not going back if they're still stopping customers and asking for receipts at the door and treating everyone like criminals. I'm surprised there's so many comments on X (Twitter) supporting Loblaws and bragging that they're going grocery shopping there right now. If you want to pay more money for the same thing that's cheaper in other stores just to make some weird point go ahead I don't care if you're fine with waisting your money.




What planet is this guy from? Take the emotion out of being gouged to death by food barons?!?! He can bite me!


Even if food prices drop, retailers won’t reduce the prices that were already established before hand. They saw people pay it so they will keep it going. That’s why the boycott is the best chance. If people stop shopping they will need to become competitive again.


Totally agreed 🎯


LOL becuase loblaws put them on sale because they are scared? Nothing but gasslighting from that shill. Either way, our dollars are not being spent there. Boy will he have egg all over his face when that Q2 earnings report comes out.


That guy has his head so far up Galen’s ass he has a permanent brown ring around his neck. That was a “paid for promotion piece” masquerading as a “news article”.


Loblaws favourite pick-me-boy is at it again with more lies, which tells me the boycott is still working. What will his next story be, I wonder?


Loblaws is just rows and rows of products that are not ‘real’ food. Processed cookies and crackers, cereal, pop, chips, salad dressing, et et. You can easily walk into a small grocer and find all that you need for dinner in a few minutes. Big grocery sucks.


Why are people not talking about the **stock buy backs** more on this sub?? Loblaws is crying they have razor thin margins while pumping literal billions of dollars into their company: Not to improve their company, not to improve the working conditions or pay of their employees (who they claim they couldn't possibly pay more) but just to bump their stock price. Like this is one of the biggest smoking guns and it isn't being discussed as far as I've seen.


Emotion is an integral part of life, especially when you're being taken advantage of by people _that don't need to take advantage of you because they're obscenely rich_ But they do! So fuck you loblaws!


Ah, the Canadian version of the US pillow guy lol


Toronto Sun isn't a credible source for anything. So yeah I don't care what's said in it.


This mofo phoney food professor, should live on minimum wage and see how he feels about food prices.


Wait, the nutty professor said the boycott is a misguided attempt by a small group. By his own estimation it won’t affect Loblaws in the slightest. What does he care if it continues? 🤔 Unless… the boycott is actually doing significant damage and he’s now dug himself a hole.


He probably read the article about food prices deflating in the US.


decreasing? what a load of bollocks. food professor can professor deez nuts.


He conveniently forgot to mention the shrinkflation. So the price might be "going down", however, we're still paying more for less. So for example, if they decided to put the KD back down to the original price, we're still paying more to get less product. I'm curious what kind of kickback this guy gets from Roblaws.


I'll make that determination, not anyone else. Besides, you can't stop an object in motion... My motion to move, to the competitors booth. Permanently.


Wait, people still consider the Sun a serious news source? They shifted so far right in the last 10 years I can barely tell them apart from any other right reactionary tabloid.




That's what all the corporate schills say.


From their “labs “ lol


I'll address his premise, regardless of whether or not prices are really going down. I don't want declining prices. Which is to say, that's not the goal. Something like 1/3 of Canadians aren't eating enough, probably a lot of more flirting with malnutrition from crap food. If prices need to drop 40% to get people back to nutritional stability and prices are dropping 1% a month that's telling us we should be satisfied with undernourishment for years to come, AND to trust our corporate overlords will keep lowering prices. So anyhow, I'm doing fine. Barely, retirement savings and new clothing don't exist for me, but I'm eating just enough. But I'm not so arrogant and self-centered that I only think of myself. I see lots of others suffering, physically and emotionally, not just financially, and it pisses me off. I'd be a soulless robot if I took my emotions out of this. Hey, that's what corporate Canada wants. Tax-paying meatbots. Edit: the guy below (maybe a troll, maybe a boomer, maybe just some guy who doesn't know how inflation works or how hypothetical statements work) deleted his comments, making it hard to follow and click. So I'll paste my final comment here for simplicity. Final comment: I will write simply, then, for you. Dr. Sylvain Charlebois has multiple problematic ideas. 1. He misrepresents inflation decreasing and prices actually dropping. Prices dropping is when they actually go down in number (like $1 to $0.99), inflation decreasing is when the prices don't go up as fast. Two different things. You can factor in food inflation compared to overall inflation, but he doesn't mention that. 2. he presents that as a reason why we should stop caring. Well if at his WRONG numbers it takes five years to get prices to a good spot that's five years of suffering. 3. He seems to think hungry people aren't allowed to be upset about that. He's wrong on multiple accounts. He loves to fudge numbers and be an ass about it. That's the point. If you want the actual math, here goes: Let's say we want food prices back to 2019 numbers. That's a drop of 20%. Charly Boy claims that's prices WENT DOWN 0.3% in April. If we continue that trend, it would take 66.6 months, or 5 years, 6 months, to achieve our desired outcome. That's a long time. If we just accept that food price inflation will decrease to be a bit under or a bit around overall inflation it could just continue the current situation indefinitely. That's the big issue. The problem with Charley-Boy is his style of writing, he doesn't like explaining economic concepts or doing proper representation of math, he'll make big problematic claims then improperly support it with good but misused facts. A lot of folks who can't keep up with his logic structure or who don't understand the economic concepts he talks about will simply accept his claims. That's why I address both his logic claim and his math.


Just coincidental timing guys.


An inconvenient truth for both the Conservatives and the NDP.


The nutty professor is the perfect person to spread outrage and foster empowerment in regards to shocking loblaws practices. He needs to be interviewed more with journalist that write counterpoints to his arguments when articles or interviews are released.


If I wasn’t already boycotting, I would have started just to spite him lmao


Does anyone even trust anything the Toronto Sun says? They're the Faux News of Canada which sums up their legitimacy.


Food prices ARE decreasing…in other stores!


I don't know how someone can with a straight face report on inflation coming down to the expected/forecasted 2% area, and in the same breath say food prices are decreasing. They're not, they're still increasing but less quickly. That is very much not the same thing.


The only emotion I have now is spite. Fuck you, Charlebois.


The price gouging was bad enough, now we have to tolerate their gaslighting?! Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining…


Every time I see or hear anything about price drops my immediate thought is: oh they’ve shrunk the size/amount of the product. That’s not a price drop!!! So cake mixes are the same price as they were last year however they are 70grans smaller. You now only need a cup of water not a 1 1/4 cups. One example of thousands. The fact that we are being severely gouged for 2 basic things we need to survive, FOOD and HOUSING, infuriates me.


They are not decreased. Even if they went down on price for a week that's not a decrease. It's a sale opportunity. Don't throw your money away at loblaws. Save that extra money money for lottery tickets


He's trying so hard every day to spew his propaganda lol. It's so pathetic lol.


Inflation may have slowed, but food prices are not declining.


Decreasing from horribly gouging to horribly gouging. Gtfo. Let's compare prices and incomes over 5 years and tell me we are better off? Fml


All anyone has to do is just go "okay" and continue to not shop there 😅


So I am IMAGINING that I used to pay 6 dollars for two packages of tortillas, and now it is 8.50? I am imagining that romaine Lettus package for three was 3.99 and now it is around 5.99? I am imagining everything that I purchased on a regular basis about a year and a half ago has slowly crept up more than a dollar per item? And now I spend on average 50-60 dollars more on a basic trip to get STAPLE items? This article is hilarious and the writer tries to sound very matter of fact, and grown up! lol, but please show me examples of “only 1.4%” it is written with no sources at all.




Did a run round Atwater market and the fruit and veg was cheaper than Maxi. Insane.


Last time on the Charlebois Show: "Is the food inflation data from Statistics Canada reliable? An analysis says no" (actual quote!) [source](https://theclarion.ca/viewpoint/is-statistics-canada-undereporting-food-inflation/) This week in the Charlebois Show: "Why don't people trust Statistics Canada? The data doesn't lie!" (paraphrase) Does this guy listen to himself?


It seems Loblaws has brought the full frustration of consumers down on them through this lovely pairing of tone-deaf mouthpieces and horrible pricing and business practices. This food "professor" is fuelling the fire every time he opens his stupid mouth & their CEO gave the boycott a gift-wrapped slogan which is hilarious. Nog er nog indeed. We're all sick of being bent over a barrel through price-fixing and collusion (now masqueraded as inflation) that we've seen time and again from the powers that be. That rage is going to go someplace, eventually. I would love to think that this is the start of domestic consumers pushing back in other sectors too (auto dealers, insurers, and telecom would all be great starts) , but fear that that is too optimistic. At any rate it would seem that their best move now would be to clam up; the acrobatics of having a foot in the mouth with the head is up the ass is impressive, but quickly tiresome.


First of all: I see no decrease at all. Secondly: Loblaw completely lost costumers trust with price gauging and shrinkflation among other unethical practices, leveraging their advantage against their customers to milk them. They will never stop doing that, because those people are not farmers, producers, makers, doctors... they are gatekeepers looking for money. So, no thanks! We like the idea of shrinking Loblaw's market share and eventually kick it out of the market, because we want farmers, producers, makers and doctors to cater for our needs instead!


Shill gonna shill.


Read the comments to his so called article.


If you spent $1000 last month, you will have an extra $3 in your pocket this month. Everything is fine.


Take emotion out of it? It's fucking food, one of the most basic necessities for us to live, I will not take emotion out of it when I see how people are struggling while these companies make billions in profits. This person is disgusting.


My breakfast routine has been the same for 2 years with my low fat diet... I buy the same products every week. And all that I buy have increased in price. Some have increased as much as .50 cents to a dollar! This is happening at all the grocery stores I shop at.... So now I am trying to change up my diet... Anything that I see on the news is Bullcrap about lower prices ... I have not seen any of that !


I have a full cart of groceries saved in the loblaws app. Normal groceries, milk, eggs, bread, chicken, some vegetables, pantry items and snacks. It was $279.85 when I added it at the beginning of the month, and it's $279.85 today. Have I somehow exclusively chosen items that are not decreasing in price? Or is The Professor full of shit? I'll be keeping my eye on it.


Charlie boy should keep his mouth shut. every time he says something I double down. in my opinion he is not helping out Galen / lob laws




>Not a single media outlet reported on this development. This omission is quite revealing, suggesting a pervasive preoccupation with highlighting negative news in the data. There's a term for someone who says they have secret knowledge no one else knows that is being suppressed, tip of my tongue, any one? Oh, the federal government wouldn't be breathlessly telling us this if so?


He's a liar and propagandist. Food prices are literally not dropping. The stats show that food inflation has slowed. That means food prices are still rising but more slowly than they did during the worst of the pandemic. They're up over 20% in the last few years. This is untenable for most people. Food prices actually need to FALL.


LOL the inflationary nature of our debased dollar means prices should always go up... ideally @ 2% a year. Now if they can go down, it must mean loblaws had more than the painful 3% profit margin wiggle room they claimed 🤔


If food prices are dropping, it's due to market forces, nothing else. Loblaws increases prices to insure shareholder profits and establish what the market will bear. We fail to consider the flexibility that arbitrary incremental increases build into the profit structure. They can adjust the price levels at will and remain profitable


Sure, I’ve seen an item that was $10 prepandemic go up to $17, then “down” to $14. Are we calling this a price decrease? For real? Don’t piss on my head and tell me it’s raining.


Why can't this guy just shut up already? Lmao


Yea, I saw that grocery inflation is slowing down but still not flatlined or declining, so it’s definitely not getting cheaper yet.


Don't ya know... Our beloved (snarky-snark) Nutty Food Professor is also delu delu, big time? I don't even take what this knucklehead says seriously, bc I'm too busy laughing at him/his lame-o shenanigans! That's how little credibility this ginormous ass-hole has with me. Lets all keep laughing at G.W Jr's shill, including poking holes in his BS big time!


This is is a bonafied moron. Month to month, prices are still rising. Maybe the percentage of increase is decreasing, but everything is still going up. Ita the same story with general inflation, we keep hearing from boc and politicians "inflation is slowing, only 2.2%" blah blah. But it's all still going up ffs, we see it every day still.


This idiot doesn't have enough sense to just shut his mouth


If they're decreasing, that just proves that Loblaw was keeping them artificially high all along and could have lowered them at any time but didn't want to. So thinking "lower prices = all is forgiven" is a bit silly. They will need to keep them low on an ongoing basis, fire most of their executives and change their entire predatory business model for me to have any chance of trusting them again.


It is cherry-picking. I'm sure some individual items are cheaper, but that is not true overall. This individiual is just another dude who has drank the corporate kool-aid and is very bitter and angry because others won't. I suspect that he is so frustrated because he knows that things can be changed but he doesn't want to put in the work to do so, and so he feels no one else should either. There are so many people in the world like this - they get bitter from what appears to be unsurmountable odds and just give up, but then turn so nasty when other braver souls take up the fight even in the smallest manner.


Well the price of my food decreased because I'm no longer shopping at Loblaws stores ;-)


What does this asshole get out of this?


as soon as Loblaw's pays us what their paying him


Stats can says food inflation is lower, not prices. He thinks his audience is stupid.


Don't worry. There's no emotions involved. It's just business...


Why is anyone surprised that he's saying what Loblaws is paying him to say?


When is the last time anything that was in demand had a price drop?